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Found 20 results

  1. Bells to ring out and 10,000 to march past the Cenotaph as the nation says 'thank you' READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bells-to-ring-out-and-10000-to-march-past-the-cenotaph-as-the-nation-says-thank-you
  2. I purchased an engagement ring for my fiance and chose it off a stock ring they had in store, however I wanted a bigger stone. The store showed me a mocked up version of the same ring but with a bigger diamond than I requested. The bigger ring had a gap which the stock ring did not and I specifically asked the question (would my purchased ring not have the gap) as I preferred it without. The shop assistant presumed it had the gap because it was a mock up and may have been rushed. I wanted a stone sized between them both, which after speaking with the assistant thought it would arrive as planned because she'd reassured me. I waited a month for the ring to come in store and I was picking it up the day before I was leaving to go on holiday where I planned to propose. When picking up the ring I noticed that my ring did have a gap between the middle stone and the halo diamonds and have since come home and they have offered to fill the gap with silver (the one I have purchased is platinum), to make it appear more like what I originally saw. I just wondered where I stand on this as I feel that I haven't received what I was promised and although they're trying to rectify the issue, I would have much preferred the ring in its original form without any filling but just as I'd seen it. I was also advised to get the ring in a size M because I didn't know her exact size but did say she had skinny fingers. The ring is 7 sizes too big and because either side of the stone there are diamonds, she cannot have the same band made smaller because they can eventually fall out due to the amount of pressure put on it to make it smaller. We are quite disappointed with that as obviously she wants the ring that I proposed with but now we must have a totally new band and have all of the diamonds transferred into the new band. We were also originally told that this would take 2-2 and a half weeks and it is now taking 3 plus the time to fill the ring and transfer all of the diamonds across so it will be more like 3 and a half in total. Seems like such a polava considering it is a big purchase to make.
  3. I reserved a ring in a jewellers shop and paid a deposit. I was paying some instalments but then became poorly and am now not in a financial position to finish paying. A couple of years has passed by. I contacted the retailer [small, local shop] who said they have sold the ring and I can't have my money back. They'll deduct 20% from what I have paid so far and let me choose something from the shop. Where do I stand?
  4. In February we bought a Sapphire and diamond ring. It was a new ring with second hand stones. I tried on in the shop, fine. Placed in its box. It was looked at and tried on in home and secure in its box. We decided not to go further with the relationship so contacted the retailer with the knowledge that we would lose a fair amount if they purchased it back. They declined, but advised that we could try to sell elsewhere. Two other retailers looked at the ring and said that it was very nice but it had a chip out of it. We returned to the original retailer who said we must have damaged it. We said not so , but they refused to help. We were not advised that the stone was damaged or had any defect when we purchased it. It needed a jewellers glass to find it. Advice please
  5. Well it is that time of year again when Car Boots kick off. Just found this story. Diamond ring bought for £10 at car boot sale turned out to be worth £350,000 Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/22/diamond-ring-bought-for-10-at-car-boot-sale-turned-out-to-be-worth-350000-6651215/#ixzz4hmYG7BAm What is the article that you found at a car boot that you were delighted with or disappointed with. Maybe you bought something that fell to pieces or a bargain that you want to gloat about. Well you have to release the pleasure or displeasure. Yesterday I bought this Bikini Vase for 50 p popped a flower in there and pleased me no end. I am easily pleased.Are you.
  6. Hi caggers t he wife cut her finger end off which resulted in a visit to a&e where she was asked to take her ring off to have the finger dressed and subsequently lost the ring. Been through the insurance and they are happy to replace due to loss. I won the ring on an auction for considerably less than the ring is actually worth. They have said they will come up with a figure in relation to what I paid and what the valuation was so a figure can be given so I can go and search for a new ring. Should the insurance company not be giving me the valuation figure so I can get the same ring or equivalent or can they change the amount because I won the ring at auction? The ring cost 560 but is valued at over 3000. Thanks in advance I don't want to be taken for a ride and the wife wants the same ring.
  7. Guest

    ESA50 has arrived

    The dreaded ESA 50 arrived yesterday, so onward for the battle, endless photocopying and reams of explanations. Can someone remind me where to find the "help" guides for filling out the form, for both mental and physical disability as I have both, please? Thanks in advance.
  8. Is there anything I or my phone company can possibly do to stop harassment and sometimes abusive calls ? I have logged times and dates and I have answered on a couple of occasions but can never quite understand the person talking. Now I have been receiving calls early morning and late at night. Always ask for the same person but incorrect name and when asked who I am speaking to its either Jon, Joe, Reggie, Ronnie etc and then sometimes followed by abuse if further questions asked
  9. I have claimed for my lost engagement ring thru direct line insurance and have filled in all the relevent paperwork and paid £200 excess. They passed me over to their jewelry assessor a company called LMG. They have in turn asked for more information including a photo if possible of the ring - which again I have supplied. They have now given me a valuation and 3 options which are - 1 a voucher for the valution for the Signet group which are H Samuel, Ernest Jones or Leslie Davis or 2 - a remake of the ring by one of their personal jewellers or 3 the cash equivalent but the cash is only half of the valuation and doesn't even cost the price of the ring way back in 2003!! So - do I have to accept these conditions? - I have looked at Ernest Jones and H Samuels websites but I don't see anything I love there however I have seen a ring I really like within the valution but with a different jewellers. I have agreed to get the personal jeweller out to see if she can help me. She is booked to come to my house to look at designs etc and perhaps make a new ring for me but on speaking to friends about this they have said that their experience with the "personal jeweller" was a rip off and the jewelry offered no where near the quality they would have gotten from local jewellers! Do I accept there is no way round this? I am already really down about losing my engagement ring - that I took months to choose - due to the fact that my hands are not the delicate hands of female kind but almost like man hands so a solitaire would look lost on them - unless I had a good few thousand to spend - which I don't! Any help would be appreciated...
  10. Hi All, Unfortunately my fiancee lost has her engagement ring. It was lost sometime during a 48 hour time window. During this time she was only out of the house for 3 hours. The insurance company told me during my initial phone call that it was insured as my policy covers individual items up to the value of £12,000. After a more detailed discussion with my fiancee they have decided to reject the claim as they say there is a possibility that it was not lost within the property but outside. In my opinion its far more likely it was lost inside the property as she was only outside for a minimal period of time. Thoughts anyone? Neil
  11. Hi. I recently had my ATOS medical review and I am awaiting the result. However, this afternoon I received a telephone call from someone at DWP asking me if it would be ok for the decision maker to ring and have a chat with me, sometime in the next few days. Of course, I said yes. Does anyone else have experience of this? Why does the decision maker need to do this? Is my claim touch and go? I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, bipolar 2, hypermobility and all the things that these conditions throw up, of which there are many. I am now worried sick that they are going to try and discredit my info. Anybody have any ideas please? Thanks in advance, Susie...AKA Kimmikat.
  12. My WP keeps calling me today and leaving messages for me to ring back on a mobile number!! A I will not ring mobiles and B I am in the support group. I know I do not have to participate, so can I just keep ignoring the calls, I have got nothing to say or update them with anyway.
  13. Hello, I was wondering whether you could give me some advice. My husband bought an engagement ring for me at Ernest Jones 3.5 years ago. Two weeks ago the branches of the ring that were holding the diamond disconnected and the diamond fell out. I only noticed it after it happened and so I lost the stone. Ernest Jones sent the ring off to get it looked at and have now told me over the phone that it is due to damage and that there was no fault with the ring. I am quite surprised, although I wore the ring everyday, I took good care of it and didn't do anything harsh to it. It wasn't knocked or anything like that. The ring originally cost £499 and they are now asking for £530 to repair it. Is there anything I can do? I think there must have been a fault with the ring, whether the design was flawed or the material faulty I don't know, but you expect to be able to wear an engagement ring everyday without the goldbranches detaching themselves and the stone falling out, don't you? If you could give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Hi, I am new here but I am stuck as to what I can do about my engagement ring. My fiancee purchased the ring from a local Ernest Jones branch in November 2012, he gave the ring to me a few days within the 30 Day refunds/exchange policy. I loved the ring and there was nothing apparent wrong with it so I kept it. However, a month later I noticed that the solitaire diamond was moving inside the setting - almost rattling. This was a very expensive ring and I was terrified that the diamond would fall out, so we took it straight back for a repair. One of the prongs (it is a 4-prong setting) had apparently weakened, so it was fixed and returned to us. I thought nothing more of it until a few days later when I noticed the diamond was still moving. We took it back again, where the shop assistant tried to tell me that it was "supposed to move" because it wasn't glued in! I looked it up on the web and found out that any movement of a stone indicates a weak, unreliable setting, which can lead to the diamond falling out. I also discovered the terrible reputation that EJ has with other couples who have purchased faulty (very expensive) jewellery from them. However I took the ring back to be fixed a second time with the warning that if it happened again, I would be taking further action. We have just taken the ring back for the 3rd time for the exact same problem, insisting on a refund rather than another repair. The sales assistant admitted that she thought the ring itself was faulty, but said she could only offer us an exchange for another ring. Due to reading about a great many other customers having the same problem, along with my own experience, I felt that I did not want to be tied in financially to the company for the next 2 years (the ring was purchased on finance). The sales assistants told us that they would get back to us about the refund situation within the next few days. Today we received a call from Ernest Jones telling us that they were going to have to assess the ring for customer damage, since the palladium band is badly warped/deformed which to them indicates that "excessive force has been used on the ring". Not only is this ridiculous as I am extremely careful with my ring and would be hard pressed to manage to warp it, but I have only owned it for 5 months, in which time i have had to have it repaired twice. These engagement rings are supposed to last a lifetime; if it is possible for me to badly damage the ring from gentle everyday use, then the ring does not fit its purpose and is not worth the inordinate amount of money it cost. Besides, the warping of the band was most likely caused by the 2 previous repairs that had to be done on it. I don't know what to do now; if they send the ring off for assessment, I have the feeling that they could do anything to the ring to try and prove that it was my own fault. I do not want to be stuck with a faulty unreliable ring which my fiancee will have to pay off for 2 years and I do not want an exchange of a different EJ ring which could have the exact same problem. Has anyone else had any success with dealing with a problem like this? Should I contact Trading Standards or Citizens Advice before the ring is sent away or should I allow them to assess the ring and go from there?
  15. Hi all, my wife's engagement has broken, it's the 2nd time the exact same problem has occurred one of the claws holding the stone has broken and the stone has fallen out. the 1st time this happened it was covered by the extended warranty & the ring was replaced as it couldn't be fixed. unfortunately it is now out of warranty. Im wondering what is the best way to try and get the ring repaired / replaced, would i be covered by the sale of good act? as its the exact same problem that happened to the last one? Just trying to get prepared before i go into the jewelers. Many Thanks in advance
  16. Hi Last night I left my wedding and engagement rings at a studio we use at the local sports centre. My husband and I were the only ones using the studio and the last ones out of the sports centre. I realise I'd left them on the table in the studio half way home, tried calling but no answer. I phoned first thing this morning to find that the cleaners had already been and nobody had handed anything in!! I have phoned the police to report them stolen, but wonder were I stand with my insurance policy, we added all of our rings to the policy when we bought them, so they are listed in the possessions section, but wonder if the fact that I forgot them will be a problem. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks Tx
  17. hi all im wondering where i stand with Gemondo i bought an engagement ring for my fiancée back in Feb within 6 weeks the stones has come loose so we sent the ring back they apologised and sent out a replacement ring straight away how ever 6 weeks on and exactly the same problem so we sent it back and they basicly said it was a design fault with ring and offered us a refund or replacement we found a substitute ring which was nice and a little more but they let us have it as an exchange by way of apology how ever 2 months on and guess what the stones are coming loose and the ring has misshaped so again we sent it back how ever this time they are saying as the ring is scratched this is the cause of the stones being loose and wont repair,replace, or refund the cost what im wondering is if a ring is designed for daily use surly some scratches on a white gold ring are to be expected and surly if the ring isn't able to be worn on a daily bases then surly its not fit for use so am i able to get my money back on this bases so we can go and get a ring that might last more than a few weeks, ie the rest of our lives ? thank you in advance for any help cheers andy
  18. This made me laugh - They can catch a cheese ring but not a drug or gun ring. Always after the small cheeses of this earth. Typical customs. Canada cheese-smuggling ring busted
  19. The phone rang once and stopped I dailled 1471. The number which had called me was 0871-6920396, a premium rate number regulated by Phonepayplus, the premium rate reguator. A search of whocallsme indicates that hundreds of people have complained about this company, ABC Matketing. I have it to and phonepayplus Phonepayplus on Wednesday but I see that this company is still [causing problems] people. Perhaps I shall have to complain about the regulator, but to whom?
  20. Hello, I have bought an engagement ring for my then-fiancee. It has a central diamond and two small stones flanking it. After one year(ish), she noticed to her horror that one of the small diamonds fell out. It was actually five days before the wedding. I rushed with the ring to the place where I got it to have it repaired. I was told that the work will be done FOC, however, since I did not provide the missing stone, I would have to pay £65 for a replacement. To my relief, though, I was told that time wasx not an issue, and that the ring will be ready the same day. Indeed, it was ready within three hours. The new stone was not exactly the same, but it was a close match. In all, we did not complain and were in fact grateful for the quick rescue. HOWEVER, some 10 days later, in the middle of our honeymoon trip, the new stone fell out again (and again, we could not find it). I was surely ****ed, and my wife's distress was even greater. As soon as we came back, I took the ring to the jeweller again. Now, what they said was the same as before: they are going to do the job for free, but I need to pay again £65 or something for yet another stone! My question being, is this a fair trade practice? Is there a guarantee covering faulty craftsmanship like this one? Finally, where should I need to look to find support to fight my rights (if I am right, that is). I must admit at this point that I do not have the receipt for the first repair. I still have the receipt for the original purchase. The ring is ATM at the jewellers, uncollected, as I am still unsure about my next step. Thanks in advance! Jacek
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