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Found 3 results

  1. For the attention of any members who may be able to help, I was a member of the Renfrew Xercise 4 Less - joined 2nd July 2014 - I have however, since then tried numerous times to cancel my membership (September 2015). I initially spoke over the phone and in person to members of the staff at the gym, where I was told with absolute authority, that I was "no longer a member". Although, I have now been receiving various letters from November to present about the erroneous procedure I apparently followed pertaining to the cancellation. Harlands Group is now attempting to get money from myself as part of their apparent contractual clause in the cancellation process. I was not made aware in any way, shape or form of the "correct" procedure in canceling, therefore I was under the impression I had successfully canceled the membership - which was stopping my Direct Debit. Now as some months have passed since September I have been incurring charges, of which they are compounding on a monthly basis. I have received a letter dated (6th January 2016) stating that I have limited days before my case is being transferred to a "Debt Recovery company". The debt company being CRS, note that I may incur further charges which can then lead to a court action. These charges and actions by the debt recovery company will adversely affect my credit score and future financing ability. This is an absolutely ridiculous situation I find myself in. As I have phoned and chased both Harlands and Xercise 4 Less over the past months (Nov 15 - Jan 16) I find myself in the same position, where I am receiving no help but only heightened charges. As a student I cannot be expected to pay these incredibly high figures, especially when the correct action was not made clear or mentioned by any member of staff. The now frightening part is that I have received a solicitors (Spratt and Endicott) letter stating that I have "7 days to contact" or legal preceding may take place. Thank you guys in anticipation, Connor.
  2. Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble with my gym. I am signed up with a 12 month contract to David Lloyd. A couple of years ago I was with them as well but ended the membership as I sprained my neck and my spine during a session with one of their personal trainers. Ever since the accident I have had problems. I can just be sat down, just relaxing and then suddenly my back/neck will go and my movement will be very limited. I took out the membership again as I wanted to try to train my body to become stronger, develop around the injuries and hopefully stop this from happening. I used the membership a few times over a two week period, just going for a gentle swim but it was too much and I was in a lot of pain with my back causing work to be very difficult. I phoned the gym, they told me if I got a letter from my GP, they would cancel the membership. Having had to cancel the membership once before, I asked them if I still had to give notice. They said no, just hand in the letter and they will cancel it straight away. So I went to the GP, got a letter and handed it into the gym. I didn't hear anything from them so I went into the gym to find out what was happening, they said the letter was not accepted due to the wording on the letter, the GP has put that I have gone to him and requested the letter. He has also put that he has reccomended gentle exercise e.g walking, that a gym membership is not required for. 1 - I don't understand how else the GP is supposed to know if I am coping or not unless I approach him to discuss the problems with my spine. 2 - It is the doccumentation they asked for. 3 - They say that the letter doesn;t rule out walking which they have treadmills for, why should I have to pay £70 a month for this? So I spoke to the GP and they said there is no reason why they should not accept the letter. I called the gym, one of the girls at reception said she would leave a message with the manager in membership sales. I didn't hear anything so I have cancelled the Direct Debit. The gym are now chasing for payment. I have now had conversations with management via email advising of the above. They have replied informing me that I am a liar and that I have not been miss informed as I was never told such things. They insist that I WAS NOT told that a letter would service and I WAS NOT told that notice was not required and they will not accept the letter. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!! They keep changing the rules and then making me out to be a liar. I have just returned to work after 3 months sick leave and can not afford the membership. They want me to pay £70 a month to use a treadmil to walk? If they won't accept a letter from the GP then what can I do? I'm livid with the emails. A manager calling me a liar. It's my word against theirs. How would they know? arghhh... Please help.
  3. Heya. Me and my boyfriend joined a gym in a hotel close to our house. It was for six weeks as a promotional trial and when the date ended my boyfriend went to cancel it but was told by a very helpful girl at the desk that he can sign on and when he wants to cancel he needs to give 28 days notice. so...he joined again thinking that he could cancel after 28 days. now...when we first joined I signed for the 6 six weeks and he signed for the six weeks, two different documents but payed through direct debit from my bf account. when he signed another contract after those 6 weeks i was not present. now the trouble is that we wanted to cancel , and I found out that there was no possibility to cancel. after long discussion with one of the team leaders there i was offered a suspension of accounts for a year or reduction in the fee. I did not want to go for any options but my boyfriend went alone to talk with the woman and took the reduce membership. he realised that was another of their marketing/seling strategies and we want to know if we can do anything about it?
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