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Found 3 results

  1. I thought I'd share here as I've lost a just amount of weight since my Doctors have stepped up my medication. Just a heads up for anyone else who happens to be on any of the following: 1) Methylphenidate (normal release) 2) Concerta (XL) Extended Release 3) Dexamfetamine 4) Lisdexampheramine I won't go into detail as to how they all work, but they've been stages in my life and when you don't keep a VERY close eye on yourself you'll waste away to something scrawny. not because you can't eat, it's mainly because you forget to eat or when you do remember to you just don't feel like it. From the coaching I'm going through, I've learned to keep a strict "food agenda".. Yip a diary on my phone reminding me with loud and annoying alarms to eat. After seeing some of pics of me from 2 years ago, iw as horrified as i thought I looked really ill! Hope this helps! Cheers, A
  2. My 5 year old as been accessed for adhd we.ve seen the doctor this week who as said it looks like he does have it but can.t be formely diagnoised until he gets the school psycologist report but the school is just dragging their feet i asked months ago for this the doctor has now written to the school to speed it up. The school and i had to fill a qyestionare out schools score was worse than mine, he.s getting behind at school cause he finds it hard to concontrate and keep still he.s forever getting into trouble and being sent to the headmaster along with another boy who as just been told he also as adhd them to bind really well together. My son is also sensitive to some foods aswell i notice cause some make him very more hyper just like some medications. So would i need him to be diagnoised first or should i just go ahead and see what happens mind time they get round to going through the forms he.d probably be diagnoised with it.thanks in advance
  3. I was just wondering how things would affect me now I've been moved on a more powerful medication after 21 years of treatment. Although the last medication I was on 'Concerta XL' was a controlled substance, it wasn't as strictly controlled as the new one I'm on 'Dexadrine'. The latter is literally an amphetamine which really makes it hard for me to travel abroad as 99% of countries won't let me travel to them whilst medicated. Despite this new 'wonder medication' making my working life ALOT better, how would this affect my DLA/PIP claim? Reason I ask is because I hear lots of shocking things about ATOS and I'm concerned that when I get called in for a review that they'll see that I appear OK whilst still living with ADHD on such meds is a BIG turnoff for employers. Furthermore I still exhibit symptoms of ADHD sich as extremely bad memory, disorganisation etc.... Because of these symptoms, I literally run my entire life out of: -4 diaries -Pager/Reminder System -Myriad of postit notes around the house -Myriad of lists, todo lists and 'where things go or have been put' lists. My concern is that ATOS will do a superficial examination and not know the 'behind the scenes' life of ADHD. Furthermore, seeing as there's only 5 departments in the NHS qualified to deal with Adult ADHD, would ATOS even be allowed to asses me accurately not being one of these NICE accredited specialists? Cheers, A
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