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  1. I am in receipt of PIP and ESA, I have been diagnosed with Depression, Psychosis and PTSD. I live a very solitary life, with no friends or support from my family, I have a care worker from Mind who visits me for two hour once a week, aside from this I am completely withdrawn and live without any kind of contact with other people. I decided this was not a healthy way to go through life, after living this way for 4 years I decided perhaps further education could be a good option, to get to meet people and engage more in reality. In September this year I was offered a place on a part time post graduate degree at my local university, I was also awarded a £10.000 loan from student finance to cover the course tuition fees and extra expenses incurred by my studying (transport, study materials etc.), the loan is to be paid in six instalments over the two years of the course. I am now 3 weeks in to the course and I finding it very tough. I only have two hours of lessons per week the pressure is proving to much and it is now looking like I will leave the course next week, the loan will be cancelled as soon as I complete the course withdrawal form, however I have received the first payment. which was £1650. I am worried that I may lose my entitlement to ESA and PIP if I do not declare the time that I have studied for and also the amount of money I have borrowed and I am preparing a change of circumstances form to send to Jobcentre plus, could anyone please give me some advice as to how best to approach this situation.; Questions If: The total amount I have borrowed is £1650 (This must be paid back to student finance) The total amount of time I have studied is 6 hours over three weeks. I have a signed course withdrawal form, stating that I have left the course. I can provide proof of attendance showing that the course was only two hours a week. That I was only enrolled on the course for three weeks. I would like to know. . Was this amount of study time within the allowed boundaries set by ESA/ PIP Is this loan classed as Income or Capital by ESA/PIP Will I lose my entitlement to ESA and or PIP? If not, will my benefits be reduced? Many thanks Coda.
  2. Guest

    The new PIP form AR1

    Has anyone seen or received the new AR1 form for a review? As far as I am aware this form says you can tick a "no change" box, and no need to send further information. This is is cut down on face to face assessments...I just wonder if it's OK just to tick the "no change" box, instead of having to send it all the information you sent in the original claim? Thanks in advance.....I just like to be prepared......
  3. Hi everyone my husband is now having a home vist from the pip on tuesday we did not ask for this he had just passed his esa medical in june can any one tell me what they do at a home vist thanks in advance love this siite
  4. Atos stopped my pip in May, I asked for a mandatory reconsideration but they didn't change the decision. I have a hormonal imbalance (Hypogonadism), OCD, Severe depression, generalised anxiety and tried committing suicide 8 times since 2010. I just can't be bothered with the stress of appealing the decision. Is it common for people who are actually in need of this benefit not to appeal?
  5. What would the difference be between the 2? When I can get to my GP, i'm looking at putting in a claim for 1 or the other. This problem is surrounding severe anxiety and some depression. The main issue is the nervousness. As far back as I can remember it has always been a thing, but over time has become much worse. I remember being in a computer game store with my mum when I was 8, and she let me go to the counter to pay for the games. I was physically nervous at the counter, shaking, struggling to make eye contact and constantly fiddling with things. So, I know this nervousness has been a thing for at least 23 years. The NHS over time have made it worse, not better. As the nervousness became worse, I went to GP's many times who didn't have a clue. There was never any understanding and the minimal help provided was insufficient. Over time, due to the lack of social skills and extreme nervousness, I was heading ever closer to total social isolation. The NHS had chance after chance to do something about that by providing me with help, yet I was always misdiagnosed or not fully understood. Now, after the death of mum earlier this year, i'm in that place of 100% social isolation. No friends, no family left really and my nervousness at an all time peak which prevents me breaking the isolation. I have been relying on alcohol a lot of the time recently to get out and do shopping (A few pints reduces the nervousness). It is quite a complex situation especially as Dr's don't seem to fully understand it and never have. I feel I need to know which would be most suitable for me (and the benefit with the lowest amount of work involved to get it, because I do struggle concentrating on things and find a lot very overwhelming). Thanks
  6. I got this form a few days ago and I need to return it by the 22nd (less than a week from when I received it). And I'm really not 100% certain how to fill in the box. It does say 'briefly' but I'm worried that if I don't put in enough information that it may go against me when I fill out the actual PIP forms when my son is 16... My son has a diagnosis of ASD and had been getting high care and low mobility (the welfare officer at cab several years ago advised that I should appeal for higher mobility but I was just happy to get something and didn't want to go through an appeal even though he wasn't the only person to advise that). My son has no concept of the value of items at all and there is no way he could manage his own finances but I really have no idea how to explain that. Any help/advice greatly appreciated
  7. Hi all, I had a phone call from Capita yesterday and the woman on the other end of the phone was quite aggressive and hostile. ~She spoke really fast too. I have severe mental health issues and numerous physical issues including needing to be near a loo. She tried to demand I go for a f2f in a place I don't know at all. I told her this and she said "but you get out daily, don't you?" I said of course I can't not with this health. She very reluctantly allowed me an appointment at home but no choice of date. I am now at my wits end as I never allow even the few friends I have to come into my house due to my physical and mental health. My house is a bit of a tip as I suffer extreme fatigue due to Crohn's Disease and arthritis. My mental health is also such that I can't physically do what I want to do when I want to do things. I don't have anyone I can ask to be with me at the allotted time and am terrified of having to let a stranger into my home. I haven't lived in the area long and don't feel I can rely on any of my medical team. Any suggestions please? TIA
  8. Hello My brother and his partner are profoundly deaf and currently receive DLA however my brother's partner has received a form for PIP. They are both convinced she won't be awarded PIP because they say they know of no deaf person being awarded PIP. Does anyone have experience of this, either with a deaf friend/relative or are deaf themselves?
  9. My husband applied for the changeover to PIP 2 months ago and has been waiting for a decision since. Today we have received a letter from the council concerning housing benefit, stating that 'your PIP Daily Living Component/Mobility component has been awarded'. We still haven't heard anything from DWP and my husband has extreme anxiety issues and does not want to phone and chase them. He has hardly slept since all of this has been going on and I just want closure now but he can't bring himself to do it. My question is does anyone have experience of this, and does the particular wording suggest that it is standard award rather than enhanced. Many thanks
  10. This was my first application for PIP, and received a text to say I have been awarded it and a I don't have to do anything, they will pay my money into my bank. I had decided if they called me for a face to face I was just going to drop it......as could not face going and too ashamed to take anyone with me as I don't like people knowing how I feel. Is there any way I can find out how I got the points? Is there a form I can ask for? This will be useful when a review comes through as I'll know exactly how I was awarded it, if you get my drift? Thank in advance for any help offered. Miss (less) Anxious
  11. As always I like to try to keep up with the many changes in regards to DLA/PiP changes between now and 2021. By doing so I found a useful site full of useful changes and reports and things like that... If you want to know more or follow this all please see here >> http://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/tag/department-for-work-and-pensions/ Vital letters that tell disabled people they have to transfer to the government’s new disability benefit are being lost in the system, leading to them losing financial support for months on end, according to a whistle-blower. Rebecca*, who has asked to remain anonymous, works for Serco, the company paid by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to run the helpline that deals with all new claims for personal independence payment (PIP). There are many stories within this link and you may be interested in reading or listening or downloading the audio files attached to each of topics that are within each of the stories in this original link..... The home page link is here >> http://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/
  12. Hi, My grandchild will turn 16 next January and we assume he'll be transferred from DLA to PIP. I've read on various forums that the PIP forms are sent out a year in advance, but his mother hasn't received them yet. He's on indefinite DLA. Should his mother request the forms just now or just leave things as they are and wait and see whether the forms will get sent out. We live in Scotland. Thanks in advance for any info.
  13. My wife has been on pip for sometime now, I recently found out and applied for carer's allowance and have been receiving carer's for my wife for about 3 month's (she has ME as her main disability) During a recent visit to CAB on one of my bad day's they suggested I should be entitled to pip myself with my medical condition's and amount of pill's I take daily, I applied thinking I wouldn't get anything (knowing the problem's my wife has been through to get her awards and knowing the government cut's all the time) I got a SMS message from DWP telling me I have been awarded pip don't as yet have the letter so not sure of what my entitlements are (I'm assuming low lever of care component which is what my wife is entitled to) So now I have been awarded pip myself would it be wise for me to give up my carer's allowance entitlement ? We do help each other out, I have difficulties bending down, wife has difficulties cutting food ect she is very forgetful at times due to ME (these are just a few highlighted examples)
  14. When I got my assessment report through from ATOS, there are vast problems. The lady nurse, for one, said I was smartly dressed and coped well at interview. Firstly, I wore jeans, and said I did not have time to wash my hair as it was a mess. I was not coping at all, I kept stiuttering and had some difficulty in answering some of the questions, my mum stepped in and answered them for me. I was awarded 0 points, considering I showed her my dosset box and medication and said my partner helped me in and out of the bath where needed, even though I have had rails I can use. I then stated I had trouble with pain in my hands due to having fibromyagia and had difficulty in cutting up veg, and felt unsafe to cook without supervision, I got zero points!! She also scored me zero points even for the fact that I cannot budget with money. I did get enhanced rate for mobility, but I am not happy getting 0 for daily care. How do I do a mandatory recon please, Iam so shocked going from middle rate personal care on dla to scoring nothing, potentially loosing £53 per week.
  15. http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2016/04/05/brace-yourself-for-the-next-assault-on-the-sick-and-disabled/
  16. Hi, wondered if anyone can help please. I intend to appeal the decision made for my 19 yr old son's mobility (he was awarded enhanced care but just 4 points mobility). We have had a reconsideration, but the original decision still stands. I am his appointee and know there is a better chance of appeal if we attend, but he suffers so badly with OCD and anxiety that he really has trouble getting out of the house. I'm wondering if I would be allowed to attend alone on his behalf, or whether he would need to attend too? If I can't attend instead, I shall have to take our chances on an appeal without attending. Thanks
  17. Want to know more have a read here >> http://www.disabledgo.com/blog/2014/04/life-in-the-pip-queue-claimant-left-chasing-shadows-after-ghost-assessment/#at_pco=smlwn-1.0&at_si=56b112ec2af7c266&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=0&at_tot=1 'A disabled man waited months for the result of his assessment for the government’s new disability benefit, only to discover that the woman who had assessed him had quit her job without ever filing her report.' This can be beaten too see here >> http://www.disabledgo.com/blog/2016/01/alarm-over-proposals-to-scrap-gps-fit-note-duties/#at_pco=smlwn-1.0&at_si=56b112acc2e28fe2&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=0&at_tot=1
  18. Hi, are there any organisations other than the CAB that can help with PIP forms please?
  19. I recently transferred from DLA to PIP. On my award letter it stated that any carer's allowance in payment wouldn't be affected by the change. However, as you can guess there is a glitch in the DWP system which meant that son's carer's allowance was stopped without warning. Easy enough to resolve with a phone call, but for anyone transferring it's as well to be aware that there could be a problem. In son's case as this happened over Xmas it was actually 3 weeks before he realised and in the meantime had incurred £54 in bank charges which DWP have agreed to refund.
  20. Brief history is that I have been awarded enhanced rate of both components of PIP for a fixed period. The award letter tells me I got 18 points for Daily Living and 14 for Moving Around. According to the experienced Benefits advisor who helped me with my claim, I should have got considerably more points for both components and, given my age and the nature of my conditions, at the very least the award should have been for a much longer fixed period if not the PIP equivalent of indefinate. Obviously, I cannot be awarded a higher rate but I absolutely do not want to go through the hell of making another claim so soon (particularly as my ESA claim is due for review very soon, and last time it took 2 years to get an assessment done) and I'm concerned that if I don't challenge the points awarded, it will be assumed that I agree with them. Particularly in view of the proposals regarding aids and appliances, I could well end up losing some or all of the daily living component next time around if they think the points awarded this time accurately reflect my limitations. On the other hand, the risk is that if I stick my head above the parapet I could lose some of the award I've already got, or they could make the award for an even shorter period. Is it worth the risk or should I just be grateful I've got an award and start preparing for the review? I know it's part of my condition that things that aren't absolutely 'right' bother me enormously, and that award is just not right!
  21. Do you need to check when you may be due to change from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if so use this online tool to find out. Please see the link on this see here >> https://www.gov.uk/pip-checker/y Follow this link >> https://www.gov.uk/browse/disabilities/benefits to find out if you could claim any other benefits or for further information or if you can receive any other financial help...
  22. CONTACT YOUR MP IF YOU CAN NOT SEE HIM/HER ON THIS PETITION: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2015-16/824
  23. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – table of activities, descriptors and points Daily Living Activities and Mobility Issues... Some readers are confused with what the DLA/PiP descriptor/s are and what points could be awarded. Here is a guide that could answer some of your questions. See this link >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/Migrated_Documents/adviceguide/pip-9-table-of-activities-descriptors-and-points.pdf This is a guide only, as each claimant will need to have his/her own points to be able to qualify for these benefits. These may help you understand how your illness/disability affects you and how it may affect the outcome of your claim. This guidance also includes the descriptors'/points for mobility too... The first 6 pages are for daily living part of your claim, see section 1-10 then for mobility please see pages 6-7 sections 1-2... Also I have added a 12 point diary for you to use if you wish (very useful tool), this can be found here >> http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?457126-DLA-Pip-12-point-diary(21-Viewing)-nbsp Print off as many as you need and keep them until you need to reclaim or provide written proof as to what your abilities are around the home and out in public. Please remember there are good days and bad days, these all need to be kept in the diary... If you have any questions regarding the use of the diary please start your new thread for more detailed advice... Finally getting regular written reports from your care providers/Dr's/Consultant/carer will also be very useful...
  24. Whilst helping a friend to find a good template for disabled claimants I have just found a 12 point easy to use PDF diary. This will allow you to keep clear and precise records of your condition. Use if it helps you and keep each sheet safe. Why? This can be used to support your claim for DLA/PiP. Please see the attachment and feel free to use it. This was found here >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Documents/Advice%20(public)/pip-diary.pdf If the link gets broken I have attached the PDF for you to get from this thread... Further useful reading can be found here >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/sick-or-disabled-people-and-carers/pip/help-with-your-pip-claim/your-supporting-evidence/ Sources of interest can be found here >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/sick-or-disabled-people-and-carers/pip/
  25. I'm on ESA and PIP due to severe mental health problems. I live in England and am single. A friend typed this up for me as I'm unable to manage this type of thing usually, but I'm really worried and desparate for some advice. A week ago I had to attend a Compliance Interview at the Job Centre. When I got there it turned out they thought I'd had too much savings in the past, and they wanted to see bank statements. Turns out it was their mistake and the bank statements show I'm in the clear. However, during the interview the Officer became extremely unpleasant and aggressive, questioning me about my living situation. They then insisted that I'd have to come back for another interview. I'm presently homeless, only just got a raise in benefit which will enable me to sort out a place, so they are having a go at me for having too much savings to be homeless- even though I haven't had a chance to sort anything out. They then started to rant about how a friend who I stay with occasionally and am very close to must be my partner (even though we're a male and female and both gay), and then insisted I must return for another interview. The whole process took a big toll on my mental health and has set me back majorly both in terms of my recovery and sorting my living situation. My main question is, do I have the right to bring a friend into the interview with me? Just to provide emotional support. Do they have the right to refuse that? I am trying to get an 'advocate' from Mind sorted, but it might be too short notice. Also, although I've got nothing to hide (as the evidence in my bank accounts shows), I'm very worried about how confused I get about details and keeping track of things- in my last interview it seemed that they were trying to trip me up constantly. I don't want to be in trouble for fraud because I get confused! Can they take my benefits away? Any advice at all would be so helpful. Thankyou very much bones
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