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Found 4 results

  1. Whilst helping a friend to find a good template for disabled claimants I have just found a 12 point easy to use PDF diary. This will allow you to keep clear and precise records of your condition. Use if it helps you and keep each sheet safe. Why? This can be used to support your claim for DLA/PiP. Please see the attachment and feel free to use it. This was found here >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Documents/Advice%20(public)/pip-diary.pdf If the link gets broken I have attached the PDF for you to get from this thread... Further useful reading can be found here >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/sick-or-disabled-people-and-carers/pip/help-with-your-pip-claim/your-supporting-evidence/ Sources of interest can be found here >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/sick-or-disabled-people-and-carers/pip/
  2. Hi all Anyone else got these new Jobseeker diary pages to fill in yet? I've had them for the last month at my JC. Basically an A4 sheet with 4 boxes, each with about 7 lines to write in.. 'Jobcentre Contact' (UJ, Job Computer Points, etc 'Contact With Employers' (I assume for spec letters and actual vacancies applied for) 'Employment Agency Contact' 'Other Activities' The JC now keep these sheets (so make sure you photocopy them for your own records). Possibly they keep them so you can't submit the same jobs every week (yes, we've all done it) or for future checking. Obviously there's some purpose behind them keeping it..and one I'm sure we won't like. While waiting my turn to sign on I also noticed the advisors were scrutinising these sheets very carefully; more so than they do with the old JS Diary. I always play safe and put something in every line, filling up the sheet but a couple of people had only filled in a little and I overheard the clerk telling them they needed to do more. If you have these forms now, fill 'em in as much as you can and don't become a possible sanction target!
  3. Morning Everyone! This morning I sign on at 10.45am however I filled in my Jobseekers dairy and since I signed on last fortnight I have applyed for 14 Jobs and I written them down in my dairy, will that be ok? or could Jobcentre send my Jobseekers to a decision Maker? I only heard back from 1 by email as I apply by jobs by email (sending my cv attached) and It states in the email that I have been Unsuccessful, I am trying to get a job but not a lot of Jobs in the last past week. Any advice would be great thank you.
  4. Hi after 33 years of employment i now find myself out of work when the place i worked for got rid of 35 of us, In my trade (printing) there is about 0% chance of getting another job at my age (51). This is made worse by the fact i also suffered a heart attack last august Anyway went to job centre and signed on and i have to do 21 activities a week while my mate who worked with me only has to do 8, anyone know why the difference? As to job seekers diary am i right on thinking that if i look at 1 job site that counts as 1 activity so if i look at 2 different sites a day that will be 14 activities a week
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