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  1. Advice no longer required. Please delete.
  2. Hi CAGgers. I recently submitted an N244 requesting that a CCJ against me (claimant is Egg being represented by Arrow Global) be set aside as the paperwork had been sent to the wrong address (which was naughty as Arrow Global knew my correct address.) The paperwork was sent to 357 High Road (which doesn't exist) and I lived at 357B High Road. I have now received a Notice of Hearing of Application saying that my hearing will take place in court in early Feb. What information should I take to the hearing? Is proof of my correct address sufficient, or should I prepare another line of defence? Will the judge 'investigate' whether or not I contest the debt, or is this simply a matter of proving that I did not receive the original paperwork? Thanks for all your help!
  3. Hi, First post here so hope it all makes sense. As the title suggests I have (at the beginning of the year) been rejected for life insurance policy. Without boring you all with the details, I applied and answered all the questions honestly including answering that i had had some numbness/cramping in my legs at that point. The application was referred and I received a letter from the underwriter asking about any investigations/diagnosis I had had into this. I replied that I was seeing a Chiropractor who believed it was nothing more than postural and with some treatment I had indeed seen an improvement. I then received a letter stating that the company were unable to insure me due to an undiagnosed medical condition. At this point i visited my doctor and was sent for some tests which let to me being diagnosed with a vitamin/mineral deficiency and given high strength vits by way of treatment. So to the questions. 1) Do i have to tell future life insurers about this refusal as I seem to find conflicting information on whether in constitutes a refusal or not. 2) If i want to buy say home insurance do i have to declare it here as well? 3) Should i go back to the original insurer and get it sorted there. Hope that makes sense, I am needing to get life insurance sorted soon as I am buying a house but i am scared that i will never be able to get it even though i am medically fit and well. Help. Cheers Morn
  4. (this doesnt exactly fit in this section but i cant find a relevant section) Hi all, i am in the process of sending off for my SIA door supervisor licence, i have filled it all in but there is a section about previous names (this is where it gets confusing) in 2003 i changed my name by deedpole as a bet (it was a stupid name) i was only at college and didnt register it with them, the only people that knew my new name was my part time employer and my bank, i had no direct debits etc as i was only 18 and living at home. Should i include this on the application? as there may be no record of this previous name if they search for it as i couldnt drive and didnt update my passport etc so didnt have a drivers licence with the name on, as soon as i started applying for full time jobs i reverted back to my birth name. Im just worried it may delay the application if i include it or even flag it and make them refuse my application. Thanks
  5. Good Afternoon All. I've received an attachment of earnings order and am going to respond requesting it to be suspended. There is a very small box on the application page to complete regarding the reasons as to why you are applying for suspension. Ideally I would like more space to highlight the few key reasons, can I enclose a small slip of paper with this on or won't it make any difference whatsoever? Thank you! Have a nice weekend.
  6. I am disabled and moved From IB to ESA support group but have been placed into contribution based ESA. I have now lost cold weather payments,Warm home discount,Budgiting loans ,In fact most extra help has been taken away from me. I now have to find £12 a week rent and £20 a month council tax. I have now due to the changes ended up in fuel poverty. I cannot afford to pay the extra bedroom tax and council tax. I have written down the above in the Discretionary payment application. My question is do the council have the right to ask for my weekly income & expenditure statement. They are well aware of my benefits as I have to produce documents to them to claim housing benefit and council tax.I have my esa and thats it.It just seems so degrading to have to list every penny I spend.And certainly If a DCA asked for this information in the past I have told them to go take a run and jump, Thanks
  7. I have recently submitted an application to the employment appeal tribunal on legal grounds, perversity and bias. The ET did not follow the law, the decision was totally perverse, and the judge had connections with the employer and the defence who is also an employment law judge. I am still awaiting response to the application and have been informed that this has been looked at by four judges and is awaiting a fifth judge. From what I read this is normally only looked at by the judge or registrar at the EAT. Is it normal for five judges to look at it before making decision as to avenue it takes? Why are five judges looking into it?
  8. Hi, With hindsight I stupidly took out a loan with Wonga recently, I paid it back in full without defaulting. My question is someone has told me even though I never defaulted on this loan it could stop me getting a mortgage for another 6 years as the record of this loan stays on my file for that long. Is this correct? I would expect to apply for a mortgage inside the next couple of years, will the wonga mark stand against me now? I am gutted if this is the case.Please advise. Thank you
  9. I have just received a Notice of Hearing of Application for an order to set aside judgement. The defendant had previously acknowledged service of the claim but failed to put forward any defence within the allocated time frame, a judgement was then made in absence of a defence and baliffs became involved. Hasn't the defendent left it too late to do this? Also, as the claimant - is it necessary for me to attend the hearing as it would be very difficult due to work commitments? (I work in the medical profession and cannot get cover for the day). If i cannot attend is there any point in sending a friend along who witnessed the original events leading to the claim? One final question?! - The notice of hearing i have received is very sparse regarding details - it doesn't state if i need to provide evidence at this stage - is this necessary? Can anyone help with the above? - Advice greatfully received!
  10. Ok further to my previous post can anyone advise whether I should fill in a time to pay form or a application for a time order? I cant find any info on this and they seem almost similar. Also as this is a dual loan i.e. partner and me, do we fill in one form or 2 (we were both served with initial writs) We have managed to free up some money by giving back our car so are in a position to pay something. I dont think we could cope with the stress of trying to defend and even if we did, although I am working at the moment trying to pay for a lawyer is going to put more strain on my finances. Any help on the above would be appreciated. i need to return forms back soon
  11. My son carries dual US/UK citizenship however he is not allowed to enter theUS on his UK passport. My son's US passport has expired; he has spentevery summer of his life since birth in the US. He is now 10. His father &I are divorced but the custody issue was not dealt with in the divorce. In order to get my son's US passport renewed both parents have to attend theUS embassy in person with the child. I asked my son's father back in January 2013,to go with my son & I to apply for the passport, he did not & has not responded. US rules state as follows; Important Notice: the written consent from the non-applying parent that accompanies an application for a new passport must be less than 3 months old. If not available, you will be required to furnish evidence of the appearing parent's sole authority to apply for the passport in the form of one of the following: Consular Report of Birth Abroad (Form FS-240) or Certification of Birth Abroad (Form DS-1350) listing only applying parent; Child's birth certificate listing only applicant parent; Adoption decree (if applying parent is sole adopting parent); Court Order granting sole custody to the applying parent (i.e the absent parent has no access to the child. Child's travel must not be restricted by that order; Judicial declaration of incompetence of non-applying parent; or Death certificate of non-applying parent Can someone please advise me if the court can force my ex to go to theembassy with my son & I or can I can secure sole custody? My son requiresthe passport by Early July 2013. Can I make an application for a Special Issue Order to get my ex to goto the embassy? I cannot afford to engage a solicitor. I'd be gratefulfor any advice. Thanks
  12. I am applying for work, and one application (for a janitorial cleaning type position) has asked for copies of the following documents to be sent along with the application. It seems to me that these are things which can be requested at the interview stage, but is it legal for the employer to require them at the application stage? It seems sketchy to me, and I'm reluctant to do so for various reasons, including the potential for identity theft if the documents are misplaced or misused. If it is not legal, is there a body or organization I should report them to? "Please include copies of the following documents along with your application form: Passport Drivers Licence 2 Recent Utility Bills 2 Employers References SIA Licence if applicable Visa ( right to work permit if applicable)"
  13. Hi, I'm applying for a job with my previous employer. I have been unemployed for 2 years and on my application I was thinking about putting that I have been self-employed for 2 years, as I have been doing some work online and getting a small amount of earnings in that time (not enough to sign off the dole though) My question is: Can my next employer check and see that I have been claiming JSA for 2 years. I guess if I give them my P45 from the DWP it will be obvious, but if I do not give them a P45 will they be non the wiser. My chances of getting the job will significantly be improved if I put on my application that I have been self-employed instead of unemployed for 2 years. Your thoughts please Regard T
  14. hi all just wondering if anyone can offer some advice re my mother in laws pension credit application basically back in june my father in law suffered a severe stroke which has left him partially paralysed and unable to speak,he has gone into full time residential care and unfortunately my mother in law has now lost his pension and some of his dla money so we were advised to apply for pension credit for her when i first enquired i was told a representative of the benefits agency could visit her and sort everything out but basically she is elderly has just suffered all the stress of the stroke and its aftermath and doesnt handle/understand interviews or officialdom very well !! i told the guy this and he said dont worry then just apply online so we did that but she then got a call again requesting an interview and although she agreed without really realising what was happening,she then cancelled as it was scheduled for the same day as an important operation for her husband.the lady who she spoke to was very off about the cancellation and seemed to suggest they could not process her application without the interview so my question is do you have to be interviewed at home in regards to a pension credit application or can you refuse this? has anyone got a draft letter i may use to find out the situation and to decline said interviews requesting the application proceed as a postal one only? many thanks for any help and advice
  15. Hi All, I was hoping someone could give me some advice please. I have got a chequered credit history due to illness 5 years ago - including 2 defaults (2007 & 2009). Over the past 3-4 years I have no missed payments and 12 months ago managed to get a vanquis card and a capital one card to try and re-build my rating. Anyway to my question..... when I apply for finance - I put my address in and then it asks for residential status. I privately rent the house I live in with my wife however I do own another house (with mortgage - which my ex-wife lives in and I can't come off the mortgage.) As I don't own the house I live in I select 'private rent' - is this correct? Thanks for your help! Cheers Steve
  16. Hi. I have received a court claim from Link, for an old MBNA account. Ages ago I asked to see a copy of my credit agreement etc and they sent me, after months of waiting, a crappy photocopy of something which says credit agreement on it. They also sent me a letter stating they are charging me £102 for litigation fees, which they are required to do by law. I guess as they have 'proved' the debt then I would be wasting my time trying to argue with them?
  17. I started checking my Experian and Equifax Credit Reports and a County Court Judgment from 2009 shows up. However I know nothing about this judgment! I certainly didn't receive an 'invite/letter' to appear in court (whatever the technical term is!) The address shown on the judgment is incorrect. It shows 111C John Smith Road, whereas I lived at 111D John Smith Road. Would this invalidate the judgment? Should I contact the court and ask for the judgment to be removed/suspended, or should I wait to see if they try to enforce the judgment (which they haven't yet) and then start the refutation process?
  18. My husband applied for a loan from Santander on 6th Nov on line . After submitting to application there was no delay in telling him he had been accepted all he had to wait for before they would transfer the money to his account was a credit agreement signature which arrived today. On looking through the paperwork I noticed that the loan he applied for was £418 more in interest charges than was stated on the website! He has rang the department to find out why this is and was told to and look at his credit rating with Experian as it could have been that.. I have checked all this today and there are no problems there? he has a very good credit rating so rang Santander and have been told he doesn't have to have a bad rating for these things to happen? can we make a complaint to anyone? I am furious !
  19. Hi , I have a CCJ through a credit card with Capquest which was issued by the court 29 March 2012 , with me ordered to pay Capquest solictiors £20 a month I have been doing this religiously , by sending them cheques through the post all the cheques have been cashed and I can see they have been taken out of my bank account Yet I have been sent a copy of an application from Capquest to Bradford County Court for a charging order to be put against my property which is to be heard this coming Friday 26th October, the reason they have cited is that £20 of the order has fallen due or remains unpaid . This is incorrect , and infact the last cheque I sent them was for 3 installments of £20 takes me up to December 2012 , so i am infact in credit What I would like advice on is do I phone Capquest (HL solicitors - as they use) ? Or do I phone the court and tell them that this is incorrect ? How do I know they (capquest) won't lie to the court and say I have defaulted ? I realise I have left this to the last minute , and am now panicking Any help or advice on who to contact would be greatly appreciated
  20. I used my grans freedom pass and got caught. I have phoned/emailed tirelessly to try and settle out of court but they are not backing down. I offered to pay triple the fine but its seems they just want to prosecute me. I don't care the fine I just can handle that I will get a criminal record as this is my first ever incident with the law and I am a student When is your trial date? have you settled out of court?
  21. Hello everyone, If I've put this in the wrong place, please can one of the mods move it to the right place and accept my apologies.... Back in July, Mrs S43 invited a double glazing rep around to the house in order to have the remaining few windows we still have single glazed replaced with double glazing - we had used the same company twice before, first for the upstairs, then the patio door and rear lower windows and this time we wanted a couple of lower fronts and the 2 external doors (front & side). At points in the past, she had been offered and used a Barclays 'home improvements' loan to finance the windows. Mrs S43 has had the agreements singularly as I have a less than perfect credit score (though I have matched her Direct Debit payments with Standing Order ones of my own to bring the balance down quickly and save on interest costs). So this time, the rep turns up, measures up, gives Mrs S43 a price - she and I confer & agree - then she signs up.... As before, with Barclays filling in the paperwork for a home improvement loan. They wanted £60 as a deposit with the balance (around £2 grand) to be financed on Barclays. These figures were written in to the "consumer credit agreement" she signed. I paid the £60 with a credit card on the phone to the window company's offices - and everything seemed just like before. We were told by the rep that if *WE* were to cancel after the surveyor come out, we would lose our deposit - we were happy with this because we wanted (and still actually want) the windows.... About a week later, sure enough, the surveyor came out to accurately measure the windows and confirm the deal - he gave us an installation date of 10 August so that was that - or so we thought. 3 days after the surveyor had been here, Mrs S43 got a letter from the window company to say that she had failed Barclays credit scoring and did we have any other way of paying? To the point, we don't have £2 grand stuffed down the back of the sofa - because @ 29.9% APR, if we'd had the money in the first place, we'd have not put in for a loan !!!!!!! But that's neither here nor there - without finance from somewhere, we do not have the means to proceed. Clearly - if we'd known before the surveyor came that we couldn't proceed (ie if they'd told us we'd "failed finance"), we would not have had the surveyor come out in the first place !!!! On discussion with me (Mrs S43 being at work), the window company were all lovey-dovey asking "Do I have alternate ways of paying?" But on my explanation that we don't so can't proceed (ie to have to cancel because of lack of funding), I got the "data protection" crap about can't talk to me without the customer present (strange how they could when they didn't know that I may or may not have been able to pay alternatively!!). But on Mrs S43 being here, we've been told that we can't have our money (MY money) back because we cancelled after the surveyor had come out!!! Clearly not having recently escaped from the asylum, had we known that Mrs S43 would not get credit for the windows, we would not have ordered them / solicited credit to acquire them / had a surveyor come to see us !!!!! It is my view that the window company should have waited to see whether Barclays would advance the money before sending the surveyor anyway but in any case, I paid then £60 as part of a credit agreement for said windows - as I understand it, the law says somewhere that we must be given our money back if we don't get the credit but can someone tell me what part of the law to quote and to whom we should complain in writing? The window company, Barclays and if we can not get the deposit paid back from either of these entities to whom do we escalate matters, the OFT, Trading Standards or even the courts through trying to get a CCJ and if so against which organisation (Barclays or the window company)? I will state that having been fobbed off with crap from the window company, I wrote to my credit card company (Captial One) to explain what happened (with supporting documentation) and they have written back to say that they won't give me the £60 back as the credit agreement isn't their responsibility but that of Barclays / the window company. Any tips, pointers and suggestions would be helpful. I repeat - ideally we'd like the windows but we can't get the finance to pay for them. Had we known that we would fail finance, we would not have allowed the surveyor to attend (and I entirely accept that had it been that he'd been and Barclays were happy to extend the money to do the job then we ought to forfeit the deposit - but this was not the case).
  22. Although RobWay have failed to provide me with a enforceable credit agreement (just an application form) , and despite several letters to them telling them the account is in dispute they sent me an email the other day asking me to contact them. Well, I'm not too bothered about the contents of the email, but how on earth did they get my email address? I can forsee worrying consequences if DCA's start emailing all on sundry, especially if they are work email addresses. So, just how did they get my email address? Been dealing with them for years, and never emailed before.
  23. Hi I am trying to clear my debts and in my vagueness surrounding money in the past have no recollection of ever asking my bank HSBC for a credit card when I original took my normal current account with debit card out. I have asked to see a copy of any credit card application made by me (signed) and they have said they cannot find one as Data Protection says they only have to keep these records for 6 years. I hold my hands up to the fact that I owe money on the card and it was only me that 'chose' to use the card, however when I took the original account out I wasn't very credit worthy and it was clear I had had problems with debt in the past so that begs the question why give me a £2000 credit limit (yes hoping I will spend it), I have spent 900 on this but is there any legal recourse on this? Thanks any help appreciated
  24. Hi,. Could I have some advise please I have a Capital One credit card which I have request PPI to be reclaimed. After waiting almost 5 months for a reply (December to June) with letters inbetween saying that they are very busy etc etc they replied to say that I applied for the credit card online and ticked the PPI so therefore I agreed. Obviously I dont remember clicking the button to ask for PPI (can never see I would ask for extra money to be added each month to be honest!) Is there ever any way around appealing this? What is more frustrating is that they are STILL added on PPI despite the letter in December to say I don't need it. Would be grateful for any advice before I write back to them again or contact the F.Ombudsman.
  25. I was taken to the small claims court by a child minder who minded my daughter for a total of two and a half weeks as I didn't give her 4 weeks notice. Long story short her daughter bit mine very badly twice in the space of a week which went unnoticed, so I removed her from her care after the second time. She was paid for 3 weeks even though she only watched her for two and a half. She won in court as there was no settling in period agreed. I stated at the time and in all correspondence to the lady that I was unable to pay her and the new child care provider. I have always been honest and have never ignored letters etc. The court set the repayments too high so I completed an attachment of earnings, the court agreed for me to make payments of £20pm until the debt is paid. The child minder has challenged this and now I have to go back to court on the 1st October, advise needed, can they increase the payments when I have provided bank statements and pay slips showing I clearly cannot afford any more? I am not a confident public speaker and get very tongue tied can you give advice on how I could word my defence. Thank you for your advice. This lady is very intimidating her letter of dispute was very sarcastic challenging how can anyone live on such a low disposable income (er well me) I am struggling financially but not quite drowning. I make ends meat but have very little left. She is also requesting that I cancel luxury items like my tv package, I haven't had a holiday in years we don't go out on trips as a family as it costs too much so thats about the only thing we do do as a family. I am a single mum of 3, I work as many hours as I can to viably run a home and look after 3 daughters and I am the first to admit I financially struggle. Not looking for sympathy just thought a picture of my situation could help. We go to court on 1st Oct 2012. My first installment of the £20 is due on 1st sept so I will keep to these payments to prove I was not, not paying I just couldn't afford the previous requests.
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