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  1. Hi all, I'm new to this site but I really need help. a few years ago I got myself into a right pickle with debt. I was young and stupid and when it came to having to pay, I couldn't. I have had letters from collection 'enforcement officers' which I haven't given a second thought, letters have been binned etc and we've since moved house. Yesterday morning two men knocked my door and handed me a form from the local sheriff court advising that I will be taken to court in order to recoup the money owed to the collection agency. They did not introduce themselves (later found them to be capquest agents from a clause in the paperwork) and I did not acknowledge the debt or confirm who I was in relation to the person they were looking for. What do I do? Where do I stand with this? The debt was bought by capquest in December 2012 from original creditor Very and I have had zero contact with either since defaulting on payment to Very in November 2012.
  2. hi, today received a county court claim form for the amount of £467.76. claimant capquest investments limited. restons solicitors limited. total amount 552.76. doesn't say which catalogue just shop direct. what are my next steps? no doubt that i had catalogues with shop direct. if it goes to court they will find i have zero disposable income. thanks for any advice.
  3. need help have had 4 letters from capquest got this one today, threatening door stop call id I do not pay up and the man from scotcall will itemise what I have to cover the debt is I don't pay up. this account has been passed around about 7 different collection agencies and everytime it was passed back to Lloyds I have attached a copy of the letter and would be grateful if somebody could look at it for and advise me what to do I was going to send a cca request but not sure
  4. Hi guys, been dealing with Capquest via Shoosmith. Sent CCA requests to Capquest via Shoosmiths as you can see. Even though they said no further legal action would be taken I went to court to day regardless after sitting like an edjit for several hours I went an spoke to a clerk. Turns out Shoosmith changed the hearing dates on the 20th January to 29th April and I've never been informed! At the current time I have yet to receive any documentation in regards to the CCA request yet my request has been acknowledged. Why has Capquest added £186 onto this account since last month? Why is Shoosmiths still taking me to court even though they said no further action will be taken while Capquest is "investigating"? Sorry this is meant to be the 25th not 29th.... And dont know whats going on with post images, was having bother adding them.
  5. Created a new thread for all correspondence I receive from Capquest and any questions relating to it that I can't find answers for. I hope this is OK. I sent Capquest a CCA request on 20th July via recorded delivery. They received it on 21st July. My understanding is they then have 12 working days to provide the CCA (+2 two days for delivery). with that in mind, unless they provide that CCA the account would be in dispute on 10th Aug, yes or no? I received a letter Friday 4th Aug dated 3rd Aug saying they have forwarded my request to Vanquis and will send it to me as soon as they have it. I also received a letter today, dated 4th Aug saying I've recently raised a query on my account, and they've placed my account on hold for 28 days and have contacted Vanquis for further information. If they haven't had a response by 31 Aug they'll write to me again with an update. at what point is the matter in dispute/default/unenforceable? Does it matter that they write and say they're still looking for it? Or do they literally have 12+2 days to provide me the CCA and if they don't (regardless of them writing to say they are still waiting for Vanquis) the account is in dispute/default/unenforceable? Many thanks.
  6. Hi, long time member, (but been away for a while so name changed a bit, hoping admin can sort old ID out soon) . A family member has received a nice green letter from Capquest concerning an old MBNA debt for approx £1400. There is an offer of discount of approx 75%. Now, family member has said that he doesnt recall last payment but must be well over 6 years by now. Ive advised that he should get his credit ref file ( I personally hate these organisations, but thats another battle) to see whats on there, just in case it shows anything up. My instinct is to sit on the letter, the only trouble is, hes living with partner at their parents house. should they do anything more than ive advised at this stage. They were going to sent a statute barred letter out, but we need to know for sure first, otherwise we could shoot ourselves in the foot. considering this nice offer, suggests to me that its a straw clutch and we can expect a couple more letters before we need to do anything further. thanks for any ideas, ( its kind of good to be back )
  7. Hi All I'm new to the forum and this is my first post. Today, I have decided to take action with 2 old Liverpool Victoria debts, one was a personal loan taken out in the end of 1999 or early 2000 for 10k over 5 years. This was defaulted on around 2002 and payment arrangements made with Liverpool Victoria, then sold to Capquest July 2009. I have been paying £12.00 per month by direct debit for years at least since before the debt was sold Capquest have been adding on large sums of interest and charges, my debt continues to grow. I believe that I read somewhere on this forum that interest and charges can't be added after the length of the original agreement. The second was for a LiverPool Victoria Credit Card, same story as above but the debt when sold was £2945.27. I'm not sure that PPI was claimed for the credit card i know that it wasn't taken out for the loan - should i send a PPI request to Liverpool Victoria to start with? I haven't received an annual statement from Capquest since October 2012 and have had no dealings with them since the debt was sold and the direct debit was set up. They haven't even bothered to ask for an increase and now I'm inclined to think that's because they don't want to rock the boat., I am scared of dealing with them as they added a second default for the same debt to my credit file years ago and despite sending off the evidence off the the Credit companies and the Ombudsman it wasn't removed and my credit file is perfect now. I now that it's not statue barred as I have been making payments, surely they can't me to court for a 17 year old debt, after spending the afternoon reading some threads on here, i'm beginning to think there is no paperwork to back up these debts and the loan was agreed over the telephone, I do remember that. I'm assuming I CCA request Capquest first have only been learning information from the site today, any help and advice would be appreciated on these two debts. Thanks for reading, i hope it's all clear.
  8. nowlo everyone, I was hoping you'd be able to give me some advice on my current situation. I really want to keep on top of things. Total debt as follows: EDF Electric £200.04 Southern Water £57.22 Veolia Water £52.86 Priority Debt Total £310.12 Natwest Loan £2,505.78 Natwest Credit Card £1,686.25 Natwest Overdraft £500.00 Vanquis Credit Card £2,181.18 Orange Mobile £69.86 Orange Broadband £23.87 Creditor Debt Total £6,966.94 Total Debt £7,277.06 In July I was made redundant, along with everyone where I worked. previous to this I'd struggled with illness since summer the previous year, and had varying periods of time off work. Within this time I fell behind on repayments. I tried to speak to my creditors at this time, but they were having none of it. I contacted them again upon becoming redundant. I was behind on utilities, and used the little redundancy money I received (£600 goodwill payment) to bring them up to date. I still have £200 left on electric, but all the rest are sorted. I contacted CCCS for advice. After this I called my creditors to come to some arrangement while I'm looking for new employment. One creditor is Natwest, for my credit card, or shall I say Triton debt management. At the time I was awaiting confirmation of JSA, housing benefit etc and had no income. They accepted a monthly £1 token payment. End of last month they constantly kept calling me, I answered to shut them up. They told me the first agreement wasn't valid as I had no income and therefore it shouldn't of been made. Said the person that called me was 'new' (like that's MY problem) . I was forced into doing an income/expenditure there and then. Somehow they figured I could afford £7.99 a month . I couldn't, but felt really forced. I agreed. Since then I did a proper inc/exp for myself, and down to bear minimums for outgoings I'm still -£8.99 minus a month. I wrote a letter, which I sent recorded with an enclosed copy of my inc/exp saying I cannot afford the repayment agreed, and as of 5th Sept I will be making a £1 token payment, via postal order for the next 3 months (on 5th of every month), when I will review my financial situation (and could freeze interest). I also did the same for my other creditor, Vanquis, or rather Impact collections. Swhat I'd like to know is, was this right thing to do? What are the chances of them freezing my interest? Vanquis had my debit card details on file and tried to apply for the £10 I agreed previously from my bank. It bounced, as I had no funds . They would have received my letter a long time before that payment was applied for. I'm worried they can keep applying for this amount. How can I stop them? What rights do I now have? Can they take me to court? I'm using my PPI for the Natwest loan. So that's covered. Any help appreciated. Further to what I mentioned above... I have struggled for years with health problems, but especially since 2007. I've fought back repeatedly. My job before last I lost because of my health, I tried so very hard to keep it, but in the end they let me go. It was heartbreaking. Thus, in this period I got into arrears with my creditors. It took me a whole year (this was during the recession) of applying for hundreds of jobs to finally get a new one. I got my repayments to creditors back on track and things were going fairly well. Then mid-last year my health once again worsened. I can't even explain the absolute hell I had to go through with GPs/NHS just to get referred for treatment. I sat through work in agony day after day, through tears sometimes. Then to make matters worse, I slipped on ice walking home from work a week before Christmas last year. My then partner fell on top of me . I tore just about every ligament in and around my knee area. Once again I had to fight for treatment, admins 'lost' my appointments and all sorts of total rubbish. Now my leg gives way constantly, as there is nothing holding it together. I'm on a waiting list for surgery, it's almost a year come this December since I had the accident. This has left me battling the existing illness(es) plus a cruddy knee that constantly gives out and hurts. Subsequently I started to miss a lot of work, and got further into debt. Then in June the company I worked for felt the strain of the competition in the industry they were in, and decided to effectively 'can' the business, making myself and all the other 3 employees redundant (including my partner, whom I worked with). At the same time my partner of two years left me (in fact I found out he'd cheated on me). I did my crying, then dusted myself off and 'got on with it'... now around to present day. I've applied for countless jobs. Had eight interviews, three with same company, two with another. The feedback is always positive, they like me, but I'm never quite what they want/need. Then there's the ever head-banging responses to applications of 'over-qualified' or 'under-qualified'. I'm stuck in some weird limbo! I've got to the point where I have to take stock of my whole life and think what I need to do realistically. I have the following debt: EDF Electric £200.04 Southern Water £57.22 Veolia Water £52.86 Natwest Loan £2,505.78 Natwest Credit Card £1,686.25 Natwest Overdraft £500.00 Vanquis Credit Card £2,181.18 Orange Mobile £69.86 Orange Broadband £23.87 Total Debt £7,277.06 I have set-up token payments to creditors and payment arrangements with priority debts. I'm in receipt of JSA, housing/council tax benefit. I've been selling anything not nailed down and looking for any ways to make extra cash. My minimum outgoings for living are £830. This doesn't include travel, hairdressing or entertainment. This is the bear bones living costs. I've tried to cut down on everything possible. My groceries/household stuff is down to £90 a month (and trying to reduce further) . I've swapped electric/gas to lower cost dual fuel with another company. The only area that I could possibly cut in the future is my mobile/broadband . I have a deal with Orange for broadband (£10), line rental/inclusive anytime calls (£23) and £23 for my mobile. I'm contracted for my phone until at lest next April, so I can't get out of paying until then. I've tried to find somewhere cheaper to live (£450pcm at present), but being on the 'DSS' with a dog, regardless of gleaming references, I've had repeated nos. Plus, I have no deposit. So no saving to be made on housing. I'd have to get a job at minimum £17k annual to cover my bear living expenses, with little to nothing left for creditors with no prospect of that changing for what could be years, because of my health, if at all. It's quite apparent that finding work is no walk in the park right now either, so I'm going to have to take what I can get, no matter for how little. All I'd have to offer is a couple pounds to each creditor, while they refuse to stop adding interest, which is largely the reason my debt has escalated to such a high amount. The debt will increase, my credit score will get worse, I'll be getting more stressed, with no sign of being able to pay off my debt... after much thought I'm seriously wondering whether I should consider a DRO (Debt Relief Order) . It's hard for me to come to that conclusion, because I believe it's my responsibility to pay back what I owe. However, I can't see how I will be able to pay it back, my credit is already effected, and will continue to be even if I make token payments, right? given all the aforementioned would a DRO be best? What's the pros and cons? I'&d be so grateful for others thoughts. Hello, are you still there? Ha-ha! I'm so sorry this was so long. I'm just so worried. I've tried so hard to keep on top of things, it's heartbreaking to reach this point. I'm awake at 3 a.m. worrying for goodness sake!
  9. Hi All, i have 3 debts Capquest are writing to be about - Student loan (old style) £4000 - Overdraft £1000 - Orange bill from 2005?! for £380 firstly i sent them a template on here 'i dont acknowldge...' CCA request, nothing yet more letters, i recently sent them a 'prove it' style - They finally replied. - Student loan letter they have not responded to? Shall i send a letter again? I did request a CCA from Erudio and they sent me pieces of this - Overdraft response was very generic: 'We have been advised by 'bank' that section 74 of the CCA 1974 provides that an overdraft on a current account will not fall within the documentation requirements of the CCA. Therefore we are not providing a copy agreement for the above' Doesnt leave me with a very good idea of anything right? - Mobile phone bill - they replied with the following: '- This debt relates to Orange..... - Account was taken out in 2007 and purchased by Arrow global in 2010 - The account defaulted in 2008' Am i right in that this debt should no longer be active. Firstly im NOT aware of it at all, they have show no CCA or proof, and isnt it statute barred now? Still on my credit file. My uncle has been kind enough to lend me money so i would settle, but first off i dont know who the hell Capquest are and they are not responding accordingly to me. Any advice is appreciated Many thanks
  10. Hi all. hope this is in the right area.apologies if it isnt. Ive received a small claims summons from capquest in regards a debt they purchased off capital one on 30 november 2012. After reading many pages on here, would i be right that the first port of call is sending a postal order for £1 and asking for the CCA? This is through a scottish sherrif court if that makes any difference regards
  11. I also have another a few questions relating to another debt with Capquest! Shall I post on here or start a new thread? I feel cheeky for asking but am so grateful for your help, this ones not at claim stage yet just a letter threatening court action.
  12. Hi, I left uni in 1999 and deferred my SL for a few years while my earnings were under the threshold. I started paying probably in about 2003 and stopped in 2007 when I left the country. I have not heard anything from SLC since then and have made no payments since then. I'm back in the UK now. Today I got a letter from Capquest saying there is £2358 outstanding but they will accept £1650 as a settlement. I've read elsewhere here about asking them to provide a CCA or tell them that the debt is now statute barred as I have not heard from anyone or made a payment for 10 years now. Could anyone advise me what I should do? The letter is not threatening, its written with green highlights (though I'm sure these will soon turn red), however it does say "If visible on your credit file we will mark your account as satisfied with a partial settlement flag". Obviously I don't want them going near my credit file. Thanks
  13. I defaulted with orange back in early 2010.. ..late 2010 they sold the debt to capquest. ..it says so on my credit file thats when my capquest file was opened, yet capquest have only registered a default in 2014 meaning the life of this default has been extended far beyond the original debt(default on my file until 2020). There has been zero contact or acknowledgement of this debt, there was never a payment plan and they had no reason to believe they should carry it forward so long before declaring a default themselves other than to ridiculously extend the life of my default on my credit file. Is this legal? Is there anything I can do about it? Currently its standing between me and a mortgage. I know some people might think payment was an option but the original debt was 90 pounds(in 2010) and now capquest are saying I owe them 400+.. .I could do it but honestly it would leave a terrible taste in my mouth.
  14. Dear all, I have found these forums an excellent resource and would like to thank all the contributors! I hope I am posting in the right subsection of the forum. I have posted back in Feb 2012 when Halifax registered defaults. I complained to the FOS. The outcome was an apology, £500 in compensation, about £250 in costs and about £2000 to accout for the additional cost a higher mortgage rate over 2 years. I as satisfied with this and moved on. However problems have continued but with other companies piggybacking on the link Halifax/NatWest created. Most I have dealt by writing strongly worded letters and forwarding previous correspondence/experience with the banks. However CapQuest and Arrow Global have been stubborn and I still have two defaults from CapQuest which do not belong to me. They have conceded that a mistake has been made but have failed to amend the records on one CRA. I again sought review from the FOS who advised them to amend the data and offer me £200 in compensation. They have still not amended the data. I spoke to a Solicitor who quoted £2500 just to start looking at the case and issuing the initial letters to the companies involved! I have now gone on to issue a Claim via MCOL. Please see attached document. I now feel I should have sought some help here before pressing the button and going ahead with this as I have just pain £980 in court fees, having no legal background. I think this was more out of frustration. I will try and update this as I go along. Thanks for all your help CapQuest for CAG.pdf
  15. Hi All I've been a silent reader of this excellent forum for some time now, but as of now I need a little help/friendly advice. I had an old stlye SLC loan (pre-97) which I'd deferred for many, many years, moving address along the way. Hadn't heard anything for years, then some Erudio letters arrived via an old address, which I ignored (not always the best course of action), and recently I've also received letters from Capquest who I gather are one and the same. Alongside this, I've had calls/texts and have been harassed extensively. Occasionally, I've tried to engage in conversation, but I can't actually get through the data protection checks they ask for at the beginning of the site. Usually, I'd just follow previous advice and ignore - as a lot of people here have done on here. However, and this is where it gets weird. I was forwarded a letter dated last week from Capquest which I subsequently binned, and haven't actually spoken verbally to anyone about this. This morning, my work phone rang, and a guy claiming to be from TM Legal was trying to get hold of me. How they got my work phone I have no idea and was quite taken aback. He asked to put me through security, and I refused as I was at work. (open plan office etc.). Googling them reveals they are a legal firm based down South who deal with CCJs. I checked my credit file, and did a search on the Trustorg site, and nothing is showing up. I'm a bit confused, and have no other outstanding debt whatsoever. What would you do? Would anybody advise sending Capquest/Erudio Statute barred letters? Or just ignoring extensively. I'm pretty sure I've not spoken to them in six years, but I honestly can't recall the last time I sent deferral stuff. Could've been around 2012, but I'm really not sure of this. In addition, I've categorically NEVER spoken to Erudio direct. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Kind regards M
  16. Ok, new here, so please go easy.... First off after reading some threads here today, i feel ive left this a bit long, but any advice is appreciated and will be taken on board. In December I received a Summary Court Summons for £3006.64. For unpaid shop direct handled by capquest. My Return date is 18th January (this is next week i know, so not a lot of time to decide what i'm gonna do) The original account with shop direct was 2010, and it was passed to capquest in 2012. I'm happy to admit full liability and offer to set up a repayment plan. BUT, if i recall at the time, I was barely able to make minimum repayments, yet they kept increasing my credit limit. Can I dispute the claim and try to reclaim some charges/interest to reduce my final figure?? This is my first full day off work in a few weeks, and no kids at home, means I finally have the time needed to get my response in. Again I'm sure i've done this all wrong, but just need some quick advice due to my circumstance...
  17. Hello I'm looking for some advice please with reference to the below:- Name of the Claimant ? Capquest Date of issue: 18/11/2016 > Defence filed for SB 06/12/2016 What is the claim for: 1.The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendant under a contract between the defendant and [Retailer] dated on Mar 13 2002 and assigned to the claimant on Feb 12 2010. Default balance £1867.74 31/10/2016. What is the value of the claim: £2052.74 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account: Cat Debt / Store Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007: Before Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim: Capquest Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment: Unsure, have recently received letters from Capquest Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor: Unsure, possibly as it was a long time ago. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year: I don't believe so. Why did you cease payments? Financial difficulties & personal problems What was the date of your last payment? Late 2008 to the OC, 2012 to Capquest [i think]. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? I stopped making payments and the debt has now been sold on. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Please see below. I received the claim form last month, did some homework [although perhaps not thorough enough] and believed that this was SB. I registered on MCOL, submitted my defense for SB as to the best of my knowledge I believed it was. However, my memory isn't what it used to be unfortunately and things are currently very unsettled at work so I'm not thinking straight. I received a letter from the court saying that the defence had been forwarded to Capquest, then I received a letter yesterday from Capquest stating that they believed it wasn't SB because their client last receievd a payment from me in August 2012, therefore I should withdraw my defence as I've not provided the last payment date, I do not appear to be disputing the the balance, and I'm invitied to withdraw my defence in the next 14 days and complete and return the admission form. I tried to sleep on this last night and ended up searching an old email account and found a communication I sent to Capquest in early 2012 disputing what was showing on my credit file. I must have been making regular payments for just over 12 months, yet this was not reflected on my credit file and I must have emailed them to ask them to correct this. As per my email I must have believed the balance was just over £1000 yet it was showing way over £2000 which I'm guessing is not what we had agreed as part of the payment plan, hence my email to them. I've scoured this mailbox but cannot find a reply from them. I know that later that year I was made redundant twice in a very short space of time [last in, first out] and that will be why I didn't keep up with payment plan as I was out of work for a while but then took a substantial pay cut just to get back into work. There is no mention of Capquest or the retailer on Noodle. I'm now at a loss and I don't want to make the situation any worse. I honestly believed it was SB but have since discovered that it isn't and feel terrible for making that mistake. I haven't submitted any CCA, CPR, SAR, etc. I'm just looking for some sound advice please.
  18. Hi ,can anyone help, capquest have been in touch we me asking for payment of a account they purchased from littlewoods finance co ltd , i have no knowledge of what they are on about , i have never held an account with littlewoods , they cannot provide me with any information regarding what i am supposed to have bought or when... i have been advised not to speak to them over the phone but deal with them through letter only, which i have done , our only connection to littlewoods is my wife had a neighbour who was a agent for littlewoods catalouge so she did order from her but that was fifteen years ago ? they have now given me until march 6th to pay or they will send my account to a specialist collection agency, i have sent them a letter regarding the debt being STATUTE BARRED but that has not had any effect, so if anyone can help i would be very grateful .cheers
  19. I am sorry that you all may of seen this issue a million times already but ive spent weeks reading forums and still feel so lost. So i hope you will bear with me and help sort my confused brain. When living in England I had several accounts. Credit cards. Catalogues and even a loan. When the recession came in 2010 I found myself without a job and no way to pay. My partners mother offered me a cleaning job but I had to relocate to Edinburgh September 24th 2010 was the day i left England, this job barely covered the rent so yes i am ashamed to admit I walked away and expected my creditors to make me bankcrupt, which never happened. 6 years later and i am finally on my feet again, my partner is now a full time student who i support and I avoid credit at all costs. End of november i received a court summons for a catalogue debt owned by capquest and shoosmiths are acting on thier behalf. After speaking to an advisor at national debt helpline the debt is possibly still enforceable in court as it was a buy now pay later item if i had decided to challenge i would lose and end up paying costs too i wrote to shoosmiths who has agreed a payment plan but is still proceeding with a decree. Fair enough another 6 years of no credit will be a good thing i suppose. My issue is capquest have now contacted me regarding two other debts which I believe are actually statute barred. Last payment to both debts were 6th september 2010 i checked my old bank statements. I have sent the national debt helplines template letter for statute barred debts using the scotland template as although it was an English debt all my creditors only needed to do was check my credit file to see ive lived in scotland since 2010. I know very long winded but what will happen next do you think. Will shoosmiths take me to court on these two debts aswell. For the first time in years i am losing sleep again over this . It is so nice to not be broke and to go back there again is the worst thing i can imagine. I cant afford a solicitor to help me etiher it would be just me against a massive law firm and i am pertrified that i cannot afford what the judge will tell me to pay back Please help and advise what the next step will be regarding the two statute barred debts. Ive already lost on the catalogue debt and will be paying back 32 per month for a good few years.!
  20. Hi guys this is my first time posting so please bare with me. I have just received a letter from County Court Money Claims Centre titled, "Notice of application for attachment of earnings order" the creditor is Capquest and the sum is £9398 this is for a credit card I had 10 years ago, I have never corresponded with Capquest they got a CCJ against me at Northampton court last year. My question is, will they succeed in getting money back through my employers? Should I fill in this means form and return it? Thank you very much for any help.
  21. Hi All, new to the forum. The work you guys do is great so I've bought a webmail account to support the site how I can. A family member has received a letter from CapQuest stating they've taken over their T-Mobile account. The letter seems politely worded but not fooled going by CapQuest's reputation (I've been through several threads on the site). This appears to be due to a default on a 'phone contract around 2010 I think (aftermath of the recession). We've moved to a new house since then and they must have employed their usual methods to get in contact at the new address. The first DCA was Lowells who added a default a few years after the original default and were hassling for a while then stopped. It seems CapQuest have picked up the baton so to speak. Nothing was paid or acknowledged with Lowells. It's past six years now so are they still able to pursue this? I've advised sending a Statute Barred letter but thought I should get some advice here first? Thanks for any advice offered.
  22. Hi Has anyone received a letter from capquest informing them that they over paid by £230 and they are refunding it. Debt was paid off some time ago. Is this a [problem]
  23. hello, I do not know where to post this plea for help/advice. Recently dceided to sell my house & searches revealed a charge against my share in the property by CAPQUEST INVESTMENTS Ltd, I know this organisation has a reputation, from reading this site. I have lived in the property since 2004, still a small mortgage with GE Money I am pensioner so funds are restricted, any advice on how to establish what this charge relates to
  24. Hi First post here. I have an old debt with Egg from around 2000 for roughly £2900. I was on a CAB plan paying £1 token payment for a while at the time but stopped paying , I never heard anything for years and now Capquest own the debt . I think I might remember paying them £10 a month 3-4 years ago for a while but due to financial hardship stopped paying. Though I cant be certain on this as I cant seem to find any details at the moment. They have recently sent me letters again and have refered it to Drydens Fairfax who have given me to the 30th Nov to offer a payment proposal otherwise court action. Which means I`ll have to send them a ltter either today or tomorrow .What should I do , offer £5 a month or something or play hardball. I don't really want a CCJ as I already have one from Drydens at £10 a month for another card debt. I wish I had know of the Statute Barred act before I may(possibly) have paid Capquest 3-4 years ago as it was probably unenforceable back then. thanks Tired and Weary
  25. Hi, I've received a very nice educated letter from capquest asking me for payment for a debt from 2005 on American Express. I know that the last payment I've done to American Express it was in August 2005. Can they do this? After 11 years? How should I proceed with this? Thank you for your help. CZ
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