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  1. In April 2008 my partner was dealt with by way of a County Court debt brought about by British Credit Trust. Since 2008 until December 2013 she never missed a payment. In December 2014 British Credit Trust sold the debt on to Lowell Financial for a sum of the original county court summons plus their charges. She argued that this was not correct and this has ended up with an adjudicator at the Financial Ombudsman who says that this is correct and my partner needs to discuss with Lowell a monthly repayment. Lowell also wrote for some time through their own admitted error to a previous address despite knowing my partners new address. There is only just over £1,500 left ( dont have specific figures to hand ) my question is is it lawfull for Lowell to demand repayment of the full county court amount plus charges and why is the adjudicator for the ombudsman dismissing these facts as irrelevant sinkinghelp
  2. Hi, im new to all of this and apoligise if im in the wrong place! i would really appreciate some help and advice, i have a few debts, none of which are sb, i was paying a small monthly token payment, to cut it short the debts have been passed around and around, i have cca most of them, ive had a few reply's saying the usual from the dca that they are trying to get ccas from oc, the one im having a problem with is lowells, i cca them, no cca supplied then a letter stating account closed unless cca turns up!! a week later a copy of my original credit agreement turns up!! the debt is with bank of scotland for a loan of 2500 the loan was taken out in 2004 i defaulted on it but made small token payments, they have sent me a list of all my payments but they are chasing me for 3800!! so a lot of interest added, it does look like the agreement i signed so some how they still had it 10 yrs later! whats my next step? is this debt enforceable or not as its pre 2007? ive been stressing myself out with what to do next. thank you in advance for any help and advice anyone can offer. Forgot to say lowells are stating they own the debt, last i heard it was with blair,oliver,scott
  3. Hi folks! first post so be kind I recently received a copy of my credit report for the first time. There was an entry for "Lowell communications" for a defaulted account, for £1102. I called Lowell to enquire they stated that the account was for a debt for O2 and was passed to BPO collections some time ago and that I would have to speak to them about the debt. I have not called BPO or written any letters at this point. Upon further examination of my credit report it states that the default date of the account is 22/02/2010. Since I live and have always lived in Scotland, and the debt is now 5 days over 5 years old, would I be able to state that the debt is unenforceable and request for it to be removed from my credit file? Also... (one last question) I have a defaulted account for CIT group for an account with Dell Finance. The account was defaulted 28/10/2009. Again, past the 5 year date in Scotland. On my experian credit report it says the account is in "default" however on my equifax report it says that the account is "settled". Should this now be removed from my credit file also? Thanks in advance for any help you are able to offer
  4. hi Hi, I'd would like some advice on saving my home from repossession (sales) Lovell portfolio declared me bankrupt July 2011 for £3000 credit card debt they purchased, I offered to pay at £200 per month which they turned down, I've been paying of my debts at this amount successfully for 3 years. I only own a small amount on my mortgage, which is not in arrears, all my debts together amounted to £12,000. I entered into a payment agreement with the appointed Trustee, so far paid £2,100. Really suprised to recieved a court date for possession and sale of my home! The amount owed has multiplied to £48,000!! with costs etc. I work full time and am prepared to carry on paying - can anyone help? how do I contact the courts etc, continue to pay the arrangement (I've never defaulted) I sought legal advice last year and was told an IVA was useless as I had too much equity in my home. Not got to the eviction stage yet but suffering legal fatique after all the hassle, even had to change to a less stressfull job, now thinking maybe just giving up and go on the dole, it's a long hard fight. thanks to anyone with any ideas.
  5. Hi Everyone, Have received on 14/2/14 a claim form from Northampton county court and Lowell for a Lloyds Tsb account. The sum is for £3900. I have other debt's for credit cards and wondered if i should go for bankruptcy or will this happen as a matter of course. At the moment I have taken a short contract job to pay the bills as I have not earned enough to survive with my self employed work. I don't own my own property and only real assests are two cars as that was my line of self employment, both approx £1500 each in value. One is for sale one I use as transport. I have not checked to add up all my cc debts yet but I would guess over 50k. Any advice would be appeciated. Many thanks
  6. Few months back I received a claim from Lowell for £270.00 (for owing money to 3, which I am sure is not more than £ 50.00) to which I submitted a defence to the Court and a hearing date was set. Unfortunately for me, I completely forgot about it today I received a Court Judgement saying that my defence was struck out after the Judge has read a letter from the claimant (must have been quite a letter) and I have to pay Lowell £ 300.00. My question is: Can I appeal to this judgement, and if yes how? And also, isn't the claimant supposed to send me evidence to prove that I owe that money. I wrote many times to lowell to send me some evidence on how and from where I owe this money, never received a reply. This was actually my defence that I never received anything from Lowell. I would appreciate it if someone could give me some advise what to do. I have until the 06 March 2015 to pay the money. And I am supposed to get some acknowledgement from them when I pay the money, which will be a nightmare. I am sick of this Lowell people and even if I do have to pay I want to make it for them as hard as possible to get the money. Thanks very much in advance for any help
  7. Hello, I'd be grateful for any advice on the following; I made payments to Lowell via standing order and have been informed by them that I have now overpaid. I requested they refund the overpayment to a bank account and received the following response: "Unfortunately we are unable to refund straight into a bank account. If you are not wanting to transfer the over payment to another account [they now tell me I have one other open account with them] you would need to speak to your bank and complete an Indemnity Claim. This will allow you bank to pull back the funds into your account. " I've never heard of this before and any overpayments - including standing orders - have just been refunded. Has anyone come across this before? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi I have been receiving letters from Lowell for a debt which is in a name which isn't mine. This was the fault of the catalogue company who completely read my name incorrectly and when I asked them to change it they wouldnt. Lowell have somehow got my address and have been sending letters saying that I need to pay the debt. They have now sent a letter saying they have done a credit check and that they have found out various things including that I am working! I am a bit confused as to how they have done a credit check on a name that doesn't exist at this address and found out anything - is it possible they have just done a search on the address? They are now threatening court action and I am not sure what to do - would the court be able to enforce anything against me if the name they have is incorrect? Any advice would be greatly received!! Thanks
  9. Hi guys thanks for letting me join the site I am currently in quite a bit of debt, and have sailed through life instantly binning all letters or correspondence from debt collection agencies, due to various reasons (mostly illness and being out of my depth). I want to sort out my finances, repay debtors and start with a clean slate. It's going to take a long time, but it's the right thing to do. I've downloaded a free copy of my credit report and it's currently showing 6 separate accounts from Lowell financial totaling £1723. One of which is about to drop off my credit report and another is £290 for a £70 debt which is due to expire in September.. since I have zero paperwork, completely my own fault, I don't have account numbers, and the original debtor information is pretty sketchy. I understand I need to send an SAR to Lowell to obtain information, do I simply follow the templates I've seen online and leave off the details asking for the account number? Will I need to only send 1 postal order for £10 or will I need to send 5 (I intend to let the one about to expire, expire). I also have two CCJ's registered against me, 1 am currently setting up a payment plan with and another issued in 2009. I do not have the paperwork for the latter, do I contact the named court with the application number shown on the credit report and ask for a copy of the CCJ so that I can contact the original company, and is there any specific form or payments for this? Or will it simply go away in September? I've lived a really silly and reckless life, and really want to sort things out before it's too late. Sorry for all the questions, and thank you so much for all your help and advice in advance.
  10. Hello, I hope that I am on the right forum/ thread. I have received a CCJ claim form for an old mobile phone that was with Orange. It is from Bryan Carter solicitors on behalf of Lowell Portfolio. I have responded at MCOL tonight stating the intention to defend and asked for additional time. The claim was issued on the 21st Jan. We constantly had issues with the signal of the phone and called numerous times over the three months before we stopped paying the contract and took another contract out with another company who provided us with a vastly improved signal. On the times that we called they agreed that there was issues with the local mast being out of order and they admitted that there was a problem. However we have no evidence of these conversations, although I would hope they are on a call log somewhere. There is no information at all about this account with the claim form, No dates of original contract etc. We estimate that we had the contract about 3-4 years ago, possibly longer. The amount is for less than £200. Your advice and help would be greatly appreciated.Many thanks
  11. Hi, I'm being chased for debt I defaulted on to O2 back in May 2013. I had closed the account with O2 and was liable to pay the early termination fee. At the time, I was a first year student, and was duped into that contract by a subsidiary of O2 who had COMPLETELY deceived me on the terms and conditions of the contract - namely that it was not O2 I would have a contract with , but this subsidiary (their name escapes me now). After some arguing with this O2 I had my account moved over to them. .. after more rubbish service from O2, I closed the account and figured that was it. I was naive and wrong. I am now being asked to pay £476.83 by Lowell Portfolio Ltd. They have sent me two letters. The first was dated 15/01/2015, and the second 02/02/2015. With the second letter ("notice of assignment") they attached a letter from O2 explaining the outstanding debt and why it was taken over by Lowell. I'm still a student, I can't afford to pay this debt. I would very much appreciate any help and guidance on what I can do to have this debt cleared. I've learnt my lesson, and never made this mistake again, but ~£500 isn't something I can afford, especially as I'm not working due to injury right now. I know that I should never call them directly, but I also know I need to respond to their request, what should I do please? Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  12. I often sit here and read the posts regarding Lowell, now I have some spare time I thought I would start a thread regarding my current account with them. I hope that it helps others who sit reading without responding with own personal experiences. I really can't remember when I got my first Capital One / Lowell letter as I usually just stick them in the shredder, however I have started to pay more attention now and get my credit file back in working order (work reasons) I have a letter dated the 15th December (LOW101) "We can still help you get your account in order" They say I owe £5XX.XX Looking at my credit file the account was opened in May 2005 however for some reason it only shows on my Noddle report it seems to be missing from Equifax & Credit Expert. Default Date Jan 2010 (on Noddle) by Lowell Credit Limit £500 I couldn't tell you anything about this card, it maybe something the ex used a long long time ago. (on going issues) Should I carry on ignoring them? or should I send a CCA request? Cheers, FlappyMoog
  13. Name of the Claimant ? Lowell/BW Claimform Date of issue – 8th Jan 2014 What is the claim for – the claimant's claim is for the sum of 3651.19 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a current accounts agreement regulated by the consumer crediticon act 1974 between the defendant and Lloydsicon tsb bank plc under account reference xxxxxxxxxx8 and assigned to the claimant on 30/06/2013 notice of which was given to the defendant. the defendant failed to maintain the contractual agreement and a default notice has been served and not complied with this claim also includes statutory interests pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act1984 at a rate of 8.00% per annum(a daily rate of 0.66%from the date of assignment of the agreement to 07/01/2015 being an amount of 367.62 What is the value of the claim? - £3651.19 Is the claim for a current account (overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? overdraft When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? prio Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Lowells Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? not known Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? no Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? no Why did you cease payments? i could not afford the overdraft reduction of £100 per month and the exorbitant overdraft excess fees of nearly £250 per month . incidentally, i was managing to keep afloat prior to Lloyds cancelling my overdraft.. What was the date of your last payment? i ceased payments on 16 sept 2010 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? no i was 1st made aware that the debt had been assigned when lowell issued me with a statutory demand in october last year (which the judge took 3 mn to set asideicon) On the 10th january, i received a claim from northampton county court, filed by bw legal on behalf of lowell for the sum of £3650 which was assigned to them by lloyds. the same outfit tried a statutory demand for the same matter last september which i had set aside. i acknowledged service on 12th jan and sent a cpr31.14 request via recorded delivery on the 16th to bw legal asking for original agreement,notice of default, notice of termination . it has now been 10 days with no reply. Can i ask the court for an extension to file my defence and how do i proceed, The claimant is supposed to respond with the documents within 7 days. Should i notify the court of their failure to respond? the original debt to lloyds is mostly from overdraft excess fees which arose after they decide to cancel my overdraft , i was in financial hardship at the time but able to cope until they took action. any help would be much appreciated
  14. Hello there, This is my first post on this site and I'm on the hunt for some help please I have received many letters on and off from Lowell Portfolio about a debt to Shop Direct - a company who I have never bought from before. After ringing them up when I first started getting these letters, to sending a 'prove it' letter, nothing has helped. The information they sent me back shows someone with the same name and D.O.B birth as me but it isn't me! I did find a tag from Shop Direct on my Experian credit score which shows a different address, one I have never even lived close to. Experian removed this but still the letters are coming. I have in the past had fraudulent action on my bank account but got this sorted with the bank, I believe that maybe this is how the debt was run up. Please, any help would be massively appreciated, I want the letters to stop! Thanks
  15. Hi again So here you go again another copy and paste of my brief story .. Enjoy ..Oh and my 3rd alleged debt.. Please help So my story.... I used to work for HBOS plc (Halifax) as an IT specialist. In July 2007 During my time at HBOS I became severely ill with encephalitis (similar to meningitis) which left me disabled and stuttered and completely inaudible amongst other symptoms. As a result In 2008 I was let go by HBOS after 8 months of SSP - due to my long term sickness. Debt 3 - Halifax Packaged Account Defaulted in 2007/2008 - one of those pay £15 a month for perks you never use. Debt now owned by Lowells. I worked for Halifax they signed me up as staff and I didn't really get much information about the account other than internal IM comm's. Last Payment I made to this account must have been 2007/2008 as I was in a coma after that and there was no money going into that account. My overdraft was £1000 - so the extra £468 must be charges and unpaid monthly fees. Debt has been sold to Lowell who have just sent me an annual statement of account.. From what I have read on the Forum I believe this debt is now Statute Barred? My next steps... Not to acknowledge the debt? CCA request? Statute Barred Letter and removal from credit file? Advice and help and comments and sticks and stones and the kitchen sink... Let me have it Please Thank you Beautiful People
  16. Hi I am hoping for some advice regarding proceeding to court, I will try and outline what has gone on so far! I was contacted by Lowell Portfolio some time last year regarding an old Vodafone debt. I was not aware what this was as I had previously had a Vodafone contract but terminated the contracted and as far as I was aware settled the account. I do remember querying the account with Vodafone at the time but to my knowledge this had been sorted. I have repeatedly asked Lowell and later Bryan Carter to send me a copy of the contract and information relating to the debt this was never sent. I then received a claim form and filed a defence of having no knowledge of the debt and despite repeated requests been given no paperwork. they then sent me a TOMLIN order and told me that I could sign this and pay or they would take me to court. I again asked for paperwork and told them whilst I did not wish to go to court I would not be bullied or harassed into paying a debt I had no knowledge of. The court mediator called and (sounding very cross) told me there was no point in mediation as I had no paperwork relating to the debt so there was no way a settlement could be reached (I quite agree). She said she would refer onto the small claims court. After this I contacted Vodafone myself to get to the bottom of it, they have said it is in relation to a contract that was terminated in January 2009, which is when the last DD was received on the account and apparently they then added an early termination fee. Money owing on the account was then paid between July 2009 - June 2010. I asked if they could send me a copy of the contract and they said they would no longer have it but would send me a breakdown of what was owed - not that helpful as I do not believe I was in a contract a the point I left them. I have received a General Form of Judgement It is ordered that: or Order today and it states: 1. Claimant do file and serve by 4.00pm on 16th February 2015 a copy of the agreement in accordance with CPR PD 16 paragraph 7.3 together with a schedule of payments to the account. There after file to be referred to the judge. 2.This order having been made by the court pursuant either to rule 3.3 or rule 23.8 of the civil procedure rules 1998, any party affected by this order has a right to apply to set it aside, vary or stay it by application made not more than 7 days after this order was served on the party making the application. Sorry for the very long post but having got this far I am not a bit confused if I need to do anything in relation to this letter?
  17. hi I called Lowell today who are claiming 3 different amounts (2 from my wife and 1 from me) for O2 and T-Mobile. I do not dispute that the amounts are outstanding (although I have no memory or paperwork about the original debt.) However while trying to arrange a repayment schedule and amount with them for all three of these the woman (Saria) mentioned an old Capital One debt of £403 from 2007. Is this even relevant? I have absolutely no record of this original debt! In fact are any of the amounts valid? Do I have to deal with Lowell? Can I go back to the original creditors? Will paying these make any difference to our already damaged credit file? Mike
  18. i sent crap one aletter offering payment. having been in a dmp i decided to leave it as it wasnt working. i recieved this: I refused to provide them with a signiture. Then i get this: i then sent them a cca request and reminded them that i had sent one to crap one which they hadnt responded to. Then this: Then this from crap one: they had until the 28th sep to provide this. I have NEVER recieved a credit agreement from them. What theyve sent is barely readable.The t n cs are on a seperate piece of paper. Ive noticed the ppi isnt ticked or signed yet theres ppi on my statements. No idea what to do next? Sar them? claim chages ppi? i should imagine this would more than cover the debt and then some. Also fred havnt provided a cca or returned the po
  19. my account has been sold from a catalogue company to lowell i did not receive a default notice only a letter of assignment on my credit report the default date is shown as 14th October 2014 with a default balance of £2400 when i log into my catalogue account online there is a credit of £150 on 14th October 2014. Balance on the 13th was £2550 however after the credit the balance is £2400 - i'm told this is an administrative charge and £2400 is the alleged default balance. However on the 16th October 2014 the catalogue added this £150 back onto the account bringing the balance back to £2550. Lowell are now chasing me for the £2550 however since the default balance is lower, how much do i actually owe?!
  20. Hi all, I had an overdraft with the Abbey and after they revoked the overdraft and required instant payback I had to move banks as couldn't afford to pay it all back at once and they wouldn't accept anything else. This was in 2006. Its been long gone off my credit files and last year I got a letter from Lowell asking for payment of this overdraft and I sent them back a letter saying that it was statute barred and hadn't heard nothing until this morning. Today I get 2 letters in the same envelope, One from Lowell saying that I've not repaid my Lowell Financial Account and that its been sent to Clarity Credit Management and a letter from Clarity saying they've been instructed to make arrangements with me and have offered me a reduced settlement amount. Should Lowell have passed the debt on considering it was statute barred and what should I do now? Thankyou all in advance Blakey
  21. hi, just signed up to this amazing resource as i need help with Lowell and Red and will also be helping my mother with her unsecured debts mainly catalogues, and provident loans. ---dealings with capital one---- Last payment: oct 2009 Balance after last payment c3600 Amount demanded c4000 In 2009 i received a letter from cap1 stating times where hard and they needed to up the interest rate. I wanted to see if they could do this so sent a cca request, the agreement received is a one page application, which refers to a section 23 overleaf(i have no idea what was on the back). Letters went back and forth, they saying the agreement sent does comply and me saying i dispute any alleged debt due to a non compliant agreement. Cap1 set the in-house dca's on to me which i replied with the bemused in dispute letter, to which all sent replies sending back to cap1. Lowell made contact in Aug 2014 Shortly after cap1 and lowell send assignment letters Red made contact in Oct 2014 Red's last letter has stated they will be passing my account to Hamptons Legal their pre-litigation dept unless i pay them within 10 days. Please can anyone advise what i should do, i thought about sending a bemused in dispute letter but to who do i send it, and is this the best course of action. thank you.
  22. In 2009 I took out a Vodafone contract for two Blackberry Storm mobiles, I was 17 but told them I was older, however they didn't check. The screens on these mobiles kept breaking and I kept having to send them off for repairs, they were at the repair centre more than I had them. In the end I stopped paying as I had been paying for a service that I wasn't receiving and wasn't fit for purpose. Since all of that, my debt was sold to Lowell who have got a County Court letter sent out to me. I'm worried that I'm going to have to pay back the money, despite the reasons behind the contract not being paid. I've been trying to contact Vodafone to see if they can do something which may invalidate the claim, but they're useless and aren't interested in helping at all. Is there anything I can do, I'm very unfamiliar to this and have no idea where I stand or what to do. I don't have the money to pay and I don't want something like this on my credit report, or to be taken through courts.
  23. Hello all, I'm here to ask for a bit of help, My uncle recommended you guys, so I hope you can help. When I got home today I had a letter through the door (11/12/2014) from County Court Business Centre. below is the information i believe you require, now if im correct, i think there may be a mix up. as its dated 26th november 2014. Name of the Claimant ? Lowell Portfolio Limited Date of issue – . 26th November 2014 What is the claim for – "THIS CLAIM IS FOR 381.34, THE AMOUNT DUE UNDER AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR AND THE DEFENDENT TO PROVIDE FINANCE AND / OR SERVICES AND/ OR GOODS. THIS DEBT WAS ASSIGNED TO / PURCHASHED BY Lowell Portfolio I Ltd, ON 07/03/2013 AND NOTICE SERVED PUSUANT TO THE LAW OF PROPERTY ACT 1925. PARTICULARS: RE- O2 (UK) Ltd A/C NO .......*** , AND THE CLAIMENT CLAIMS 381.34 THE CLAIMENT ALSO CLAIMS STATUTORY interest PURSUANT TO S.69 OF THE COUNTY ACT 984 AT A RATE OF 8% PER ANNUM FROM THE DATE OF ASSIGNMENT OF THE AGREEMENT TO DATE BUT LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF ONE YEAR AND A MAXIMUM OF 1000 AMOUNTING TO 30.51 "£381.34 for debt of phone contract " What is the value of the claim? 381.34 Is the claim for a current or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Mobile (O2) When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt Purchasher (Lowell) Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? "Not that im aware of" Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not that im aware of Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? "Not That Im aware of" Why did you cease payments? "I had Lost my job, I remember phoning them asking if i could send the phone back and they said no, and i had informed them that i was not able to pay it." What was the date of your last payment? back in 2010 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? "only what i had said above" Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? "No as they wouldnt let me because I had no income at the time" also total ammount including court fee + solicitors fee is £496.85. Please could someone try and help based on the information i have tried to provide. I hope its enough, but whats worrying me is that it dated the 26th november and it only came today. if you have any more questions or if you could help me with the next steps that would be great and i would be so thankful. Regards. Dan
  24. I need to file my Defence by Sunday 18th May 2014, here's a brief outline to the claim, to my knowledge this alleged debt is statue barred.... The Original alleged debt was with Lloyds TSB for a BANK ACCOUNT, but the debt is made up of all 'default charges applied' to the account, no money was physically borrowed or any Direct Debits etc paid for. The last action on the account was a returned DD 9th November 2007, after that we didn't use the account, but Lloyds TSB kept applying Account Charges, Interest and finally the account was closed/passed to debt recovery Nov 2008 suspending interest & Charges. The final demand letter was 24th Nov 2007. - On 15th April 2014 Bryan Carter wrote to us stated they have issued a claim and we should receive it in 48 hours!!! Lowell is their Client as they bought the debt off Lloyds, debt is £1400, all Default Charges. We acknowledged the claim and now the defence needs to be filed by 18th May. Am I correct in saying that this alleged debt is 'Statute Barred'.......The account was also a Joint Account but the claim arrived is just against one of us..... Any help and advice would be highly appreciated as I need to file my Defence by Sunday 18th May 2014. Many thanks im4347
  25. I have had a letter from Lowell regarding an old Northern Rock loan I had. When NR got into trouble and public money bailed them out, I wrote to them and explained that now the public owe the company, I (as a member of the public and therefore the boss) have decided to wipe the debt. I didnt hear back from them and now have Lowell demanding cash. I have argued that I don't owe them anything as my northen rock account is clear. I dont know how far I will get with this but this is how I have worked this, not sure if I will get away with it.... I read the 1882 Bills of Exchange Act and from what I can work out is, If the company PASSES on the debt to a collector, they can collect. If it is SOLD, your balance with the original debtor is cleared and you must enter into a contract with the new debtor. I managed to get a statement of my account a while back and it clearly says on there, *11/04/2007 Bad Debt-Write Off 12854.88 Bal: 0.00* If I have a statement saying it's written off, balance ZERO, surely I am free of this debt? I have written to all my other original debtors to get statements from these too and asked under the freedom of Information act for details of the sale of my debt. If they all come back saying the same, How can a court say I owe Northern Rock or anyone else anything? If it got to court and I present a document that the account to 'Company Name' is clear and at 0.00, surely it would be set aside. Maybe I am just hoping for the best but its what I am going with. If I hear anything new, I will update you all.
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