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  1. Hi there I am going through my payplan accounts with a toothpick at the moment. And I found a confirmation letter from Apex regarding an old Lloyds account , confirming that the account has been settled thanks for paying blah blah blah....... I paid in full £1000 back in 2012. Yes paid blindly. I do not recognise the account number on the confirmation. I am trying to match the account up. ( I am going to process a SAR with Lloyds after the 24th ) - but want to start this now with Apex. Is there a standard template letter of sorts - that I can send to Apex asking where exactly where has my money gone ? What account was it used to pay off if ANY >????? hope someone can help. Thanks
  2. I am having problems with Apex ,well I assume it is Apex. My mother has Alzheimer's disease and is in a care home . I sorted all her credit cards out some were written off and some accepted a small payment to close the accounts as she did not have much money. I am now getting letters addressed to her sent to my home address (she has never lived here) I keep returning them unopened but still they keep arriving once a week . Where do I stand with this as I am getting fed up of the harassment ? I feel like writing to them and giving them the address of her care home. I mean she does not recognise any of her children now so they have no chance of getting any sense from her regarding finances !! The problem is if I write then they will start pestering me then ! The letters are sent from Mailing Services Cardrew Way a google search brings up Apex . I have not opened any letters as they state that they are private and confidential and only to Addressee only
  3. Following on from dealing with my fathers debt thread Received a letter from apex today with a signed photocopy of the actual agreement that my father took his virgin credit card out with from 2002. I take it a full and final settlement is the only way for this one now is it ? Cheers Matt
  4. hi all i sent a CCA request to Apex credit managment on the 21.7.14, this is the reply i got today, am a little bit confused what to do next hi this is an old debt for halifax credit card, of approx £8,500 dating back to 2005 which my husband has been paying a token payment of £1.00 for the last 9 years
  5. Justforthem

    Apex and Egg

    I had an egg loan sold to Apex credit. I sent them CCA request 3 years ago and they replied with a CCA. However I have never paid them and they have never chased me. I am trying to sort out finances at the moment but am wary of phoning them after all this time. Does anyone know why they have not been in contact ?
  6. Letter sent to Apex (egg loan) requesting CCA. Let's see what they send back! Apex (Egg) - £2527
  7. Hi, Does anyone know if it's a legal requirement to inform a company that you are calling that you are recording the conversation.
  8. Today I received in which looks like usual fob off letter from barclaycard rejecting my initial claim for unfair charges totalling over £240. All my charges were for £20 and a one-off charge of £40. In their letter they state that their charges of £12 are in line with their actual and estimated costs etc and are printed on back of statements each month. What next - do I reply mentioning the above statement and what I have been charged ? Thanks for any help
  9. Dear CAGers, In July last year (2013) I sent out a CCA request to Apex Credit Management and all I had back was a letter to say they would work on it. Then last week to my surprise (10 months later!) they sent a copy of the CCA. Now I’ve started to get a few calls a day from them (I haven’t answered any though). Would someone kindly cast an eye over what they’ve sent so that I know whether I have to start paying them something, or suggest any ideas? Many Thanks
  10. Hello all, I have another DCA on my back now, this time with an existing Natwest account. This is my existing student bank account and I already have an arrangement with Natwest to pay token payments of £1 pcm until my circumstances improve. Unfortunately this has been going on for a number of years due to never having enough cash to settle the debt quicker. I've received from Apex. They wrote to me advising that Natwest had instructed them to "manage my account", I sent them a "prove it" letter as I was still paying Natwest. They replied with some flimflam about being disapointed with me ignoring their attempts at contact and they have "external sources" that prove I can pay the debt. So I CCA'd them, they replied with this: "I can confirm that this request needs to be made directly to the Royal Bank of Scotland as they are the principle company with whom the agreement was reached. Your request will need to made in writing to the address below (RBS address) along with the enclosed applicable fee of £1.00 made payable to the "Royal Bank of Scotland"" I replied with this, coupled with the original CCA request "I recently requested that you supply me a copy of the alleged Consumer Credit Agreement, pursuant to Section 77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA 1974). If it is your view that you are not the creditor, Section 175 of the CCA 1974 applies in the case of a simple assignment, and places a duty upon you to pass this request to the creditor. In the case of an absolute assignment, you are a creditor as defined by Section 189. If you contend that you purchased the rights but not the duties of any agreement, you are reminded that Section 189 of the Act is clear that an assignment is of both rights and duties. Your attention is drawn to Sections 5(2), 3(b), 6 and 7 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR). Attached is a copy of my original request and the original payment in the sum of £1.00, which is the statutory fee - remember these funds are not to be used for any other purpose." I waited a few days, got a reply and it was the same as their initial reply stating I have to CCA RBS myself. Can anyone shine any light on this? I have been following advice given on this site and it's been great so far. I am happily paying Natwest. I wish I could legitimately send Apex a letter telling them where to go... Thanks in advance for any advice given Tom
  11. Hi, I don’t ever remember joining CAG but stumbled upon it again recently – wish I’d known about it years ago, the information and support I’ve seen here are amazing. I’m looking for some debt and DMP help, and would really appreciate people’s ideas and advice on my position. It’s grown pretty long but wanted to get down everything, so to anyone who reads it all a BIG THANKS! I have had a DMP since 2007 and would like to get these debts cleared off because they’re such a drain, but haven’t been able to contribute that much so the total is still big. I did try for an IVA originally, but that was rejected in June 2007, if it had gone ahead I’d be sorted by now. These are the details: 1. Abbey Loan, started in September 2006, now with Apex £25,000 outstanding. 2. MBNA Credit Card, opened in 1999, now with Link Financial £13,500 outstanding. 3. Co-op Credit Card, opened in 1989, now with Frederickson £10,200 outstanding. 4. HFC Loan, started in September 2004 still with them £3,800 outstanding. 5. Unsecured loan with NRAM, about £13,000 outstanding. Our mortgage was taken out in 2006 with Northern Rock, now with NRAM, and includes this unsecured part. They’ve stopped the interest on this part, but I’ve tried to keep up the full payments separate from the DMP because I was worried about its association with our mortgage. The Co-op CC has now come off my credit report, the others are due to by about May 2014, (except NRAM which is not listed as defaulted but a month in arrears) so that’s starting to improve. I haven’t paid for PPI on any of them. Here are a few questions. A. Abbey gave us a £25,000 loan but applied all of the interest right at the start instead of on an annual basis, making the initial balance £31685. So even though I’d paid £2,400 the default amount was £29,038. I haven’t seen this way of applying the interest before and if it had been applied monthly or annually I’d have defaulted on less. Is there anything I can do about this, like claim back interest that applied after the default? They didn’t apply any other charges. B. Is there any possibility of reclaiming any interest (on purchases) that is applied before the creditors accept a repayment offer and freeze interest? I’m not exactly sure when that officially happened, but the Co-op CC appears to have stopped after November 2007 and MBNA CC after December 2007. However the IVA application for example was in June 2007 and between then and November there was thousands in interest on the two CCs. Is there any possibility of reclaiming any of that extra interest? C. Because I stopped making minimum payments MBNA and Co-op started charging late fees at £12 per month and then when the balance went over limit due to the accruing interest, overlimit fees of £12 per month started. Total fees are about £100 each. Am I right in thinking it may be possible to get these refunded? (Although they are drops in the ocean!) D. I’ve read of people applying to see the original, signed CA. Some of mine were taken out a long time ago so they may not be able to produce the CA. Have I anything to lose by requesting them and if they can’t what does that mean for me? E. Many of these questions are a bit hopeful really, it’s just that I haven’t been able to save anything for a full and final payment and I worked out it would take another 27 years to repay all of these at the current rate! So really the main thing is any advice/ideas on anything I can do to avoid being saddled with these debts forever? Thank you for reading all this. It’s a lot, but I wanted to get all the important stuff in together. Many, many thanks in advance for your time and advice. J
  12. Hi Guys, Apex Credit Management... What do we know and what are they like?
  13. Dear All, I currently have a student account with Natwest, with a £1,500 limit which is maxed out. Cut the long story short, when the Natwest Systems crashed last year I was due to receive a payment of £1,850 but it was not reflected on the account due to the system crash. Natwest kindly credited my account with the £1,850 into my account. A few months later, Natwest misused my account £1,850 leaving me in well over £3,000 overdraft as they said they have not seen the credit come into the account which was supposed to. ( I am in the process to find out, if the credit was made to Natwest or that person lied) Now my account stands as this £1,500 Over draft £1,850 CREDIT And it has been passed onto APEX credit management. Seeing I am still a student, I should have not be passed over to the DCA.... furthermore the payment of £1,850 was given to by Natwest I did not sign any forms or anything. They said they would take the money when it reflects on the account and this can take some time. I have been avoiding this for a long time, now I do not know where I stand, and what to do! Appreciate your help and support. Thanks.
  14. Hi everyone, as you might tell, I'm new here... I pretty clueless in which direction to go and I desperately need help from people in the know so I'm here as this seems the right place to get different opinions etc... Right, my situation... Back in March 2009 I took a personal loan out for a newish car with Blackhorse Finance, the agreement was for £9,600 spread over £207 payable back over 60months... Originally the agreement was to be on Vehicle Finance terms but for some reason I couldn't get that so they changed it to a personal loan and got it through for some reason... This allowed me to sell the car without having to pay the finance off etc. (but I'll get back to that shortly...) I was in full time employment and was able to pay the £207 for around 2 years, after approximately 18months of that 2 years I got a promotion in work and was given a company car to use for Social use as well as within work so naturally I didn't see much point in owning a car worth a good few thousand pound when it's just sat at home not getting used. I decided to sell, I spoke with Blackhorse first to confirm they didn't have any 'Interest' in the vehicle there end and was told that I can go ahead and sell it... The car sold and I kept the money in a savings pot as I didn't have enough to completely close the Finance account off so I thought I would just keep paying the £207 each month happily... Then the problem occurred... Around 6 months after selling the car, I was made redundant, obviously the company car went back and I was left jobless... I decided to do what I always wanted to do and start up my own business, I carefully used my savings pot to set up business as a Mobile ICT Technician with a vehicle and some additional kit that I didn't have and got out there working... Self employment went well for around 8 months and during that period I was able to keep the payments of £207 going... Business went bad... Eventually, self employed life started getting bad, the phone didn't ring as much as it used to and a lot of competition had cropped up from nowhere in the local area... I started to struggle... I missed a couple of months payments trying to prioritise my money to actually getting by and living and I ended up burying my head in the sand for too long hiding away from the phone calls from Blackhorse and then various debt collectors... (Stupid mistake I know but I was young...) I managed to make a payment on and off over the duration of about 18months whilst trying to get my business going again whilst looking for full time employment... When I did eventually sort myself out and get a full time job, after around 6 months I answered a phone call from Apex and jumped onto a payment plan with them (As Blackhorse wouldn't deal with me regarding my account anymore and said I needed to speak with Apex) I've been on a payment plan with Apex paying £130 per month for approx. 14months now, I haven't missed a payment at all. The debt/loan is still with Blackhorse and hasn't been sold onto Apex, they are merely handling me for them... According to my basic math, the 60 month term makes the agreement finish in March this year... That's the history anyway.... Myself and my Girlfriend wish to get onto the property ladder at some point this year and as a result of that decision, I looked into my Credit Rating with Experian... it's 458 (shockingly sh$t I know...) So now I'm tasked with the challenge of improving that even slightly some how over the next couple of months as we've seen a house we like and can easily afford the re-payments... Here comes my question of all questions... The main thing that's dragging me down seems to be the Blackhorse finance stuff... (the reason I say the main this because my Barclaycard Credit card doesn't seem to be on my Experian Credit Report at all and I personally believe this would go in my favour if it was there as I've never missed a payment and have 90% of the credit limit available... (any information/advice on this would be really helpful too!!!)) My Mum has offered to lend me a few thousand to clear the Blackhorse debt up/off and so I wish to do this... Black horse debt detail: - BLACK HORSE LTD Started : 10/03/2009 Remaining Balance : £4,559 Overdue Amount : £3,458 I don't have the funds in place to clear the complete balance unfortunately, and therefore I am seeking direction here as to which way to go with this... And that in mind, which way would benefit my credit score the most? Do I clear the overdue amount and get back up where I should be? I believe the difference is so great between those two figures because every time I missed a monthly payment I had a £25 charge added on and during my head burying time that was quite a lot of missed payments... So do I pursue a full and final whereby I request it gets marked as 'Settled' and see how low I can get it? Or do I pursue removing the charges/majority of charges? and pay the overdue amount? From what I can see on my Credit Report, the current status of this is 'delinquent' and not 'defaulted' and so while it is still in the repayable timeframe period I still have a chance of some sort to keep from going to the 'defaulted' status? Any help and advice with my current situation is very much appreciated, as you can tell, I don't have much time before the end of the payable term is up so I need to get some sort of decision made soon so I can get the ball rolling in the right direction... Thanks very much for reading that lot if you got here! Cheers, Adam.
  15. Hi i recevied a letter on 16 march 2013 from lloyds tsb dated 21 febuary 2013 to inform me that the debt was sold on to apex credit management on the 3rd of august 2012. Should i have been imformed earlier of this the account is still to be managed by aic this has been the case for the past 8yrs and has been done on the basis of income and expenditure Do i need to worry about this change Amd2012
  16. Emrys

    LTSB / Apex

    My current account with Lloyds TSB has been handed to Apex for recovery with a balance of just under £700. I have written to TSB on several occasions advising them that I have no phone to call them on as I can only afford line rental for my internet access at present. Now the question is do I acknowledge Apex by issuing them with an offer of repayment? Their letter requests I make contact within the next 10 days as they require or deal only with TSB, who to date have ignored my complaints and letters totally, instead simply sending me a default notice etc. This all began when I took out a £1000 loan with TSB back in July 2012, unfortunately I lost my job and wrote to them stating such. Initially, they slapped a load of charges on my account and then mysteriously removed them! It has been a long process and I also took it through the FOS who were a waste of time to say the least! Useless. When I took out the TSB loan I asked would it affect my £650 overdraft and the TSB lady told me in no uncertain terms that my loan arrangement was not in any way affected by taking this loan out. When I lost my job I attempted to up my OD by a mere £100 or so to help alleviate the situation temporarily to enable me to affect my loan repayment for a few months but it was blocked. So taking out the loan DID in fact affect the flexibility of my overdraft at that time therefore. So at present, I owe TSB for the loan (am awaiting for them to respond with my offer of payment I sent last week for this), AND my existing current acct balance has been transferred to Apex and my TSB acct effectively shut. Any help would be great please. Am fed up with this totally. I have had no definite reply from my initial complaint to TSB.
  17. hi having problems with apex agreed to pay 60 monthly taken by dd from my account no december payment has been taken should i pay it by card and cancel dd and write to them requesting standing order details as have had a funny phone call from someone asking for me about my dyson when i said i don't have a dyson she hang up funny i haven't had a phone call from apex as payment was due 15 december think they might be going to court any advise please
  18. Hi all, Some years ago I had major financial and personal problems. Managing to get myself on my feet again but am worried about this outstanding account. Pretty much all of my other debtors agreed to a one off payment to close my accounts after months of offers and writing letters. Egg did not accept my offer. I had been paying them a small sum each month ( as I had with my other debtors ) and then suddenly out of the blue, my account was passed to a company called Apex. I stopped my payments to Egg and waited for Apex to contact me. Nothing has happened for about 2 years. I checked on my credit file and although the account is in default and has been since around 2008, it shows as still being active and each month as no payments have been made, a D is shown in the payments table. I have just received a statement from Apex telling me the account is still outstanding but at the bottom of the letter it says for information only, no action required. In with the statement were a few photo copied flyers from debt management comapnies telling me to pay my debts etc and a ways to pay note. Im confused. I havent had any communication from Apex till now. I havent made any payments on the account for about 2 years. If the account is in default, will it automatically get written off after 6 years or does the account need to be closed to do this? Am I getting this confused with defaults on the credit file? I really dont want to get back in to the writing of letters again. The whole episode was very stressfull back in 2008 and made me quite ill. I dont want to go there again. I realise ignoring it might not be the best option but part of me just wants this to all go away. Head in the sand and all that.... The outstanding amount is only about £700 but I just dont have the money or the means to pay it off. Its taken years of careful budgeting to get where I am and I simply do not have the means to pay. Any advice greatly appreciated and received!
  19. I tried to arrange an IVA but it failed because MBNA said that the IVA company were taking too much money. So I contacted every company myself and said that I would pay them all directly the same percentage of the money which they all agreed and I have been doing.... I agreed with EGG to pay them £45 which I was doing but then they sold the debt to APEX. APEX then started harrassing me every 3 months or so saying that they need a new full breakdown of my income and outgoings OR can I borrow the money off family or friends etc even when I told them that nothing had changed or my income has not changed but some of my bills have increased but I will carry on paying the same amount. Can I just refuse to enter into discussion about it beyond saying "Nothing has changed so you have the details" we've agreed £45 and that is all I can afford and all you are getting.
  20. I,or rather my wife got this letter in April. According to Apex, I'm dead and they are asking for a copy of my death certificate! Sorry it's taken so long to post this here but coming back from the dead is a very difficult and time consuming process. The amount of paperwork involved is unbelievable. I can reassure you all I am very much alive and have at no time been deceased. Where Apex got this information from I'll never know. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y157/jamesthecat/CAG%20letters/a18421ba.jpg
  21. Evening All, I have spent an hour skimming the forum but have found nothing directly on point. I would be grateful for any assistance as I would like to respond to Apex in the next few days on the below. I was contacted before Christmas by Apex saying there was a balance of approx £560 outstanding on a Santander account. The last contact I had on this account (that I can find) was a statement from Summer 2008, showing me to be around £50 in credit. It may be I am at fault for not updating Santander as to a change of address (I genuinely cannot remember as I thought I had, or maybe just presumed I had). The card I had expired in 2009. I have had no correspondence since. I now bank exclusively with another bank and have done for 3.5 years+ I have requested a printed list of transactions from Apex which I have now received. This shows that as of March 2009 the only transactions are for £1.99 monthly direct debits to Dixons. I then went overdrawn by 64 pence and then £2.63 in April and May 2011 (almost two years after the card expired and two years since my last "active" use of the account ). The remainder of the debt is made up of unarranged overdraft fees (£85 x 1, £100 x 4) (I was not aware it was even possible to get an overdraft on that account), unpaid direct debits (£25 x2) and a £5 charge. I do not have the original terms of opening (this would have been pre 2004) I am minded to send a cheque for £2.63 and the £5 charge but do not know if I have a leg to stand on. To me the charges of £100 per month seem punitive for a £2.63 debt. I am kicking myself and although to date the Apex person with whom I have corresponded has been reasonable I cannot see a £2.63 or £7.63 settlement going down too well. I would be grateful for your guidance before I respond further.
  22. First time using this forum so please excuse me if I have not posted in the right section. My husband had a credit card with Monument in excess of 6 years ago, credit limint £250. He used the limit on the card and then stopped making payments. He then ignored any request for payment. Over the years Apex Credit Management have been in touch via letters and telephone calls. My husband has acknowledge the debt and in the past offered to make a lump payment of half the balance outstanding, this was refused on several occasions. There is no record on my husbands credit file in relation to this debt, not sure if that is relevant or not. I am in possession of a recent letter which states that the current balance outstanding is £911.25. We have no information on any of the charges that have been applied to the account. My husband has requested a breakdown of the account from Apex several times but has never received one. What I want to know is is my husband required to pay the full outstanding balance in order to get rid of the debt? Where do we go from here in order to settle the account? I'd appreciate any advice on this matter.
  23. ellis1972

    Egg and Apex

    I had a debt assigned from Egg to Apex about 20 months ago. When it was assigned to Apex I sent off for CCA which I received back from Apex. I don't know if the CCA was enforceable or not as I never really looked into the matter. I have never given Apex a payment and I stopped paying Egg again about 20 months ago. I have never heard anything from Egg or Apex since. On one hand it is great and on the other it feels like it could creep out the woodwork at any moment in time. I own my own home with small amount of equity so I don't want to risk that. As far as I am aware Egg went bust. Can anyone tell me why it is I haven't heard anything for all this time. If I could get an insight into what is going on then I can decided whether to contact Apex and sort something. Thank you.
  24. After I used my LLoyds debit card in a hotel outside UK, bank has withdrown 5 GBP and charged me ever since on a daily basis until the amount reaches 172.23 GBP when they stopped. I had no intension of paying, especially ever since a friend "negotiated" with a Lloyds bank cashier over her overdraft and she settle down the amount! Then I received a letter from a company named APEX credit management about the outstanding balance of 172,23 GBP on 28 Aug 2012. "We have been advised by our client that the option to pay a reduced settlement is available to you. Depending on your circumstances the discount available can be up to 20%. In order to allow you to take advantage of this offer we may be able to schedule the settlement in instalments over 90 days. This offer is not open to everyone and is available for a limited time." bLAH BLAH BLAH Please I am in desperate need of an advice what do you suggest me to do? FYI I am Greek and I live in Greece for more than 2 years now. I am fed up with this bank. my debit card expires on 1/2013.
  25. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    Hello everybody I have a loan from LLOYDS bank taken out in Nov 2007 of £12 500 with APR 16,5% without a PPI for 60 monhts. . My every month's payment is £ 302, never missed one single payment. This week I am made redundant and still do not have another job so, I am going to sign up for JScontribution or JSA. I want to write to the bank and ask them for a settlement. I want to offer them 1. a 40% - max .60% payment and the rest to be written off /cca £ 2500 - 4000 from £ 6 200/ or 2. to get a reduced monthly payment - the minimum I would be able to afford from JSC/JSA or 3. to get at least 6 months payment free holidays until I get up on my feet again. What if they will not agree? I have to stop paying from the next month and do not know how soon I could start paying it again. What can they do against me after stopping paying? If I get just £ 284 a month from Job Centre they hardly see any money at all...... Thanks for your answers.
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