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  1. Hi all, Wanting to try to reclaim PPI (and possibly late payment / exceeding limit charges?) for my girlfriend and confused about exactly how to do it? Have just tried to look around the forum but there are so many links and reems of information and I am not sure exactly what to do. is there a simple step by step guide relating to the below?..... Have been sat on a lot of this info since 2012 when we sent SAR requests - with the intention being to try and sort out her credit rating (due to previous defaults entered relating to the accounts below). We haven't followed up on all of this quickly as just been too confused and stressed with other financial worries - and just want to try and sort everything now. Have recently come to realise that PPI/charges may be reclaimable... .looked into it for a while and then lost all the information due to computer being stolen, and then just haven't followed up. From the paper notes/SAR info I can state the following: 3 Accounts 2 with Barclays - got SAR information August 2012. 1 - Barclayloan 2001-2002. Was paid off fully. Statement shows an "Insurance Premium" of £45 - which I've noted was "added to loan value" (via previous research on this forum?). Have noted £45 charge + circa £55 interest claimable" Must have been a spreadsheet/calculator I used? Not sure which or how to do this now? Calculate it on a spreadsheet + interest - write this into a letter and claim 2 - Barclaycard - defaulted Jan 2005. Passed to HFO services. circa £3000 balance. She ended up giving in to threatening letters and phonecalls and paid a total of around £600 to HFO services over a few months. Hence won't be stat barred until 2018. However - no CCA provided, HFO services seem to have had all sorts of issues....advised on here this is "deadlocked?" - not received letters for over a year. Statements received in SAR show PPI totalling around £170 was charged. Another £25ish was charged for some sort of "CVR accidental death" thing.. ..and then another £160 of exceeding limit and late payment charges was added - £20 per time. (All of this over about 8 months). I have made a note stating "circa "£340 charges + £250 interest recalaimable??" Assume using a calculator on here? Is this a case of calculating/adding up charges on the statement - working out interest somehow - then sending this with a letter as a claim? 3 - Natwest Credit Card. Balance defaulted Jan 2009. Last payment few months prior. Stat barred now, no contact for over a year. We wrote and asked for SAR info August 2012, but Natwest replied saying they had a different address and require proof of address and the SAR resubmitting. Did get some info back in response to S78 which shows PPI was included on the account though - but don't have full statements to see how much. Assume need to resend SAR now, get statement then.....not sure what to do next? Use a spreadsheet to calculate a £ figure and then put it into a letter? Thank you for any help or pointing in right direction!
  2. If your benefits are paid into a RBS or Natwest bank account and you are due a payment this week this maybe delayed here's why http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33162855 and recaction from the Natwest customer forum http://communities.natwest.com/t5/Ways-to-Bank/natwest-down-again/td-p/38531 Why should these bank's be able to get away with treating customers like this ?
  3. Hi All , need some help with a very long , ongoing saga with natwest.... has a business loan from natwest for £59.950.. . this was back in 2005 ( bought village shop) long story short had to default on loan as business failed in 2008 , limped along until 2010 .... ........ was hoping it was a recoverable glitch due to losing all passing trade as a result of a major build in the area .. ......was hoping to build business up again after opening of housing estate and race course etc from 2010 natwest went for bankruptcy and failed via a stautory demand they also went for a charging order on residential property but failed recently been to court for repossession whereby they won possession order........ ........... submitted a defence that was immediately thrown out.............. refuse permission to appeal still trying to negotiate with natwest four weeks on, as since 2010 been unemployed but an now working and would like to resume payments as even thought business is no longer trading i am actually living at the property after marriage breakup Issue i have is that natwest have now doubled the repayments from £574 to over £1000 a month which i cannot afford what i want to know is , are there any arguments that can be used concerning the fact that the increase is unreasonable? i know that this is not the same as a rental agreement BUT i am living there and there are rules about excessive rents and i am sure i have read about there being regulations that concern a minimum amount that you need to live on. this is in rural wales and the average income round here is not one that would allow for that sort of repayment each months , if it was repossessed and sold at auction no one local could afford a grand a month just at a loss as to want i can do to keep a roof over my head, i know there is nothing that can force them to accept, however certain regulations and their credit licence guidance says they must exercise forbearance and work with you if you are in difficulty. it seems all along all they are doing it working against me. running out of time now and dont knwow hat else to do i would be very grateful for any suggestions
  4. Hi everyone. I'm new to these forums and I'm not sure if I am posting in the correct place. Please feel free to point me in the right direction if it's better suited somewhere else. Although this story is fairly long, I will try and explain it the best I can. I am speaking on behalf of my Father because he has dyslexia and finds it difficult to read and write well. Back in 2005 my Father owned a fairly successful business but he was having trouble with the bookkeeping and accounts. Around this time, he was approached by a company called Barrington Finance, who told him that they were able to help him sort his difficulties out and get his books and accounts in order. Shortly after, the director of Barrington finance decided he wanted to leave his job and be in partnership with my Father, as he was bored of his job and wanted to take a new direction. The director then introduced my Father to a bank manager who worked at Natwest. My Fathers new business partner, and the manager of Natwest advised my Father to remortgage his home for £100'000 and to put the money in to an account for a new business venture my Father set up. The bank manager opened up 3 separate business accounts for different business's for my father and his new business partner, with an overdraft facility on 2 accounts. A mandate was set in place for the accounts, which stated that money could only be withdrawn/transferred with two signatures. That of my Fathers, and his new business partner. Around 8 months after these accounts were set up, my Father noticed some suspicious activity within his business, he then went in branch to check one of the accounts (the one he had put the £100'000 in), to find that the account had been closed and all the money had been taken out. He was at a complete loss for words as he had only authorised one transaction over that period. He knew straight away that his new business partner was involved in the disappearance of the money and the account closure. Upon viewing the bank statements of these accounts, there had been withdrawals of large sums of money which were not authorised by my Father. He immediately reported the matter to the police to which they said they could not do anything until they received confirmation from the bank that these fraudulent actions had taken place. He then approached the bank and reported the theft to the bank assistant to which they passed onto the managers. The manager did agree that fraudulent activity had been taking place and asked him to put it in writing so they can investigate further into the matter. The case was then passed onto the fraud investigation department. Whilst this investigation was happening (it took almost two years) the bank itself made a claim against my Father for the £10000 overdraft facility. He tried to inform the bank that their bank manager had authorised the overdraft and is involved in the theft and the unauthorised transactions taken out of the accounts. In the end, the claim that my Father was trying to make was not taken to court because Natwest said that the £10’000 overdraft he apparently owed and the disappearance of the £100’000 were not related. Before Natwest took my Father to court, he had payed around £7000 in legal costs trying to take them to court. After all of this happened, my Father lost his business, our family home… everything he had ever worked hard for. In 2008, my dad had to pay back the £10’000. He has suffered a tremendous amount of stress and depression from this ordeal, and we are all suffering to this very day. that is the general background to the story. I hope it wasn’t too difficult to follow for those of you that are still reading this. Of course there are further points to make but it would take way too long to explain on this forum. I have a few important questions to ask and some key points to elaborate on When my Father saw the account transactions, it showed that money was been transferred to his business partners account, his business partners WIFES account and then to the other two business accounts that were set up. When he asked Natwest to show him WHO authorised these transactions (there were 21 account transfers) they said that this is only kept on file in a note system for a very short period of time and then destroyed. Is this true? So if you have a large sum of money in an account that is only allowed withdrawal/transactions with two signatures, they have NO evidence to show who allowed this to happen? 2) Before the mandate was set in place and signed by my father and his business partner, £10’000 was withdrawn out of the account in cash, with only 1 signature, the signature of his business partner! This was BEFORE the mandate was even set in place! Surely this is enough evidence? And surely this is completely in breach of the contract??? 3) The bank manager of natwest was over-riding my fathers authority and allowing my fathers business partner to transfer the money without his permission. What is even more astounding is that the bank manager of Natwest was SACKED in 2008 due to gross misconduct. But they did not mention this at court?! Fastforward to 2015, we have now taken this case to the Financial Ombudsman. I sent off a case file that has all evidence and documents pertaining to the investigation back in 2007/8. The court had ordered Natwest to release all their documents of their investigation so EVERYTHING they did/said is all here with me in a file. before the case was passed on to the adjudicator, another person who was dealing with it beforehand said that Natwest have not issued my Father with a deadlock letter . can the ombudsman make a decision without the deadlock letter? We have asked the Ombudsman time and time again to get the deadlock letter from the bank but he has ignored these requests. He said that because it happened so long ago , Natwest have told him they haven't kept the case on file. BUT we have everything here on file because as I said earlier, the court ordered Natwest to release everything they were doing on the investigation back in 2007/08. What are the chances of my Father getting anywhere with this case since it has been more than six years? I would greatly appreciate everyones thoughts, comments and suggestions . If you have any questions that you would like to ask then please feel free to do so. Thank you for reading.
  5. I have had a graduate account with Natwest for 2 years and the past year I have been paying interest on £800 on my my £1800 ARRANGED overdraft. It is soon to be converted to a 'Select' account and I will pay interest on the entire £1800 and £6 usage fee a month. I am going to teach abroad for 5 months and I have sufficient funds to pay the interest on this account and my phone bill that comes out of this account as a direct debit! My plan is to do this travelling then either get a job out there and repay my overdraft through that or come home and get a job. I am worrying about what will happen while I am away, I will try and put some money into the account but can the bank just take it off me? If they do and default me what can I do whilst away? I doubt my account will go over the arranged overdraft whilst away as I have some money in it (still overdrawn every month). Thank you for any replies.
  6. I'm looking for some help/guidance on how to proceed with Accent Legal. My husband and I took out a Natwest loan in 2008 for £25000. Within a few months we realised we'd made a mistake and couldn't afford the payments. We made an arrangement through Payplan to make reduced payments. Natwest got CCJ's in both our names and a charging order in just my name. Due to Payplan making an error I stopped paying the DMP last June and in September of last year our home was repossessed. Due to my husbands poor health and the stress of debts we moved into a rented house but told none of the creditors where we moved to apart from the mortgage company. Well forward 8 months and I have received a letter from Accent Legal. I forgot about it as I went into hospital for a hysterectomy but have received another stating that if I don't contact them they are going to enforce the charging order. I thought they'd be aware we no longer own the house as of course they have located me at another address. I'm not sure how to proceed. We have very little money. My husband is on PIP and ESA and we have 3 daughters. I tried to ring today but they are closed. I'm hoping they can put the account on hold for a few weeks while I recover. Also do I tell them the house the charging order was attached to has been repossessed?
  7. I lodged a complaint via telephone this morning to say that I downgraded from Advantage Gold at a review meeting in March 09 after I had recently been made redundant with my then relationship manager. It was established that I had no need for the account. I was advised that it had been open since 1999 and I thought the charge was in relation to my overdraft. For the duration of when I had the AG account I had a company car and company mobile which were covered by the companies insurance and would not have agreed to purchasing this product. To reinforce the fact I was in financial hardship the relationship manager arranged for a loan I had to be extended therefore reducing monthly payments. I gave all this information to the complaints team at 8.09am this morning and they came back at 3pm to say that they were not upholding my account due to the length of time I took to raise the complaint. I informed them that I did not realise at the time I could complain and in fact there should have been some duty of care at the meeting and advice to do this give my financial situation (hardship). Due to the media it struck a chord and I went through some paperwork to find I had had the AG account and that is why I was complaining. I asked the complaint handler what investigative work they had done to come to the decision but she would only talk about the timescale as the reason for rejection. I am aware that you can complain outside the 6 year timescale and feel that this is unfair as my account number is still the same and active and they have full records of the AG account which I downgraded from. I really believe that no investigation has taken place today and they are trying to fob me off with the timing issue. Can anyone give me any advice as I feel that I would like to complain about this to the CEO as no mitigating circumstances have been taken into account.
  8. My boyfriends Ex-wife took out a bank account before she left him in 2009. My boyfriend was a joint account holder and signed to say he was happy with this. The account was then changed to a packaged bank account (called a Gold Account) without my boyfriends knowledge. The account was never used and it went overdrawn with charges until Natwest closed the account and added a Default to my boyfriends Credit File in April 2010 which we have only just found out about. My boyfriend wrote to Natwest asking them to remove the default from his Credit File. Natwest replied with a straight NO saying they had the paperwork signed by boyfriend and he had agreed to it. He does not remember signing for a packaged account and I know they were regularly mis-sold (Natwest tried it with me until I changed bank). What do we do next?
  9. Hi can anyone help me with an issue on the amount of redress due from a credit card PPI which FOS have found in my favour against RBS for an old Natwest Card. the amount offered seems low Thanks J
  10. Angry customers of NatWest and RBS are reporting serious problems accessing their online accounts, with many taking to Twitter on Friday to accuse the accident-prone bank of another IT disaster. The latest IT problems emerged as customers tried to access their accounts and make payments, on a day that is payday for many people. NatWest said it is investigating the issue, but had no other statement to make. It told customers over Twitter: “We are aware of an issue with our online banking service, our tech team is looking into this as a matter of urgency.” But coming so soon after the last IT outage, the access problems have left many customers venting their anger over Twitter. Can't log in to #natwest yet again to check up on some transactions... and they want me to opt out of paper statements?! No chance. — Jacqueline F (@JackieF_0307) July 31, 2015"> Natwest IT problems The problems emerged early this morning, as some customers waking up and hoping to check their pay had gone into their account were unable to log on. Why does the @NatWest_Help app always go down on payday?!?! I hope there's no issues with payments again! http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/rbs-and-natwest-customers-complain-of-online-problems/ar-BBlgcjC?ocid=spartandhp
  11. Could anyone point me in the right direction to try and reclaim package fees. We were sold this account to obtain a preferential rate on a loan but have not used the benefits otherwise. We have had the account since about 2000 - can claims go back that far and should I write to NatWest asking for all fees and charges on this account since the account was openend? Many thanks
  12. Hi all, This is my first post here so I apologise in advance if I miss any key points out. I'm looking for some advice with regards to numerous problems I've had with my Professional Training loan I took out with Natwest about five years ago. Bit of Background This has become something of a long story so please bear with me. I took the loan out for £20k, around £30k by the time interest went on (can't remember exact amounts, it was a long time ago) to put me through Law School. About 3 - 4 months after I took the loan out, I found out that NatWest were not going to offer the loan any more and as such the 'graduate specialist' that I had been assigned to help with problems I had was reassigned to another area of the bank, and I was told she could no longer help me, I had to deal with the graduate area of the call centre. Problems 1. As far as I (and my parents, who were in the initial loan meeting with me) can remember, I was told my repayments would be around £150 - £190, and they would confirm this with me in writing nearer the time of my payments commencing, towards the end of my year's loan deferral while I was studying. I put in a call to the call centre around October (loan payments due to start in January) to check the amount as I hadn't heard anything, and was told again £150 or so. I wrote this on the back of a notepad I had as I hadn't had anything in writing from them. First payment for £299 goes out in January. Obviously this is almost double their lower estimate of £150. When I queried this, I was told it was an 'administrative error' and that the lady who had given me the £150 figure had not factored in the interest. When I put in a complaint, I was told that unless I could produce it in writing they would not take my complaint any further. Funnily enough, both times, these figures were given to me verbally, and the only recourse the bank would offer was to increase my overdraft. I have been struggling along but making the £299 payments for the last 4 or so years having decided that I would just get on and manage. 2. This product came with a year's payment holiday while I was studying, with the option of an extra 3 months if I went to a particular Law School (which I did). I initially turned down the extra 3 months on the basis that it would be an incentive to get a job. I got a job straight out of college, but unfortunately had to move out of my rental accommodation on incredibly short notice (landlord sold the house out from under me) which floored my finances around November time (again, repayments officially due to start in January). I went into my local branch and put in the request for the extra 3 months payment holiday I was told I could have. Nobody knew about this, and after lots of to-ing and fro-ing we finally established that, yes, I could apply for it. I went through the paperwork with a lady in the branch and she told me she would submit it and I didn't need to do anything further. I heard nothing further from them, and as stated above my first loan payment went out unexpectedly in January, instead of April as I was expecting. Calling back into the branch, the lady I spoke to there could remember me filling in the paperwork and she said she sent it off, but the admin centre denied all knowledge, claiming to have never received it. Another complaint made and I was told there was nothing they could do, once they had started the loan payments they couldn't delay them again. Again, they offered to increase my overdraft rather than solve the problem. 3. When I took the loan out, I was told it wouldn't affect my ability to get a mortgage as it was classed as a 'Student Debt'. Now my partner and I are trying to buy our first property together, and following a meeting with a mortgage adviser, was told that this loan does indeed count against me and most banks will not touch me as long as that loan is outstanding. I have about six years of repayments left - and we simply cannot wait that long to get a house. Yet another complaint to the bank and I was told this was obviously another 'admin error' from someone who didn't understand the loan fully, and again, if I can produce written evidence they will consider my complaint. Yet again, no written evidence. I am absolutely at the end of my rope with the bank and the 'admin errors' I keep encountering, they don't seem to appreciate that their 'silly mistakes' are causing me huge stress with my finances. Can anyone give me any advice as to where I go from here? Thanks in advance and sorry for the rant
  13. The FCA handed out the following fines to RBS group in 2014: 27/08/14 - £14,474,000 11/11/14 - £217,000,000 20/11/14 - £42,000,000 Total for all banks is £1,159,709,700 So it looks like the government will be getting it's bailout fee twice over.
  14. Hi, just want to say you guys do an amazing job with all the information and advise you give. To cut a long story short, my parents have a property portfolio of a few properties with Natwest bank on a commercial loan. Unfortunately in 2010 we lost my mum, Natwest have wanted to breakdown the contract due to my mothers death and want to increase the interest rate to a much higher rate almost making it impossible to make repayments. Our previous lawyer has managed to delay the case up until now, we havent signed the new contract as of yet, however natwest are pressurising us even more with threats to default our account. We have kept up with payments as stipulated in the initial contract. we have recently spoken to another solicitor (quite expensive lol) who has drafted two letters one to Natwest and one to Vince Cable MP out lining the situation as natwest have taken advantage of our tragic situation and made a business opportunity out of it. I appologise for some lack of informarion as my father was dealing with this but has been stressed and overwhelmed by the situation. I am trying to sort this out the best way possible and would appreciate any help and advise. I feel natwest have morally done wrong and taken advantage of the tragic loss of my mother.
  15. I located my Advantage Premier account booklet and can see that I was charged £150 a year for the privilige of useless insurances etc so possibly a case of mis-selling. I was advised to up-grade my account to keep my overdraft facility in which at the time I relied on and when things eventually got worse, I then was requested to consolidate debts with a loan in which realistically I could not afford. I know that it was stupid to agree to but I felt helpless at the time and felt pressured into it. Things got bad to worse in the end I could not afford to keep up repayments. My finances were passed and addressed by a third party who agreed a set repayment plan with my creditors including Natwest. This was ok for about six months or so but they refused to freeze the interest when requested unlike my other creditors. eventually they demanded an increase in monthly payments from £50pm to £700pm which was not possible before I knew it, not only was I issued with a CCJ but my debt had increased by another £8,000 including interest and charges. I now have an agreed repayment plan with Irwin Mitchell since February 2008 in which I pay by direct debit. I recently requested a statement of payments from them and NatWest. Irwin Mitchell's cameback all in order as to what I paid when I recieved details from NatWest they had been adding quarterley interest payments which stopped in Sept 2010, therefore totals outstanding are different ? Irwin Mitchell also confirmed that the judgement amount was full and final and no added interest ? I know there are various issues involved but my questions are including the above :- 1) Can I still submit a Package Account mis-sale complaint to NatWest ? 2) Can I still submit a formal complaint to NatWest in the way that they addressed my financial situation at the time ? 3) Is there anything on the CCJ confirming about interest being added ? 4) Should Irwin Mitchell or NatWest submit a yearly statement ? I would appreciate someones time in how to approach this and what to address first. I recently submitted a SAR for everything pertaining to me including bank / loan account details and NatWest / RBS could only locate bank statements from 2001 and a few letter correspondences but no loan / overdraft agreements ? I have a copy of the original agreement but cannot see anything confirming post judgement interest being added. Sorry for long post but there are quite a few issues to address and thank-you.
  16. Hi everyone, not posted before but looking for some advice. Had to take out a loan 5 years ago for uni and have been paying it off since. I have made some lump sum payments online to reduce the amount etc. However upon calling up natwest today to discuss the possibility of reducing the amount paid each month, they informed me that as i made the payment online, this automatically reduced the term of my loan vs the amount paid per month. I was informed that had i made the payment over the phone i would have been given the option of which one i wanted. Surely this is not permitted, if i had options over the telephone shouldn't i have been made aware of this when making the payment over the internet. I can afford the payments but i would prefer to reduce them as it suits me better. Any advice on this would help. I am about to have a read of the t&c of the loan to see what it says but i can't help but think this is a bit inappropriate to say the least.
  17. Hi Guys, I have a business overdraft of £13k. We have been sat at the deep end of it for about 2 years now. However business has started to a bit more profitable and we are slowly starting to eat at it. Natwest usually renews the overdraft every september for a cost of £250. They renewed it last year but because of things being tight back then i stopped taking a wage to help boost cashflow. This meant i couldnt pay my personal unsecured loan i have with natwest. I have a personal guarantee on the overdraft and they have now sent me a letter saying they are only renewing it till march 1st. They want my lastest company accounts which wont be finalised until june and are demanding i start repaying my personal loan as it is linked to my business account. I wasnt under the impression that the two accounts could be linked together. Its a limited company if that makes a difference. They are talking about possibly turning the overdraft into a loan. But they want something sorting or they will turn it over to the debt collection department. I just wanted to get some advice as to how i should proceed. If they remove the overdraft will they persue me for the full amount in one payment which i cant pay. Also can they take my house? or will they try and arrange a payment plan to pay the money back? Im hoping you guys can help me.
  18. If a credit card account is in arrears and PPI claim is up-held by bank, do they offset all of refund against arrears ? Will this also include the net 8% statutory amount or will that be mine ? I have tried looking on FOS website for some clarification for this circumstance but I cannot find anything ? Thank-you
  19. Hi all again, Been awhile since I've been on here, hospitals don't have the best of wifi's. I sent Natwest a SAR for my dad so we can have a look at doing his package account. They sent back a letter not long after asking what information he wanted. I'll upload the letter so everyone can see I'm not sure what to post back. I used the SAR from the library. Thanks Andrew
  20. Hello people, I'm in a financial quandary here and need advice about how to go about sorting this out - I'm slightly bitter, I admit and I am up to my neck, frustrated, depressed and broke. Simply, I have a current account that was changed from a student account - The bank automatically changed it to a graduate, then to a current account afterwards. Obviously, as a student, I went into my overdraft, not really planning ahead and looking to the future - You do think that you'll leave university, get a job and pay off your debts. However, after university, most of us realise that there are thousands of other students in the same position and it's like a game of musical chairs for jobs. Anyhow, I'm at the point now where the bank are charging me over £20 a month for my overdraft charges, I'm sure it was all in the small-print, but as I say, you don't think about this do you? - To put a finer point on it, these overdraft charges are killing me and as a result, the £6 charges for unpaid DD's are (and have been) snowballing for months. I now find myself in a difficult position where as soon as my meagre living money goes into my account, after the bank have took their cut, I'm left up in arms and to be honest, aside of the fact that they are 'in the right' to take these costs, I'm highly ****ed off and frustrated, but what are you going to do? Anyhow, I'm thinking that I need to sort this out - I have reclaimed my bank charges on another current account I had with them, which has since been closed, so I can't do it again for this account - and I guess I just need to know my options. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  21. I opened a NatWest account online I have never paid any money into the account never used the account as the bank wrote to me some time ago about some charge applied to the account So decided should stay with my original bank I did not activate the debit card either Capquest have been blocked by truecall should the bank ring they also will be blocked But their letter states owe £330.85 All of it is charges on charges How is best to deal with this ignore capquest and formal complaint to the bank? Will capquest chance this with court?vwould there be a defence if they did
  22. Evening all, I'm new to CAG so please bear with me as I try and explain the issues... I had a Natwest credit card for several years since 23/09/2004. More recently I had some financial issues due to now ex partner etc and I fell behind slightly with payments to the credit card. I have since checked my credit file and noticed that I have a default registered by Natwest on 23/10/2013. Since realising this default was registered, I have been in contact with them to try and remove the default as I had no notice of it been added to my credit file. I requested from them the CCA, which to be fair they sent to me, however they have not sent me a copy of any default notice. Also on the CCA the document was signed in 1985 a year before my birth so I questioned the legitimacy of the agreement. I sent a reply to them with a section 10 notice as I disputed the legality of the CCA they sent me, and they havnt sent me a copy of the default notice they say they had sent. Since this time, iv also become wise that my credit record shows as 1 late payment and then straight into a default....which I think is incorrect? I have just today received another letter from natwest saying they will not be removing the default, as they do not believe the account to be in dispute.. .however I can not see how this can be the case as I am disputing it... Further more they are demanding payments and telling me I have legal standing. My question is: Given their failure to supply me with the default notice or copy to prove it was sent, the recording of the inforation in my opinion incorrectly on my credit file, and the date being incorrect on the credit agreement they sent. ..is it in my interests to pursue this further, and if so, what is the next step, as they refused to my section 10 notice. Any help would be much appreciated Thank you
  23. Hi everyone, I'm after some advice on my student account. I've been in higher education for a while and have a student account with an overdraft facility. I just graduated this September just gone, from Open University. I had transferred from another university and my graduation date is later than first anticipated. When I first started at the new uni, I had gone into a branch to let them know I had changed unis and asked them what needed to be done. The staff at the branch asked me if I were still and student and I said yes. They said it's fine, so that's how I took it. 2 years later, they've contacted me saying that because I've graduated for a while, my overdraft facility was no longer interest fee. I owe approximately £450 for interest overdraft charges but they're willing to shave a couple of hundred off that if I paid straight away. I spoke to someone from the complaint's department and she insists she believes what I've said as she has no reason not to but she still believes that the charges and interest was applied correctly, which baffled me. They also said they sent me letters, none of which I have received, quite honestly. I am able to pay at the moment, but would rather not for obvious reasons. I just wanted to get a second opinion from people on here to see if I should just pay up and whether it's worth arguing it with the bank. Thanks in advance for your help
  24. Hi, new to the forum but here goes with an abridged version. Essentially been in a DMP since 2009, selling my home to pay off and during the tidy up have found some Natwest paperwork I didn't know I had, it is a loan agreement that has no term of the loan on it just a monthly amount and total loan. There is also a handwritten note from a staff member saying they have drawn the money down and will I forward a signed agreement as they will need one. I now know this is not correct and should have been signed first. Additionally I had to pay £15 pm for the privilege of a reduced rate, is this correct? I also found out I had PPI! never had it never needed it, only found this out as they wrote to me and then when I did the sums they don't add up!. Also I cant now get a mortgage as my defaults will be dropping off soon but for 5 years they have had an account on a status 6 as a late payment so it will remain long after I pay it off. any information to see if I can claim PPI , charges or interest back would be appreciated sorry for the long post but trying to to brief .
  25. Hi. I'm hoping someone who knows what they are doing can help with some advice, on the next steps I should take in relation to my complaint for mis-sold PPI on a Credit Card with NatWest. I've received a Final Decision letter from RBS which upheld my complaint, and making me an offer in redress. I was a slightly confused as to how they had arrived at the figure, and so contacted them to request a breakdown of their calculations, particularly in relation to the compound interest part. I've attached a word document (Letter From RBS NatWest.doc) which contains the wording I received in response, along with their "breakdown", which to me seems to be of little help in providing clarification. Now that they have finally told me (it wasn't mentioned in the original Final Decision Letter) that they are "guessing" at some of it as they do not hold the data further back than 2001, I'm planning on providing further evidence in the form of some extra statements that I have found for months prior to that date. Whilst not fully completing the picture, hopefully it will help them to come to a more exact calculation. I've also attached a spreadsheet detailing all the amounts that are known, and where there are unknowns (those cells highlighted yellow, for months marked with an 'x' in column A) I've added in a nominal calculated figure to make the sheet work throughout. I'd appreciate it greatly, if someone could take a look at the spreadsheet to firstly check that I've completed it and the compound interest and statutory interest is worked out correct, and if so, then secondly that the numbers that I've added make sense, and are suitable, or if I should do something else to fill in the blanks. Finally, I noticed that on the spreadsheet that the interest stops accruing whenever no monthly payment is made for PPI (I finally got them to cancel it after a long fight earlier this year), and I wondered if someone can just confirm that this is right, or if the interest would continue whilst the credit card is still in force and the whle sorry tale has finished? Thanks in advance for your help.
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