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  1. We've been with Virgin (home phone) for many years (since they were NTL) - never had an issue with paying on time - always paid by Direct Debit. We had a voicemail message asking us to call 150 last week, but to be honest I thought it might be a sales call, so didn't phone back. On Tuesday my son said he hadn't been able to call me on my mobile phone. I tried and it was giving a discontinued tone, so I called to report it as a fault. I was told I would need to be put through to another department, who told me that mobile phone and international calls had been barred from my phone on 12th April due to the fact we had made £121 of calls last month which was unusually high. The bill had been received and wasn't due for payment until 26th April. They asked me if I'd like to be put through to another department as there were packages which could make my bills cheaper. The bill was high as my mother in law had been ill and we'd made quite a few calls to Australia and Spain. It was by no means the highest bill we've had from Virgin media and, as I've said, we have an exemplary payment record. I said I didn't want to speak to another department and wanted the block removed. The following morning the bar was still in place so I phoned again to complain. I was told it would take 24 hours to remove and so I asked to speak to a manager. My son has learning difficulties and needs to be able to phone me from home if there is a problem. I was told he would call back within the hour. Just over an hour later the manager called and asked whether the bar had been removed. I didn't know as hadn't tried so he said he would hang up and call back in 15 mins. 15 mins later the bar still hadn't been removed - I had to go to work so left the house. No message was left, but the bar had been removed when I got home. I'm pretty sure there is nothing in their terms and conditions to say they can unilaterally bar my account without telling me about it. If there had been an emergency I would've been stuck without being able to call mobiles or overseas. I'm going to switch to BT without a doubt. Meanwhile I've made a formal complaint which has yet to be acknowledged.
  2. Hello, On 09.04.2013 I switched over to virgin Media for they tv service (tivo) and phone and broadband and I get my products Installed on 23.04.2013 and just wondering when will I get my first bill. Spoken to a advicer yesturday and she said my first bill will be of £79.98 and it will be produce on 16.05.2013 and payment will be taken out of my direct debit on 03.06.2013 but that can't be right can it? Any help would be great thank you
  3. Hi guys i have just cleared some debt off the past month and am now debt free but vodafone, o2, t mobile etc are declining me credit and im guessing it was related to this debt i have paid up. I have paid my Virgin Media bills every month on time if not before the pay date and keep getting mithered to take out a deal in my virgin media account i want a samsung galaxy s3 on virgin but bit worried they might also decline me
  4. Hi all, This is my first post so apologies if this has already been asked. I've had a Virgin Credit card for 10 years and would like to claim back the PPI. As I don't have all my bank statements to work out the total PPI I've paid, I'd like to send off a SAR request but I'm not sure where to send it. Should I be sending it to Virgin or MBNA? Whichever one it is, does anyone know the address to send it to, or point me in the right direction where I can find it. Many thanks in advance, Dave
  5. Oh dear! I recently moved house and took up with Virgin thinking it was a wise move given they are going well on Cable tv etc in the area. My landlines and broadband had been with BT and my mobiles with o2 both contracts had expired so I thought I'd go modern and get Virgin... I ordered 2 mobiles and then anyone I told said I was mad to change from 02 and going by the experience thus far with the tv and landlines I wish I had stuck with BT and o2. Anyway, sticking with the Mobiles. Order date 21 Feb 13 and I called eventually on the 9th March asking for the phones to be collected and to rescind the contract... Bear in mind I hadn't opened the boxes until recently to charge the phones, they have never been switched on even and my new home is undergoing a lot of work and my possessions still in dozens of boxes, so I have not paid much attention to phones given all I have going on. When I called they said I was out of the cooling off period of 14 days and if I wanted to get out of the contracts it would cost me £600 (not sure if that's each phone or in total for the 2, but...... I haven't actually signed a Contract, but I have signed for the delivery, their retentions department say there is only a 14 day cooling off period and that the contract is a verbal contract.. So, given I won't be the first to have experienced this and that there are many of you who know the laws relating to this can anyone tell me how this all works as I am asking myself how their cooling off period runs alongside the Consumer Credit Act on the 28 day cooling off period or Distance Selling rules and regs? It appears from the conversation I had that they believe this 14 days being company policy rides above statutes (or they are totally oblivious to it) and whilst my knowledge is somewhat slim surely this is not correct? Ironically, on their TV and Landline contract the cooling off period is 28 days.....What have I got to learn and is there a legitimate argument for me to get out of this rather than be stuck for 2 yrs? They are a stroppy lot in their retentions and I was left with a 'tough' that's the way it is be it 3 days or 3 months although the lady I spoke to did sat I was WAY outside my cooling off period - 3 days max 2 if you did it in exact timings rather than dates. Any help out there? Thanks A1
  6. Recently sent back my xperia to VM as the screen was having issues, they called to say that they cant fix it under warrenty until damage they have found to the usb port is fixed. This will cost £150. This is the 2nd phone i have had to send back, issue before was the same. The USB port worked fine, and i havnt had any issues with it. I dont actually mind the usb port being damaged, but they are refusing to fix it under warrenty due to the USB damage. The contract actaully ends soon so i can upgrade, but that isnt really the point. What can i do? I cant pay £150 for a phone worth less than that. thanks
  7. Hi all Was checking my Experian credit file to find out that virgin media has added an entry onto my account saying that i owe them money from 1999 yet the entry was put onto my credit file last month. I was fuming. Always kept my credit file spotless. Spoke to Experian who said straight away that something does not look right. They asked me to contact virgin and then call them back, which i did. Virgin told me that the account was closed in the year 2000. I then asked that, if i owed them this money why they had not contacted myself (still at same address 14 years later). Their response was that they had sent out a letter in 2000. I then asked why did they not send another letter asking for the monies owed. thier response was they ONLY SEND ONE LETTER ASKING FOR PAYMENT WITH NO REMINDERS SENT OUT. I could not stop laughing at this point. I then asked for copy invoices for which they replied they had none, only a statement could be provided.(What a joke). Virgin have asked me to write to them requesting the info held but a statement does not mean anything. Entry on my file is saying this amount owed has now started from 12/2012 with no payment history logged for the last 14 years. I spoke to Experian and explained the conversation that i had with virgin. They knew full well that this entry should not have been placed onto my credit file. They said they would investigate and contact virgin and i would know the outcome in 14 days. Question is do i have any recourse against virgin for any damages because I was going to purchase a new sofa and wanted to check my report before I purchased. Good job I did otherwise I would not have noticed. Secondly my score has gone down because of this entry. If they refuse to remove this from my file should i file a court action against them or am i rushing into things. All suggestions much appreciated. Will contact the ICO in due course after Experian investigation.
  8. I took out a mortgage with Northern Rock in early 2003, and remortgaged with them in 2006. I'm still paying it, but now it is managed by Virgin. I paid PPI, first on a Legal & General policy and then on a Pinnacle one, all the way from 2003 until 2009 when I realised the policy was a waste of time. I believe it was mis-sold. I paid a total of around £5k. Any advice welcome. I'm assuming I need to start the claim process by contacting Virgin, correct?
  9. Just looking for a bit of advice on where i go from here,this situation has reduced me to tears more than once. So this is where it all start,i'll try to keep it short but with all the details. Made a one off payment of £90 online on the 4th January,i the called because i never really understood what was actually on my bill (was my first bill so discounts etc were applied) the agent i spoke to got everything mixed up and said i didnt owe £90 infact i only owed £2.63 so she refunded the £90 right away and i paid the £2.63 over the phone,great right? Checked my bank account on the 5th Jan and they had debited another £90 from my card,obviously called them and was told its not showing on our system call back in 24hours in the mean time phone your bank and open a chargeback for an unauthorised payment which i did,they subsequently told me they can't do anything. Been on the phone to both companies everyday for over an hour each call and still getting no where. finally had a chargeback opened against the transaction on friday and told id have my money back in 24hours,still isn't in my account today. phoned to be told they already refunded it the same day it was paid,which is correct for the first £90 not the second. agent said there is no such transaction for a 2nd £90. i can see it on my statement and was given authorization codes fo the 1st £90 on the 4th and 2nd on the 5th so they have to exsist right? not according to them. so here we are on the 21st of January,i dont have my money,virgin media dont have my money. all the while i am out of pocket and about to lose my services which i have paid for. where do i go from here? already sent them a copy of my bank statements but i honestly dont see it making a difference. i am ready to murder someone out of frustration. cheers in advance for replies
  10. Hi I am not satisfied with Virgins price increases therefore i am looking at going elsewhere TalkTalk do a deal at the moment but not sure if its worth it can anyone tell me if its worth going over to them ? I did go to BT once but had a doing with them so i won't be going with them I did want to try sky but not sure what they like as i hear mixed reviews about them
  11. Hi All, After some advise here: Virgin have just e-mailed to inform that my booking has been changed. Flights are still on the same dates but at different times. I have just checked the web site and I find that the new flights are cheaper than the one I booked by several hunderd GBP Am I entitled to a refund because of this change Thanks for any help G
  12. It's not often I have anything good to say about a Bank but something I've used a few times without being charged is the Overdraft Buffer applied to my old Northern Rock Account, now Virgin Money. From their T's & C's....... 11. Overdraft facilities - including buffer 11.6. We will not charge you any interest and service fees on an unauthorised overdraft if the amount you have overdrawn without our authorisation is £35 or less and your account is returned to credit within one month of going overdrawn. If you are overdrawn without our authorisation by more than £35, interest and service fees will be charged in accordance with condition 11.3 and condition 11.4. At least it saves you getting hit with charges for going a few pounds or pence overdrawn.
  13. Just spent the last hour speaking to 3 people in India regarding repalcing lost tickets for a train journey booked in 5 days time.... Virgin have a policy that they will not replace a ticket if u have lost one after it has been printed and delivered. However if they lose the ticket during the delivery process they will!! Their reason: that the ticket has a monetary value to them and that to re-issue a duplicate ticket, they get charged again for the same value. If they have lost the ticket in transit, they have an agreement with RM to reimburse the cost of the original tickets. If you or I lose a ticket, a new one has to be purchased. Now in some ways this is not unreasonable if the ticket was for a train journey on an open ticket that could be used anytime and by anyone, although logic states that tickets lost by Virgin in transit could also be used (if stolen) without anyone knowing. Where this becomes unreasonable is when the tickets are for advanced bookings with reserved seats. In this case they still will not budge on policy. Surely only a stupid thief or chancer finding a lost ticket with reserved seating would try to travel knowing that the original purchaser would also turn up with the same ticket reservations. The RM have lost my tickets that i sent to my son to get hom home from Uni for xmas and that are reserved seating in 1st class. Virgin reckon that they cannot offer replacement because i lost them after they had delivered them, (albeit via a ticket machine that i had to travel to, to get them). RM have admitted they do not know where the tickets have gone and now Virgin expect me to follow this up with them for the compensation of having to buy another ticket. Great for Virgin selling the seat twice!! My debate centered around that they should allow the fact that they provide a confirmation mail and ticket reference, train time, seat numbers etc as proof of purchase and therefore i should be allowed to travel using this, but Virgin say that National Rail wont allow this!! Yet they provide Mobitickets that do just that... They are taking my money knowing that these seats will not be used (other than the usual chancers that spot an empty reserved seat between stations) when they should have more efficient ways of dealing with lost tickets. Any other form of transport would allow you to reprint tickets!! Surely this policy is illegal and subject to consumer rights invetigation. ?
  14. I've just receive a letter to inform me of a price increase by £4.59. I'm on 50mb and was told, along with everyone else, that my speed would be doubling, that was last year, Then came a big price rise and still no speed increase. Now we are almost a year on and another increase in price but no increase in BB speed, I'm still on 50mb despite being told it would be doubling. They now say it will be by the Autumn of 2013 which I suppose will be after another couple of price rises. So much for 'Free' speed increase. Time to make this public on Consumer Action Group. There are some not very happy bunnies on http://community.virginmedia.com/t5/Up-to-60Mb-Setup-Equipment/Downgrade-Virgin-Media-Package-on-Price-Increase-In-Feb-2013/m-p/1593162/highlight/false#M124754 Virgins forum. This post is a copy of what I posted on the Virgin forum.
  15. Been a Virgin Customer since 2010 and must say the services are not the best i have internet issues which won't be fixed until 2013. But i get an email this morning stating that prices will increase by £4.09 per month which now totals my services to 67.90 a month. and they still think its a good deal. Internet is always slow i barley touch 60mb anymore, there's nothing but crap on TV all the time. Is there any better deals out there as £67.90 a month is a lot of money wouldn't mind but didn't they recently go up by £3.00 a month WHATS YOUR VIEWS ON THE PRICE INCREASES
  16. Hello I need some advice please on the situation I am in. The background is I was a member of Esporta Gym which was taken over by Virgin Active, and even after they took it over I wasn't asked to sign a new contract until after about 5 months when I asked to cancel the tennis part of my membership, and this was last year. In all honesty I didn't pay much attention to the contract because I was running out the door to work and not even sure I got a copy. Anyhow come to this year being self-employed I was tight on money, and a member of my family passed away so I wasn't using the gym for like six weeks so things were tough and I thought i would cancel my membership and maybe re-join later in the year while seeing how things developed at work. So I wrote my letter and cancelled my direct debit at the same time on the 24th May. So on the the 29th June I receive an email as shown below which you can see from my reply I am not happy about as for one month to pass and be threading to pass it to a debt collecting agency is ridiculous, and to tell me my cancellation is on the 6th June when the letter sent was dated the 24th May I just don't understand. You can see from my reply I asked to see a copy of the contract that I had signed. They sent me a threatening email but then fail to bother to even return my email, and then to make matters worse I now have a letter through my door from ARC credit management telling me I owe £238.47. I haven't used any of their services since probably the end of march since I last visited the gym. I hope this isn't the case as this year is proving to be difficult. They haven't responded to my request for a copy of the contract and they have passed this to a credit agency, if there was any thought of re-joining the gym later in the year it has all but disappeared. I understand running a business you have to manage accounts and cash flow, but the way they have gone about this is downright rude in my opinion. Apologies for the outburst, but I am hoping someone can give some advice on the best steps forward. Thanks for your time. Dear As a previous member of esporta I asked to cancel my tennis membership and was asked to sign a new contract, at which point no one explained that I was required to give 3 months notice. I actually wrote the letter to cancel my membership on the 24th May the same day I cancelled the direct debit with my bank, and have not visited the club or used any of you services since that date, so I think you need to review your records and date of cancellation. Please send me a copy of your contract for me to review. I would also like to point out no one has left a message for me on my answerphone, but I am in receipt of your letter dated the 19th June and was due to reply by asking for a copy of the contract. Please forward it to me and I will pay any membership fee's that are legally due. In the meantime I do not appreciate you threatening to pass this over to a debt collection agency in respect of the short time that has passed since I cancelled my membership. You should reconsider these threats when as I have said no one has left a message for me to contact them, I have not visited the club since regarding the arrears, and take into account and consider what image this portrays of the Virgin Active brand. I look forward to receiving a copy of the contract. Regards From: To: CC: Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 17:53:04 +0100 Subject: Outstanding payment £69.49 Dear I am writing to you with regards to an outstanding payment on your membership as I have been unable to make contact with you via telephone. I can see you sent your cancellation in on 6th June and your membership requires you to give 3 full calendar months notice which means your membership is set to cancel on 01.09.12. Our records show that the direct debit for your membership was cancelled on 24th May 2012 which means we are unable to collect June, July and Augusts membership fees. Can you please contact the club as soon as you get this message and arrange to make a payment by card over the phone or by visiting the club. If we have not received payment for the outstanding fees of £69.49 by 5pm tomorrow, the debt will automatically get passed over to ARC - a debt collecting company, and further charges will be applied. You can contact myself or my manager, Lyn Worraker on 01733 892289. Regards, , Members Relations Assistant - Thorpe Wood VIRGIN ACTIVE THORPE WOOD HEALTH AND RACQUETS CLUBS Telephone: 01733 892289
  17. Hello All, I'm having trouble with Virgin Active in Friern Barnet, London. I signed with my wife in April/2012, she on a 12 month contract and me on the monthly membership. We were told we could cancel the 12 month contract if we moved somewhere that would not be feasible to frequent the gym, so we were happy to sign for it. Ended up we had to move in September, our new home is 2 miles from the gym and it takes more than 30 minutes for a bus to get there, so it's not feasible for us to continue, but they denied the contract cancellation and the manager was quite rude, I don't know what else to do, it's completely unfair for them to keep charging us, they claim we don't live far enough to guarantee a contract cancellation, he expects us to walk 2 miles to the gym!! I sent an email to memberfeedback@virginactiv e.co.uk and if it's still unsuccessful, I'm ready to go apply for a small claims court action to solve this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  18. I will try and keep this short: I had a rep come out to me to sign me up to services with VM. This meeting was at my previous address (his choice to come early) but services were for my new address i moved into 4 days later. It was all agreed and a date set for installation. When the engineer came to install he could not as there had never been a cable from the "box" to the property... the rep told me that previous services had been at that property as a "debt had been run up there" Anyway a month later we finally got it all installed after being fobbed off twice. The broadband is slow and we are simply not happy with any of the services. I did receive a contract through the post to sign and return but the start date was incorrect, over 3 weeks earlier than it should have been so i put that down to being null and void and did not sign it or return it. If I was to cancel services now would it be breaking the contract? Is there actually a valid contract? Surely to be a valid contract VM would have to provide proof that I was aware of early cancellation fees and that I had agreed to them by signing the contract? I have a billing issue also. The rep said he could give me free installation just like the online offer. He said he would ring his manager to apply it on the first bill.... guess what, we got charged and when I contacted VM about this they siad I had to provide evidence of this, how can I when it was done verbally? So did the rep lie to me? I contacted him again and he said he would sort it but if it is lies then a formal compalint will also be on the way as part of the condition of us signing up was free installation that the rep promised. Any views on this? Thanks.
  19. I Signed up with Virgin Media Sales and gave bank details for my standing orderin early in October and they confirmed the installation date as 16th October 12th October 2 workmen arrived and luckily I saw them as I drove into our road. They had painted an arrow on the road opposite my drive. They said they would need to dig up the road to get access to Virgin's conduit . I showed them the place on my drive where the access point was and they took a photograph of it. I have a frontage made up of coloured blocks and one ofthese about the size of a brick can easily be lifted to show the Virgin plastictube. They didn't do anything further, however, and went away. On the 16th October I waited for the Installers to come. At lunch time on that day I received a letter fromVirgin saying that the installation would be postponed as Virgin had to getpermission from the council to dig up the road to unblock the plastic conduit. I made several telephone calls to explain that there was no need to dig up theroad as the access point was clear but to no avail. I rang construction several times to tell them they didn't need to dig up the road. Couldn't get any sense from them and was told it would be 2 to 4weeks before they could install. On 5th November 2 Men came to dig up road I showed them the access point on thedrive and they said that was fine and they didn't need to dig up the road. They fed a long wire through the plastic tube to the connection sink hole at the bottom of the road. They then told me that they couldn't connect up because the sink hole was full of water and silt. They said they would lsend another team to clear it. they had no idea when. 8November Spoke to John in Philippines no help here but he agreed to raise acomplaint Ref 320509953 but said it could take 2 weeks to deal with. Spoketo Virgin re installation to a girl called Rosy who didn't help then a lady called Alison from complaints who was no help. She said she had to put me backto construction On Friday 10th November posted my complaint on Virgins face book page. I said Virgin Media wrote to me on the day our installation was due and said they needed to dig up the road saying the installation was postponed. I heard nothing and then 4 weeks later after many phone calls they said they didn't need to dig up the road after all but the access point down the road was full of silt and had to be pumped out. During my wait a few weeks ago someone from Virgin said that they would reduce my subscription by £10 permonth for a year because I had been treated so badly. The day before a chap called James from India said his supervisor would call me at 1030. No one called. Gracie from Virgin somewhere else said she would look into it and would call me back. She didn't. Today my sky viewing ends which means no Sky sports until Virgin sort things out or, as I am now considering, I go back to Sky and Plusnet and kick Virgin into touch. The guys who found that the access pointdown the road was full of silt said they have customers who sometimes wait months so I was lucky. I don't feel lucky. Got a reply from the social team They said Dear Bryan, Got it! We’re on the case and will be in touch soon. Thanks, Virgin Media Theydidn't get in touch. 14thNovember spoke to Canta in construction who said they had a new date for installation of Monday 26th November. Told her the problems regarding the sink hole being full of water. She said she would e-mail the local construction people giving them the details to fix the problem. 15thNovember spoke to Roxanne in construction who said she would talk to the local people again. 16thNovember a neighbour told me Virgin had been twice to our road. 17th November Roxanne rang me to say our installation would need to be postponed as the sink hole was full of water. You couldn't make it up. I complained to her and she said she would look into it and get back to me in 1week. I complained that a week was too long but she said she was away for a week. She then said she would get someone to ring me on Monday 19th November. 17thNovember spoke to Canta who said the installation was on schedule. Then said she would contact the Area Manager and get back to me. 17thNovember didn't get back. My neighbour recommended me to Virgin for which he hopes to get £50. I think he will be disappointed. I also think that quite a simple problem has been made much worse by your company's inefficiency and incompetence. I have been told by Roxanne that someone will telephone me on Monday. If they do not I will go backt o Sky for telephone, TV and broadband and cancel Virgin I will also forward acopy of this letter to everyone I know. BryanCheetham
  20. Hi, Has anyone else received a letter from Virgin Money, who used to be a Northern Rock customer, informing them that their mortgage has been subject to a review? I received one this morning informing me of my new monthly payments. It was a very vague letter and I had to dig out a previous mortgage statement as a comparison as the letter did not actually state that my payments had changed. I found that my payments had gone up £3 a month, I know it does not sound like much but over the remaining term it adds up to over £1000! The letter was also very vague about the reasons, so I phoned. I was informed that when I remortgaged last year Northern Rock had forgotten to charge the product fee of £995 which I had agreed to add to the mortgage. I was very sceptical, a bank forgetting to charge nearly £1000??? Unlikely!! But I didn't have the correct statement to hand. Upon checking later I found that the product fee had been added last year and now Virgin Money are trying to charge it again Needless to say I shall be informing them of their mistake in no uncertain terms. Just wanted to know if anyone else had experienced something similar and warn people to double check their statements!! Cheers
  21. Hi All Last month I contacted virgin media about having their tv and internet put in my house. The person I spoke to said yes I can have it but I have to pay £145 that I owe them first ? In 2003 I switched from VM to SKY because they offered me a better deal, now at the time I was fully paid up with VM and didn't owe them anything when I closed my account.. I told the person that I didn't owe them anything and therefore didn't continue with switching back. Today I have just signed into my credit file and VM have put it on my file it is in the green saying account is open yet I don't owe it, it's been 9 years since I was with them and I've been living here for about 14 years now, yet I have never had any debt collector get in touch either which if I owed what they say then why not ? Thanks for looking hope someone can help with this... Regards FL
  22. A while back I signed up what I thought was a good deal with Virgin for a HTC Sensation for £17.99 per month. I didn't realise that when I signed up, if I cancelled at any time that I would be committed to pay the whole term of the contract which they have just informed me is £464. I'm now in real financial difficulties due to unemployment and I explained my situation to them over the phone, but they said that there's nothing they can do because they said I had already had a loyalty discount on the existing contract. They will not allow me to cancel without paying the £464 in full. Does anyone know of any way I can get of this situation?
  23. Hi I have today received a letter from MBNA stating that they have now calculated the refund amount and a payment will be sent in full and final settlement of my complaint They state that they have reconstructed the statement balances by removing PPI and assoiciated interest. This will included interest arising because the ongoing monthly baance on your account was higher than it would be if you had made the same payments without PPI If there is any statement period where, after deducting your premiums and associated interest, your balance would of gone into credit, we will add 8% simple interest to your balance for that statement period. If there is no statement period during which your balance would of gone into credit you will not recieve any 8% interest Please note that the approach outlined above follows the refund guidelines set out by the FSA We have calculated the refund as Total amount of PPI charged £341.82 Total amount of associated interest £20.50 Applicable 8% interest £266.79 Total amount Payable £629.11 All I have is a list of payments made and the total PPi charged is correct but when using the FOSCIsheet v101 and putting an end date of sept 2009 as this is when it went to DCA and interest stopped I get compound Interest of £2322.99. Are my figures totally wrong or is it MBNA? Any help much appreciated Ali
  24. I contacted Virgin via email(couldnt understand anyone on the phone,neither could i get through with any great ease) to cancel my phone broadband and tv services... I said i would pay august bill and that was my notice and assummed that would be it...... I paid august bill and left to go overseas for a family visit and just returned to find the virgin is all still connected and i have a bill of £151.. I will not pay it i have the emails cancelling the service...... I have emailed the CEO and dont know what to do now... Any advise would be appreciated thankyou
  25. Hi there folks. my brother and sister in-law have just moved to a new house. They had virgin media fibre optic package at their previous address but virgin cannot provide this at there new address. they have been given 2 options - either carry on paying the monthly fee and only get a phone line and crappy broadband (tv also not provided in the area) or pay the £180 to end the contract. they haven't got £180 and don't want to have to pay full price for only 2 basic services. is there any way they can get out of the contract or even lower the monthly fee? Virgin, of course, are totally useless on the phone and want just one thing. money. Many thanks in advance!
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