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  1. I hope this is the right place to find answers to our questions. My partner is on DLA and I am on working tax credits (self employed working 36 hours a week). My partners mother died November 2014 and left everything to my partner and his brother. It is mainly the house (with alot of equity taken off). My partner is the executor and when the house is sold the eventual proceeds will be split between him and his brother. Sounds great, but, we are in the middle of the long process of the changes with the benefits regarding my partners ESA and DLA. And I have just received the form to renew my working tax credits. What are we supposed to declare, when are we supposed to declare it............. we are so stuck for money at the moment as my partners ESA stopped last June and he has, only last week, received an appointment for an assessment. We have been surviving on about £200 a week (most of that is DLA for my partner), with £250 a month mortgage to pay. I am so frightened of doing the wrong thing and messing up all the paperwork, it is such a minefield with every question ending 'you may be done for fraud' or 'owe money'. I would appreciate any advice please or any suggestions of who we can go to for help with the forms etc. T
  2. Hi, I'm a little confused about the "disability premium" which I asked the council about. I've seen it mentioned before and they seem to keep fobbing it off. The local Housing Allowance in the area is £450 per month (£103 / week), and they're paying £110 towards my rent. They seem to think that it's worked in with my Housing Benefits, but looking at the breakdown I don't see any mention of it. In the HB breakdown, the worked it out as: £90.08 used as my income (after DLA being disregarded and a bit of my Tax Credits disregarded too). They said in their letter (Entitlements Letter) that, the law says that I need to live on "£165.35" per week and as they word it: Income used in this calculation: 90.08 Less how much the law says you need to live on: £165.35 Where exactly do I find the "exact" value out, as they don't seem to be able to point me in the direction to where I can find it. Scouting around on the web, I notice that pretty much most councils have Disability Premium listed on their pages, but not mine... Any idea as to how I should approach this? Cheers, A
  3. Hi all, My son is disabled and gets higher rate care and mobility DLA. It is in my husband's name - i.e. all correspondence goes to him. He was claiming carers allowance but we have recently separated. Carers allowance has been stopped. Can I claim carer's allowance for my son even though the DLA is claimed by my husband? The DLA money goes into my account to use as I see fit for our son.
  4. My husband received a letter inviting him for interview under caution for benefit fraud. The only benefit he gets are high rate DLA and middle rate care. He was in a road accident in 2007 in which his vertibrae collapsed, it was too riaky too operate (90% chance of being paralised) so neuro surgeon treated him with a massive dose of steroids to release it from his spine, thus solved the main problem but left him with lasting nerve damage in his hands and feet, and severe pain constantly. Then in about 2011 he started getting pain in his left groin doctor told him it was a pulled muscle, the pain worsened and then he started falling over for no reason really bad balance issues, people thought he was drunk! So he had an X-ray and was referred to a specialist who diagnosed avascular narcosis which is crumbling of the bones, which led to a hip replacement(he was only 47 yrs old), and was told the other hip would need doing in the next few years too. Then he started to get pain in his left shoulder, turns out its in all his joints so he had shoulder replacement early 2013. He was already claiming DLA at this point it was his only income, he went back to work at the end of 2013 informed DLA who made him fill in a new form, which he did and it came back with the same award no change. He is currently waiting for results on a test to see if the new shoulder is infected and has got too come out for three months to treat the infection! We both work full time and we're not aware that he couldn't claim DLA as it is not means tested so can't understand why he is being investigated, can anyone give us any advice his IUC is next week.
  5. Hi. I've just gone from DLA to the new PIP & have lost £150.00 per month it seems. Just got the pip 'final' deciders today. Currently (till start of feb) on middle rate carers & lower rate disability I am/was getting about £369.00 per month. Now in the Pip letter they tell me I don't get the 'daily living component' as I only had 6 points (min 8 required). They are saying I will receive £56.75 per week for the 'enhanced mobility' component. So under the new PIP i'll receive £225.00 per month instead of £369.00? My question is this:- Will I receive a separate letter about the carers allowance? If I don't have a carer, will that money go to me like it did with the DLA's? I am very worried at the moment as I seem to be losing out on what amounts to almost £40 per week from this new pip benefit compared to the DLA, and this while I am actually worse off medically than i was when i made my original claim! I am an MS patient, I cannot walk far without assistance & I use a wheelchair if someone takes me out for the day (family usually). There have been mental health issues (I rarely go out at all) though seems pointless mentioning those because it seems in no part does my pip claim reflect to any of my mental health problems only in the mobility side. If this is all I am to receive now can anybody tell me the steps to appealing or post a link to same. Any help with this appreciated as at the moment I just feel like i've been robbed.
  6. Hello All I am posting on behalf of my parents , my father in particular, he is 79 and gets DLA mobility component only, he has done since he was in his late 40s, he has menieres disease, I would like to know as my parents are reluctant to make any changes or new claims. they do not get any other benefits at all, and as my father has got older his needs have changed and he needs more care, they are frightened he will lose his DLA even though he has been told he has been awarded it indefinitely. My mum also has a heart condition and has bad hips, I would be grateful if anyone could give me some advice on what they could claim, my dad has a small pension and gets state pension, my mum has 2 small pensions and she gets the state pension, they get £20 off a year from their community charge , because my father had a downstairs toilet put in a number of years ago. thank you for your help.
  7. I was recently checking SCOOP and saw this this story which can be read here in full http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/Hundreds-express-anger-Plymouth-council-s/story-25831599-detail/story.html How much more will claimant's suffer especially those on DLA (Disability Living Allowance) and the care they may receive from their Council Scoop is here http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news How many more Councils will follow suit? Your thoughts please?
  8. Hi Just had to change bank accounts and was rather suprised that I had to notify both departments of the change of account details I expected to only make one call to change my details has any one else had this
  9. I am right in thinking DLA is not means tested? Also when I retire will I still get it, or does it commute to Attendance Allowance?
  10. My elderly mother moved into a care home around 7 months ago. Before she moved into the care home she was receiving high rate mobility DLA, because the care home was local authority funded her DLA entitlement was stopped. I received a letter from the DWP today and one of the paragraphs stated that there is a possibility of having her DLA re-instated, I have attached a scan of this paragraph. Has there been a recent change for this DLA entitlement for persons in residential homes?
  11. Hello, I hope someone can put us right on this please? Mum is now in care home permanently. We know about Attendance Allowance for dad as the local authority (welfare rights) have taken over making an application for him. What we are confused about is mum's DLA. She gets both components at the higher rate and has done since the early 90's. She always exchanges the mobility element for a Motability car. She obtained a new one some 5 months ago. The car is our dad's lifeline (mum can't drive as she has never passed a driving test) due to the complete lack of local shops/bank/post office and public transport etc. He has to drive 9 miles to the nearest town if he wants anything plus he has to drive 17 miles in the other direction when he wants to visit mum which is every day for obvious reasons. He also uses the car to take mum out when she is up to it. There still is the fact that dad may have to leave the family home (long story as posted in another thread) at sometime in the future if the council get their way. If that happens he wants to stay local which will mean a huge rent bill (he doesn't have much in the way of savings). If he can't afford the rent, then he will have to move out of the area which will add more distance to his travels. Now that mum is no longer at home what happens to her DLA and especially for dad, what happens to the car they have? Does he have to go out and buy one privately? If so, he would want the equivalent vehicle (not a small city car) which will set him back just over £25,000. He wouldn't be interested in a second hand vehicle as in his words ' you don't know how it has been looked after'. It would be for the best that he can keep the Motability one as it doesn't mean having to use any of his savings.
  12. Hi all just thought this would make a topic for discussion please follow the link read then comment http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/charities-very-worried-after-leak-suggests-tories-plan-to-tax-disabled-benefits-if-reelected-10142070.html?cmpid=facebook-post or http://www.newsfixboard.com/t8724-charities-very-worried-after-leak-suggests-tories-plan-to-tax-disabled-benefits-if-re-elected
  13. Hi all! I hope someone can advise me here, I'm due to go to appeal for my daughters DLA and it is likely we will win (again!). My problem is i owe a large amount of money to the DWP and to the housing due to a massive over payment. I strongly suspect the backdated carers allowance, DLA and housing benefit will be taken off my debt so i wont receive the back pay? Am i correct? The Housing underpaid us recently by over £500 and that got deducted from our debt. I will get to keep the backdated tax credits i assume but i was looking forward to buying some specialist ( and very expensive!) equipment for my daughter to improve things Thank you for your help!
  14. Do you want to know when your area is changing from DLA to PiPs? If so please read the attachment as you can see when and what areas are up next for the changes. I have also included the Welsh version as well for reference. Last updated on the 05/04/2015 first issued 05/04/2013 Timetable for PIP replacing DLA Updated: April 2015 Timetable by date and location. This is done by using the first 2 letters from your postcode so using the attachment you can see when your area is having the change from DLA to PIP's for example the following areas are due for the change in May of this year From May 2015 From 25 May, areas further extend to include postcodes beginning: BS; CB; CM; CO; DA; GL; MK; PA; RM; SN; SP and SS.
  15. At the end of January I put in a claim for DLA (still getting that here in Northern Ireland). I mentioned that to my GP. She said that in my case it would be unlikely I would get it but she would fill in her part for me. About 4 weeks ago my support worker rang DLA to find out what the hold up was, only to be told that My GP had not sent the information they required. About 2 weeks ago I had an appointment with my GP and mentioned this. She said she would fax the details through to DLA. I rang DLA yesterday and they still had received nothing. And when I rang the surgery this afternoon, I asked the receptionist if she could check to see if anything had been done in relation to this. She said and said she would remind my GP. Has anyone else had this problem or is this a common thing that it may be because the GP is busy.
  16. Hello, I am new to this writing a question on a computer and am not sure what to do. I need help with being investigated for fraud. I have had an interview under caution. I have received a letter which states i can agree to pay an Administrative penalty and i have to go for another interview about it. I have appealed against the decision of the fraud. can i get copies of the interview or the tapes, what else should i be doing to help my appeal. All of this is new to me this writing a question, so if any one can help i would be grateful, Thank you Joanne
  17. (Sorry if this gets asked a lot) Hi all i am new to all this and was wondering if you anyone can give me some help regarding my D.L.A. I attended my second dla tribunal on the 5/06/2014 (The first one got adjourned for more evidence) and this time i was very please i got awarded wat i used to be on high rate care component and low rate mobility i was over the moon with this result it could not of went any better, the panel were lovely people and very understanding. How ever it has been nearly 2 weeks since the hearing and i have heard nothing off them, i rang up today and was informed a letter has been sent out to me but the adviser could not tell me Wat it was :/ I replied is it the form to complete to confirm that i have not been in hospital since my claim and bank information 'he replied no its not that form and i cant tell you Wat letter has been sent, does anyone no Wat this could be and does anyone have any time scales it takes to get the payments back going and all the back pay they owe me its over a years worth of back pay they owe me and i done the sums and its rather a lot ? Also wasn't everyone in spring 2014 changing slowly over to P.I.P where do i stand with winning D.L.A i got a indefinite award too ? i am so confused I just want it all back to how it was fed up with all the hassle now i have won it seem like DWP are just doing things really slow, Thanks for reading this and any help of similar situations or advice will be much appreciated
  18. could someone tell me how the "tribunal bundle "papers are handled. Also, what would have happened when i sent my submission...who copies it tribunal clerk at Sutton or tribunal clerk at the local court? I sent ( in triplicate - one for each member of the tribunal) It would appear that these were copied in their entirety and included in each member of the tribunals appeal bundles in preparation for both previous Tribunal dates. That is the only way i can possibly see that could have the number of papers that they state in the decision notice . This may explain the underlying feeling of frustration at the volume of papers that i picked up on- but the panel didn't appear to notice that they had triplicate information .. and it only crossed my mind that this may have happened when i got the decision notice stating the number of pages that differed from mine . I rang straight after the adjourned hearing and requested that they therefore ensured that the papers provided to the next Tribunal only include one copy of all the relevant documents. Stating that in order for the next Tribunal to give my case due consideration I do not want the panel to be considering an appeal bundle which has triplicate papers within it. there were also two highly relevant pages pages from my original DLA application missing from the bundle that Tribunal had in front of them .. which was then photocopied at the hearing and I have requested that these be inserted into the tribunal bundle in the appropriate place . Is there anything further i should consider doing to ensure that the the next tribunal gets papers that are easy to follow and allow me to have a fair hearing? In addition , my hearing was adjourned for more evidence from the GP. when the GP has created these and sent them back I assume they will be added to the "tribunal bundle" and i will receive a copy. will these medical notes be numbered in continuation or will the whole bundle be renumbered and will i get another copy of the whole thing? I ask because I will need to keep track of the cross referencing that i have made my hearing was adjourned for more evidence from the GP. when the GP has created these and sent them back I assume they will be added to the "tribunal bundle" and i will receive a copy. will these medical notes be numbered in continuation or will the whole bundle be renumbered and will i get another copy of the whole thing? I ask because I will need to keep track of the cross referencing that i have made. many thanks
  19. I was granted DLA in 1997 for life (I still have the letter) but recently received a 40 page booklet to complete because the award was "under review" - even though it was awarded for life and has been increased twice as I became worse. Yesterday I received a phone call from DWP telling me that the DLA had been stopped. The lady couldn't tell me why, as she was not the person responsible for the file, but that they needed further information and that a letter was in the post. Nothing has arrived and I am at my wits end as to what to do. We cannot survive without my money and there doesn't seem to be any organisation that can help people like me. I do have depression and this big black hole is opening up again, so much so that I just feel like going down to the railway line when it gets dark.
  20. Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... Back again for some encouragement advice. As you will know from previous posts I am not Au Fait with benefit solutions This time it for me no friends involved My little munchkin will be 3 next month. She has been attending a child development center for nearly 1 year and attending under 3 nursery ( only given to kids who really need it in this area) for a few month. We have been granted funding and has a "play-friend" at nursery to "encourage" her. We have been doing a round of mini appointments and assessments recently as she is being formally assessed for Autism next month and a group of health professionals will decided if she is on the Autism spectrum or has other learning difficulties etc etc etc Now out of the 4 appointments this week 3 of the "professionals" asked if we were already claiming DLA.... we are not ...did not even cross my mind.....but have been advised to look at this..... any advice on similar situations or applications please......would we be able to? Is it something we should be doing?...both me and Mr Ida work part-time and get tax credits. I thank you
  21. Need some advice if possible. I am currently on DLA HRM and LRC since 2006, my initial application failed for any MR but awarded LRC so I asked for a review which agreed same so I went to appeal and in between provided further evidence. Please note I had included on my application and in continuation sheet that my condition was variable and reference was made to good and bad days. I went to appeal hearing and it was agreed to adjourn for more information from a medical examination. I had the examination and just a week later suffered a brain injury which almost killed me and required surgery, upon discharge more documentation from the tribunal service had arrived including he doctors report which was to be added to my bundle for the next hearing. There were one or two errors in my opinion in the docs statement so I wrote to the tribunal to say so and to advise that I had just been discharged from hospital with a serious brain injury, that my care needs had increased temporarily and my mobility remained unchanged and confirmed attendance at the rescheduled hearing although I could no longer drive (DVLA removed my licence for 6 months min). To my surprise without the final hearing I received notification from the tribunal service that my appeal was revised by the Appeals Officer, without the further hearing and was a more favourable one! I then received instanty an award letter from DWP stating HRM and LRC indefinately. Since the award I have the added post brain trauma syptoms which are in addition to my original claim but by care needs are now as they were at the point of claim, mobility remains the same. I have just received a letter to invite me to attend and IUC with DWP regarding possible criminal offence regarding my benefits, I only claim DLA as work (home based) as I did at the point of claim. I have read everything I can on this online so am getting rather clued up but am absolutely dreading the interview. I have arranged for legal representation as I know I will not cope with the interview on my own. I am guessing if they have had a tip off that I am not disabled that I will have been under surveillance and that they will have evidence to now support the allegation; however my circumstances have not changed in my opinion, I am as I was at the point of application and have referred to good days to show that my issues are not always present i.e variable so I am assuming any evidence would be around those such times (I am never out in public at the worst times) If anything my condition is worse given the new syptoms and I am guessing he will not be aware of my brain issue or new syptoms which, given they will not change my award were never reported directly to DWP as they are technically additional issues with mobility and mental health and this will not increase my award! I have had and continue to have ongoing treatment for all my conditions, have been hospitalised four times since claiming including two strokes, now what a benefit thief would have to suffer! What I am worried about is that I never qualified in the first instance and I am wondering if the Tribunal, faced with news of my significant brain trauma and hospitalisation, have made a decision to award and I am now paying the price! My mobility features on servere discomfort and pain and whilst I had stated risk of fall and stumbles and the need (but do not always have) for somebody to be with me; for the record I attended the hearing alone as it was not possible to have somebody with me. Two questions, If I have stated variation in my application and I have variation now can they prosecute on this i.e. no change in circumstance to report and secondly, would the tribunal have a manuscript of the hearing and details as to why they overturned the decision as I think this would also support my case and if so how can I get access to this. I am rather expecting the chap from DWP will be sat there, with my application and photos/video of my walking unaided or not seemingly with pain which is not unusual but not my permanent state of mobility; I usually always have a walking aid unless extremely well (rarely) Will he have all the tribunal paperwork as within this is where all relevance to variable is in the main other than reference to this in a few places in my application? I also hope he has the written note sent to the Tribunal (and confirmed as received) stating I had had the brain injury, was now home and care needs increased but mobility not) as this is a change in circumstance which I have reported. I do not believe anything has changed, no surgery, no cure and still with a degenerative condition! I am fully aware of the need to notify if anything changes but not if it changes day by day? I would be on the phone to DLA every day! Has anybody been to an IUC, how was it and what should I expect. This is making me more sick, have not eaten a thing for 48 hrs, pain is escalating and affecting everything for me! One minute I am a wreck the next I want to fight this all the way, they can not accuse me of fraud, I have not knowingly done anything and actually pay more in taxes that the bloody benefit is worth! One last point, phoned today to rearrange the interview and the chap was a little bit shocked to hear I was bringing a legal rep; not rolling over with this. Any help, support, encouragement or opinion gratefully received. Worried sick!
  22. hi I am claiming dla and have had my premium stopped because my son has reached the age of 19, so in theory I am being penalised for allowing my son to live at home, is there anything I can do, apart from evicting my son. I am feeling the cut in income as well as a £1000 overpayment I accumulated and have to repay
  23. I was claiming DLA for bipolar disorder. i have been working for DWP too. I got interviewed under caution by fraud department in the summer. I have now been summons to appear at the magistrates court. they say I failed to report changes of circumstance. Looking at it now I can see things changed, but I didn't complete the form, I just signed it, my mum filled it in. So I had no idea what was on it. I am appealing the DLA decision, trying to get at least lower. I suffer with depression and mania, and am suicidal. does anyone have any idea what will happen, what kind of punishment I will get. If I get a criminal record, I will never get my life back on track. I about to be sack from DWP too, losing my house because I'm bankrupt, and we can't afford to stay on one wage. I am so frightened and need some advice. I'm seeing a solicitor on Thursday. Its for about £7500, overpayment from Jan 2012 to July 2013, I started paying back this month.
  24. I was having a chat with my parents about various benefits and it started a big debates on DLA and Mobility. I don't know if anyone can help ... basically my parents (both 68 years old) recieve DLA and Mobility component plus their pension and housing benefit. They are worried that DLA and mobility is changing and worry over losing this benefit as it is a large amount that contributes to their bills and general expenses. My Father who is ill gets the top rate on both components and my Mother who is also unwell but not as serious gets the middle rate on both components. They are worried sick as they keep hearing some elements are being cut or reassessed but I said as you are genuine recipients I think the government are mainly focussing on working age 16-64 year olds. They have claimed DLA and Mobility for around 15 years in total. Does anyone know how (and if) they will be affected or as pensioners with pension credit and genuinely unwell with various conditions they will be expempt from reapplication and PiP etc? If any of them lost a large chunk of money they would basically be homeless! Many thanks
  25. My 5 year old as been accessed for adhd we.ve seen the doctor this week who as said it looks like he does have it but can.t be formely diagnoised until he gets the school psycologist report but the school is just dragging their feet i asked months ago for this the doctor has now written to the school to speed it up. The school and i had to fill a qyestionare out schools score was worse than mine, he.s getting behind at school cause he finds it hard to concontrate and keep still he.s forever getting into trouble and being sent to the headmaster along with another boy who as just been told he also as adhd them to bind really well together. My son is also sensitive to some foods aswell i notice cause some make him very more hyper just like some medications. So would i need him to be diagnoised first or should i just go ahead and see what happens mind time they get round to going through the forms he.d probably be diagnoised with it.thanks in advance
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