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  1. Hi all, Hope somebody can help i've done a lot of reading before posting here but just need to check a few things The story is i 3 days ago i received a ccj claim form from PRA Group/ northampton county court for a mbna credit card that i took out in 2011 and defaulted in 2013 . The original default amount was £3000 and with interest and costs is now over £4000 Now i selected defend part of the claim on the mcol gateway site so i'd get 28 days to prepare,i i'm hoping to just pay them off and stop a ccj if i'm honest as i did just ignore my debts when my marriage failed back then ,now i've got my life in order i just want this sorted. Is it right i get a breakdown and hopefully get rid of the interest and charges is this possible? This was what i planned to do: 1- send a s.r.a with £10 to MBNA 2 - send cpr 31.14 to pra group with £1 postal order I'm guessing these should be sent first thing recorded delivery on monday as the clock is ticking? I've made a letter for the cpr 31.14 that i'll put up minus details if somebody is good enough to advise me,i'd be very grateful. Thanks, metalman
  2. Hi I have just joined this site,I had worked for Mackenzie Hall and after that PRA Group once they purchased Mackenzie Hall,I no longer work for them,the reason I have joined this site (and others) is if I can help anybody in anyway with advice etc I'm only to happy to help or give advice,if I know the answer to the question! I understand it may be strange an ex employee posting on this site but I have personal reasons as to why. Regards Mashigana
  3. Hello, please can someone help/advise me regarding an old MBNA/virgin card taken out by my sister in 2003. She had to take reduced hours and was unable to maintain payments with the account defaulting in 2011. PRA have purchased the debt and have Judge & Priestley dealing with it. When I've looked at the paperwork sent, an application form and terms and conditions (I've attached the documents sent). I believe that the agreement does not contain the required prescribed terms and as it was actioned prior to the 2007 amendment it is an improperly executed agreement and as such is unenforceable. If I am correct what should the next correspondence with Judge & Priestley be or if I am mistaken I will get my sister to complete the I&E form and return it in the hope of averting a ccj. Many Thanks in advance for your help
  4. Hi, I hope someone can help please I took a loan with Barclays and defaulted on payments when my best friend died as we were still young the grief hit me so bad I had to go to hospital for a while so couldn't pay my loan. I've finally got my self together and out of the blue I had a letter from PRA group offering me a reduced payment I've never had a letter of assignment from Barclays not really had any letters from Barclays that I can remember. I checked my credit file a few weeks back to check where I am in life as I wanted to move out from my parents and then a letter arrives from pra? theres been no searches from PRA just report saying about Barclays debt and an orange debt for little money. and the PRA letter said Barclays there client would accept a reduced amount to settle the account and my credit file would show settled not satisfied. they said pay 600 + so I wrote and said with family help I could pay less but want it satisfied not settled. I don't know if I've done the right thing and I'm not sure if they've bought the debt if I've not had an assignment letter . my mum is trying to help me but we don't know what were doing tbh. any help would be much appreciated.
  5. Hi all I had two ccj debts with Aktiv Kapital which have now both passed the 6 year point. Both had interim charging orders on my house. I paid off one of about £3k and had the charging order removed. They very kindly also sent me a receipt to show that the other debt was clear (which it wasn't) I forwarded that to the court and had the other charging order removed. I moved house a year ago and I am still paying £20 a month to Aktiv Kapital. Any thoughts about what they could do if I stop these monthly payments? The CCJ wasn't really settled although they gave me a receipt and I moved house. I am tempted to let sleeping dogs lie but equally I wouldn't mind asking for a refund on the £20 that I have paid for the last 12 months. I haven't heard anything from them and they don't have my new address yet. How clued up are they?
  6. Hi all My apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, I have looked but cannot find an answer. A charging order was placed on my property 5 years ago by Welcome Finance, I was not required to make any monthly payments. I received a letter today saying that the entire debt has been sold to PRA Group and they are seeking to recover the debt. I was under the impression that as a CCJ, then a charging order had been granted, that the debt was stagnant until I sold my property. Could anyone offer any advice? Many thanks in advance. Emma
  7. Hello, I hope someone on this forum with more knowledge than me can help! I have an old date with MBNA (currently £6,723.58) which was passed on to PRA Group for collection some time ago. I'm with stepchange for other debts and all debt companies have agreed to allow me to pay £1 per month. I asked PRA Group to provide me with original docs and they have replied that they had to request these from the original creditor and are currently unable to provide this. They said they would 'freeze' my account until they had a reply from MBNA and that I did not need to continue to make token payments until they had a reply. The next letter from them said MBNA are "currently unable" to provide docs and they apologise for being unable to fulfil my request at this time. They go on to say: "This means that we have classified your debt as currently "unenforceable", which means that we are unable to take court action against you to recover the outstanding balance. This does not mean that your debt is wiped out." and end with "We look forward to your proposals whilst your account remains on hold." So far so good, but how can I get the debt wiped out, as it is clear that they cannot enforce it legally? Do I need to start making token payments again? I would be glad of some advice as I feel this is a bit of a victory whilst it is on hold but not sure how to proceed. Thank you so much for your time.
  8. Portfolio Recovery Associates contact me by telephone every few days. Most days it's an abandoned call with up to 45 seconds of silence before the recorded message kicks in (that's been reported to OFCOM) but today I spoke to an actual person, something that happens maybe once a week. Every time I talk to someone there, I do the usual refusal to go through the security questions and advise them to put it in writing. I have as yet, received nothing in the post from them. I asked the caller to have a look at my file on her screen and tell me how many times they've written to me. Once, was the answer, in March. I didn't receive this. I asked why they hadn't written since, when I had asked every operator I spoke to to put it in writing. She claimed that they are unable to send me any contact by post until I confirm my address, postcode and date of birth by telephone. I asked her to confirm that this is correct and reminded her that, according to her, the call was being recorded for training and monitoring purposes. She got quite flustered but repeated that they are unable to do this. This can't be right surely?
  9. Hi, I have 2 loans with welcome. 1 was for a car where I was well ripped off, and the other for a cash loan. There is no HP. My cash loan was for 2000 and is a fixed sum loan agreement. and to date I have paid back £3839.63. Aktiv kapital want £450.85. The total amount payable on my credit agreement is £3950.64. I CCA them a few weeks ago and got my original document. Never knew I was paying that much. also got a copy of all payments made since stay of loan in Sept 2007. Interest was added monthly until 05/05/2010 when went to step change. Then frozen. Only 1 fee of £20 for direct debit cancellation in may 2008. I want rid of this debt, feel I've paid enough, or in my calculations only now owe £111.01 minus any extra charges. What can I do. My next post will be about my car. AKTIV KAPITAL have not supplied my payments made but my balance is still £6163.23 Been paying this since January 2008. Went to step change in may 2010. I've looked closely at my credit agreement and there is shortfall extra insurance that I didn't ask for, and a whole array of confusing figures. The amount of credit for the goods was 7950. I've been conned and want to sort this out as lost my job, (but am fighting in employment tribunal) and need to clear up my debts as got loads of them totaling 15k. Please help
  10. PRA... This is the third time they have rang to try and speak to me and this is the third time in 12 months ive told them to Foxtrot Oscar... :sigh: They just dont get it...
  11. Ok here goes... In 2011 i was using wonga pretty frequently, and paying back on time, i fell out of work at the end of the year and defaulted on a loan of £600. Eventually the debt was passed to mackenzie hall, and from august 2013 i started to recieve automated calls from PRA UK. Now im currently in work and want to start getting my credit rating sorted, whats the best way to deal with these lot? Note that they have my old address so i havent recieved any mail only automated calls and automated voicemails. Any help would be greatly appreciated its time i sort my financial issues out. On a side note is it worth me doing a credit check just yet? I dont want to give up my new address until i arrange a payment plan or just settle the debt.
  12. Hi Guys I got and hone call on Friday from PRA, ignored it because it was automated, then they did the one thing that is a massive no-no; They rang my work place! Somehow managed to find the number and embarrassed me, because my boss dragged me aside this morning and went "what the hell! " Anyway I spoke to PRA and they REFUSE to remove the contact details for me after i said in writing only. They have marked them *Incorrect contact* instead and refused. I warned them I would refer it to the ICO, and they still didn't budge! What do you suggest?
  13. So i would start a thread in the QuickQuid sub forum for my CCA sent to Mack Hall as the original creditor is QQ correct?
  14. Dear all A long time since I have posted on here and hopefully it is in the correct forum. I have been receiving phone calls from PRA Uk who I believe are connected to Mackenzie Hall. I don't have any reason for a DDA to be contacting me and they are using my previous name before I got married and that was 13 years ago, I have an IVA back then but that settled and all done. Somehow they have got my work number and I get numerous call per week, its annoying, I am aware of their tactics and I haven't given them any info, not even confirmed my name. Just said the person they want doesn't exist, technically they don't. Reading on other threads there are template letters including CCA etc. However as i haven't got a clue what they want and I won't go through any security questions, what can I do, Keep ignoring them and tell them to go away and stop calling, it is a nuisance. Any tips to deal with this would be greatful. Thanks
  15. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/16721/online-news/pra-snaps-up-aktiv Credit Today; And another DCA is snapped up
  16. So my phone has been ringing at all hours of the day (see my petition thread) It's PRA / Mckenzie Hall. ive been called as early as 7:30 am and as late as 23:15. I dont answer withheld numbers, but they have started using spoofed local numbers. When i am able to, i answer the call. They always Mumble who they are so it is barely audible and then ask "For security" personal detail which i do not give out over the telephone. I know what the call is regarding as I took one of those 12 month semi payday loans, and when i tried to contact them a couple of weeks ago to rexolve the issue they informed me that they had "sold" the debt to mckenzie hall and would not be able to discuss the issue. I tried telling them that i would not discuss anything with Mckenzie hall due to their reputation of being bullyish and unreasonable but got much the same answer again. Anyway back on point. They keep calling, and i keep giving them the same answer, to which they always say "we will take your refusal to pass security as refusal to co-operate and thus will carry on collection proceedings" digression number 2. given that they are not allowed to pass any information to anyone other than "the account holder" and demand this information to discuss it, does it not seem odd that they then tell "whoever" they could actually be speaking to, that there are collection proceedings against the intended recipient? So why wont these tools just do what they are supposed to and send me a freaking letter, telling me how much i owe? I'm not even trying to get out of paying it. I fully acknowledge that i owe money and am willing to pay. Im just not dumb enough to give out my personal details to any tom, dick or harry that happens to ask for it over the phone. not really sure where to go with it now as i'm still getting calls and voicemails etc etc. This close to christmas, with emploment contracts waiting to be renewed, im in no frame of mind to deal with some dodgy debt collector who cant even send a letter.
  17. Hi I was hoping someone here would be able to advise me on what to do. 3 years ago I took out a loan with Wonga for £100, and despite thinking I had paid it off, it looks like I haven't. This was in Jan 2011, and I haven't heard anything until today when PRA contacted me. PRA have put my account on hold for 14 days as I was adamant I had paid it back (back then I was very stupid and had so many loans which I only fully repaid at the end of last year). I have checked my bank account and the only thing that has come out is £53 in Jan 2011, which apparently is interest on the loan. I moved address in November 2011 but I haven't received an email, call or letter from Wonga regarding this loan until PRA called today. So my memory of things is a little hazy. But PRA are wanting £166, which they can go whistle for. I'm more than happy to pay off what I owe, that's not an issue. But given I've already paid £53, and had no contact, I'm wondering what the best course of action to take would be? Many thanks in advance
  18. Hi All, I am currently trying to negotiate a repayment plan with PRA Servicing Ltd (they are dealing with it on behalf of portfolio recovery associates ) and they have not replied to the letter I sent them. Does anyone know of any email addresses for them, I wanna chase up their lack of a response but IMO they are not worth the price of postage so want to email them instead. Any help from you guys and girls would be much appreciated
  19. Hi all. This is the first time I have posted here but am now at my wits end with LINK /IDR Finance. After a number of months struggling to deal with my credit card debts I decided to go on a debt management plan through CCCS ( now step change). LINK /IDR had accepted the amount that was aggreed ie a monthly payment of 43 pounds for a debt of £3,415.14. They didn't receive money because of mis-communication between cccs and link/idr. I wasn't aware of the problem until I recieved a letter saying that I have incurred a Litigation Charge of £102. I received a ccj claim form a day after. On speaking to cccs and link it turns out that because there was a discrepancy between them about the account number the payments were not recieved and after a couple of months of non payment they have now gone down the ccj route. I accept now that I will have to go through the ccj process(which I am gutted about . I began the debt management plan to avoid this in the first place!) but I am wondering would there be any point in trying to go down the route of a cca? Or is it too late for that? Any advice or help would be very much welcomed. Just to add briefly. I spoke to MBNA about the account they said that the account was sent to LINK/IDR for collection. I cannot remember if it had merely been transferred or sold to them. Seeing as the service dept department is closed weekends I will have to wait till Monday to pursue that.
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