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Found 10 results

  1. I moved into a new apartment just a month ago. Within a week, I got my first letter from Utility Warehouse: September 10th - I received a letter from UW demanding my bank details for direct debit, otherwise asking for a deposit. September 17th - Demanded a deposit of £100 per utility (gas/electricity), with a threat to install pre-payment meters. September 28th - Another introduction as my supplier and demand for £100 per utility. October 12th - Demanded payment for £200, threatening a court warrant to enter premises by force and install pre-payment meters with a further charge of £720 for being a dual-fuel customer. Fortunately, I have changed over to another supplier (SSE), though that was blocked because the gas meter didn't have a serial number. I couldn't get the serial number of the meter until I had a bill. So after all those letters grief and aggro, I finally get a bill for £12 from UW.
  2. Hi, during 2015 I was at University at Brighton and decided to get a gym membership. I went to a few gyms checking prices and commitments and when I went to LA Fitness the guy that eventually signed me up (obviously trying to make a sale) lied to me, he stated that if I moved out of Brighton (which I obviously would do, as Uni does end) that it'd be fine and my account could be closed no hassle. He stated that all I had to do was be 8 miles from THAT PARTICULAR gym. Well I moved back home to Southampton, and went to cancel my membership stating that "yes, I had moved over 8 miles from the gym." That wasn't good enough, and the lady on the phone replied saying that I had to be 8 miles from any LA Fitness in the UK, and that it wasn't their fault or problem that the guy lied. This was awful news, I was in my overdraft and had no job, and I couldn't afford £20-40 a month, I showed proof (with a bank statement) and they didn't accept that. This went on for 2 MONTHS. I decided to cancel the direct debit on my card, and I heard nothing from then until today, I just got a letter from ARCEUROPE LTD saying I owe them £202.40 and have to pay in 14 days. I can't afford that, being still in my overdraft, what do I do? I've already posted this to reddit and they have pointed out that because I cancelled and didn't keep arguing my cancellation that I'm in the wrong and liable to pay the debt.
  3. My elderly disabled mum has got a new tablet (gawd help me) She thought she'd asked for a free sample of anti wrinkle cream from a site called worldfithelp.com It came, she tried it and of course, was useless. This month she's had 2 payments taken from her card, £89.90 and £92.85! I've just called the company based in Aurora Illinois and have been told she signed up for a monthly subscription. I explained she obviously didn't know what she was doing. She's 75 and never used a computer before, they have only agreed to reimburse the 2nd payment taken once they receive the parcel back! Is there anyway I can get my mums money back and report this company?:mad2:
  4. Well now you know why your Local Library or Swimming pool is closing down ! No money for social care - because staff are being paid to prevent whistleblowing or criticism of bosses. Local Authorities are apparently requiring staff who are taking early retirement/redundancy or leaving after a dispute, to sign a gagging order (compromise agreement). It would appear that the person leaving receives more money if they do this.
  5. On behalf of my sister. Can anyone advise please. She was on Facebook and clicked on a pop up offering products for free with only p&p being required. At no time was she directed to a website or any Terms and Conditions and there was no mention of it being a free trial. Three weeks passed before her credit card company rang to say she'd been charged £200. She explained the situation to them and they said that because she'd opened the products and been using them it was impossible for them to do anything and she would have to take the loss. They did stop any future payments. She's now been in contact with the company directly. At first they denied everything and accused her of not reading the T&C's. Now they've offered her an £80 refund under the condition that she doesn't seek a refund from any other 'body'. First question is did the bank act correctly? Second question is how to deal with Stemologica? Should she accept the offer or keep fighting for the full amount? It's the first time we've experienced this type of [problem]. My Mother and I were also caught out but we returned the products unopened and received a full refund of £50 each. It was the same [problem] but they seem to charge different people different amounts. Any advice greatly appreciated
  6. I put some £200 Alesis speakers into cash converters in Beeston Leeds last month. The speakers were obviously working perfectly when I put them in, as they get tested every time. When I got home with them I noticed that the volume was half way up, which was far far too high, I didn't think much of it, I turned the speaker down before plugging them in and playing something through them, at which point I noticed the left passive speaker was completely gone. I took the speakers straight back down there expecting the worst and they said they will test them, at this point it was said that they have some guy who comes around to fix things. The next week I get a phone call saying that the speakers have been tested and that they have been blown and because it is not physical damage that they can take no responsibility for the breakage, which I really don't understand. I spoke today to the customer service and on a side note he said they were independently tested, which I'm not sure is the case since they seem to have some guy who working with them all the time. Basically I can get these speakers fixed for £60-£80, but they will not even offer to pay half of that bill. There is actually CCTV off the where items are kept in the back, how could I get access to these recordings edit: I am requesting the CCTV as this is something that you can do, although it is chargeable
  7. This financial year sees the start of the new marriage allowance. More than four million couples are eligible for a tax allowance of up to £212, but you have to formally claim it. Referred to by the Government as the Marriage Allowance, it is estimated that more than four million married couples and 15,000 civil partnerships are eligible for the tax break. To be eligible for the Marriage Allowance, the individual making the claim must earn less than £10,600 and their higher earning spouse or civil partner earn between £10,601 and £42,385. This does exclude those with earnings outside of these amounts and unmarried couples. The new Marriage Allowance has been designed to help couples not considered as high earners to keep more of the money they earn by allowing the transfer of 10 per cent of the personal tax allowance to their spouse or civil partner. This equates to £1,060 for the 2015/16 tax year, which could save up to £212 on this year's tax bill. Registration is very straight forward. From April 6, HMRC has been contacting those already registered and if eligible, issue new PAYE tax codes. But don't worry if you haven't applied straight away as registration can take place at any time during the tax year and still receive the full allowance. https://www.gov.uk/marriage-allowance
  8. I'm 25 from the UK. Just before Christmas I got really drunk and went out to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Whilst out, I decided to try my hand at shoplifting in Debenhams. I was caught. The police were called, but they took me home instead of to the police station (which was fortunate) after I told them that I live in supported living (kinda like a care home dealio) due to my Autism. They took me home and confirmed my story and said I will need to come for an interview. Long story short: the police cancelled the interview & dropped the charges after I signed up for an alcohol help/counselling service (I have a long, long history of doing idiotic things while drunk). I've been going to that every week since then. I think it also helped that this was my first time shoplifting (or being charged with anything) Now, almost a month later, I receive a letter from "RLP - The Civil Recovery Specialists since 1998" saying that Debenhams are threatening me with a civil lawsuit for my heinous crimes against humanity. I was instantly suspicious of this letter, however, as I haven't actually been charged or cautioned for anything yet, and the letter did say the shoplifting was 'alleged' -- so how can they threaten me with legal action for a crime that is only alleged? How can they take me to court if I've not been charged with any crime? Would this actually go to court if I ignored the letters? What should my response be? Thanks guys
  9. After hearing the same story from 3 former SSE customers recently.I thought it would be a good idea to start this thread as it looks like this was routine practice. It seems SSE advised customers who were looking to switch from them that they would need to pay £200 since this was their balance owing as their Direct Debit payment amounts were set to low by SSE. As some will know SSE were fined £1.25m for their doorstep selling practices see here; As a result OFGEM ordered SSE to compensate those customers affected. SSE claim that they need a few weeks to act on a complaint of miss selling to determine how much the overpayment if any will be. This presumably means checking their charges agains a customers previous /existing one before they were miss sold the SSE package. What many are asking is how can we be sure they will arrive at the right figures given their history ?
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