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  1. hello sir i would appreciate if you reply to this thread, i infact had an accident in february on motorbike, it was my first accident, didnt know anything about solicitors or sumat, i contacted a solicitor and gave him my case, but later on some of my friends told me he is dodgy and always rip the customers, from february to this date he didnt inform me of any progress, today i called him and he said your case has been rejected, and your case handler will call you tomorrow, i dont trust him, and i am thinking to ask him to send me in written on solicitor's letterhead that my case has been rejected, can someone help me what shall i do? my accident was with an illegal Romanian on car, i was on motorbike, and he was driving without any insurance or without any license, police caught him on the spot and sent to court straight away, and i was badly injured even police woman said to me you will get compensation and dont need to worry about, then how can the solicitor say the claim has been rejected? i would be thankful for any replies, thanks
  2. Hello My local council announced that a housing association was taking over my estate and it was going to be completely knocked down with a new rebuild of flats and houses Cut a long story short. At the time of announcement a manager from the housing association told myself and a few others, we were eligible for houses. Recently the same manager told myself and other tennents, we are only eligible for a flat. I want to know where do we stand and what can I do about this? Thanks Ps. Sorry, Lea_HTH
  3. Received a County Court Summons from Solicitors today for an invoice from one of my suppliers. I can't pay this back in one lump sum. Bank wanted a ludicrous amount a week, so they said, hang fire, it'll go to our solicitors, and they will be able to resolve this and offer you a more agreeable repayment offer. Went to solicitors, I called them a few times. No response. But rather than get in touch in any way, they've simply started legal proceedings against me. Is there anything I can do at this point to waive the legal proceedings and get back to a repayment plan?
  4. Good Morning All, My wife has received an initial letter from the above named solicitors(who from what I have read are a bunch of jumped up cowboy's) chasing her for an overall debt of £415.97 which she strongly believes maybe over the 6 year statute barred limit however she believes if its not then its very close to it. In this letter they state she has 14 days to respond or court action will commence without further notice. I have attached the letter(taken a clear photo minus our address) that she has received in her maiden name. Could I have advice on how to approach/what letters to send these idiots as my wife has started to get her credit history back on track but is in an employment position that if her credit history faults from here on in it could potentially put her in a bad way as she will lose her security clearance. Many Thanks in Advance C.G.
  5. If I own a property with a sibling, can a solicitor who asserts that I owe them £16,000, get a court order to force the sale of the property? Thanks
  6. Received a letter today threatening a CCJ if we don't contact or pay up by 24 May. A brief overview : My husband had 2 overdrafts with HSBC built up on bank charges. We tried claiming but got pipped at the post by the High Court decision. It didn't take long before the debt collector letters started rolling in, piles of them from various companies. Unfortunately we responded at first both with HSBC & the debt collectors so no chance of statute bar. HSBC were very unhelpful and have never sent us any paperwork we requested, i.e. SAR. This has been going on for 4-5 years now - I see I first sought advice on here in 2009. My husband has a default from HSBC which they have never informed us of and he now has one from Marlin who also haven't informed us. I see from this forum they are suppose to write to you. We gave up corresponding with debt collectors over a year ago and all went quiet until recently, the phone never stops ringing, even our landline which is x-directory, have no idea how they got the number and the letters are weekly. My question is now obviously what do we do about the latest letter threatening the CCJ?
  7. Hello, I wonder if you can help me, my husband has received a letter from these people for a debt just over £6K it says the client is "Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 LTD" He has absolutley no idea who Hoist is, but from the amount he thinks its from an Abbey National Loan from about 2001/2002 and he hasnt had any contact for over 6 years. He also received a phone call from Drysden today, I actually answered his phone as I thought it was one of our business contacts, it was a blocked number. I told them he wasnt here and asked for a number to call them back on. The letter is just a bog standard, please call us to arrange a payment plan or make full payment. Failure to contact us may result i legal action being taken which may result in further charges being added to your outstanding amount. We can discuss the possibility of a significant discount if you pay in full. I have just got a copy of my husbands Experian file and there is no mention of any outstanding/defaulted debt on there, nor anything from Abbey National. Now would we just ignore this letter or send the statute barred letter, if we send the letter do we put our address on it as I notice on the template it doesnt mention that, also I seem to recall not signing the letter either. Any advice would be gratefully received. Paula
  8. This is a long one so bear with me: I sold a set of alloy wheels for £525 on eBay and the guy paid by PayPal I paid Thompson Freight services to send them who sub contracted the work to Port Of Tyne Pallex The goods were apparently taken to the address however the buyer wasn't in so the driver signed for the item and allegedly left them outside the house. Surprise surprise the wheels went missing The guy files a claim in PayPal and they decide against me because they can't track the parcel online PayPal refund him £525 however I've sealed my bank account so no access can be gained to it PayPal are now chasing me for £525 plus court fees through GPB The couriers have admitted liability and i have written evidence of this but under terms of carriage claim I'm due £1000 per tonne which is £104 in my case. However I believe those terms are breached due to me paying for a service whereby a parcel is taken from me and delivered/signed for by the customer which didn't happen. My question is how do I approach this? Paul
  9. Hi everyone, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could help me? I've already posted this on another forum but I'm posting here too to get some more info as you all seem like a very knowledgeable bunch Basically, this is my situation: Last year in 2012 (I can't remember the exact month) I got a letter from I think the company was called something like Sigma saying that they were writing to me on behalf of t-mobile on a £164 bill I owe which I must pay immediately. This bill was all the way back from 2009! I found this strange as I have NEVER had a phone with t-mobile. The only thing I could remember was a internet dongle I purchased in 2009, over the counter and pay as you go. I literally used it for one day, then bought an o2 dongle the next day as the t-mobile one didn't work and never used the t-mobile one again. But I thought surely I can't owe a bill that much on something I didn't even use! So I phoned up the sigma company and told the man on the phone that I have never took a contract out with t-mobile and this must be a mistake. He told me he'd look into it and that was that for a few months. Now since then, I have been getting multiple letters off a company called HL Solicitors (who are acting on behalf of a company called Sigma SPV1 Limited) asking me to pay this bill. So a few months ago I called up t-mobile instead and explained to the woman the situation. She said it was from back in 2009 but the account has since been closed and she can't access the specific details on what exactly the charge was for. She said she would notify the fraud department and in the meantime just to ignore any incoming letters from this debt collection agency which is what I did. Then yesterday I got another letter of HL Solicitors saying that if I don't pay the bill within 14 days they will take me to court! And now the charge has gone up to £229! So I called them up demanding to know why they are still harassing me. The man said it was for the dongle but it was an 18 month contracted dongle that hasn't been paid for! Now I know I did NOT enter into an 18 month contract with t-mobile, I bought the dongle over the counter at a supermarket. I didn't sign for anything. So I told him I'm going to sort it with t-mobile. So again, I phoned t-mobile. I explained the situation to the woman and she said the bill is for the contracted dongle back in 2009. She said they passed my account over to a debt collection agency in 2010 (without my knowledge or permission) and said I need to pay it. I told her that I had received NO letters or contact from t-mobile asking me to pay this so called amount and WHY when I was supposed to be making these monthly payments every month for 18 months, did they not contact me asking me where the money was every month if it was supposed to be a contract?! She claimed that they did try to send me letters prior to 2012 when I know I have not received any and all she could say to me was to take it up with Royal Mail! How the hell will they still have records from 2009? So after a long debate with her she said all I can do is email t-mobile in writing stating my case. She was no help whatsoever. It just seems fishy that they are only now wanting the money off me, THREE YEARS down the line! There has been no contact prior to 2012, absolutely nothing during the 18 months when I was supposed to have this "contract". If you enter into a contract with a company and don't make the monthly payments, they hound you for them so why if I was in a contract didn't they do this back in 2009? Also, the woman said the account has been closed so she can't access the specific details. So, what, am I supposed to just take her word that I owe all of this money without proof? Also, if the account has been closed, why would I even have to pay this so called amount? I was just wondering if anybody can advise me what to do. I don't like this debt collection agency and I know you have to be careful with them. I know just ignoring them won't make them go away so what can I do? I think I have an advantage in that they have left it three/four years to even make contact now, and the account has been closed. I know I didn't enter into that contract but I can't prove it as I don't have the dongle or the receipts, and realistically, who would after this long a time? This is why it's so frustrating because they've left it so long, all of my proof is gone. I'm VERY new to all of this legal stuff, so any help in layman's terms would be hugely appreciated. From other users on the different forum I posted on, they have advised me to send a 'Prove It' letter to the companies which is what I'm going to do. But both these HL Solicitors and T-Mobile don't have email addresses, just postal ones so it's going to be a pretty slow process, which is making me even more stressed seeing as the DCA say I only have two weeks to pay before they take me to court! Anything I can do in the meantime to get this sorted? Thanks to anyone who can help.
  10. Is it legal for the same solicitors that represented the applicant in a bankruptcy to be the solicitors representing the trustee in bankruptcy of the same bankruptcy.
  11. i was in debt managment company dcm apex 2001 to 2008 when it went out of buisness they paid this debt not on my experian records ?
  12. Not sure where this really belongs so posting it here. Really hope this is some sort of mistake as I just had a baby and facing benefits cuts in April if Mr [problem]eron gets his way. " Dear Miss ********** Our Client: Sigma SPV1 Limited Account Number: (not posting this on here unless required) Outstanding Amount: £495.57 Our data providers have indicated that you now reside at the above address. We act for Sigma SPV1 Limited who have instructed us with regard to your outstanding account with them in the above amount. We would be grateful if you would make arrangements to settle the full amount outstanding in the next 14 days. " Questions; 1) Who the hell are these people? I've never heard of either of them. 2) I'm already paying off the only debt that I'm aware of having and that's already stretched my income as far as it can go.
  13. Hi guys i wanted a bit of advice. At a previous address i was paying arrears from an old address via an electric prepayment meter. I moved out of the property in december 12. I've had a bill for 300 odd quid addressed to my new address. Now at my new address have a totally different energy supplier so no ongoing realtinship with the company i owed that debt too. This letter that they have sent me has got no account numbers relationg to the debt on it they also have my name spelt incorrectly and no first name at all. Is the onus on them to prove that this debt is mine am i liable if they have my name totally incorrect where do i stand on this legally.
  14. Hi. Last September my mother received a bill from the solicitors firm that dealt with my father's probate which caused her alot of anxiety (she is 78 and my father passed away in 2005). The original partner who did the work is now also deceased. I have tried to communicate with them on her behalf (the bill is dated 2012 and none of the work is dated) but their response has been to threaten her with court action. She can't remember any details of what was paid and when and none of the information provided answers the questions. Just a thought, but does the statute of limitations apply to these cases? I'm completely lost so would welcome any advice.
  15. Hi, cut a long story short i told tmobile where to go three months before my contract was up back in 2010, they sold my details to a company called t3, they constantly harrassed me to join them and after asking where they got my details from they told me they bought them off of tmobile! I called tmobile to explain this and that someone was selling details, i beleave this was even in the press! I said im cancelling my contract and left it at that! They sent me a final adjusted bill including an early terminationn fee, i didnt pay and never heard from them until they sold my debt in 2012 to sigma, now i havent responded to them i have court claim issued, please help as i dont know what to do, shall i file my defence and hope for best? Or take up a dispute with tmobile as this was left and never chased just sold. Many thanks
  16. Hi everyone, I'm new here, I've been lurking around for some time (it's always good to learn from all the smart people on here) but never did I think I would be in the situation where I would need help. I was shopping in Sainsburys a few weeks ago and brought about £25 worth of items, anyway, after walking through the exit, one of the guards grabbed me and said ''I know what you did''. Took me to the back room, looked at my receipt and apparently one of the items did not scan, I was shocked, in hindsight, I know I was on autopilot mode and if the item doesn't scan, the self checkout alerts me via 'unexpected item' response, so I carried on unaware. I explained that to the guard, but he wasn't having it, and looking directly over me in an intimidating manner whilst I was seated and said ''you purposely covered the barcode with your hard and waived it over the scanner!'' At this point, I wanted to headbutt him, but had to control myself. Anyway, they gave me a form, banning me and let me go. To be honest, I was glad to get out and didn't care if I was banned for life. Today, I get a letter from DWF stating: Dear Sirs Our Client: Sainsburys Supermarkets Balance Due: £150 This sum is broken down as follows: Value of goods stolen £0.00 Value of goods damaged £0.00 Value of cash stolen £0.00 Security costs £150.00 From reading this forum, I would venture to ignore them, however I have a few issues, I am moving house next week and then relocating the following week again, but this time down south, so how do I respond back to their letters if I don't know what they send, what are their timeframes in sending letters? Since I don't want or need a royal mail re-direction service. I also have a new job as a 'Immigration Officer' and was wondering if this would affect it, I have to hold a high level of security clearance. Please Advise guys! Many Thanks!!!
  17. Well I had a call from someone in work (don't know how they got that number) from someone asking about a debt which is years old. Now I believed it was statue barred and asked them to send me proof that I owed this debt as I know nothing about it. They agreed to send me all the paperwork and they sent me a copy of a signed agreement from 2004 and then payments made from harrington brooks. Now I do remember being with Harrington brooks but this was back years ago and everything has been paid off in full. They said the debt was paid up until 2010 but I still owed £2000, baring in mind the original debt was for 1500 and according to them payments had been made reducing the debt by £800. I heard off them last year around this time and I asked for the same proof and I also asked for proof from the original debtor who said they had no record of the account. In the credit agreement they've sent me a copy of it has all the PPI in it. The payments aren;t shown as coming from me. I've written to this company to ask them to prove the payments from harrignton brooks were from me (as I didn't trust them) and also a breakdown of any PPI etc. Well today I received a claim form from Northampton CC and it's for £1886.66 pus court fee £75 and solicitors costs of £80. I can't afford this. I have just finished paying everyone last year, defaults were due to drop off my account in 1 year and I|'ve been working on my credit rating after finally learning my lesson. I really thought I'd paid everyone and now this. I am terrified of a CCJ is there any way to settle something outside of court and get them to take off the PPI and charges. I could cry I've ruined my life.
  18. I have just had a phone call to my mobile, from another mobile number, from HL Solicitors, I checked their office number to make sure it was genuine. They were ringing for payment of a debt, it worried me as they are solicitors, and I feel quite shook up. They said they had sent a letter out on Friday, and I should get it soon, and they will ring back in a few days. I know I am in debt and I need to sort it out and pay it off, have looked on national debtline website and may contact them later. HL seemed a bit pushy and I cant help feeling anxious having a solicitors ring me like that. They are also emailing me about this debt. They wanted to know all about any other debts and my personal situation, slightly backing off when I explained about my illness and benefits situation, but still advising me they will ring later in the week. Wondering the best way to sort this out, I cant pay it all and they wanted full and final settlement.
  19. A solicitor is trying to charge me £170 and I can't fathom how he can justify this! He did some work for me a couple of years ago in relation to a relative's will. I paid him for this work. He has now sent me this bill, saying this is for emails sent and received. The first of these emails I sent with questions, and received an answer. The other 6 emails he is billing me are 4 from him asking me if there is any more work he can do on my case, saying simply 'has any progress been made, best wishes for the new year,' and I have been billed for replying to these emails saying no, I'll let you know if there is any more work needed. This just seems crazy as I didn't request these emails from him, they came out of the blue. He says this is good work he has done and he is doing a good job 'keeping on top of things.' Any advice?
  20. Hi all, So I'm like many of you, I'm being hounded by letters from iQor and at the moment GPB Solicitors saying that I need to pay up for a debt from my Paypal Premium account that was closed before all of this arose. The debt is for around £2500, which is has been swindled from me - I'm not too sure what has happened because my account was closed before I could find out what Paypal/eBay had against my auction. At the moment I'm just ignoring their letters, should I carry on this way in the hope that they finally give up? Or should I actively be doing something about this because they do actually have some power against me? Many Thanks
  21. Hi I received a demand for a debt i dispute so called these Guys to explain the reason i disputed the debt which i kept a record of all payments to the creditor but the ammounts differed to what i have & what they said was owed, i sent the original creditor an email (which I have a copy of ) to request full statements so i could see where the difference came from, however they never replied so i with held the last payment which is £56.25 i explained this to HL Solicitors & they requested copies of my bank statements which i sent copies to them showing the payments the email & an excel spreadsheet of the runnning balance, by recorded delivery. i received a letter saying my account was on hold, while they investigated, but i am still receiving calls from them asking for payment & going through the same questions & for the same info i have given them, the bank statements etc & they seem to know nothing more even though i keep saying that the account is disputed & they said to me that it wasnt their responsibility to go to the creditor & investigate, they are saying i owe more than this, Nearly £200 ok i will pay the final £56.25 this next month, i cant find the original documents showing the original amount as this is going aback to 2008/09, is their anything i can do to stop them harrasing me Thanks
  22. Please can someone help with some kind of timeline. In July 2012 I fell down a large pothole in Tesco car park and broke my ankle and elbowI contacted a Solicitor and she told me that the other party have 21 days to reply to her letter acknowledging and the 3 months for their investigation after which they will give their result. He told me that he had sent a letter at the end of July and by Sept, had not even received the 21 day acknowledgement. she eventually got an acknowledgement from Tesco in Dec.....she is now telling me they have 3 months from the date of their acknowledgement in December- to do their investigation March 30th is a cut off date. Can this be right? If a company ignore several letters to give an acknowledgement , surely all they are doing is deferring things. Should the 3 month investigation period not start from 3 weeks after my solicitro sent the letter, I mean what if a company does not acknowledge for say 6 months..Is it right they can legally defer it? Thank you
  23. Lloyds have sent a "formal demand" from SCM regarding an overdraft. In another piece of correspondence with Lloyds I demanded proof of my agreement to overdraft charges and received a reply that stated "we do not hold a signed contract as we do not have an obligation to do so". They are still adding charges and interest. I am drafting responses now and am considering CCA and SAR requests. Advice is gratefully received.
  24. I have recently made a formal complaint to a London Law firm, about their conduct and this has led to a compliant being referred to the Solicitors Regulation Authority. I am concerned though that in 2009, 98% of complaints about solicitors were not referred to the Solicitors Tribunal and in fact it appears that 90% of public complaints were not upheld at all. I have therefore created a blog to publicise how they deal with my complaint in an attempt to establish whether they are or are not fit for purpose. I can't enter a URL link directly as I haven't posted to this forum ten times yet (I don't want to post 9 other spurious messages just so I can!). I hope the moderators of this forum will allow this link as it goes to a page that has much more information than I can post directly here. I would very much welcome comments and feedback here. Have readers of the Consumer Action Forums had any dealings with the Solicitors Regulation Authority and if so, was the outcome satisfactory? The SRA claim that their main objective is to protect the public. Do you think they achieve this goal? Thanks for your support.
  25. The Barclays account in particular is dated 2000 . I have read that many of the agreements dated as far back as then do not have enough terms and conditions on the credit agreement and it is by a long way the most uncomprehensive agreement i have seen . Outside of that clutching at straws to be honest , like i said i would have settled them for her had they been able to meet me at a slightly lower per centage but my understanding is link are less likely to negotiate downwards than others.
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