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Found 12 results

  1. I've received a package from Amazon. It isn't mine although the address label on it is addressed to me. I can't find any way to contact Amazon about it. I got back this afternoon, card through door, package left with neighbour. Collected package. It's addressed to me. In it is a quite expensive (c£150) bit of audio equipment. I didn't order it, no-one in my family ordered it or knows anything about it. It's not the sort of thing any of us would buy. It's not in my list of orders in my account on the Amazon website. I found the item on Amazon and it doesn't say "You bought this item on....". It hasn't been charged to my credit card. It isn't a "wrong" item that has been sent to me when they should have sent me something else because there aren't any items I've bought on Amazon which haven't been delivered yet. I can't imagine that anyone I know would have bought it for me and sent it to me as a gift. There was nothing in the box to suggest it was a gift sent to me by someone else. I don't want it taking up space in my house so I went online to tell Amazon. That turned out to be impossible! Every route of contact seems to be about an order you actually have placed - order not delivered, want to return it, arrived damaged etc etc. Without an order number there seems to be no way forward and no other way to contact them. I don't have an order number because I didn't buy it. Any suggestions? 'Keep it' isn't what I want to do! It's not honest and I don't want it. I want them to come and take it away again.
  2. Hi sorry but I am not allowed to post in Data protection so team please transfer anywhere you feel appropriate. My question: My father is currently in hospital with Alhzeimer… been there six months and been assessed as eligible for full NHS funding... but the team who find care homes are messing [changed - dx] us about I think because of the costs involved (they are not allowed to do that). I have power of attorney on financial matters... I need to fully understand why they are stalling... can I issue a GDPR on behalf of my father iven my Power of Attorney?? ANY help is appreciated thanks
  3. Hi there. I'm wondering if you could help. I've got a bit of an usual BT billing issue and I'm looking for some advice. I'm coming to the end of my minimum term with BT and I've placed in my cancellation. However, it turns out that due to some billing glitch, I haven't paid a single payment to BT for the whole year contract. I'm one of those who just let direct debits come out the bank without really paying close attention ( I really should.... I know!) They are now requesting the full year payment upfront which I obviously cannot afford. I've logged into the BT website to check the bills incase there has been any late payment fees etc to find that absolutely every bill - clearly addressed with my details and the package that I subscribe to (phone and broadband) have all had a total balance due of £0. Where do I stand with this?
  4. Is something happening that we do not know about. Three people i know have said,one in Yorkshire and 2 in Lancashire who do not communicate with each other have heard strange unexplained noises from the sky. A loud humming,whining noise. Rumbling,not storms in the distance.Not tinnitus,going on for ages.A mixture of sounds. Are we chasing UFOS about perhaps.You cannot pinpoint it,it is everywhere it seems. I had better leave it there or else you may send the people with white coats to my house. Just wondering.
  5. I recently received an offer letter for a new job. One of the stated terms of employment is: "You may be required to work flexibly and/or additional hours may be requested for the proper performance of your duties for which you will receive no additional payment" This role is salaried as opposed to hourly pay. Is this a statement typical of salaried positions or is it something more ominous? My primary concern is the 'additional hours may be requested' part - since it is a request does that imply that I can decline the request?
  6. Hi can anyone help me trace down a toy The backs story is that my autistic daughter had a favourite toy of a little blue stretchy dragon. Which got broken a few months ago. We had to remove it as it started leaking tiny beads She's spent hours crying about it and ive spent months trying to get another The toy in question is this one http://www.amazon.in/Simba-Nature-World-Stretchable-Dragon/dp/B003ON4CQI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418974300&sr=8-1&keywords=nature+world+dragon It's the light blue one. It's made by two companies simba and toy major I've tried local shops ebay amazon the seller's on the link who don't ship to UK gumtree pre loved Emailed toy major directly If anyone has any more suggestions please make them. I'm not aiming for Christmas just to get her anytime
  7. Am 60 and on ESA. I sold my house for £51,000.I have moved in with my daughter and partner and paid them £45,000 to house me for the rest of my days.Because of my change of circumstances I am filling in ESA3 and a form for council tax help. We are seeing a solicitor to draw up our arrangement legally. But I don`t know what form this should take.I am in danger of being accused of gifting her the money. Do I go for a Declaration of Trust, a lease or tenancy agreement or what ? I have spoken to 2 solicitors on the phone,one who just told me to go elsewhere, and a Welfare rights solicitor who told me to deal with it at a tribunal.Surely there is some way I can satisfy Benefits. I want something to prove our arrangement for my own peace of mind too.
  8. Hi Guys, Sent 12+2 letter to Moorcroft after they failed to provide a credit agreement for Credit Card (originally taken via sainsburys circa 2006) and received the following response. Looking for the best way to respond really. Havent seen this response on any previous threads. In short I was paying normally until divorce then couldnt pay in my panic after defaults I agreed reduced payments. Do I need to respond to this and stat any perceived agreement to pay was achived under duress therefore not valid , can I sent them an s10 letter? They have provided no credit agreement whatsoever. Thank you in advance for your help!!
  9. I moved into my home almost 2 years ago, and for one reason or another, something went wrong and the council didn't get wind of it for a few months, and I was eventually issued a summons for council tax. I immediately contacted them, and paid the arrears in full, as well as the entire bill for the following year, there and then. An amount that was just shy of £3k, but I figured it was worth it for the peace of mind. Last week, I received another summons, for £110 for unpaid council tax for the period 2012-2013, along with another £110 court costs. I assumed this was a mistake, as I had paid in full as far as I was aware. A "quick" call to the council confirmed this, and neither the person I spoke to nor his supervisor could see any reason for the summons. They could see it had been paid in full as I claimed. So I contacted the council tax dept by email, asking what was going on. I received a rather stern reply claiming it was for outstanding court costs regarding the summons issued over a year ago, and that basically I have about a week to pay it or they will issue a liability order. They also claim to have sent a demand in January this year, but I haven't seen any such thing. Now the interesting bit is that this is the first I've heard of these outstanding costs, and the council themselves only claim to have contacted me in 2013 regarding them. The summons clearly states it is for unpaid council tax, and even gives a period for which the council tax is due. However, I also have documentary evidence of the council acknowledging that the council tax for the period in question is paid in full. Basically, I think it's incredibly underhand of them to sit on an unpaid debt of £110 for the best part of a year without mentioning it, then issuing a summons. Especially since I actually asked them exactly how much I needed to pay to clear the outstanding balance AND pay a further year's CT in advance. It's not like I'm trying to avoid paying the tax. So I'm tempted to simply turn up at court, with the summons, and the letters acknowledging that the CT was paid in full, and saying "not guilty". I realise I'll probably end up paying the £110 back anyway, but this is not the first time I've had trouble paying council tax here - a few years ago I set up a direct debit which they simply failed to collect anything from, eventually landing me with a large bill I had no choice but to pay. As a matter of principle, I feel like letting a council lawyer stand in court and argue that this man who readily paid nearly £3k in council tax is for some reason trying to avoid paying £110, and explain why they never bothered asking for it until nearly a year later. What are my chances of having this thrown out? I think that a) they didn't make reasonable attempts to collect the debt and b) they have issued the summons for the wrong thing, a debt that they clearly acknowledge is paid.
  10. Can mobile phone companies moniter unusual activity on phones, as my son has had a company phone for 12 years and the average billis round £15.00 per month hes just been told the bill for this month is £7000 and he `s got no idea how this happend, he rarely uses the phone and its the same handset from years ago. Got no further details til later, just wanted to know wether the company should have alerted him or his company that something odd appears to be happening?
  11. Hello! This is an odd situation that I have had no luck in searching for a solution online, so I'm hoping someone here might know more... I had a visit from a bailiff last year for a parking fine, which I then paid fully over their automated payment line. I have just discovered that in the few days (2-3) between the money leaving my account and arriving in theirs, they visited me again, and once more since (I work abroad so wasn't aware of either). Even though I paid off the debt before this visit, they are now charging me for 2 visits and administration costs. I can prove with bank statements that I paid about 2 days before this happened, but they still insist I owe them for their time, and that I should have called and spoken to them instead of using the automated system. Do I owe them payment for visiting, even though it was their payment line that created the problem? Many many thanks.
  12. Hello, I moved property 3 months ago. When I chose this location, there were several factors which were very important to me. 1) A NTL connection had to be available, which the estate agent told me was available, and they even showed me the NTL connection. 2) That there was CCTV around the entire property, which there appears to be by various cameras placed around the property. Since I have moved there, I have found out that: 1) The NTL connection is infact a dummy and does not work. I approached the letting agent about this and got the following response: ********** Response: With regards to the NTL. This is the first ive heard about it. And as far as i am aware if you are in a non serviceable area then NTL would'nt install a connection point. If there is a connection point Joseph would assume like anybody else would, that NTL would supply a connection there. ********** 2) The CCTV camera's are ALSO dummies... I also approached them about this and they came back with the following: ********** Response: With regard to the CCTV this would be down to the Managment Company (SLM) TEL: 01482 328068. ********** Now why do I feel like I'm being fobbed off here and that the buck is being passed on. What options do I have to sort this out? Also in light of this, can I dispute the £120.00 administration cost which they said was for 'administration and credit checking'? Thanks and Regards Adrian
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