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Found 12 results

  1. Survivors of domestic abuse now able to vote anonymously READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/survivors-of-domestic-abuse-now-able-to-vote-anonymously
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/39987278 2 million have registered to vote since the snap election was called and many of these are under 35 years of age. If you have not registered to vote, why not do so, even if you have not decided who to vote for or whether it is worth it. We keep seeing younger people complaining that older generations votes decide who wins elections and if they don't even register to vote or go to the polling station, then they can't affect the result. Unhappy with Brexit, University tuitions fees, NHS, Schools etc. This is your chance to vote for a candidate/party that might support your opinion or is closest to it. Yes you might not agree with everything about a party or their leader, but think what they represent and does it match your values.
  3. Considering the latest news about PFI, would it not be an ideal time for labour to table a motion calling for a vote of no confidence and trigger a general election. I do not think I am stereotyping but I am sure a lot of UDP members work in the industry and they might have second thoughts propping up tories. Why would it be a bad idea to try ?
  4. Why take any dispute to the Ombudsman , is it worth the trouble? For the 3 time of trying to post this reply but worth reading:- Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954, The Gas Safety (Rights of Entry) Regulations 1996 In a genuine dispute there are no rights of entry(i.e magistrates warrant issued), however I would also caution health and safety matters if its a gas leak. if electricity meter dispute The Electricity Act 1989, The Utilities Act 2000 Note schedule 7 of 1989 act and schedule 5 of 2000 Act, an electric meter cannot be removed until a dispute is resolved. I did provide links to laws but the post is not going through. Hope this helps you and others. Mike
  5. BBC News - Hundreds of thousands register to vote as deadline looms Registration needed by 23.59pm tonight. People have until 23:59 BST on Tuesday 7 June to register to be able to vote in the UK's EU referendum. The Electoral Commission said 1.65 million people had applied for a vote since a campaign began last month - but millions more have yet to sign up. Registering online should take about five minutes. People may need their National Insurance number, or passport number if a UK citizen living abroad. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36462425 Just in case.Check things out.In or out your vote counts. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
  6. got a letter from my local council this weekend making sure that all in the household are registered to vote, on the back of the latter it says it is the Law that you have to be registered or you may get a fine of up to £80, has anyone ever been fined for not being registered?
  7. We all moan about the current politicians and that they don't represent us, but unfortunately they are the only ones we have got. If you don't vote for the party in your area that can win, that best represents your views, then you can't really moan afterwards. Brian May the Queen guitarist is running a campaign to get people to vote based on the principle of common decency. If you have an MP or candidate in your area that you don't want, then go out to vote for the person who has a chance to beat them and see if they are any different. At this election, out of 650 seats, only about 150 seats will actually change hands to a different party. That is 500 seats where the same party will continue to have their MP represent the area. Neither Labour or Tories are interested in changing from first past the post to a proportional representation system. Therefore if you are not happy with this, then go out to vote and try to disrupt this cosy deal that Labour and Tories have, which is to maintain a system, where they can dominate UK politics. Do remember to vote on Thursday for the candidate that best represents you.
  8. Hello Earlier this evening we had a Knock at the door. It was a cold caller on behalf of the local MP, con. He asked for me in person and l said that was me. He then asked why l did not vote for the cons in the last general election. I asked how he got information on how people voted in the last general election and he said it was supplied to the office and he got given a list of addresses to visit this morning. I asked who requested it was supplied and who gave the authorision to be told the guy did not know. he then asked again why l did not which my reply was l don't remember who l voted for, ok a small lie, and l cant confirm who or why l voted. He then asked who l would be voting for next year and l said l had not made up my mind, again another kinda lie. He then asked would l be voting for the cons and l said l cant confirm this as l had not made up my mind, again another lie. I am hoping this was just a fishing trip but it does raise some concerns for me especially if they have been given this info.
  9. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/food-banks-debate-video-iain-2941100
  10. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/poll/2013/sep/19/bedroom-tax-housing?CMP=twt_fbo
  11. I was under the impression that we had a referendum which rejected the Alternative Voting system? Why was it used to elect the police commissioners or have I missed something? The good thing is that Prescott never got elected as a police commissioner, but IMHO the AV system is not very democratic. What is your take on this?
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