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Everything posted by labrat

  1. Personally when someone does this to me i have a bad habit of parking across them and blocking them in... my charge cable is long enough to reach the charge port in this way and if they wish to park in a charge bay then they choose to wait until i return...
  2. he wont have suffered i felt the same when my cat went, but he knew what it was at the time he could barely breathe but as soon as that needle went in he started purring and i swear he was trying to get up to headbutt me the way he used to before it kicked in that last thing i made sure i did before i buried him was finish that headbutt he started
  3. My thought for the day is boredom sat around waiting for my new cars charging point to be installed, i don't even get the car till tomorrow bit excited mind, its my first full electric car
  4. Hoping for a little advice Been converting a downstairs room into a bed room however we hit a snag It's been a bedroom for a few months now and recently we moved the bed out to decorate Under the bed the walls were damp. The floor was wet to the point of puddling. At first we thought it was condensation due to the bed being boxed in and having no air flow However after several days of drying the room out the wetness is still appearing I have checked the pipes and no leaks so far. There's a dehumidifier in there regulary throwing out water so it might be down to the humidity However it's also the only external wall in the house without some form of heating on and I can't help but wonder if it's partially down to the uninsulated walls and solid concrete floor Insulating the walls is on my to do list but unfotunatly it comes behind a new car Has anyone got any ideas I have the shame to say i have no idea how long it's happened for as for the last 10 years it's been a "general" room
  5. Providing relevant advice is hardly trolling The problem is that every time advice is given its been refused or called trolling Please do until the next time you've verbally abused someone while drunk
  6. I'm not judging I'm just suggesting what might go well I didnt intend to offend might go better than I'm not sure what I'm accused of I don't mean it as a criticism but most judges will have heard this multiple times and although it might well be true in this case it may well be treated as the same as all the other Most people have gay friends I have a few but unfortunately being supported by some gay friends will not hold water against something that someone else has considered offensive
  7. Right so this is the way I read it You had a rant at someone this was called homophobic (not saying it was just that it was called this) Police were called and you went home Another day You went around to house to apologise and it got out of hand police were called again (you said it was second time) at this point you adit ed getting out of hand as drunk (not going to ask if drunk before going around) I'm going to guess that charges relate to drunk and disorderly or hate crimes It's unfortunate but it does happen, walking into court and saying "I have gay friends who know I wouldn't do this" really won't help I would suggest going in being contrite and admitting the language might have caused offence but that it wasn't intended in this matter might be the best line
  8. I thought it might be an interesting question Like I say it's a theoretical question as I am lucky enough to have family with money (who are lending me money for car) It's just something I can see happening in the future
  9. Been looking at a new car. Eventually settled on getting a Nissan leaf (electric vehicle) Wife asked a interesting question If a car is on finance the bailiffs can't take it Won't ever apply as I'm planning to buy the car outright However... The batteries in the car are leased on a monthly basis Would this effect a bailiffs powers to seize it? Like I say most likely won't ever apply bit it's a question we may be asked one day
  10. Very off topic but no it wouldn't... For one using a crossbow indoors is an inherent danger to any thing nearby. Especially the pistol kind as they have a nasty tendency to kick the bolt upwards if not inserted correctly. Secondly the door wouldn't be classed as accidental due to Warrenty being voided by the crossbow bolt in the main board. .. Thirdly what power crossbow is this? I use an 80lb one as standard although looking to upgrade and I doubt this would make it through the covering plastic metal shielding and then main board as well...
  11. I've looked down copart a few times. I don't trust it My car was on there after my accident (main reason I found the site) It was down as runs and drives - not sure how far it would get as 6 years later the radiator is still in the hedge on the way to work..
  12. Just been reading the copart run and drives "guarantee" Run and Drive At the time the vehicle arrived at Copart’s location, Copart verified that the vehicle started, could be put into gear and was capable of moving forward under its own power. There is no guarantee, representation or warranty that the vehicle is in roadworthy condition or can be driven lawfully upon the highways of any state. There is no guarantee, representation or warranty that the vehicle will start, drive or move forward under its own power at the time the vehicle is picked up at Copart’s location. It is the Member’s sole responsibility to ascertain, confirm, research, inspect and/or investigate the vehicle prior to bidding on it. Once the vehicle is removed from Copart’s premises, the Member accepts the vehicle “as is.” Lot of guff there
  13. sorry promised pictures of the repair - which has actually failed due to a mm gap on one of the seals - since resealed this is the front of the caravan with the front off - to take the front off you have to unscrew the awning rails, de-rivet the front trim, remove the hatch, remove all the windows - only then will you see the size of the work
  14. Thought I should add a finish Albany came through Car fixed Hire car no issues Compo paid for whiplash Only downside was other side phoning wife 6 months later screaming about how his insurance was now over £3,000 Did take a bit of time as other side was saying that there was no chance of damage as their car wasn't damaged. Video showing their bumper came off and engineers report showing our bumper mounts snapped sorted that
  15. It wouldn't surprise me if they ask to look at a repair first. If it's the led strips it would be expensive as it usually means a new screen. If it's the inverter however their not usually much more than a tenner or so
  16. will have to check with direct gap as we too have had the letter
  17. This was the log for that one in full Where to start? Got to what I thought was closest point and spotted a trail that seemed to lead roughly where I wanted to go. Found cache right at end of trail and also quicker way back to the path. Partway back to path hear a Rustle in the trees and ran into a stag. Hurriedly moved down path to where I left wife and kids and signed log Now the issue was how to get the cache back in place? Stag obviously had claimed those trees Sneaked back the long way around I had found first and placed cache back. Stood up to see rear end of stag moving down path. Started making way back to path before realising stag was heading directly towards wife and kids. Fortunately a jogger going around the lake scared it away from them. Unfortunately that meant it was now coming my way. It saw me in its trees lowered it's head and accelerated. So did I. Fortunately aforementioned jogger choose that moment to move up the path and once again chased it into woods Whence me, the wife and kids carefully moved onto a safer cache...
  18. https://www.geocaching.com nope hid my first one made it an obscure puzzle as well
  19. Just out of curiosity does anyone else on here geocache? I'm just short of my 70th find. Just had my first one published. Best experience so far - picking a cache up unnoticed in the middle of a festival Scariest experience so far - being chased by a stag from a cache as I replaced it. Amazing how fast I can run. Always a fun time and the most exercise I had in years
  20. I'm a assuming the annoying man goes "well take a look at this"
  21. Just brought a £2 scratchcard online at national lottery Won £50
  22. Glad I haven't had to do this My last blood tests came back a while ago I can't remember what it was They were testing but Aparently the average on liver function is 45 - 50 Mine was 183... Since then I quit drinking for a bit and I think I'll try that milk thistle
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