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  1. HI New to all of this so bear with me please , Abby national overdraft been chased by various DCA i have all told them that the account is in dispute, it has all ways been for as long as i can remember due to the excessive bank charges i have complained to Abby as it was various times times they even placed it in default when the test case was on... ...i know that is over and lost MY point is can they just pass it on to a new DCA? Had the first second letter in short succession from Robinson way reference overdraft from Abby national£2840.66 i did send them a letter saying the account is in dispute and pass it back to Santander to resolve they have not and now i have a court claim from Howard cohen 22/04/2015 What can i do please? it is not statured bard un till next Feb really don't want a ccj on my file could some one please offer any advice ? Thanks in advance
  2. When i was a student in leeds i had a credit card, which i used to survive on when the company i worked went into liquidation. When i was unable to make the normal payments back i arranged with Santander to pay back what i could, which was all fine. However, Santander begun to get hot and heavy due to the fact i paying only small amounts (still always paying), then, for some reason, Santander passed it on a debt collectors, which i was told was the new protocol and how they were handling my account. Sooo, i began paying Moorcroft, the same amount, each time being asked if i could pay any more than i was (more pushy than Santander), which i said 'No, i couldn't'. After months of paying and paying, never arguing, never missing a payment (this was money i KNEW i owed), Moorcroft told me that Santander had called back in all their debts and they would contact me in the next steps of how i could pay them. But then nothing. Santander never contacted me. I have a Santander debt account, my money goes in, i used Santander to pay bills, to this very day, but i heard nothing. i contacted them, told them everything, the lovely woman on the phone could not find me, i didn't have a credit card with them, it showed i had but not anymore, she tried to help and the best advice she could give was just see what happens, so i have. 2 and half years later i got a letter today from Robinson Way with far more blown out amount them i owed (about a thousand more, actual amount being a thousand, again, no denying i owed it, i paid rent and survived off it during a very hard time). Currently i am confused what to do, i want to pay this off, i want this gone but if i contact anyone within Robinson Way they will begun contacting me and keep contacting me (Moorcroft would do this alot, pleasant phones asking if i could pay them). What i want to do is pay the amount i owe, not the amount which has grown from Moorcroft and Robinson Way. Am i alone in this? I do not want to be a criminal, but i am frightened to how to deal with this all. Can anyone help and advise me in any way? Thank you.
  3. I would welcome any advice.. My credit rating shows 999 (excellent) however i have one default account with santander credit card dated 12/01/2012 for £7286. I made an agreement with them and cleared an amount. however the outstanding balance still shows as a default (£1439) Now, I am looking to switch my mortgage deal, it is currently with santander also and will remain with them on a better rate. Obviously having a default with the same company as the mortgage may prove the stumbling block to getting a better deal. Am i best trying to pay the remaining debt? does it change from default? will the mortgage part of santander look at that in a positive light? Any advice would be great. Thanks Rob
  4. Hi, We applied to Halifax to get a new deal on our mortgage, long story short they're being typical bankers. They've given our home address to Santander who in turn have stuck my other half with a business account debt that he shared with his brother years ago. His brother has been through bankruptcy and sufficient years have passed that it no longer affects his credit. I can't bankrupt my hubbie over the head of a joint debt as we'll lose our house but there's no way we can pay this. I have no intention of dancing with "Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited", nor " Robinson Way Limited", the company charged with managing the debt as he signed no contract with them. Can anyone advise exactly where he stands with this debt? Does it legally become his when the other named acc holder becomes bankrupt? Tbh his brother done all of the spending on the account but all paperwork lies with his solicitor from the bankruptcy case. 1 more side issue, our mortgage advisor has a loose tongue and I've found myself getting into a taxi with his driver brother and him fit to tell me every step of our negotiations. What can I do about this?? I'm not happy at all.
  5. This is an odd one from the start. As part of a previous claim we were given details of what we had paid off with a loan and turned up no less than 3 old GE Capital accounts, plus one that had been First National but we had sent GE Capital the settlement. So, SAR sent to GE Capital, not realising it's now Santander. Despite it being the same PO Box address it took them some time to send a very poor batch of documents. They have the agreements for 3 accounts, have returned nothing on the First National one and failed the SAR by not giving any info on a 5th account that was opened later. Yes, we did say 'all accounts' in the SAR. So, letter sent back to Santander to point out where they went wrong. They have, in the cover letter with the SAR, told us that at least two accounts had insurance. The oldest one clearly shows that this was requested and was even signed for on the application form. The next one had the 'account cover' option crossed out, no signature, but their own notes show that insurance was applied - nice of them. The third does not seem to have a transaction sheet to tell us if insurance was applied or not. The 5th account went into default and we know there were lots of charges applied before they passed it to a DCA (CL Finance/H Cohen) and they slapped on I don't know how much extra. We need the SAR to find out just what went on there and get it all reclaimed. Anyway, five FOS questionnaires have been completed and are on their way to them. We have account numbers for all, plus details of what was paid off and when. That should be enough for them to identify them all. Lets see what happens next
  6. Early this year I asked Santander to close my 123 credit card account as I wasn't happy with the online presentation of it. I cleared it, owed them nothing. At the end of March I was contacted to say fraudulent activity was occurring. Someone was using a duplicate card in Tesco's Bristol plus other online purchases. I was angry because they hadn't closed the account as instructed. If they had then this wouldn't have happened. I was about to leave for two weeks holiday and I told them the indemnity forms they wanted me to complete would be untouched until I returned. Upon return I found a letter from Ian Frost Santander Fraud Dept dated 4th April apologising for the fraud and confirming that a decision had been made to refund my card. He also said a thorough investigation had taken place and that the dispute had reached a positive conclusion. He also arranged a credit of £30 to my current account - also Santander - for the inconvenience caused. I presumed this was the end of the matter and didn't return any indemnity forms, which looked initially identical to statements. I'd also received a letter from Andrew Eadle, Head of Complaints Operations who assured me they would be investigating my complaint, this letter was dated 3rd April. The account disappeared from my online webpage and I presumed that would be the end of the problem and also the 123 credit card account. But statements still arrived the following month.....so I phoned again and sent secure online messages asking them to ensure the account had been closed. You can imagine how angry I was last Friday 13th June, oh the irony....to open my current account statement and find that £519.45 had been taken by direct debit in respect of one of the fraudulent transactions. So the matter hadn't been resolved and they still hadn't closed the account. At the end of a 40 minute 0845 telephone call which involved being transferred to three different departments I ended up speaking to 'Jodie' who apologised and arranged for the money to be returned to my account straight away. Which to her credit she did. I read her the letter from Ian Frost and demanded a further written explanation and further compensation, for the telephone call if nothing else. She said the money had been taken from my current account because one of the indemnity forms hadn't been completed.......?!?! She then said she would be sending me further indemnity forms to complete and a letter of explanation. Today is Wednesday 18th June and I've had no letter, no phone call, no indemnity forms and no written confirmation that this account has finally been closed. To make matters worse, I received a further statement today for this 123 credit card account, dated 14th June. It says my new balance is £55.01 which I must pay by 9th July 2014 and that I have £1,845.59 left to spend on my card. This charge of £55.01 is for something the criminals purchased from Domestic Synergy Worldwide whoever they are. Anyone got any suggestions as to how I ensure Santander do not take anymore money from my account? I tried to contact Ian Frost at Santander but he was not available.
  7. Hi recently I SAR to santander and have received back info regarding a Burtons store card that I had, I honestly didnt realise I had PPI on the the card as I had signed up for the card in store one day I visited Burtons. (sales rep saying I need two signatures at the marked Xs) what I am asking is . .. do I have a claim for PPI, if so could someone please advise me what to do. I can upload images if anyone needs to have a look at terms & conditions and some statements.
  8. Hi All, looking for some info... I just had a call from one of these PPI Co's...telling me I could have been mis-sold PPI type insurance on my old mortgage, which is paid up... I was fairly sure I had not been, but I did wonder and thought maybe I should check it out and though I accept I do remember having a PPI policy, just did not really believe it was mis-sold, but I do not remember if they told me I was obliged to have it, like some people were told. Anyway I told them (The PPI Claim Co) I would check it myself, partly because I wasn't sure whether I had any case and partly because their fee policy was no win - no fee but if any award was made their cut was 35% + VAT (which I found rather greedy)... So I got to thinking, I should probably find out what I actually had, as I cant really remember to be honest...the problem being, I have very little or no paperwork, the mortgage in question was sometime around 2000-2002 poss earlier, and I have no idea who to contact or where to start. I did think I could just contact Santader but am not sure if this is the best place to start as it was all such a long time ago and I have no policy numbers or anything to give them... I did pick this up from another thread and wanted to confirm if CAG members agree this is also the best place to start for me: FAO: Leanne Carter Business Manager Customer Contact Team Subject Access Requests Santander PO Box 1111 Bradford BD1 9NQ Another question I have regarding this address, I always thought we sent such things as SARs and other 'official' paper comms as signed for delivery, and I thought you could not send a signed for to a PO Box? Can someone clarify this for us? Thanks in advance and look forward to reading any input from the group.
  9. Around 18 months ago I printed the letter to claim back bank charges. The amount was around £600 but now would be around £750. I didn't receive any money back but they cancelled the next months charges that were due to come out. This was around £95. Now thinking about it and with another £55 to come out on 26th August I feel like I let it go and should have pushed for more. Is it too late now or can I re-open the claim? TIA
  10. Hi folks This is my first post on this forum, so sorry if this topic has already been raised here before and/or is in the wrong place. My ex wife and I separated back in August 2006 but having recently gone through a load of old paperwork, we found old store card statements relating to a Debenhams account from that time. These had payments on them for 'Account Cover.' As the account was in my ex's name she made a PPI claim on Santander (who now seem to be responsible for this). Her claim was that she was self employed at the time (she still is) at the card/protection was taken out and some of the cover provided was useless to her. They replied that, yes, the account did have cover for price payment and purchase protection but since the premium was clearly stated on the monthly statement breakdown it was up to her to cancel it. Santander's response goes on to say that her being self employed did not exclude the main benefits of the cover. Can any one please clarify whether Santander's response is a suitable defence. It sounds suspect to me. For example, I remember us signing up for the Debs card and the PPI was never discussed, we were never told it was optional and just assumed it was part of the terms and conditions for getting the card in the first place. And my ex's employment was definitely never discussed, as she'd have responded accordingly, having run her own business for yonks. Any guidance you can provide will be gratefully rec'd. Incidentally, our paperwork search threw up an old (pre-2006) Marks & Spencer store card with payment protection on it. As this account was in my name I approached M&S Bank with a claim. In contrast to Santander, they could not have been more helpful and I'm just waiting for an offer from them. And the situation with M&S is exactly the same as with Debenhams/G E Capital/Santander, in that I was and still am self employed and the PPI was never discussed - which formed the basis of my claim. As I said, any help gratefully rec'd. Thanks in advance good people. Kevin
  11. Can anyone tell me the name and address of the above. Background is that back in 2005 the posted a financial association with a person I know to be a debtor, but being so long ago, they have no idea why it was posted. This has been rattling around their complaints dept for some months now, going nowhere. They are saying that they want me to forward a copy of my current credit report before they will remove it, (despite the fact that it would not show information from 2005). In short I think they are just messing me about. I am now minded to send a letter before action to their data controller. Would that be the right person? David
  12. Hi all, I currently have a santander credit card that I used to consolidate a couple of small cards and take advantage of a 30 month interest free offer. Every month when I get paid, I log into my Santander online banking and pay my bills, including my credit card. Today, as I do every month, I logged on to the Santander online system to find my credit card showing a late payment fee, and a double payment required as I missed last months. Knowing this wasn't the case - I logged on, read my latest statement and paid my latest payment - I phoned up Santander. In summary: - Although my new statement was ready, I should have waited until the evening because it wasn't due then (???). - If the statement is showing too soon, then we need to put you through to our online banking department..... - ...Online banking didn't understand what this had to do with them, put me through to complaints - Complaints reiterated that I shouldn't have paid the statement that was online and before my very eyes asking for payment, because it didn't really exist until the evening even though it existed. Managed to get the fee removed as a gesture of goodwill for my sin of punctually paying my bill, but this is absurd. Nobody could fix this mistake, all they could do was blame me for not paying my credit card statement that they had sent to me six hours later, because that's how bills work, right?? I still need to make a double payment as a minimum, and i was assured my credit record will be fine (but they wouldn't send me a letter stating this, which I thought would be useful when it turns out they don't bother removing the mark from my file). Apart from bang my head against my desk, can anyone advise of a complaints route that gets this sorted? Why should I be penalised because their system doesn't work properly?? Thanks for reading.
  13. After dispute over the bank charges i closed my account with Abbey in 2007/8 . The last transaction being on 31/12/2007. I left with an unpaid overdraft of £1550 , which i disputed during the bank charge reclaims. I was contacted by Equidebt in 2010 asking for payment, i countered by not acknowledging the debt and stated that the overdraft was simply bank charges unlawfully imposed by the bank and that i would defend any further actions along that basis. Equidebt never proceeded any further. I have moved house since 2010 and today have had a letter from Santander thanking me for updating them with my new details i.e. coa. I have not acknowledged the letter. The account as been inactive since 31/12/2007 albeit they continued to send statements for a short while. Is this overdraft debt now statute barred ? Would it take effect from the date of my last transaction or the official date the account was closed which was sometime in the January.
  14. In November we applied for a DIP for a mortgage with a "soft" credit history search and surprisingly it was declined. naturally we checked our credit history and found 2 things, firstly Experian could not find my records as Flat 8 is recorded as Flat 5-16 at the Royal Mail and secondly I have a string of missed payment marks with a closed Santander account which was unexpected. I applied for a different more expensive mortgage DIP with a "soft" credit check and got it and started looking for a property. In the meantime I sorted out the address issue with Experian and then looked into why I have 7 or so missed payments with Santander. This was a student account with an interest free overdraft and on occasions Santander decided to charge me interest which put me into unauthorised overdraft around 7 times over the space of 2 years. At the time I had all interest charges and fees refunded and thought nothing of it other than it was time to leave Abbey/Santander. in December I made a complaint with Santander and sent a letter with a table listing every missed payment mark explaining why it is incorrect. All of the dates on the credit history do not match with the events and are in some places 6 months out. Late last month I put an offer in for a house which we just could not miss out on. Best thing about the property is that the executor has applied for a probate which will take around 3 months to complete I thought I had plenty of time to sort things out with my credit history. Turns out that as of this week we have been informed the probate will probably be granted in 3 weeks and I need to proceed with the mortgage. I have been chasing Santander since I put the complaint in December and now have a direct number to my complaint handler which is great. However I get the impression that Santander are doing their best to ensure this takes as longs as possible. She keeps contacting various departments and most recently the credit history department confirmed that my credit history is correct! The dates are about 2-6 months out and all charges were refunded as it was not my fault! My complaint hander at Santander has now contacted another department, with no resolution date. As we really should should be continuing with my mortgage application I really need to get my credit history sorted ASAP. I have made Santander aware of the situation but they do not seem to be taking it seriously. Does anyone have any tips on how to talk Santander into sorting my credit history out quickly? As a cheaper mortgage is about £70 less a month this could turn into a costly issue over 2 years fixed rate. After speaking with my mortgage advisor I have been informed that the only cheaper mortgages available today for us do not do "soft" credit history searches. If Santander do not sort the credit history out I am tempted to risk applying for a cheaper mortgage now that my address issue has been resolved with Experian, but if it does get rejected it will get recorded on my credit history but I still have the valid DIP for the more expensive mortgage. Even with the missed payment marks both of us have excellent credit histories. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi, I have just received a letter from the county court about a credit with Santander which I have not paid as there is a dispute between me and them. I purchased a laptop from comet and Santander provided the credit. After few months I took it back for repair as it was still under manufacturers warranty unfortunately comet went bust and I couldn't get my laptop back as its under administration. Santander called and I explained to them the situation but they have refused to listen and the letter that I have received is from debt collection agency they have sold the debt to them. My question is what are my chances of winning or defending this in county court as I cannot pay for something that I don't have or should I ask them to come to an understanding so that I can pay some of the debt. The laptop was £400 but now the debt is £650
  16. I have a simple question ... Can a Bank do the following to me without any notice whatsoever? I did not know I was overdrawn and had a bunch of money in my other account, it would have taken me a second to transfer if I recd. a notice. All these were slapped on me on a single day. 31/01/2014 PAID TRANSACTION CARD PAYMENT TO xxxx £25.00 £1,050.33 31/01/2014 PAID TRANSACTION CARD PAYMENT TO xxxx £25.00 £1,075.33 31/01/2014 PAID TRANSACTION CARD PAYMENT TO xxxx £25.00 £1,100.33 31/01/2014 PAID TRANSACTION CARD PAYMENT TO xxxx £25.00 £1,125.33 31/01/2014 UNARRANGED OVERDRAFT USAGE FEE £20.00 £1,150.33 Thakns
  17. Hi All Has anyone had a response for Santanders Resolution Manager Lesley Budge..... I recieved a resolution letter today regarding a dispute between myself and Santander, the resolution letter has to be the biggest joke i've ever read as doesnt address the dispute I actually rasied and then goes on to state how many times they have tried to contact me.... I called the resolution manager - Lesley Budge and asked if she actually read the original letter and clearly she hadnt...., I asked when she called........er dont know....., I asked did she leave a message on answerphone.......er dont know, Clearly i know the answer as she hasnt... Is it me or are they completely inept at anything they do.....? So I guess it backs to the Ombudsman again....................................................................
  18. New debt new story, as follows. Not mine This is a bank account debt IRO £750-00, CCA req was sent 03/01/2014 acknowledged on the 06/01/2014. No return of CCA. The account was then closed on the 11/01/2014 and returned to the OC NOA issued by the bank 17/02/2014 to Westcot. Contacted Westcot and stated still have an outstanding CCA request, why are you involved? they say I now have to resend the CCA req to them with the fee of £1-00 again. My understanding was as the original CCA request has not been dealt with the enforcement can not continue until it is. This account with Westcot is on permanent hold until they can look into this from their end, had to get DPA for this debt all over again, to remove all telephone numbers from their systems, which was requested by me to Moorcroft, this again was not done. All info suppied to Moorcroft has not been forwarded to the OC so will I have to start this again? There are far to many charges on this account, but will deal with that once the CCA request is sorted in sent to me. I will then will have to digest the info for several weeks, then send off a SAR to Santander as she no longer has all of the statements. but only at the right time. I was lead to believe that by OFT guideline's a debt can not be pursued whilst it is in dispute and a valid CCA request is not forthcoming. This to date still this has not ben sent to the debtor? A formal complaint has been issued for non compliance and the debt in dispute letter was sent at the same time, but these went to Moorcroft. Since they have sent it back to the OC do I now have to start all over again? MM
  19. Hi All I have an interest free loan with Santander Cards (Via DFS) I've just received a letter from then to say the loan is being assigned to NewDay Ltd. I'm just over half way through the term. As this is a major change to the loan is there a way to wriggle out of paying the remainder balance? H
  20. I got a letter from Santander a couple of months ago telling me that I have to change my current account from a Premier account to another. This poses huge problems for me as I have used the same account since I became an account holder with A&L in 1986. My mortgage, home and contents insurance, salary and esa and dla all operate through this account, not even taking my overdraft into account, but there is an even more pressing matter. On May 3rd, my 50th birthday, I will be pensioned off on ill health grounds from work. I received word yesterday, March 7th, that I will have a hefty lump sum paid on that date and I have to nominate a bank account to have it paid to. This should now be a time of joy as I will be paying off my mortgage, overdraft, credit cards, credit union loans, all the regular monthly bills that hang over our heads, leaving us debt free for the rest of our lives. Instead I have the worry of having to find a new suitable current account, have it activated and all our regular incoming and outgoing expenses set up. And to make matters worse, my sister works for Santander and even she has told me that theres no way I could possibly be operating a new account in this timescale. Can anyone give me any hints or tips for what I can do ?
  21. Background. My husband had debt when I met him - not irresponsible spending, debt accrued trying to keep his house after a divorce. We are in NI. Santander started sending us letters in May 2013, saying we needed to make payments on a card I thought had been cancelled. I checked our records- it was closed, the balance was nil. We phoned Santander who took some time, but eventually a manager replied saying it was their mistake - debt to someone of a similar name had been attributed to us. Their explanation was the agent responsible had hit the wrong name when printing out the pay your debt letter. They apologised profusely, promised it would not happen again. In September we started receiving letters first from Wescot, then Dryden Fairfax Solicitors, and we spoke to Santander. They apologised again, blaming another error and said they would speak to the companies concerned. They also said, on request, they would remove any erronous markers on credit rating. Now we have received another letter- Arden Credit Management, stating they took over the debt from Idem Servicing. Neither company is known to us. Santander have said there is nothing more they can do as the debt is now owned by a company they have no dealings with. They have said they can do nothing at all. This debt is not owed. It is not ours. Santander acknowledged it stems from their mistak initially and we should never have been pursued for a debt owed by someone else. What do we do now?
  22. Hi guys, pretty new to the forum. Ive had my successes with bank charges in the past many moons ago. However i had a hammering off River Island / GE / Santander store card back in the day for my store card with regards to late payment charges, over limit charges etc etc. The account is since closed. Is there still any scope for me to reclaim these in this day and age? As i'd obviously like to pursue some of my money back if its a possibility but dont want to chuck a tenner their way if its not going to get me anywhere! If this is the case id appreciate some guidance. Initially i think i will need to send a SAR to Santander as ive since lost or binned all my statements. Thanks in advance!
  23. My OH had a unsecured loan with A & L in 1995 in which she settled early but recalls that in order for her loan being successful ppi was added. It wasn't a large loan but nevertheless she paid monthly ppi premiums for about 3 years. The problem being is that she cannot locate the original agreement details but does have a couple of letters in relation to early settlement and rebate figures with loan account number and old address details. So she sent off the usual SAR letter to Santander and has now received the attached response. Has anyone received one of the same or is it the usual Santander reply letter ? Cheers
  24. Hello again! I'm back with more issues again! haha. I swapped a 2006 BMW 330d that was a little worse for wear for a 2007 Seat Leon FR, using a website called Swapz. I obviously HPI'd it before hand and all come back clear, and as the cars where worth a similar value, and the BMW needed a little mechanical work I thought I got a good deal... Until someone messaged me on Facebook saying they had seen my car on a Seat Leon Page I had posted on, and they where going to swap for it but didn't as it had outstanding finance... I was quite blunt with them thinking they where taking the mick and said I'd HPI'd it and that all was fine. I even copied a screenshot of the Clear HPI into the conversation, and it was then I realised it didn't show finance details!! I then paid for a premium check with a different company, and sure enough it showed that it might have outstanding finance as the plate had been changed (it has a private one on it now) The chap who informed me was a motor trader who explained he had seen this before, and assumed it was a logbook loan. People take out logbook loans, then put the car on a private plate making it harder to trace before selling it on... Anyway... The HPI check I done told me to ring them for more info, so I did. The chap on the phone explained a little more, and then got in touch with the finance company to get some more info. It turns out the Company is Santander - and that the best advice is to go back to the person I got the car from, which isn't possible (he wasn't actually registered keeper on V5 as hadn't had it long!!) The Finance was taken out in July 2013, and I am the 3rd owner since then!! So, now what? The V5 is currently with DVLA, and the car will be registered to me at my home address any day now. Santander will obviously come looking for it, but where do I stand legally? I suppose first port of call is to find out what type of finance is held against the car, and how much outstanding?? Can anyone advise please? Thanks in advance, Tony.
  25. I wonder if anyone can help me, in may 2013 there was an eviction order granted against my parents home, after weeks of giving them many different options they agreed to cancel the eviction date. Unfortunately payments have been missed here and there for various reasons, two weeks ago santander called my mother up and said they wanted to put a new agreement in place, they went through income and expenditure and agreed an amount however the date was brought forward. Later that day via email I complained to Jeanette Coyle, not only over the date change but also some choice customer service my parents had received. I pointed out to her on the 10th payment was due by the 15th and had been pulled forward by 13 days, I also brought up other points not relating to the mortgage. A few days ago I got a reply. On the day the payment was due to be made which I feel like was done on purpose as she has always been less than pleasant, that they were cancelling the agreement even though it had not been defaulted on yet and litigation would continue. I asked four times if this would happen regardless of if the payment was made that day, and she finally said yes. But then proceeded to say that this did not mean automatic repossession and someone would be in touch. And completely ignored by complaint, I feel this was all done out of spite. Someone called today, not really aware of why she had been asked to call and told us that the eviction would happen within 28 days etc. So now we face that again. I have a few questions. I am aware we can fill out an n244 form. My questions are. As they where already granted an eviction date I presume no chance is given to give a defence? My parents are out of the country, can it be filed by anyone else of their behalf? Can anyone else attend on their behalf? Can they ask for it to be dealt with on the phone instead? They're out of the country trying to sell property which will inturn pay the mortgage off in full. They have a date of the 28th for completion touch wood but as its different laws etc and the person buying is very nervous they think they may not complete untilt he last week which is the 12th of september. I orginally tried to get it spread out across the remainder of the mortgage which would be 6 years, they only allowed 2. They are 8000 in arrears and the have 37 left on the mortgage topay, but my mother has just started receiving a state pension of 630 a month which can all go on the arrears. the arrears are no ones fault but their own, but I can prove that my dads earnings are 2800 a month so can definitely afford payments. There is also my child living at the address.
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