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  1. Don't really know where to start here, but about 3 years ago I quit drinking, I wasn't a full blown alcoholic but I'll admit I wasn't far off I'd binge drink a lot 3/4 times a week it helped me feel better. Any way I quit lost weight fought to make myself better and was going great, now I'm still not great at mixing with people so I thought well maybe driving a lorry would be a good option as I would be on my own a lot of the time. So I went to the Dr to see what he thought and he was fine with it, he left the room briefly and I looked at his computer screen and noticed he put down I was still binge drinking I quizzed him about it and and told him straight I'd stopped binge drinking three years ago. He said he couldn't change it but would note I'd stopped drinking fair enough I thought. So I called the DVLA to ask if my past drinking would be a problem they sent out a questionnaire and the next thing I know they took my car licence off me! Said because it was clear id had a drinking problem in the last 12 months. So I went back to the Dr and he pointed out the other Dr had wrote ''informed me he Stopped drinking October 2014' on my medical records and that Perhaps the DVLA had assumed up until October 2014 I was still drinking. So he asked me to take a blood test to check my gamma GT I did and it came back normal so I thought that'll be it, I said to the Dr now you just need to clear up the mistake and they'll give me my licence back, he said no they have their own rules so I'll just send them your updated blood results. And here I am stuck waiting and the Dr and DVLA refuse to acknowledge there's been a mistake. I can't afford court action what can I do?
  2. Hello, I am ever so slightly angry with dvla, I was banned for dd 8 years ago, I was banned for 4 years but only in the past 12 months have I tried to get it back! I went for my medical, and they asked if I smoke cannabis, I told them that I used to, but stopped around 5 months ago, my medical was sent to dvla and they revoked it for persistent drug miss use in the past 6 months, really I had smoked it once in 6 months are they for real. Second 6 months later I go back for another medical, do you smoke cannabis, no I do not smoke cannabis, medical sent to dvla, comes back revoked due to persistent drug miss use in the past 6 months. Now I honestly do not smoke weed any more, however there is a group of us meet up every 2 weeks to have a lads night, playstation etc, we all used to smoke weed, but only 2 of us do now, is it possible that I am failing due to passive smoking, I got a job in the understanding I will have my licence in the next 2 months, I told this to dvla, but they still revoked my licence, and I lost my job!! I am a very fit man, I have passed 3 offshore medicals in the past 2 years, and my own doctor said I was fit to drive, is there anything I can do, ??
  3. Hi, Been living in Canada for 2 years and had a seizure 14months ago. I did not send my UK license back as I wasn't driving and didn't have a car. My license is up for renewal and I need to complete a medical form. I am worried I will be fined £1000. What will happen?
  4. Three years ago changes were made to legislation whereby unless a vehicle is subject to a SORN declaration, they must be insured (even if the car is parked in your garage and never driven). Following the change in law, if a vehicle is not insured and is not registered with a SORN then the vehicle owner faces a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice and the potential for their car to be clamped, seized or destroyed, as well as being subject to a court prosecution and a court fine of up to £1,000 This subject is very serious indeed given that every month DVLA send 60,000 letters to vehicle owners and in the past three years (since the change in law) 670,000 vehicle owners have been prosecuted. In fact, according to the following article......6,000 motorists are prosecuted each month and receive a £100 Fixed Penalty. Apart from enquiries regarding fines for using a TV without a licence, these Fixed Penalties are ones that we receive most enquiries about every day. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-2851587/Clampdown-uninsured-vehicles-sees-60k-letters-sent-month.html
  5. Hi good evening all, I will gratefully listen to any advice on this one... I am guilty of forgetting to tax my car for a month, it then got clamped outside my house, I immediately taxed the car and I think I paid a fine over the phone for the month it wasn't taxed, then paid £100 to get my car unclamped. Unfortunately clamped on a Saturday morning there was nobody available to unclamp my car until Monday, very annoying and disrupting on many levels, anyway... Sounds stupid but the reason I didn't tax my car is that I didn't receive any reminder through the post as I have with every other car. So the thought of taxing it just didn't cross my mind. Until clampy. This was not the end of my troubles surprisingly for me. I received a requisition 'requiring' me to appear at court for keeping an 'unlicensed mechanically propelled motor vehicle' and I have to pay £22.09 outstanding duty and £90 towards court costs. Apparently I was sent a notice under 'section 46 of the vehicle excise and registration act' requesting my details of ownership. I do not know what on earth this is and I know damn sure that I never received any letter from the DVLA about this. My thoughts are that along with my tax reminder letter, the apparent 'section 46' was sent to the wrong place, maybe the car dealership where I purchased it? The only document I received was the V5C with me identified as the registered keeper. What is the best solution to this problem, I sure don't want to scrape the barrel and pay these dogsbodies what little I have at present. Things are tight. Any thoughts/suggestions, i'm still not really sure what they are accusing me of!? yours hopefully.
  6. I have received a 'fine' for a car park I have never been in. Thats one thing. But more importantly does anyone have any idea how they have targeted me? Even if they are using the registration of my car, how the hell have they got access to my private information from the DVLA. Is it legal?
  7. hello anyone i need some advice on how to proceed i was given a car by my mum and i was going to do repairs i registered in the wifes name as it was going to be hers a surprise no less but it was going to be too expensive to fix i got a letter from dvla a tax reminder s called the number to sorn went through the process and thought that was it two weeks later i got another letter to tax or sorn i did process again and thought that was that i then got a third letter stating the same i went through the process all over again. and surprise surprise i am now getting threatening letters from hlsolicitors acting on behalf of sigma red my wife has mental health issues at the moment after a near fatal car crash and this was going to be a gift for her to try and get her back in a car she is suffering depression and struggling to deal with issues i contacted sigma red and told them of situation they told me to put in writing and they would get it written off i sent a letter explaining what has happened and i am still getting letters saying they will take me to court if not paid in 14 days. how do i fight this and what is the best course of action to take the car is now gone as it was going to cost too much for me to repair i was quoted £2500 for repair and value of car on the road was around £800 so was cheaper to buy another car please advise
  8. I hope someone can help clarify my options and give me any advice. Two weeks ago I returned to my car and discovered it had been clamped for not paying road tax. I had honestly not realised that my vehicle was not taxed - as most people presumably do, I renew the tax when I receive the reminder. The tax ran out on 31st January and I have received no renewal notice nor any correspondence once the car was no longer taxed. In the period the car has been un-taxed, I have renewed both the MOT and insurance so I am obviously not trying to avoid my responsibilities. I definitely did not receive any correspondence from the DVLA since the previous year (which did come to the same correct address). From what I can find online, it seems to be a common occurrence for the DVLA to send documents to the wrong address. I have paid the fee to have the vehicle unclamped and paid the road tax. However, I have now received what looks like a standard letter from the DVLA offering me an "out of court settlement" of £327 which also states it is a fine only and does not include any duty. I am unsure what to do. This was a simple oversight due to not receiving any correspondence from the DVLA. I acknowledge that I have committed an offense but I am not someone actively trying to evade paying my taxes/insurance etc. Does the DVLA have a legal requirement to send a reminder notice? Or a requirement to follow up when a vehicle is not taxed - so that I would have received some communication from the DVLA earlier and a significantly smaller fine? I am not sure whether to simply pay the fine, though by reading the letter as it does not include any duty, I might then have to pay that in addition. That means for a simple oversight I would be fined almost £500 which seems rather excessive. On the other hand I could ask the court for mercy as it was a simple oversight and the DVLA should bear some responsibility. Can anyone shed some light on my options and the possible outcomes? Or does anyone know of any similar cases? Thanks for your help.
  9. I know enforcement officers can query the DVLA for a number plate to find the registered keeper of a vehicle, but can they do the reverse - run a query at the DVLA for name and address to find out if the enforcement target has any vehicles registered to them? Also, I transferred my car to one of my sons BEFORE the CCJ was given against me. Can an enforcement officer clamp and/or tow the car registered to my son? Thanks.
  10. Hi urgent help needed please I gave my car to my son so he could use it. The car was insured under his name only. He then bought a new car and transferred his insurance to that car. A friend of his was going to buy my car and I was going to give that money to my son as my contribution towards the cost of his new car. His friend could not come up with the money. my car was not purchased. Of course, i was not fully aware of the last final piece of information. So the DVLA fined me for not having insurance on my car. Unfortunately, at that time i was abroad. I had been recovering from a breakdown and just came off ESA as i found employment. i had to go abroad with work. I wrote to the magistrates explaining the situation and asked if i could have the judgement set aside so i could present my case. After some back/forth letters they wrote to me asking me to get in touch with the court. This was at the end of August. Unfortunately, i had some terrible news about my 94 year old aunt to whom i am extremely close and i had a relapse. i was not able to contact the court On Friday 26 Sept. I had a visit from Collectica with a warrant to enter my house and seize goods. I did not let the guy in but explained to him about my health and showed him a letter from my doctor. He left a letter which said i had to pay £ 640 or they will force entry and seize goods. This actually added to my depression and totally messed me up. I was unable to do anything and doubled up on my anti depressants. Its not until today that I could write this post on CAG. Please help me and advise what i can do next. i have written to the court and explained my condition and situation in detail and sent them copies of all my medical certificates. thank you CAG Wrecked.
  11. Hi I've Just requested information on some collectors cars registrations for a certain model, to my knowledge there are only 25 left in the UK. But DVLA say they are unable to help. This seems beyond me as I thought they kept all this information. If you were a policeman you would most certainly obtain this sort of information. But they say they don't keep it, I want to what an earth they keep then if not all old records, it seems the staff just cannot be bothered these days. Does anyone know of other ways to obtain this sort of information. Thanks Kevin
  12. lex1981

    DVLA fine help!

    Hi, I need some urgent advice. I have been burying my head in the sand for a while and now this issue has come back with a bite. In January I bought a tax disc, subsequently the cheque bounced. I then purchased a new tax disc. Unfortunately I failed to respond in time to a letter requesting that we return the previous tax disc. it was in my partners car ready to be returned however my mum mistakenly put it in my partners tax disc holder (She had a valid tax disc in the car) I was driving my partners car and was pulled over by the police and the looked round and saw the wrong tax disc, I explained the situation and they saw the car was rightfully taxed and insured but confiscated the tax disc. I then received a letter advising that it was due to go to court. I mislaid the letter and ultimately forgot about it. Then I received a notification that I was being fined £324 for failure to return the tax disc, I was unable to pay this and it has now gone to Collectica bailiffs. The fine has increased to £600+ and they afre threatening to enter my home and remove things even if we are not there. I am at a total loss at what to do. I realise I am completely at fault in terms of failing to respond but was wondering whether there was any way I can appeal this and reduce the fine in anyway. I am desperate and would be grateful for any advice. Thank you. (This is my first time posting, if you need further information on this query or I need to make it clearer please let me know. Thank you in advance for you help!
  13. Just thought Id post what happened today. I was in court for being the RK of a vehicle that was un-insured 6 months after I had sold it. On arrival we were told someone would see us before court. I waited and was led into a interview office. The lady read the charge then asked if I had the car. "No" Did I sell the Car. "Yes" Did I send off the V5 "Yes" Well we haven't received it, can you prove it? I said no I couldn't. She then went on a bit about we can fine the original £80 now with no costs blah de blah. I then interrupted and said, "But I don't need to prove it. Section 7 of the Interpretation Act of 1978 says I don't" She looked at me, said we will withdraw the case and advised me in future to send correspondence recorded. I was in a rush so didnt want to argue
  14. I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I had my Mercedes clk convertible SORN'd and uninsured in a secure lock up underground car park. I am the owner and was the registered keeper. I say was as someone unknown to me had the car transferred into their name by the DVLA. I never received any correspondence from the DVLA. I phoned the DVLA and they won't give me any information as I'm not the registered keeper. It's ludicrous. I owned the car outright and had known the previous keeper and was with him when he purchased the car 6 years prior to me owning it. The new registered keeper then had a locksmith come and clone a key and drove it out of the car park at the end of July, MOT'd it a week later and sold it the next day apparently for a paltry amount. I noticed it a week later and reported it stolen. Initially the police said it was a civil mater(how?) then they eventually listed it as a stolen a few days later. 36 hours later the person who purchased it rang the police saying that the car he had just bought for a 5th of its value had been reported stolen. Initially the police left the car with the new purchaser but have now impounded it. I feel like I am bashing my head against a brick wall as the officer dealing with it didn't believe the DVLA would just transfer it without my knowledge until he had an email from the DVLA that they would so ordered it seized. Now the person who had it transferred into his name has emailed the officer and so again he is emailing the DVLA for clarification. My car was stolen, how do I get it back. A civil case would cost me more than the car is worth and I couldn't afford it either. Has anyone had to deal with a similar situation, what do I do to get my car back
  15. All, I've just received some correspondence from the DVLA which is a bit of a worry and I wondered if anyone could advise? I got a letter back in June saying that a car I own is no longer on the MID and didn't have a SORN against it, and that I must do so. So after taking it off the road I duly filled in the form and sent the tax back on 23rd June. Now I've got two letters, dated the same day (15th July), one saying that I should have informed them by 1st July and that it is my "last chance" to do so, and one demanding £100 (or £50 if I pay by 16th August) or they might take me to court. I've checked the online tax thingy and it shows the vehicle has "SORN in place", but I haven't got a confirmation letter yet. The demand says that I can dispute the penalty, but says: "Please enclose a copy of the acknowledgement you received from the DVLA to confirm this, the acknowledgement must be dated prior to the date of the penalty. If you did not receive confirmation you are still liable for the offence" So without an acknowledgement letter I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
  16. My husband sold a tax exempt VW campervan in September 2003, sent off the registration slip as is required at the time. A couple if weeks ago he received a letter saying they were incurring a penalty notice as he didn't notify them of a change of owner, which of course he did. We sent a letter explaining when it was sold but due to the length of time that's passed we no longer had details if the new owners details other than the eBay users name and the date. We've now received another letter saying "although you have indicated you are no longer the keeper if the vehicle the department has not received notification of this. When the dept is advised that the keeper of the vehicle has changed we send an acknowledgment letter within four weeks of notification. It is a matter for you to pursue this letter. Details of this process can be found on the V5C." I need to respond to them by letter, however, at the time vehicle was sold it was just a V5, so to whom did they send out the new blue V5C to, at the time it was sold it was also SORN registered, we have never received the tax/SORN reminder for this vehicle, if it was registered in my husbands name still surely we would have received the reminder? Can anyone advise how I should respond to them?
  17. Hi All Hoping someone here can help. I sold a van around 6 months ago. Logbook was signed by the new owner and myself etc and it was posted out the next day. Couple months later I receive the normal letter with a fine failing to notify them. I did not respond to the letter but did ring them explaining the logbook was sent out already. 2 Weeks ago I received a "No ASL Required" Requisition from DVLA/Court stating I had to go to the court on the Wednesday. To be completely honest, I misplaced the letter and did not enter a plea and did not show up at court. My stupid fault yes. I phoned the court today to get the results and I've been fined £200 + £20 (surcharge) + £90 (court costs). This is all because they are claiming they never received the logbook. Is there a letter I can send the court or do I just pay the fine? Thanks, Mike
  18. My son has received a requisition to appear next week for a car he sold almost a year ago. He works away & lives out of a backpack moving rooms sometimes many times a week, so he's really good at actioning paperwork when he gets it before it gets lost. Knowing this he is adamant he posted off the v5 but hasnt got any proof of posting etc He wants to plead not guilty.. but the court is nearly a 400m round trip and getting a day off is hard and the travelling costly .... isnt it always... but he's sure he posted it. I've searched the threads and we've drafted a letter to DVLA........... Can anyone advise please? Dear Ms Wooley or to whom it may concern, Re: Requisition for Failure to notify change of keeper motor vehicle xxxxxxxx on xxxxxx for xxxxx. I am writing in response to a Requisition to attend xxx Magistrates Court at xxxx on xxxxxxxx to answer to the charge of failing to notify change of keeper of motor vehicle xxxxx. I will be pleading Not Guilty to this charge as I consider I have no charge to answer as I have already sent the documents to you. I surrendered the V5 document to the vehicle to the DVLA as required by law when I sold it last year. This was sent to the DVLA by first class post to "DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BA" as instructed by section 8 of the V5. With regards to this my responsibility ended as soon as I relinquished control of delivery to the UK Postal Service as stated in Section 07 of the Interpretations Act 1978. ******* would adding this bit help or just not bother..... I cannot recall the exact date I returned it as this is almost A YEAR AGO, but I do remember posting it a few days after selling it when I returned from a visit home. As I work and live in a ****, I have learned to deal with paperwork straight away as I have no fixed staff quarters and move frequently. Ironically, it seems that this paperwork has still been lost, but not while it was in my hands! Even though the court is nearly a 400m round trip and will be of considerable time and expense for me to attend I intend to enter a not guilty plea and claim costs as I am adamant that this was posted by me within a few days of sale. ******** Yours etc Help would really be appreciated thank you! Court date is next week and with everything else thats happening we could really do with some advice Thanks, Molly
  19. I got stopped for no road tax last November and received the court summons on may 19th and had since forgotten about it. I received a letter from the Court today with a fine, I had missed the court date on the 11th and as a result my fine has exploded to £548 (£400 fine, £58.34 back duty and £90 costs) for no road tax from June til November last year. I was told by a friend that if I complete a statutory declaration that I did not receive the summons, the court date would be rescheduled (as it is within 21 days of the court date) to another date in which i will plead guilty and pay the fine as it was initially intended. I want to reset the court date and pay the fine immediately, and have since booked in to my local magistrates for the coming Friday. I understand there are large consequences with lying while making a statutory declaration. How likely is it and how strongly are they going to question whether or not i received the summons, given that in any case I simply cannot prove something that I did not receive. Appreciate all the feedback. Cheers
  20. Hi i was looking for some help on an issue with the DVLA. I had to go for a dvla medical on 7/4/14. I was told my results would be 3 to 4 weeks, i waited and on the 5th week i received a letter from them say it will take a further 12 weeks to be reviewed! i waited again but after getting a job offer i contacted them to ask why it was taking so long only to be told its in a queue.. This has been almost 150 days from my application.. I emailed complaints who contacted me today to say they received my complaint and they checked my case and unfortunatly i have been recommended not to drive for road safety! I called them instantly and asked the guy on the phone from dvla on what grounds has it been refused... He said he will check the file.... Um 2 secs... Ohh, i just need to read this there is quite alot, il put you on hold.. After 15minutes he comes back to say him and his colleage next to him doesnt know why the licence would be refused by the information he has. . He said he will get a manager to check it over asap.. high priority and if i receive the letter i got in the email in my mail i have to ignore it.. All this happened about 2olclock.. I never received a call! Has anyone been in this situation before or anyone know what i should or can do about it.
  21. I am at a loss for words. The main facts: My car was due for renewal in 1 week and I had to be away for work. I parked my car in a residential area that I thought was off the road, whilst away for 3 weeks. When I returned, the car had gone. I reported it stolen and was told that the car was impounded. As the tax disc was out of date, the council had the car scrapped. The car was my only mode of transport and had a lot of items with sentimental value in it. Almost four years later (I had moved house during this time) I received a letter from bailiffs saying that I owed £400+ magistrates fine. Apparently I had been convicted in my absence for keeping an unlicensed vehicle. The DVLA would like me to pay £50 extra as a fine to waive the £400+ magistrates fine. They seem to be ignoring the fact that my vehicle and its content were destroyed and discarded. Can they do this? Do I now have a criminal record? Please help.
  22. I found out today by finding it in the local press that I've been taken to court over not notifying the dvla for change of ownership... This was on 12/5/14 ..but this was in my old married name (changed by deed poll in nov/11) and to my old address which I moved from in nov/12... I've sold all vehicles in my name by part exchange to reputable main dealers.... I don't know what's going on but am extremely upset that the local press and the court have demeaned my good character...anyone got any ideas?
  23. Hi everyone, I am a student in my final year and planned to SORN my car back in Feb until I sold it. I live in a block of six flats and every flat except mine has a private parking bay allotted at the back. I kept the car parked right outside and never drove it. I did not know about keeping the car on private land and thought that it could be parked on the street provided it wasnt being driven. one day in March it got clamped and I had to pay release fees of £260 which I did. After asking my neighbour who didnt have a car, I parked the car in one of the parking bays. I thought everything was sorted. I was away for about a month a just got back home yesterday. I checked my post and had received an out of court settlement letter for £271 from the DVLA. It said that the settlement fine should be paid by 02/06/2014. Can someone please tell me what this letter is exactly (even though I paid the clamping fees)? Also how should I go about it? Can I still call them tomorrow and pay the fine? I have exams going on and am really stressed about this. I cannot afford to pay the fine. I would appreciate all the help. Thanks
  24. Hello I am Chinese studying in UK. I applied for a Driving Permit one month ago. I sent both my passport and Residence Permit. But DVLA sent me back only my passport. I have tried to contact them more than 20 times already. I have booked hotels and ferries already, as I was planning a holiday around Europe. Now I cannot apply a Schengen Visa, because they've lost it?. Please help me. I need to file a complaint and ask for compensation of around £2860 DVLA is holding me a prisoner in UK
  25. Taxpayers are spending up to £600,000 a year to subsidise the cost of private parking firms getting drivers’ details from the DVLA so they can fine motorists. And that total subsidy pot may have topped £5million over the last eight years. New figures obtained from a Freedom of Information request reveal that the DVLA loses 34p every time a parking company applies for the details of a car’s registered keeper. The subsidy arises because the private firms pay £2.50 for documentation, which costs the DVLA £2.84 to handle. This year the agency has received 1.8million applications from private companies, costing the public purse around £612,000. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-2593596/Parking-firms-requests-drivers-details-cost-taxpayer-600k-year.html#ixzz2xjeRUCzi
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