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Found 6 results

  1. Really appreciate anyones help here!! I ordered an iPad quite a while back now back in 2013 from Very. It never arrived and I only got an empty box. I complained to very.co.uk and they would not refund me. I contacted my bank and they suggested I raised a chargeback and I got my money back. I kept getting letters from Very stating I owe them the amount and if I do not pay I will be contacted by a debt company. I contacted my bank and was told not to pay the debt as I had not received the device. I now have a letter stating I have a default notice because of this amount from Very and NDR debt company. I contacted very again and the debt company, no one is helping me and my credit is still being affected by this. Whoever I speak to I keep getting turned away. I then contacted the head office of Very (Shop Direct) and explained the situation. They replied saying I didn't reply to letters or emails (I did) and that because of the length of time they will not re investigate and I still need to pay the debt and that it may effect my credit score. I emailed and called and tweeted them. They stated that the item was sent out. I then contacted the head office and they investigated and concluded that nothing could be done. I reported it to the FOS 2 weeks ago when i received a default notice letter. I did not do anything before that as i was advised by my bank to ignore letters and to not pay anything. What do i do?! I never got the item so why should I pay the debt?! My bank even says do not pay it. Any info would be great!
  2. Hi, I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on a matter involving my father and the DWP. My father has worked all his life and has not claimed benefit and last year he reached pension age and was informed that some DWP debt recovery department were going to make deductions from my fathers pension in relation to FRAUD case that apparently had been heard in court in 1994. My father has never been convicted of a crime let alone fraud like the DWP keep saying. They say my father owe them +£5k which the court ordered he paid and costs to the court. We have contacted the court that the DWP say the case was heard at to which they say they have no record what so ever of any court case taking place in my fathers name I asked the court if they would just allow somebody that's been ordered to pay the court costs just to walk away without paying they say they would pursue anyone who done that but they again insisted that no case has ever been heard there and that the court have no intention of chasing my father for court costs this call was recorded with the court. We went back to the DWP advising that the court has no record of any such case that they claim took place to which the DWP just do not care and have said that any appeal is to late and my father still has to pay this money regardless of anything?? Also previous the DWP has said they have CCTV images of him in a post office to which now they admit this was false information and they do NOT have this. They now say they have a piece of paper that was written in 1994 from another department saying this case happened so that's what they rely on but as they keep saying regardless of anything my fathers too late to appeal and been told the deductions will continue. I really do not know what to do as DWP will not listen and my father is struggling with the deductions being made as he is not working the hours he used to at work now due to his age. In all this the DWP discussed this with myself without my fathers authorization and the DWP were more than happy to discuss the whole thing including this phantom court case amounts owed the lot to which was caught on tape and thinking of getting my father to raise a complaint that they have committed a serious breach of the DPA by discussing this with myself without his permission i was also able to get documents sent to my father which were useless but the fact remains i was able to do this without my fathers permission. Should he pursue them on this??? My father is very upset that they have labelled him a criminal and continue to take this money when all he has done is work all his life and never been on the wrong side of the law. Is there anything else we can do to get this sorted out as DWP say they have no other paperwork to send to my father they keep saying its been over 19 years and we should not expect them to have this information but they expect to slander my father with false accusations and take money from his pension. The DWP seem to make there own rules up as they go along. Any advice would be so much appreciated as i feel really angry that we can prove what there saying is rubbish but they wont listen hiding behind the fact we run out of time to appeal. Thank You
  3. I recieved a letter at my address in December 2012 of a company called parking eye and a fine of 60 pound sayin on November the 1st at ****** I drove into the car park and my total stay was for 2 hours and 18 minutes and I'm only allowed 2 hours. and it had two pics one off my car driving in and out! No face is clearly visible, after reading many forums I decided to ignore it. In January I recieved another letter saying I now owe 100 pound. I was a bit nervous but decided to ignore it. we're now in April and I have now recieved a letter from debt recovery plus limited saying I now owe 150 or i could get bailiffs at my address or court proceeding. Natural I'm nervous about this. Also if I could get black listed or bad credit ratings. Iv gave no response at all to these letters. I'm just lookin for some professional advice or somebody who has gone through it to advise me what to do. Thanks in advance
  4. Hello, Can someone please help me - I am being chased for monies by MBS Recoveries. Money was taken out on my name by fraud and 5 years later I'im hunted down to pay the shortfall after the house was sold at auction due to repayments not made. I'm in dialogue with the bank and the Ombudsman - but im still sent letters demanding payment. I told them my situation and was left alone for a while. A week ago a Private Investigator turn up - he was apparently looking for me - i was still exactly where i was the previous time - same work same house. Can they legally persue me if im waiting on a ruling from the bank and the ombudsman? Any help would be greatly appreciated. As my threatening insolvency and bankrupt and i just got married and planning to buy a house in the next couple of months and would hate to compromise my future.
  5. Hi I wonder if someone can give me some advice. My boyfriend has received a letter, it was passed on via his old address about 2.5 years ago, so they don't have his new address. The letter came from Fairfax Solicitors on behalf of their clients Max Recovery Limited. He has never heard of them before, and it states that he owes this Max Recovery over £5k. It's really bizarre and we're not sure what to do. I was thinking of sending these so called Solicitors a letter but then again I don't want them to have my address, my boyfriend knows nothing about it, it's weird. If he calls them then from reading other people's answers to this sort of thing that's the worst thing he can do, they'll then continue to send letters to his old address. Is it wise to ignore it? I'd much appreciate some advice on this. Many thanks
  6. Need some tips to help extend a 2003 undisputed and undefended CCJ. The Judgment Debtor fled the Country (UK) in November 2003. So, the CCJ could not be enforced. Over the years since 2003, I have discovered that lawyers, courts, debt collection agencies, bailiffs and sheriffs remain less than useless. Evasive Judgment Debtors don't invite or allow bailiffs and sheriffs into their homes. As a result, bailiffs and sheriff conduct business on the door step. They don't get much out of evasive Judgment Debtor con artists who know more about the evasions and laws than lawyers, courts, debt collection agencies, bailiffs, sheriffs as well as Judgment Creditors. Over the years since 2003, as a Judgment Creditor, I continued my diligent research to trace the Judgment Debtor abroad. His passports will prove that the Judgment Debtor was out of the jurisdiction for the material period (six years), thus evading justice. His bank statements will prove his ability to repay the mounting debt that he has not repaid since 2003. Are there any county court forms or templates to apply to county court to extend or reactivate 2003 CCJ that I can submit with a witness statement, requesting the court's permission to enforce out of time and setting out the given reasons for the delay in enforcement? Thank you in advance.
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