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  1. Door2Tour.com are what is known as a holiday portal company and only offered holidays they booked through other companies. They Limit their liabilities to only £50 in their hidden Terms and Conditions on their website when they make a mistake leaving the customer with no where to go as they did us as well as never sending the £50 promised!! We booked and paid for a 7 day coach holiday to the rhine valley in Germany last Sept with Crusader coach holidays we thought. However when we rejoined our coach after crossing on the ferry our coach driver announced please put your passports away now as you won't need them again until thursday? Us and another couple we later found out thought he had made a mistake as we will return on Saturday. It transpired we were both on only a 5 day holiday so would be returning on Thursday. I rang Door2Tour back in the UK and was told just enjoy your holiday I will look into it and call you back tomorrow which she did and admitted they had made a mistake and it was only a 5 day holiday and they will discuss us losing 2 days holiday on our return. After the holiday the trouble started and the attitude of Door2Tour.com. We were told by the other couple to complain to Crusader coach holidays as their paperwork for the holiday was not clearly written which is why they had thought they were on a 7 day holiday also. We both discussed this with the coach driver, but were told he was a free lance driver so could do very little as he didn't work directly for the company. I made a complaint to Crusader Coach holidays as our itinerary stated we could see the barges going up and down the Rhine which was impossible without a 10 minute walk to the bank of the Rhine. Worst still the hotel was right next to the local main line railway station and freight trains run all night so all complained of not getting much sleep! I have since found out they have a different holiday hotel next to the Rhine this year? But guess what mine and many other complaints got nowhere I know from the Managing director of Motts travel who Crusader coach holidays are owned by confirming by email I had to address my complaint direct to Door2Tour and not Crusader and I also heard no one had any luck either. i was told by Door2Tour as a good will gesture I would receive a discount on booking another holiday through them but as per their T&Cs we are not entitled to any more compensation over and above this £50! When protested we had lost two days of our holiday I was told sorry that is it the cheque will be in the post. To this day it has never arrived so I thought I would write this post so others realise what a holiday internet portal only company can do by writing it into their T&Cs and there is nothing you can do about it if you don't have the money to sue. Thanks for reading Soundguy
  2. Hi everyone, I need some help fast!, To sum my story up this is a letter I wrote to Dell yesterday (one month after receiving a brand new laptop and 3 weeks after I reported the breakdown. "Official letter of complaint for faulty goods and refund refusal I bought a laptop from you on 27th August 2015 and it was received by me on 4th September. I paid £429. On Thursday 24th September the Internet was shutting off at will, I contacted my provider Plusnet on my old computer, obviously the connection was fine as I was chatting to them online. Upon chatting with your technical advisor XXX for 2 hours on Friday 25th September, it was conceded that the Internet hardware had a fault and needed to be repaired. XXXXX said she would book a pick up on Monday and the collection would take place Tuesday 26th September. I was to expect a call between 5-6pm Monday evening to confirm pick up on Tuesday of the laptop. I received no call, so I contacted XXX XX again. She told me the booking did not go through and to expect a call Tuesday for pick up Wednesday. I informed XXXXX that I would give Dell another chance but it had to be Wednesday as I wasn't available from Thursday to Sunday. I also told her I am on holiday in a couple of weeks so I want the laptop fixed by that time. Wednesday came and the booking did not go through again and apparently UPS would not review it until 4.30pm. They called me in the evening and said it would be collected Thursday. By this time, I was understandably angry so I asked for it to be picked up after the call the same day (Wednesday). They refused, so I contacted XXXXXX and asked for a refund. I was told she was waiting for a "review" of my refund! So it came to be that I gave Dell another chance, still very angry, that they could pick up the computer Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week but I want the refund by Friday as this is my right. Friday 2nd October I was offered a new computer in 7-10 working days! No, I wanted a refund. I was then told the "earliest" Dell could collect was Wednesday 7th October. I said this was the latest date as I wouldn't be at home and you would refund within 3-5 working days. Monday 5th October (a week after the original collection booking) it apparently was passed over to a "manager". Later that day XXXX (XXXX manager) offered for an engineer to come and visit and "fix" the laptop. Tuesday 6th October XXX wrote again and said refund isn't an option she can provide! She was sending up to "higher management"! Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) goods you supply must be fit for purpose. As there was a problem with the goods when I bought them, I requested that you pick up and repair the goods at no cost to me. I gave you two chances to do so, you have refused my refund and offered me a new computer and engineer, although I clearly stated I wanted a refund. I have all the e-mails sent by XXXX and XXXX and all I have sent including the original chat log confirming that there was a hardware problem with the laptop. The laptop failed within two weeks of receipt, the repair options were handled really inefficiently and my refund request was replaced with "other" offers. There should not be a problem, by law you owe me a refund and passing it around the Dell office is not making the problem go away. A copy of this letter will be included in a report to Trading Standards with all the relevant data. Please respond within 5 working days of this letter." After receiving this, a very arrogant man called me and basically talked down to me (he was very sure of himself). He told me an engineer would be coming tomorrow to attempt to repair the laptop. I told him I had given them many chances to repair it and now I want a refund. He refused point blank and sais that was not going to happen and they should be able to attempt one repair. I said I would take this to Trading Standards and if I have to, to court, he very arrogantly said "go ahead with that sir". He was actually egging me on to do it! Am I in the right thinking I do not have to accept a repair if I don't want to, and ask for a refund? If so, does anyone know what to suggest I do next? This has been going on too long now and I anxious for a solution. Please help!
  3. Firstly I would like to apologise for the rant and the length of this post, but I feel its necessary. I upgraded my phone with Vodafone in July and everything was working fine until September. My phone started to have issues with its screen and would start doing things when I wasn't even touching it. I proceeded to use Vodafone’s live chat and spoke to someone named Shancky, this was on the 27th September. I decided to ask the question of "If i send you my faulty iPhone 6plus, would I be able to get an iPhone 6sPlus instead?". Shancky proceeded to tell me that this was fine and I confirmed this around 3 or 4 times to make sure I hadn't misunderstood anything. Happy with my answer I was told that someone would ring my the following day to arrange this. I made sure to save this conversation so that I had the evidence should anything go wrong. This never materialised so I decided to get back onto the live chat and spent a good 3/4 hours being passed from person to person in trying to get this sorted. I was told by someone on the live chat that there was no recollection of the conversation I had the previous day and they advised me that I had to go to my local Vodafone store to show them the conversation so that that I could then ring the repairs team and they would be able to see the notes. I spoke to a gentleman in the store who then sad that he couldn't add these notes to my account and that I had to ring up and get an email address to send my chat conversation to. I was again left feeling rather frustrated with this as I had driven 25 minutes to my local store and the person I spoke to wasn't really that interested in what I was saying. The assistant actually decided to start cleaning his desk while I was telling him the problem. I drove home and ended up ringing for the email address to send my live chat conversation to. I was then told there is no email address and they weren't sure why I was told this. I was beginning to get a little frustrated with this now as I was just trying to get sorted what I was promised. I was finally told that my problem would be sorted and that I could get a "none like for like swap" and that I would have to go back down to the Vodafone store to send my phone off. This was now Monday 5th October. I went back down to the Vodafone store and sent my phone off to be sorted. I showed the assistant in the store the live chat once again and he wrote on the form that was sent off with it that he had seen the live chat and I was promised a non like for like swap. Happy with this I went on my way and waited for Vodafone to get back in touch to let me know my phone had arrived back. On the 12th October I received a text message to say that my phone had arrived at the Vodafone store so i rushed back down to the local store to pick it up. I was disappointed to see that it wasn't the 6s+ I had been promised. I question this with the assistant in the store and he informed me that they would only have repaired it and it would then be swapped for the new 6s+. Getting more and more frustrated with this now I headed back home. I rang Vodafone on the 16th October to get my phone swapped as this is what had been advised by the assistant in store. I rang at 1.30pm and was on hold for 26 minutes before being cut off so I rang again and was on for another 39 minutes. When I finally spoke to someone, I was told that there ws nothing on my account to state that I had been promised this phone swap. I was now starting to get extremely frustrated. So, I headed back down to the Vodafone store AGAIN. I showed the assistant in store the live chat conversation AGAIN. The person spent around 10 minutes writing out in detail everything that was in the live chat. Off home I went to ring Vodafone AGAIN. I spent 1 hour and 44 minutes on hold/being passed from person to person and not getting anywhere at all. Each person I spoke to I was being asked the same questions, I told the same story and was told that it was the wrong department and that I would need to speak to someone else. After spending so much time with this, I finally got to speak to a member of a department who knew what they were talking about. He could see the notes on my account and got my phone sorted for me...Or so I thought. I was informed that the iPhone 6s+ was currently out of stock but I should get a text message to tell me when its back in stock within a week or so. A DPD driver would collect my 6+ and deliver a 6s+ at the same time. Its now the 2nd November and I still haven't heard anything. Frustrated that I hadn't heard anything I have rung Vodafone back today to get an update. I was passed again from one person to another, to another and then cut off. So I rang back again. I have spoken to someone today that is now saying there is no recollection of the live chat conversation or any of the messages/notes put on my account from each time I went into the Vodafone store and that I was not entitled to a phone swap. That was the last straw for me and I have now had enough. I was told that I had to go back down to the Vodafone store to show a member of the team the live chat conversation that I had already done 3 times before! I am now at the end of my tether with Vodafone and the levels of service received from them. I rang to get an update of when my phone was being delivered and was told there was nothing at all on my account. I have complained on social media with no response and have complained again today. TL: DR – Vodaphone promised me iphone 6s+ as a replacement for faulty iphone 6plus, endless chasing and can never “find notes” – losing my mind with frustration. My second reference of the complaint to Vodafone: WRT165 [#11810278]‏ EDIT: Just wanted to add in my initial conversation with the live chat adviser from the 27th September. Ive removed the first few sentences as it was my personal details... Shancky: Perfect our dedicated team will contact you and get the replacement handset at your place. You will receive an email conformation for the same by 6PM today and within 24 hours this will be done . Shancky: Is there anything else I can do for you today? ME: Great! Although I've only just recently got this phone, is there any way of getting a 6Splus instead? Shancky: Yes you can opt for this . Shancky: If you wish to have an Iphone6plus I will request you co contact us between 8AM to 8PM tomorrow and we will connect you to our dedicated team who will help you get the Iphone6 plus at a very discounted price . Our team is closed on weekends or I would have helped you with this right away. Shancky: So please help me confirm if I shall place the order for replacement now or will be be contacting us tomorrow for the new iphone deals ? Shancky: If you can help me with your best possible time I can help you even with the call back arranged . ME: Would I have to pay something to get the 6S plus? Shancky: No you need not have to pay anything extra for this. ME: Okay great! ME: Well if someone can contact me to get a 6S plus instead then that would be great. Just to confirm that I can speak to someone and get a 6S Plus instead of a 6Plus for no cost? Shancky: Yes we will help you get the call back arranged for the same. Please help me with the best time so that I can call back arranged . Shancky: Please help me with best time so that I can help you get the call back arranged. . ME: Okay, but just to confirm, I can get a 6S Plus for no extra cost? Shancky: Yes exactly . ME: Great ME: Around 9am tomorrow would be a good time Shancky: Perfect...!!! We will help you get sharp at 9am and will make up your morning really happy and the day filled with joy
  4. I wonder if I can get some input regarding a situation I am currently dealing with. At the end of December, I sought out a performance coach for assistance and treatment of social anxiety. I had three paid sessions with the practitioner and they were amazing. The fourth session, it wasn't so much a therapy session but more of a sales session whereby we only discussed the possibility of embarking on a full program. During this sales session, the practitioner presented a contract detailing the particulars of the program and there were three separate mentions of guaranteed outcomes as part of the program. The cost £3730. This essentially consists of one 11 hour session and 3 one hour followup session concluding in April. Long story short, I only have 2 one hour sessions remaining on the program and I have seen no resolution to my anxiety. In fact, i am worse off because i now have credit card debts and I was also involved in a car accident on the morning of the main session after the practitioner advised to me to move my car to another parking centre. I have spoken briefly with CAB who have advised the following: Criminal Offence: The trader’s actions could be considered a criminal offence under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Your rights and obligations: On 01/10/2014 amendments were made to the Consumer Protection Regulations. These regulations now state that if a consumer is subject to an aggressive or misleading practice by a trader, they could have the right to ‘unwind’ the contract for a full refund. Under this guidance, I have decided to pursue a claim against the practitioner and I wonder if someone can clarify a few points I have outstanding. 1. Because I have retained a printed contract which outlines the structure of the program and the guaranteed results, I wonder if I am in a good position to pursue a full and complete refund of the program costs and the sales session, or if I would be more likely to win if I pursue a partial refund excluding the session times. 2. Should I mention the car accident as part of my claim as I would not have been in this position had I not been attending the session. 3. Do I need to prove the guaranteed results have not been obtained? If so, how is this possible where psychological concerns are involved? 4. Finally, what action should I take if the practitioner refuses to accept my claim? Can I make a chargeback on my credit card? I have written a mock letter, but just need to know what the likelihood is of claiming compensation in this respect. Thanks in advance.
  5. Lenovo says it is changing its ways: The events of last week reinforce the principle that customer experience, security and privacy must be our top priorities. With this in mind, we will significantly reduce preloaded applications. Our goal is clear: To become the leader in providing cleaner, safer PCs. We are starting immediately, and by the time we launch our Windows 10 products, our standard image will only include the operating system and related software, software required to make hardware work well (for example, when we include unique hardware in our devices, like a 3D camera), security software and Lenovo applications. This should eliminate what our industry calls “adware” and “bloatware.” For some countries, certain applications customarily expected by users will also be included. Lenovo will post information about ALL software we preload on our PCs that clearly explains what each application does. And we will continuously solicit feedback from our user community and industry experts to ensure we have the right applications and best user experience. We view these actions as a starting point. We believe that these steps will make our technology better, safer and more secure. That's quite a turnaround, especially when you compare it to their original head-in-the-sand position of thinking people were just grumbling about the irritating adverts that Superfish-afflicted Lenovo computers were displaying, rather than the serious security and privacy issues the software introduced. If they're true to their word, and chuck out the adware and bloatware, and don't try to sneak it in under the umbrella of "certain applications customarily expected by users" then they are doing all of us a favour. In fact, I'd like to see other PC manufacturers take the same approach. Stop putting crapware on the PCs you're trying to sell. Let users make their own choices about what software they want to install, rather than you forcing software on them that takes up unnecessary disk space, hogs memory and invariably is only there to bring incremental revenue to the vendor. Lenovo, you better be telling us the truth. We'll be watching you.
  6. My wife received a fashion catalogue from Afibel Ltd last November promising a luxury coat allegedly worth approx. £80 in return for an order over a certain minimal value. The ordered goods arrived after an extended interval and only after several premium-rate progress enquiry phone calls. However since then we have been fobbed off and downright lied to as to when the coat might be coming. First we had to wait for a claim form (which never came), then we had to write a letter to say we never received the form, then we had to wait for the end of the promotion (31st January), now we are told that they have no idea when the coat will come as it will be despatched by their French parent company. In the meantime we have had a series of catalogues of the Damart / Readers Digest type - each offering a ludicrously expensive free gift in return for a very small order. The most incredible of these came yesterday, offering a Singer Sewing Machine worth £179.99 in return for a modest order. My wife has today posted a letter given them a 14 day ultimatum to deliver the coat, with failure to do so resulting in the seeking of Trading Standards and Media assistance. Have any other forum members had similar problems with this company?
  7. Hello, I moved property 3 months ago. When I chose this location, there were several factors which were very important to me. 1) A NTL connection had to be available, which the estate agent told me was available, and they even showed me the NTL connection. 2) That there was CCTV around the entire property, which there appears to be by various cameras placed around the property. Since I have moved there, I have found out that: 1) The NTL connection is infact a dummy and does not work. I approached the letting agent about this and got the following response: ********** Response: With regards to the NTL. This is the first ive heard about it. And as far as i am aware if you are in a non serviceable area then NTL would'nt install a connection point. If there is a connection point Joseph would assume like anybody else would, that NTL would supply a connection there. ********** 2) The CCTV camera's are ALSO dummies... I also approached them about this and they came back with the following: ********** Response: With regard to the CCTV this would be down to the Managment Company (SLM) TEL: 01482 328068. ********** Now why do I feel like I'm being fobbed off here and that the buck is being passed on. What options do I have to sort this out? Also in light of this, can I dispute the £120.00 administration cost which they said was for 'administration and credit checking'? Thanks and Regards Adrian
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