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Found 2 results

  1. Hello Earlier this evening we had a Knock at the door. It was a cold caller on behalf of the local MP, con. He asked for me in person and l said that was me. He then asked why l did not vote for the cons in the last general election. I asked how he got information on how people voted in the last general election and he said it was supplied to the office and he got given a list of addresses to visit this morning. I asked who requested it was supplied and who gave the authorision to be told the guy did not know. he then asked again why l did not which my reply was l don't remember who l voted for, ok a small lie, and l cant confirm who or why l voted. He then asked who l would be voting for next year and l said l had not made up my mind, again another kinda lie. He then asked would l be voting for the cons and l said l cant confirm this as l had not made up my mind, again another lie. I am hoping this was just a fishing trip but it does raise some concerns for me especially if they have been given this info.
  2. I was just wondering how long it will be before the ConDem' s begin a new propaganda campaign of 'welfare hate' following their losses at the local elections. You usually see 'welfare hate propaganda' in the headlines following a government hammering, just to appease the small minded, oh and course, the Tory voter. I think said stories act as some kind of analgesia for wounded pride
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