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  1. Document Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/consultation-on-the-pip-assessment-moving-around-activity Consultation on the PIP assessment Moving around activity This Consultation closes on: 5th August 2013 From April 2013 Disability Living Allowance (DLA) began to be replaced for new claimants with a new benefit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Like DLA, PIP is intended to provide a contribution to the extra costs faced by people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. Whether individuals receive the benefit, and how much they receive, will be determined by an assessment of their needs. The PIP assessment has been designed to ensure that support is targeted at those individuals who face the greatest barriers to independent living. The criteria used in the assessment were developed in liaison with a group of independent experts in health, disability and social care and with extensive engagement with disabled people and their organisations. We have already carried out 2 consultations on the first two drafts of the assessment criteria, in 2011 and 2012. We have received feedback from some disabled people and their organisations saying that they are unhappy with the changes that have been made to the assessment criteria for the Moving around activity as a result of a previous consultation and want a further opportunity to have their views considered. We have therefore decided to carry out an additional consultation, seeking further views on the Moving around activity.
  2. my friend claims that if he was to sign a new contract with o2 and then move to canada they will not pursue him because it would cost them more to track him down then his actual debt. I beg to differ because his debt will be about 500gbp. we are wondering if anyone knows how this works and if o2 will try to sell their debt to canadian DCA or if they will not bother pursuing him if he has moved. thanks
  3. Last year I had to scrap my car and called in to my local office to cancel the insurance. The rep was really offhand and kept telling us that the amount we had to keep paying was because it had already been advanced to the insurance company. I had no problem with that but his attitude stank. So much so that when the house insurance came up for renewal we changed brokers. We informed Swinton and their provider and still they tried taking money out of our bank account. Then came the threats to send the account to a DCA. Two weeks later another letter turned up with a cheque for overpayment. Guess where we will be getting our other insurances from. Big clue..... Not Swintons.
  4. Hi, Like most people say, we've got ourselves into a bit of a mess and worried. Hopefully you will understand what im trying to say. I moved in with my gf five years ago into her nursing accomodation studio flat which is meant for one person only (stated in contract) so we can't really say I live here as it will be breaking the contract. She receives a single occupancy discount and because the flat is only for one person I don't think we can tell the council that I've been staying here so they can remove the discount. Before I moved in with her I was living in a house share in London and as we started to see each other the house where I was sharing was being sold so I had to move out and thought I'd move in here and didn't think the relationship would last this long. I know it's not an excuse but that was my thinking. Now we are trying to move and buy a house together and worried that everything will come back on us. We are looking to buy a house through barratts homes at the moment but we can only get a large enough mortgage with both our names on the mortgage application. My gf would be the primary applicant on the barratts form and me the secondary, would they do a background check on me or is it just the primary applicant? I've looked at some council tax registration forms where they ask for the primary person name and address and how many people are staying at the property. Would the council ask for my previous address or need my name when registering? I know this is wrong but Im just after some knowledge or advice if any. We are not receiving any benefits and do pay the council tax monthly, I'm just worried regarding any background searches just because of my address. The only thing I can think of doing at the moment is changing my address to a 'care of' to my parents address. Thanks in advance rob
  5. Hello everyone, I am new to the site and, having read some extremely helpful information regarding tenancy deposit schemes, I wondered if someone might be able to help with one issue that I am yet to figure out. I recently informed my landlord that I would be moving out of my property of over five years (moved in Aug 2007). Everything has been very amicable up to this point, but we have just found ourselves feuding over my deposit. Last week he called to tell me that he never received my deposit (i.e. it was never forwarded to him from the agent dealing with the tenancy). As a result, he has essentially dumped the task of locating it on me. I have been in touch with all TDS schemes and none of them have any record of the deposit with them. I firmly believe it was never registered. I have proof of payment to a company called IPM, who are no longer trading. The request to pay the deposit to this company came from his agent, Sequence (William Brown specifically). I also have proof of this. Realising that the deposit was unprotected, I issued a letter requesting that my deposit be placed in a TDS. He has refused on the grounds that he never received it and has suggested that it is my problem. Now, I understand that I should be issuing a letter before action, informing him of his obligations, but I'm a little uncertain of my next move. Given that I move out in two weeks, I fear that I will not have time to clean the property to the expected standard before I leave. I am not prepared to spend money cleaning the property until I know my deposit is safe, yet I do not want him to protect it with one day of my tenancy left and then sting me for the work that needs to be done because I didn't have the time to complete it. Should I wait, or should I issue a letter before action now, with a short turnaround time, explaining that I need a prompt response in order to give me time to clean up and have a chance of recovering my deposit? Or, of course, should I bite the bullet, get the place up to scratch, and use the fact that I have fulfilled all of my obligations under the rules of the tenancy agreement to support my case? I wonder if it would be easier to wait until after I've left, but I don't want to appear to be playing games to the court, should the case get that far.
  6. Hey all, Quick question, I am moving home on Saturday and am a bit worried about my final bill through EDF. I'm on dual fuel with them I believe (I say that as since I switched to their blue price promise April 2014 I haven't been able to submit my electricity reads online and can't see anything about electricity on my last bill. I'm in a home where things are mainly electricity based (have used about 1000 units of gas in a year and almost 7000 units of electricity). I've paid my monthly amount as usual but have trouble understanding any bills (last one I got was for June 12 and I'm in credit since then). I've spoken to their cs reps a couple of times about being unable to submit my reads but they've just told me to just give a final read on the day I move out. Well as that day approaches A rough calculation of what the last estimated read shows and what I am in credit tells me I'll owe them about £400 on moving day. In itself that's ok but I'm a bit worried that I won't be able to pay it in one go. I could do with paying it over 3 or 4 months to be honest. Should this be possible? I don't want them taking £400 from my account by dd and would prefer to come to an arrangement with them. Likewise I wouldn't want the fact I could only pay £100 a month to negatively effect my credit file. I'd just like a bit of advice as to how energy companies treat people paying their final bill when moving home. Thanks.
  7. I could really use some help please. My husband is a soldier so we move around rather often. Upon moving into our house in York the utilities were already with Scottishpower. I called them up and gave our details for bills ect and thought that was that. They then proceeded to attempt to add the previous people's 3 months worth of arrears to our account. At this point I refused to pay anything until they resolved it as I didn't know if I was paying our bills, theirs or a joint combination. We kept the money to one side for when they'd eventually sorted it out. 5 months down the line they finally sorted it I was all ready to pay the arrears we had due to not payment while sorting the matter out but it turns out they'd GROSSLY under estimated the bills (ours) in an effort to sort the situation out I asked if we could do a payment plan and they stated we had to pay at least half of the arrears or they wouldn't do a payment plan (even half of the arrears was double what we had put to the side) and they gave us a cracking great monthly payment of £280 which we can't afford. I have offered them £50pm on top of our monthly bill to cover the arrears however they won't accept it. Now it's been 12 months since we moved in I've paid 1 bill in that 12 months as they are still refusing to help (now the bill stands at a little over £2,000) They are telling me that I need to pay a lump sum to set up a payment plan, pay in full or have a meter installed which not only will the army housing not allow but I can't get out to top it up as I have a son with very severe autism and a young baby. I've made efforts to sort this but they won't budge. I have asked how much our standard monthly plan is and they won't tell me because it includes the debt so I can't even make an "offer" to them because I don't know what I am offering on. Could I get some help in reference to sending them an offer through the post? PLEASE HELP
  8. Hi I've been considering claiming ESA for some time due to a possible as yet undiagnosed sleeping disorder. I think I may have chronic fatigue syndrome and have been back and forth from specialist to specialist without ever getting to the bottom of it. I just never seem to feel refreshed when i sleep, regularly have to take naps in the daytime, muscle twitches, depression, I have all the symptoms but as yet no doctor has diagnosed me with it. The problem is it's kind of up and down, I have good days and bad. Sometimes I feel alright and other times not. It's pretty much a joke being on JSA at the moment when I am like this, so I was thinking about asking my GP again for a note to sign me off. I am reading about a lot of folk on here having problems with ESA so I wanted to ask what the score was, it is difficult to move over to ESA? How do you go about it and is there any chance i will be knocked back and then lose both JSA and ESA?
  9. Hello All, I'm having trouble with Virgin Active in Friern Barnet, London. I signed with my wife in April/2012, she on a 12 month contract and me on the monthly membership. We were told we could cancel the 12 month contract if we moved somewhere that would not be feasible to frequent the gym, so we were happy to sign for it. Ended up we had to move in September, our new home is 2 miles from the gym and it takes more than 30 minutes for a bus to get there, so it's not feasible for us to continue, but they denied the contract cancellation and the manager was quite rude, I don't know what else to do, it's completely unfair for them to keep charging us, they claim we don't live far enough to guarantee a contract cancellation, he expects us to walk 2 miles to the gym!! I sent an email to memberfeedback@virginactiv e.co.uk and if it's still unsuccessful, I'm ready to go apply for a small claims court action to solve this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  10. Hi all, I've been a lurker here for a while now but our own money 'problems' are about to come to a head and I'm hoping I can get some advice. Ok, from the beginning; My husband and I have for the longest time wanted to move across the country to where his mum lives, however we've never been in enough of a stable position to attempt it. Our situation came to a point recently where we decided that it was a case of now or never; either we just go for it or forget all about it. So, we went for it So my husband handed in his notice and moved in with his mum while signing up for JSA contribution based at the end of August, and is desperately trying to fine a permanent job. No luck yet, but he has got an agency job atm that is looking promising. I've just handed in my notice to my work with my last day being 16/11/12 and am hoping to also sign onto JSA contribution based (I cant see this being a problem) Our 'Problem' is that we do have a couple of debts that we will be taking with us, and while on JSA might cause a few money issues. While we believe that our income will cover our outgoings, but if an emergency crops up then we will probably be stuffed. Firstly; Are there any other benefits we'd be able to claim for? (I don't think so but it doesnt hurt to ask ) Secondly; Is there anything I can do about the two Loans and credit card we have? I don't want 'find a way' to 'get out of them', I made the debt and I'm happy to pay them back. I'd like to say it shouldn't be an issue, but I'd rather think about it now than when we're up to our ears in Debt Collector threats. In other threads I've seen ppl get their interest frozen and charges halted, but that's when the debt is already defaulted. Is there anything like this I can request of my bank during the next few tough months, just to help us out a bit? Fingers crossed I've not waffled on too much and got the main points across, thanks in advance all
  11. Hi there folks. my brother and sister in-law have just moved to a new house. They had virgin media fibre optic package at their previous address but virgin cannot provide this at there new address. they have been given 2 options - either carry on paying the monthly fee and only get a phone line and crappy broadband (tv also not provided in the area) or pay the £180 to end the contract. they haven't got £180 and don't want to have to pay full price for only 2 basic services. is there any way they can get out of the contract or even lower the monthly fee? Virgin, of course, are totally useless on the phone and want just one thing. money. Many thanks in advance!
  12. Dear all I have 3 numbers with Orange, all of them on contract Number `A` - contract ends 09/11/12 Number `B` - contract ends april/2013 Number `C` bought recently on two years contract What I would like to do is: Terminate contract `A` keep the number and move it on to sim card with contract `B`(keep that contract) but I would like to keep number `B` and move it on to sim card with contract `C`(keep this contract) I don`t need number `C` it was bought recently so none of my friends know it. Is this scenario possible ? If yes how can I do it? I can only request PAC code for number `A` in couple weeks while terminating contract, but how can I move and keep number `B`?
  13. My account with Virgin (MBNA) has always had payments paid on time. I cleared the account of all debt in full during September 2010. This was in preparation of moving home and starting a new life. Shortly after clearing the debt from my account, I moved home. It was not until March of this year 2012, after completing an Equifax credit report that I even knew this default was on my account. It seems that an interest had been applied onto my account ‘after’ I had cleared the account of all debt. This interest was for as little as £25. I had no reason to ever check that account once I had paid off all of the debt. I had no reason to use the card and never used it again. My account was originally set to ‘paperless’ so I never received post for any statements even from the beginning of my account with the card. I moved home approximately a week after the debt was paid and was not expecting any post. I received no post at my new address. I did not receive ANY emails from MBNA alerting me of any charges to my account. I did not receive ANY phone calls alerting me of charges to my account. I did not receive ANY post or mail alerting me of any charge to my account. The only emails MBNA had ever sent me during my entire term with them were the regular “Your bill is ready to view online” emails. I would have no reason to believe any problems were on my account or charges were due. I attempted to access the account in March 2012 when I discovered the default and my details no longer allowed me access to the site. I cannot believe that I was not telephoned. When telephoning MBNA the number that was stored for me was completely incorrect yet the mobile number they had for me was correct. I received no calls or attempts to correct the situation. The debt was so low at first, of course I would have paid it. I had just paid off £2000 in full, why would I avoid a tiny debt of £25. After talking to MBNA I discovered that the debt increased to £145 before the default occured. The second I discovered the default and contacted MBNA I paid the debt in full instantly. Money here was not the issue. If I had known there was a debt on my account I would have paid it immediately. I'm totally stuck, I've sent this through to the FO and they have contacted me to let me know they will be looking at it but they don't really feel there is much of a case. They said unless there is something concrete they can use to remove the default they wont. Anyone had a similiar problem? I'm so stuck, my score is terrible and it's messed up buying a house!
  14. I'm moving home this Saturday and wanted to take my O2 home phone and broadband package with me. I've recently signed up to a new 12 month contract (with 50% off my broadband for 12 months) and, having experienced no major gripes or service problems with O2 over the previous year, decided to contact them today to discuss moving my package to my new address. The phone call started off well and I was informed of the £43 re-connection fee ( as expected) along with the disconnection date for this Friday (as requested)... however when I was informed that my service would not start to be moved until the 18th October, I felt a little bit shocked! Furthermore, I will be expected to wait an additional 10 -14 days for my broadband and phone line to be up and running! Reluctantly I proceeded and was offered a free dongle which I can use if I top it up myself... "hmmm, post it to my new address" I said "Flat number 1..." I was then told that my address couldn't be found and that O2 would not be able to provide me with a service at all! And as easy as that he informs me my account will now be closed on Friday and an envelope to send the router back will sent out to me. Charming!
  15. How much of a hold does a site owner have when trying to move to another site,
  16. Hi, Just looking for some help. I am about to move home, the new house is currently empty, being sold by agent for bank, I believe it was repossessed. So not a huge amount of detail is known about who supplied the electricity. Can I just pick anyone as it will be a new contract, or do I need to find out who the "current" supplier is, and if so how do I go about it. Thanks
  17. I own a home with my wife and desperately need to move due to size as we have more kids on the way. Since buying my home 7 years ago there are a string of defaults etc on my file, unsecured and in the main unsettled, but being paid by arrangements. I have been stupid and irresponsible, for the last 6 years, building up a debt of £25k to various loans, cards, payday lenders etc. This can only be put down to me being an idiot! Missed payments are on unsecured stuff, mortgage has never faultered. The current home is worth £200k, and i owe £120k to standard Life now woolwich. £80k equity that i would love to use to pay off my £25k debts and use the remainder to use as a deposit on the new home. my earnings are now good £50k pa + £10k regular bonus, with my wifes part time work bringing in 18k. wifes crredit is good but with about £6k in loans, but never missed. Is there any suggestions for how i could get a lender / broker to assist with this situation on moving home many thanks
  18. We are moving house shortly and currently with an energy supplier we arent happy with. We do still owe them an amount which I cant afford to completely pay off in one go but the new house is supplied by another company. Can our current company force us to change to them in the new house? . Personally Id just like to tell them to stuff it and pay it off over the next couple of months. I know they are all pretty much of a muchness but would be nice to get one with good customer service (dont all laugh at once)
  19. Hi, I hope you can give me some advice. I have about £3500 debt in the UK, where I still live and I'm considering moving to Ireland. My question is, could they find out I'm in Ireland and try to recover it? I would have to register for employment, doctors, etc. Would they find my that way? I also have a social fund debt of £1000 and an overpayment of Housing Benefit of £100. At the moment I'm not able to pay back these debts, I may be able to in the future. Could anyone advice me? Thanks in advance.
  20. I would be grateful for any advice on the following situation: Due to redundancy, I moved from the UK to Switzerland with around £25 K owing on a loan and various credit card debts, after 3 years I am now moving back to the UK. Throughout this period the debts were sold to various DCA's and they were informed of my new Swiss address by me, however they have not taken any legal action, presumably because the debts were not subject to an enforcement order and they cannot undertake legal action on a UK debt that is subject to the CCA. No payments have been made on the debts and no acknowledgement has been made by me (now almost 5 years). My UK CRA files have been continuously updated with defaults but no CCJ's have been applied for or granted via the back door (i.e. old address tactic). This is why I decided to ensure that they had my Swiss address but I have consistency stated that I do not acknowledge the debts due to the lack of enforcable agreements and DN's. Two questions: 1. These debts will be statute barred in around a year, however does the "statute barred clock stop" while I am out of UK jurisdiction? 2. If the answer to 1 is yes, then how does this stack up against the owner of the debt being able to take legal action given the various reciprocal provisions and legal powers for debt recovery within the EU and also Switzerland through the Lugano convention? I see two options: (i) not informing them I am back in the UK or (ii) finidng a F&F settlement figure with them. There is no PPI or other charges with respect to this debt. Any comments and other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I have had no problem getting credit in Switzerland where the banks and financial institutions behave rather differently to those in the UK.
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