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  1. Hello all, I'm a first time poster so please be gentle with me! I've got an issue and would appreciate some advice. In February last year I purchased a motorcycle off the sole UK importer /concessionaire. The bike was three months old. I met the dealer [who is a director of the company] at the company headquarters. The story that came with the bike was it had been bought by customer on the Isle of Man who found he couldn't start it and that is how it came to be back at the importers premises. I paid cash to the dealer and he gave me a handwritten receipt with full amount written on it including the bike's registration number. The bike came with a full two year parts and labour warranty. within weeks of buying the bike it developed some serious problems [main bearings collapsed, rear suspension snapped] The dealer ignored almost every phone call and email until eventually I declared the bike not fit for purpose and asked for my money back. This was five months after I bought the bike. It was only when I threatened action in the small claims court that the dealer finally responded. He said the sale was nothing to do with his company. He had been acting independently when he sold me the bike and was simply selling the bike on for the customer in the Isle of Man. He's obviously trying it on but I'm curious if he has any right to do this. To summarise I've walked into a main agents/importers premises to buy a bike off him. I've handed over cash to a director of the company and at no time [until 5 months after the fact] has he informed me the sale had nothing to do with him. He was simply doing someone a favour and the reciept he gave me was a simply a petty cash receipt. If I want a refund I need to contact the man on the Isle of Man. Do you think his defense could have any legs in court? I would hope not but you never know... Any advice gratefully received, Bob
  2. Do I have a case for unfair dismissal? Please help Sacked because I have taken time off recently because my partner has been diagnosed with Cancer. I have needed to support her emotionally not only attending appointments I have Crohn's disease that is affected by stress I also have had days off due to this. I have been sacked without warning over the phone do I have a case?
  3. I took a payday loan from Capital Finance One Ltd in July 2011. The loan was £200 and the total repayment was agreed at £278. I did not wish to pay £15 for same day 'faster payment' so the loan finally credited my account 2 days after being issued. The loan was issued on 4th July 2011 and I initially agreed to repay on 29th July 2011 when my salary was paid. On 21st July 2011, I emailed CFO to ask to change the repayment date from 29th July to 4th August 2011. I explained that I had paid interest for a full month and repayment on 4th August 2011 would, therefore, still be within the agreed 'one month' time limit. CFO did not respond until 29th July 2011 when they emailed a 3 lined message to tell me that I had 'defaulted' on the agreement. I immediately replied with a full explanation that I had not defaulted. CFO emailed the same message on 3rd August 2011 and on 4th August 2011, when I fully expected CFO to debit £278 and close the agreement, CFO took £128 which they said was 'charges for 3 defaults'. Emails were traded back and forth. I disputed these charges and even pointed out that the notices they sent me to notify of my alleged 'defaults' were completely invalid and did not comply with the Consumer Credit Act stipulations. I ordered CFO not to take any further monies until we had resolved the dispute. I also gave written cancellation for any authorisation CFO may have had to 'CPA' my account. ie not to debit what they wanted - when they wanted - without the need to inform me or seek my approval. CFO then debited 3 x £25's from my bank without my approval or authorisation. I wrote to CFO to say that they had now taken £203 and had taken £75 unlawfully. I told them that the agreement was in my opinion 'settled and closed'. CFO wrote to me once more to state that I still owed them £200 (how they calculated this figure, I don't know...) and that they would report to credit agencies that I was 'in default'. In April 2014, I made a payday loan application for £200 from CFO Lending Limited. I didn't know that Capital Finance One Ltd had changed their name in 2012, but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have a pretty good idea that they were one and the same company! However, I was skint and had repaid £203 for the £200 loan in 2011. My application was rejected immediately. I had 'ticked' the box which denied CFO Lending to keep for themselves or pass on my personal details. I had submitted details of my new Nationwide Building Society (set up in 2013) account as part of the loan application. I had to give my debit card details so that, if successful, the loan could be collected from a named account. When rejected, these details should have instantly been erased by CFO Lending. However, CFO Lending waited until 11th June 2014 and made 5 separate debits from my bank for a total of £495.65. It took me a day to put the pieces together with the help of my bank 'visa dispute' team. I could not believe that CFO Lending had used information (which had only been submitted as part of a failed loan application and should have been deleted) to take £495.65 from my bank account without any authorisation, approval or even notification. I spoke at length to Ms Susie McKenzie in CFO Collections who said she would get back to me quickly. I had to wait nearly a week before I received a formal response. CFO stated that all of the debited money was to repay the outstanding loan from July 2011. CFO Lending had already taken £203 from my account in 2011. The last email they sent in 2011 told me that I 'still owed £200' (which I disputed completely). CFO had taken a further £495.65 on 11th June 2014. Therefore, CFO claimed that my £200 payday loan cost £698.65 to repay! CFO Lending claimed that the bank details which I had submitted as part of a rejected loan application to them in April 2014 could be used by them to recover any monies relating to the agreement we had in July 2011. They claimed that the Continuous Payment Authority set out in the 2011 contract justified this. I spent hours in collecting every email and document relating to my dealings with CFO from 2011 onwards. My response included a copy of the vital email which I sent to CFO on 24th August 2011 in which I ordered them to 'stop taking any further money from my account until the dispute is resolved satisfactorily. Any authority which Capital Finance One may have had is cancelled with immediate effect. You (CFO) have taken much more money than we agreed. Do not debit any more money from my bank'. I also set out why their defaults were invalid and why these huge charges could not be applied as they were never discussed or explained at the outset. I have a very strong and complete argument as to why CFO's actions are unlawful and why they must return all monies taken AFTER I cancelled the CPA and ordered that they make no more transactions on my account. CFO has failed to respond to this letter or any of the 6 I have sent them since. I sent a 'Final Demand' and they have not met the requirements within. Nationwide Building Society is investigating these transactions as 'fraudulent'. I have been able to make a formal complaint to 'Action Fraud'. Nationwide has advised me that THEY will report to the Police as this is their responsibility. I must now make a claim for the money using the CCMCC (county court money claims centre). I am determined to make the most of this opportunity to show the public just how payday lenders work. My case is very strong and legally sound. However, I am afraid that I will slip up in its execution by making an administrative or process error. Thus enabling CFO Lending's solicitors to have the claim 'dismissed' on a technical point. I have been 100% honest and open in my account of this matter. I have had to use a payday loan company because my credit history is not great. I did know that they have a reputation for difficulties. I repaid £203 for the £200 loan in 2011. I know that I should have patiently resolved the dispute then and paid off the remaining £75. CFO Lending still doesn't have the right to treat any customer like this. This 'CPA' justification is wrong and is completely unfair and dangerous. I want to make payday lenders change their working practices with this claim. I am not pretending to be Florence Nightingale. I have credit problems but I should not have to repay £700 for a loan of £200 - this is wrong. So, if anyone out there could please offer practical or legal advice which will help me make my claim more effective, then please get in touch. If you need any further information, let me know.
  4. Hi Both myself and my wife ended up being criminals by getting caught speeding on the Grimsby Parkway by some stealth cameras both vat different times, both doing 36mph in a 40mph area. There has been loads of complaints about the speed limit as it is on an area of road surrounded by high walls and no pedestrian access - some would call it a cash cow. Even the Chief Constable got caught ! 6 weeks after receiving the NIP the speed limit has been raised to 40mph ! My query is whether or not there are any precedents in challenging the case based on it clearly having been an unreasonable decision to set it at 40 mph in the first place? Just thought I'd ask as it clearly has nothing at all to do with road safety and it is 30 years since I got done for speeding and my wife never has. We're somewhat miffed by the whole thing. Thanks in advance. Bugsley
  5. I have recently had a new bathroom, completed 12/12/13. The company that we used provided us with a verbal quote of £1400 to install a new bathroom suite, tile the walls, and install the flooring. We did not receive a written quote. We were asked to purchase the bathroom suite (toilet, sink, bath, towel rail, electric shower, shower curtain, toilet roll holder, waste pipes x 2), the tiles, and the flooring. We paid the final invoice (£1400. Full invoice details: "Labour only to install new bathroom suite and associated tiling") despite our reservations regarding the quality of the work, but just wanting them out of our house after 3 weeks to do a "5 day job". We then got a call from the electrician (19/12/13) who fitted the electric shower asking for £220. We understood that the bathroom fitters were sub-contracting the shower fitting and that it was included in the price, minus the cost of parts. Myself and my partner remember at least two occasions when the installation of the shower was discussed with the bathroom fitters and they had said that it was included. I personally spoke with them as we had considered using an electrician that we knew but we agreed that it would be easier to use their electrician as it was already included within the original quote. We hadn't been present whilst the electrician was in the house but he explained the cost of the cabling and came to the house and showed us the required parts that he had had to install onto the main circuit board in order to make the installation safe. We were surprised to be facing further costs but paid the electrician for the 'parts' element of the invoice (£120) as we understood that we had agreed to the initial verbal quote for the labour costs of installing the bathroom and hence already paid for the labour involved in the installation of the shower but did owe for the parts. Today we have received an email from the bathroom fitters threatening us with court action if we do not pay the £100 labour fee for the electricians work. Where do we stand regarding this? Any advice would be gratefully received.
  6. Hello, We've recentely moved out of the house in London that we rented for 6 months (3 girls). We've been renting via agency, but had to deal with the landlady as well (meet her, talk through the conditions, etc.). When moving in, we paid the whole rent upfront since we didn't have the guarantors + the deposit of 6 weeks rent (£1980). The landlady seemed nice and kind - she was keen on helping us settle in London, was interested in our lives. She was so friendly she even left her food for us in the fridge (Though I guess she was just too lazy to clean it up). She also asked us to allow store some of her packed bags in storage unit - we agreed, since she seemed nice. The house wasnt very clean, there were personal items lying around.. When we were provided with an inventory sheet, it seemed fine, major things listed. we didnt make any adjustments. During the tenancy we had an issue with mice - really bad one. Neither the agency nor the landlady took any action (she was hard to reach, since she was abroad). Couple of months we were dealing with that and got rid of it ourselves. The tenancy agreement finished, we left the house clean (way more clean than we found it, we had it professionally cleaned). I was attending the check out of the inventory, which was ridiculous. It wasn't done by the same company as the check - in so it was up to a different standard. They literally counted stratches on the walls, that wasn't listed before and was just described as 'worn' or 'requires light cleaning' in the check in sheet. We just received the letter from the landlady, listing all the damages (even the ones that were once we moved in but were not listed on the inventory sheet for some reason. Personally, I just wasnt sure how detailed it should be done). She is asking for around £3500 pounds to cover damage costs out of which over £2000 is for paint, wallpaper and stuff. That just shocked me. First of all, the house was left in a really good condition. Second of all, what kind of damage can be done by only living there for 6 months?? (No massive house parties or similar)?? It just seems that the landlady wants to completely redecorate the flat and is trying to use our money for that. First thing I did, I checked if our deposit was protected. DPS says that it was registered, but hasn't been protected yet. What can we do about it? Does it mean that we can actually sue her for that? I agree that there were couple of small things that were supposed to be charged for, but nothing like £3500. What is the next step we should take? Can we actually go to court and claim money for not protecting our deposit, or should we just write a letter to the landlady stating the deposit wasn't protected and ask for the refund? And since the check-in and check-out were done my different companies, could we disagree with the detail they stated in the check out sheet? Thank you Violeta
  7. i moved in to a house with a 6mth short hold lease and wasrushed in to it saying it had 3 people after it so payed deposit and waspromised all work and house wouldhing be done up before i moved in when theypurcused it had been emtey for years and and just paint walls did no cleaningect was a mess said i was responable for windows if broke and report anythingelse well when got there could believe it and as time went on never did repairswas at times left with no water and had no heating in the freeze of dec2010 andso on loads of things mold everywhere washing mechine water ran in to yard werekids went all time left down stairs toilet not working for about a year andwhen i moved out as had no choice with him and his staff bulling and if moanedwas told would be kicked out hada break down and when left the was somecealrance and repainting butall the other stuff he added on was like that wheni moved in was caught out lying at court charging for things twice lied aboutwhen i moved out for extra rent chagred for repairs not done as i had pics andcan prove all even the judge knew he was lying and didnt have right recipts ieonly just inside the law still as he took the case and my parents as guartoreven when seen to been lying was still given 3 times what it would of cost torepaint and remove thing so my mum and dad got a 2800 bill which am paying andthat was the judge nearly knock 1000 off i want him to not get away withtreating my mum when ill me and others in this way i can prove most things but things like going with out heating and water is a couple of old letters i wrote complaining to him which is when he started getting really nasty and every time i tried to do anything about it he threatened to kick me out and as i was was have really bad mental health issue at the time just hide away and never did anything and in the end i was forced to move out for fear of being made homeless with 3 children:mad2: please any help or advice would be geatly accepted and used thanks very much in advance
  8. Hi quick question, I have been underpaid at work to an overpayment at work a few months back, my employer has completely taken my whole months salary as I have dropped down my contract at work, leaving me with literally nothing for the month to live on. I have bills etc to pay and nothing to pay them with. Is it legal for them to take literally all of my pay without even telling me in writing first? and Can I arrange something with them regarding payment back? I feel like I should take legal proceedings against them if they don't, can anyone help?
  9. Hey Guys, i have a CCJ i need to set aside and a Current claim i need urgent help on. I am in quite a bit of debt and working with Step Change. I visited the local CAB and they said i wont be able to get legal aid because of my income. Is there any other way i can get free legal advice or help? Thanks
  10. Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble with my gym. I am signed up with a 12 month contract to David Lloyd. A couple of years ago I was with them as well but ended the membership as I sprained my neck and my spine during a session with one of their personal trainers. Ever since the accident I have had problems. I can just be sat down, just relaxing and then suddenly my back/neck will go and my movement will be very limited. I took out the membership again as I wanted to try to train my body to become stronger, develop around the injuries and hopefully stop this from happening. I used the membership a few times over a two week period, just going for a gentle swim but it was too much and I was in a lot of pain with my back causing work to be very difficult. I phoned the gym, they told me if I got a letter from my GP, they would cancel the membership. Having had to cancel the membership once before, I asked them if I still had to give notice. They said no, just hand in the letter and they will cancel it straight away. So I went to the GP, got a letter and handed it into the gym. I didn't hear anything from them so I went into the gym to find out what was happening, they said the letter was not accepted due to the wording on the letter, the GP has put that I have gone to him and requested the letter. He has also put that he has reccomended gentle exercise e.g walking, that a gym membership is not required for. 1 - I don't understand how else the GP is supposed to know if I am coping or not unless I approach him to discuss the problems with my spine. 2 - It is the doccumentation they asked for. 3 - They say that the letter doesn;t rule out walking which they have treadmills for, why should I have to pay £70 a month for this? So I spoke to the GP and they said there is no reason why they should not accept the letter. I called the gym, one of the girls at reception said she would leave a message with the manager in membership sales. I didn't hear anything so I have cancelled the Direct Debit. The gym are now chasing for payment. I have now had conversations with management via email advising of the above. They have replied informing me that I am a liar and that I have not been miss informed as I was never told such things. They insist that I WAS NOT told that a letter would service and I WAS NOT told that notice was not required and they will not accept the letter. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!! They keep changing the rules and then making me out to be a liar. I have just returned to work after 3 months sick leave and can not afford the membership. They want me to pay £70 a month to use a treadmil to walk? If they won't accept a letter from the GP then what can I do? I'm livid with the emails. A manager calling me a liar. It's my word against theirs. How would they know? arghhh... Please help.
  11. Hi folks...this is my first time posting anything of this kind of nature so I hope I don't say wrong things or cause concern where it's not really warranted. This is my situation, and I am not positively fed up to the back teeth of it. I'd not had any kind of problem such as this with any other energy providers so I am at a loss on how best to deal with this situation hence seeking guidance here. I started renting my current property back in March 12th of last year. I was informed by my first bill that my energy was being provided by Spark Energy. For one month's electricity - as that is the only energy I get in my flat - they wanted me to fork out £245. I immediately took issue with this, as I have never known ANY provider charge that much for a month's rent on a one bedroom flat. And I've lived in plenty of 'em to know. I contested the bill with Spark who were none too keen to negotiate or rectify the situation at the time, and decide to call their heavy mob, Buchanan Clark and Wells. I immediately once again, get in touch with Spark Energy and attempt to sort the debt out through them, having told BCW I'm dealing with Spark Energy and not them - I did feel inclined to say that I'd read numerous reports of their shenanigans but decided against it. So the payment plan agreed (not inexpensive, but I still have problems with the bill being that high), I proceed to act accordingly in a manner of someone trying to pay off a debt. Then one day I decide I need to phone Spark Energy to tell them that one payment (actually it would have been the second payment in the plan) was going to be late, and the delightful person on the other end of the phone actually said "hold on your bill looks really wrong". To that end, I thought "maybe there's a bit of light at the end of the tunnel". We chat and it's decided the plan need not be bothered with, they'll talk to my current providers to find out what the readings were before the supply started and what they were when the supply they themselves provided ended. This was said to have supposed to have taken four weeks. I heard nothing. Not by phone, nor by letter, nor by e-mail. Last week I get a letter from BCW threatening legal action (the first week of Feb.), so I send Spark Energy an e-mail "saying what the heck is going on?" They refuse to call me, want to deal with me by e-mail (which isn't happening, I'm going to insist on letters through the mail), and they say the letter from BCW was sent to me because there was no record of any activity regarding any change to my "read dispute". I am now still stuck with a bill above £200, and on the very day I receive the e-mail from Spark in response to mine, I get yet another letter from BCW, this time threatening a debt officer visit. I have been to hospital twice in the last two months, I am not at best a very calm person, but the letter I received from BCW in the first week of February was certainly enough to cause me considerable grief. I ended up going to hospital on the same day as I received it. Do I lodge formal complaints (and with who?) and/or can I sue either/both Spark/BCW and under what relevant Acts and how do I go about it, having never been involved in legal proceedings of any nature before? Any help whatsoever would be really useful and I would definitely appreciate it.
  12. Hello I would like some advice on how to put in a complaint about a solicitor/firm. I have read related posts in here and have realised from what I have read that the solicitor has acted illegally as they have so far got two CCJ's for the same debt (I have just paid the second one as I got a warrant of execution). this is the legal bit that i found in here: 35 divison of causes of action it shall not be lawful for any plaintiff to divide any cause of action for the purpose of bringing two or more actions in one or more of the county courts. I read in another post to contact the Law Society. I have called them and was told that the legal ombudsmen now deal with complains. I in turn called them an they gave me a different number and then this number told me to go to their website (sra.org.uk). I have found a form to complete but I would like to check that this is the correct way to put in this sort of complaint as I just want the company to stop hounding me and leave me alone as I have had another letter through demanding more money (this is after paying the two CCJ's). incase more details are needed before anyone can help me this is a very old debt (way past the 6years) and so I was amazed last year when a county court letter/summons (do not know what it is called) arrived for a small percentage of the debt. I sent details to the court stating that I did not owe this money but somehow I presume the details were lost as the next thing I knew I had a CCJ for £337. I paid this in full on 22nd July 2011 and prior to this I spoke to the court who confirmed that was all I needed to pay and I would not be contacted again and the CCJ would not appear on my records - that was the bit I was most bothered about. Anyhow then this week a warrant of execution arrived from my local court for £439.25. I had no idea what this was about so I contacted the court who had done the CCJ (Once again southend on sea) and they gave me the solicitors name. I called that number and then dodgedly i was put through to all different people and numbers and suddenly I am back talking to the lady who I paid the money to in July. I had no idea what was going on but she told me this is the 2nd CCJ for the next section of money I owe to them and I need to pay it immediately to my local court. She then also started harrassing me about when will I be making more payments and then another CCJ will be done again soon. I just had no idea what was going on and I paid the warrant of execution today. I have also now had in the post details from this company which has a history print out showing the CCJ last year and the money I paid and then listing this one so i have evidence from the claimant that this is a second CCJ for one and the same debt. I am so upset as I just dont know what to do to get this company to leave me alone. Also all the phone calls and various documents all relate to the one debt but have contained a whole assortment of names (all apart from one which are based at the one address). The main address being: 5th floor, maintland house, warrior square, southend on sea. The solicitor is ELS & Cole and the various claimant names and phone conversations have been with rockwell and now the new name of arrow global ltd (when i googled them it showed as they are a company in manchester). so anyway is that form the correct way to complain about the solicitor and do i put their name on the form or the other names? also what else can i do in the interim to stop more court action and get this horrendous company to leave me alone finally. the latest letter is now demanding more money from me once I have paid the 2nd CCJ and is also asking me for copies of my driving licence and passport.
  13. Hello, Can someone please help me - I am being chased for monies by MBS Recoveries. Money was taken out on my name by fraud and 5 years later I'im hunted down to pay the shortfall after the house was sold at auction due to repayments not made. I'm in dialogue with the bank and the Ombudsman - but im still sent letters demanding payment. I told them my situation and was left alone for a while. A week ago a Private Investigator turn up - he was apparently looking for me - i was still exactly where i was the previous time - same work same house. Can they legally persue me if im waiting on a ruling from the bank and the ombudsman? Any help would be greatly appreciated. As my threatening insolvency and bankrupt and i just got married and planning to buy a house in the next couple of months and would hate to compromise my future.
  14. I wonder if anyone can give me some advice. I am defending a claim against a previous employer and the court date is scheduled for early September. They had until yesterday (24 August 2011) to submit / exchange their witness statements for which they have failed to do. What happens next......
  15. My mother died last November. In her will she appointed two Executors - my brother and a friend of her's who is a retired solicitor. The latter insisted we instructed solicitors, but the costs are spiralling out of control. The Executors are due to sign the oath of Probate next Monday 14th March. Can we (or technically my brother) dispense with the services of a solicitor? The other Executor (who is actually doing nothing) won't want him to but we're finding it too expensive and also we feel a bit out of control.
  16. Hi there... I am desperate for some assistance please. My timing belt recently broke on my car. I have a Megane 1.6 and was advised by both the AA and a recommended garage that my timing belt + valves had probably gone. My car was towed to the garage, recommend to me, and they advised the cost of replacement would be approximately £1,200. It would involve removing the engine completely, changing the belt and putting the engine back together. Desperate to have the issue sorted and not sure where else to turn I agreed to the work. I paid the garage £600 upfront for parts. The garage kept my car for a total of 28 days replacing the timing belt. When the garage called to advise the car was ready the bill had increased to just under £2,000. I was not informed of the increase anytime in these days. After a heated discussion (and obtaining further quotes from other garages, (something I should have done prior)), the general cost of this type of repair was between £1,000 - £1,300 (latter quoted by a Renault dealer). In the end I negotiated a price of £1,300. I picked my car up and 2 weeks later I took it to another garage to conduct the MOT. At the time of test an oil leak was observed. (I have an invoice from the timing belt garage and as part of the timing belt replacement, the oil and oil filter was changed). I had the oil leak fixed and the garage advised I should try to claim the cost of repair from the garage that replaced the timing belt. COST OF JOB (including MOT) £90 I have since written a letter and advised the garage that the MOT failed due to the oil leak and was marked 'Dangerous" and could they return the cost of this job. 10 Days later I have not heard from the garage so a further letter was sent advising action would be taken if I received no response or the return of my money for the oil leak fix. This was sent recorded delivery. In a trip 2 weeks later the car just stopped. Engine and electrics shut down. I called the AA and they advised it was some type of short in the wiring and this may have been caused when the timing belt replacement was done. The car was again towed to a garage and the garage reported they couldn't find the fault but they had managed to get the car to stop shorting. I'm glad this didn't cut out when I was driving down the M1 motorway 15 minutes before. COST OF JOB £60.00 The garage also reported that the oil leak was continuing. I‘ve had so many faults since the timing belt was changed. (Oil leak & car stopping). Previous to this the car was running perfectly. I feel that since the garage clearly wasn’t pleased on receiving less money, they have purposely conducted a poor job of the timing belt and potentially put my life at risk. I’m also female and know little about cars – maybe in a clear position for the garage to take advantage. I would like to pursue legal action against the garage and try to recover as much of the expense I have forked out to date but I'm unsure how to go about this so your advice is really welcomed! TOTAL SPEND = £1,450. And I still have an oil leak! Thanks for reading and for helping.
  17. Guest

    Cash Genie CCJ

    Hello I am in a very similar situation as previously detailed by others. I have followed instructions to go online and defend the claim in full, which I have just done today. How ever I am just going through some literature that I received and a guy from Carter Forbes kindly highlighted in red some concerning particulars: OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION Total Charge of Credit: 30 pence for every 100 pence borrowed, per part or full month that a balance remains outstanding. Interest is charged at the rate of 30% per month or part thereof [fixed], and applied to the balance outstanding each month on the date of this Agreement. KEY INFORMATION If you breach this Agreement, our charges are as follows: 1. If you do not re-pay the loan on time you will have to pay the following charges: 1/4 • An administration charge of £15.00; • £12.00 per letter or e-mail correspondence with you requiring payment; • the APR will continue to be charged from the first day that your loan is outstanding until the loan is repaid. 2. If you move or change your contact details without telling us: • our reasonable costs and expenses incurred in tracing you and verifying your new address which will be charged at £45.00 per search but is not limited to a single search if we cannot locate you or verify your new address. 3. You must also pay us all reasonable costs and expenses incurred in taking steps to enforce this agreement against you. If we discover that your loan application is or was fraudulent we may require that the total amount repayable is re-paid immediately. Does this change anything stated above about only owing the original loan amount plus one months interest please? Slightly worried now Thank you very kindly in advance
  18. Following on from discussions in the Legal Action -How to Start Off thread, I am compiling a collection of all the most informative and helpful posts on dealing with litigation. There are numerous excellent postings throughout various threads on CAG, but due to the passage of time and queries/posts in between, the valuable core information tends to get lost. My intention is to group the vital information together in logical sequence to form a step by step guide, all in one place. It will also be a good opportunity for original authors to amend or eloborate on their original (now uneditable) posts if they wish...just let me know. I take no credit for the intended content, all original authors and anyone who helps with the compilation will be credited. I would therefore be most grateful for any suggestions for inclusion, with direct links to the relevant posts (as opposed to an entire thread). The obvious place to start is with the Legal Action thread, so I'll get stuck into that. All other suggestions welcome! Many thanks, Elsa x
  19. Hi PLease some one help me, I have a friend who is stressing out almost to the breaking point, please help me with giving some advice. Please Please. He got a on a train to work and forgot his weekly travel pass at home which he had already paid his weekly pass to London, which he does every week but simply forgot it that dat, he now even has a record of the payment n his bank statement. When he realised he it was too late, he went to the train guard to tell him but the train gaurd was really defensive and aggressive and said he would have to pay a massive fine, which scared him and for a stupid reason thinking he did not want to tarnish his own name, he gave a false name but his correct birthdate and address! They proceeded to send a fine to the house, but he failed to open the first letter not knowing who the false name was as he didnt register it was the false name he had used as it was just a random name, so then by the next letter, too much of a coincidence he opened it and it was a court summoned for the prosecusion of travelling without a ticket. He is scared that he will get a criminal record by using a false name to the train guard, will this happen? He wants to go to court but it is not his name, he has paid the train pass so he has not illegally got on the train as he has a payment record, but he did give a false name and this is now more of the issue. Please help, what should he do next?
  20. Paragon_CCA.pdfHi, Was wondering if anyone could take a look at the attached CCA to see if it is legal, I've had this loan for three years now and it's crippling me... Paragon_CCA.pdf Any help greatly appreciated. Best. Eoghan Paragon_TsandCs.pdf
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