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  1. Morning, i decided to buy a Mini Cooper, and collected it last Tuesday. My Credit was not brilliant (please dont judge me) so decided to go down the guaranteed car credit route. I bought the car just over 80 miles away from where i live, on the way home 20.00 at night on the motor way when i went to accelerate the revs seem to go up but the car did not accelerate very fast. as not knowing a great deal about mini's never thought any more of it. I have only used the car a couple of times this week to get to work which is only 2 miles away. Sat night we decided to take the car out and visit friends, on the way home i went to accelerate the revs went up to 7000 with no acceleration, im pretty sure the clutch is slipping and the clutch pedal is very heavy. We pulled into a garage and i could smell a burning smell. My question is could i still take the car back even though i got guaranteed credit on the car ?
  2. I lost a case recently and the Judge ask me to pay within 14days. Who register people on the ccj. Is it claimant or court? When is the deadline to avoid ccj? Cheers
  3. ***post deleted** New boss called me back and said she would allow me to have 1 day a week holiday for 1st 6 week... Thanks to all who read/replied x
  4. Hi there, I am after a bit of advice with regards to a Ford Focus I bought from a trade seller 10 days ago. Yesterday the clutch started slipping, I have hardly used the car since purchasing it and I was wondering if I have any rights with regards to getting the dealer to repair the problem? I have been on Citizen's Advice and seen the law under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 but I am not sure if this applies to me? I have 12 months warranty but as it's probably wear and tear I can't imagine the warranty paying out? I spent £4k on this car only 10 days ago so I really can't afford paying out £400+ to get it repaired. I have been told that clutch problems are hard to spot before they arise but I would like to know if I have a leg to stand on with getting the garage to help? Many thanks, Alex
  5. Sorry in advance as this could be a long one . I currently work on the shop counter in a pharmacy 32hrs a week, Mon Tues Wed Fri. Another lady works 25.5hrs, Wed-Fri. We also do alternate Saturdays for 3hrs, of which we have to take the time off for that during the week, usually an early finish. There used to be four of us, one lady sadly passed away in June and is not being replaced, and we had a Sat girl who left hence why we now do the Saturdays. If either of us were on holiday, the girls that work in the dispensary had to cover the shop i.e. for me that would be Mon/Tues as the other lady isn't in, and Thurs for her as I am not in. Now the company have decided that the dispensary is over staffed and have moved one member of staff to another branch, and we now have another having an op today which will keep her off for approx. 3mths. So, the pharmacist/manager has decided to change our shop days thinking it will help. I know all about 'needs of the business' but this is how it panned out and why I was so annoyed :mad2:He wanted me to take 2 afternoons off, Mon/Tues, the other lady to work 5 afternoons. Now, I was ok' ish with this and said so, but the other lady wasn't, I don't blame her as she has done her hours for 10yrs. He left it with us, then this other lady came in to see him on her day off, but she didn't say why. So, he has a meeting with us again this week and states "this is what you are doing and because you couldn't agree, its final". He gave the other lady Mon/Tues morning working and 3 afternoons, and told me I had to do Mon/Tues afternoons and 3 full days. To say I was fuming is an understatement, I told him that I was ok with his first suggestion, but he said we didn't both agree, well I don't agree with this one but apparently it was tough. So now she is ok'ish with her hours and I feel as though I've been dumped on from a great height . Basically, I felt as though I had been shafted to suit this other woman. I told him I didn't want late starts and he said well the other one is doing 3, yes, but her other 2 days are just mornings and mine are full days!!!I said I would compromise and do one morning off and one afternoon off, but he came back to me and said no, it wouldn't work. The top and bottom of it is, we are short staffed, though the company disagree. It doesn't matter how he changes our days, as there are only 2 of us, he will always need someone from the dispensary to cover our holidays, so instead of covering one full day, it will now be 2 half days at least!!! Well after another meeting, I said why cant I have 2 afternoons off when the other one is in, Wed/Thurs, up to now he seems to think it will work, but I am worried that he might change his mind come Mon.
  6. Hello there, My partner purchased a ProAction A105Q Washing Machine from Argos on the 27/07/12 which was delivered on 02/08/12, the machine has started to trip the main socket fuse and is completely unusable. (Fuses have been checked and replaced...) I have contacted Argos twice about this and am at a loss as to how to proceed. My first contact started well enough and after speaking to a Sarah and Michael agreed that the machine should qualify for a free engineer call out - Imagine my surprise when after being transferred to JTM, their 3rd party repair service the woman I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about and refused to entertain any visit not carried out on a chargeable basis - Her manager explained that they needed a Customer Service Manager from Argos to OK this. Back to the phone and after another 20 minutes and stubborn resistance with regard to allowing me to speak to a manager I spoke to another Michael... This conversation was unproductive - And after trying to explain SOGA, I had the distinct impression that the person I had been speaking to was not an actual manager. His parting words to me being "It don't matter if it's a day or a month if you don't have a extended warranty it's tough luck" - This according to Michael is the official Argos policy. I have given up hope of Argos resolving this in a reasonable manner, any suggestions folks? Thanks for reading my tale of woe, sorry it was a bit long.
  7. Hi, I took out 3 payday loans on Friday (3 days ago) and am now in the position where I don't actually need the money anymore. From reading this forum, I believe I am within my rights to cancel all 3 agreements within 14 days and return just the amount borrowed (not the exorbitant interest...though) Unfortunately this is not the first time I've used any of the 3 companies, and they say in their T&Cs that it is a revolving line of credit, and that the agreement started from the first loan (which was a lot longer than 14 days ago) However, surely this is a breach of my rights to cancel within 14 days, as each time everything has been paid off before a new loan has been taken out? Any advice before I go in to do battle would be most welcome. My loans are with: Payday Express, Quid UK & Direct Money Thanks!
  8. Members of CLARA (Central Lane Residents Association) who insist on their god-given right to hog the middle lane on motorways for their entire journey regardless of traffic conditions are to be targeted by police... and about time too. Motorway middle-lane hoggers to face on-the-spot fines Motorway tailgaters and middle-lane hoggers are to face quick justice with on-the-spot penalties under new measures announced by the government. From July, police will be able to issue £100 fines and three points for careless driving offences that would currently have to go to court. The idea is to target offenders without the need for lengthy court procedures. Current fixed penalties for using a phone while driving or not wearing a seatbelt will also rise by £40 to £100. The move brings careless driving offences into line with the penalties for similar non-motoring fixed penalties. Drivers will still be able to appeal against any decision through the courts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-22770064
  9. been working full time in a bar since november and in march i found out i was pregnant and i told my employer straight away. since announcing i was pregnant i have rang in sick 3 times, all pregnancy related the latest being a bad back after standing for 8 hours while working in a kitchen. my manager wants a chat when i am next in on weds and i am worried i'll get sacked. any advice?
  10. We purchased a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0L auto with 60K on clock last Wednesday from a dealer. We drove it 60 miles home with no issue and everything worked okay. On checking it out, we noticed that the locking wheel nuts which are standard on the vehicle had been replaced with normal wheel nuts. IMHO the vehicle as no longer standard and had been modified. We contacted the dealer and they said they would get back to us, but never did so we contacted them again. It was agreed that we would purchased the locking wheel nuts and they would reimburse us. On Thursday we went out in and at one point we started to over take a slower moving vehicle and accelerated expecting the car to kick down and take off like a rocket, but nothing happened despite depressing the pedal to the floor. I have had many autos and have another auto so I am familair with how they work. We had to brake and pull back in behind the vehicle we were going to overtake. I assumed that perhaps as the vehicle was new to us, I may have done something like using the cruise control and setting the speed of a maximum. On stopping, switching off and setting off again, kick down worked perfectly. Unfortunately the following day we had a similar incident. Gearbox functions okay and will change if you are going up a hill, but obviously at the wrong time. Today went out in the vehicle and no kick down whatsoever no matter what I tried. I phoned the dealer at about 10am and informed them of the problem and they told me the workshop would phone me back. Eventually I had to phone at about 2pm to chase them and about 10 minutes later the workshop phoned. I told them of the problem and they said they would need to discuss it with the director of the second hand car dealership. Dealership and service centre are one and the same organisation. Still waiting for them to contact us back, but I guess it is still a bit early to phone back. Otherwise vehicle appears to be okay. Dealer seems to be reluctant to do anything and we are the ones always initiating phone calls. As the vehicle is on HP, what sort of pressure can I put on the finance company which is Close Motor Finance to get the problem sorted if the dealer continues to drag their heels? Thanks.
  11. I had a SD sent through the post to me by Capquest for a credit card I had with Cap1 a while a go. I didn't ask for it to be set aside because if I'm honest, I'm happy for them to make me bankrupt... it's been something I've been hoping will happen for a while now. The only reason I hadn't done it myself is because I could get the money together to do so! I own my home with my OH which is valued about £210K. Mtg is £190K, 1st+ is £62K, secured ccj's total about £40K so nothing of value there. OH works, I'm on DLA & ESA, 4 children still at home (3 of them dependent) with one registered as severely disabled. I have one account in my name that all the benefits are paid into and one jnt with OH where his salary goes and all our bills come out of. Any surplus from that account is usually put in mine to pay for food, clothes etc. I have a car that was brought with one of the children's savings plans - the receipt has their name on as well as mine. Will this be taken away even though I need it for my disabled son and for me to go anywhere as I'm unable to walk very far? It's worth about £2K. My question really is what happens now? The 21 day deadline was today so does that mean I will be made BR and if so when? Can they do it whenever they want now or do they have to do it within a certain number of days? Also, should I draw out the money in my account (£300 ish) and what happens to the joint account? Thanks for the help and I'm sorry if I'm sounding blasé about it but we've been fighting debts now for over 8 years, maintaining arrangements, providing regular financial statements, not getting anywhere etc so please don't think I'm not taking this seriously, I just need to make sure I know what's coming
  12. Hi Caggers I really need advice/comments on this letter that I am about to send of to my creditors including PDL. next payment due 15th May 2013 so no time to wait. I am going to be honest here and tell you that my debt has got out of control thanks to gambling. I have sought help and haven't had a bet for over 3 weeks even though I have still got money to pay my priority outgoings and agreed rent arrears repayments. This for me is a massive step. Is there anything I should add/omit/change and is it ok to state that I have got into this mess because of gambling? Thanks for looking.
  13. Hi there, I feel a little rude coming straight in to ask a question, I hope it's ok. I'm feeling worried and confused and not sure what to do. I am currently in receipt of CB-ESA-WRAG and it ends on 20th June. I'm assuming this means I'm being classed as fit for work? I have, amongst other things, chronic sciatica and bladder incontinence as a result. I am also in the middle of a rather difficult withdrawal from prescription painkillers that were over-prescribed years ago. Between the pain, incontinence and agony of the withdrawal, I spend much of my time in bed, conked out on medication to help nerve pain and the withdrawal. I believe I have a lot to offer the workplace (not to mention how desperate I am to earn my own money again) but all I could offer right now is countless sick days, bad timekeeping because I get so sick and to be honest, I want to get better, not cripple myself even more and end up relying on painkillers to get me through again. What options do I have, if any? My JC personal adviser isn't much help and is rarely in the office. When we do speak, he tells me he's sending all these forms but obviously forgets as they never arrive. I feel a little lost with it all and could really use some advice on what to do. I'm not sure if this is relevant but I'll share it anyway. I'm single, I have no other income and I live with my brother who rents privately and I pay towards the bills and food out of my ESA. I do not claim any other benefits. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I really hope there's a way to get through this and I appreciate any advice or help you can give me.
  14. Hi everybody, we bought a car on Wednesday from a used car dealer, Saturday afternoon it breaks down, spoke to garage yesterday they said" its out of there hands" I have to get the car back to them and there's no courtesy car available and no recovery, what can I say to them we paid 4250 for the car with 3 months warranty. They also knew it was for running an ill family member about. Any help greatly appreciated
  15. I’m looking for legal advice on the following situation. I have paid a reservation fee and have signed a tenancy agreement for a property that we are supposed to move in to on May 1st. I have given notice to my current landlord and will be vacating on May 2nd. I received a phone call today from the estate agent representing the new LL saying that due to unforeseen circumstances the LL needs to move back into his property (he was living abroad) and no longer wants to proceed with our agreement. Our copy of the AST doesn’t have the LL signature. Can the LL do this? Do I have any rights?
  16. Hi guys some advice would be great. last week I used the template to request any details of my loan accounts and got a reply of Natwest. Re. Request for information under section 77 of the consumer credit act 1974 with my loan details (account number etc) / loan amount / and when the loan closed Its says as these loans have ended we have no obligation to provide the information I request.(Credit agreement) I have had 3 loans over the last 10 years one from 2002-2004 the 2nd from 2004-2008 im unsure I was paying PPI on these accounts my final loan I still have the credit agreement for from 2008-current and know I am paying ppi on it and I have been mis-sold it because I had no idea I had it. What do I do now thats my question do I complete 3 separate questionnaires because Ive had 3 separate loan accounts and request my PPI be refunded to me? even though I dont have my previous 2 loan credit agreements - but I have the account numbers and Sort codes that my loans were under. Can I claim on my current loan even though im still paying it??... Thanks in advance for any help.
  17. If it makes any difference, mum is an agency worker. Mum works nights, comes home around 9 / 10am and goes to bed after dad (works nights too) gets up and normally doesn't get up until at least 5pm. Today, mum's work phoned her mobile a few times, which dad answered. After a few times, he told them again that she's not up, he doesn't know when she'll get up and no, he isn't going to wake her up. The person on the other end then put then phone down on dad. Anyway, they phoned the land line about 15 minutes later and he yet again told them that she's not up. The lady's response was to call mum lazy! She does 12 hour nights and it takes a good hour (more if there's traffic, accident, etc) for mum to get home. She's then got to wait for dad to get up. Are there any laws regarding calling agency staff on their days off please / are the laws different if the person is a night worker, therefore, will be in bed the following day?
  18. Hello, I am in need of help, advise and guidance because I now feel helpless. I signed up to do a computer course back in 2007 with skills train. The sales person came to my house and I stupidly signed the contract with career development finance without doing any research. I realized after two months that I could not do the course at all as the course material was not very easy to understand plus I realised that the company had a bad reputation. I contacted skills train and they said they couldnt help me. I continued to pay 75 pounds monthly for a while, however I could not afford that amount when I fell pregnant and had to live off statutory maternity pay in 2008. During this time, the debt was passed on to Cabot Finance, and they agreed that I make minimum payment of 10 pounds a month. I carried on paying the 10 pounds. However, I received a letter from a company called The Credit Information Bureau on friday. The letter stated that account has been recalled by Cabot Financial. I have also received a letter from Cabolt today who are now claiming that they (Cabot) have recalled my account and the letter states that ''the most important thing for you to now is contact us to discuss way of payment'' I honestly do not recall ever speaking to anyone from 'The Credit Information Bureau' and I have paid the agreed 10 pounds since 2008. I am absolutely terified of contacting these DCA especially now that I am out of work and a full time student and single parent. I would be grateful for any advise given. Kind Regards, Leesha
  19. Hi All Help please. Have a very small business with 1 part time employee this employee had holidays earlier this year which included 2 bank holidays, which she was paid for this employee now thinks that as well as being paid that now they are also entitled to extra lieu days. IS THIS RIGHT ! ? Please help thanks warwicks
  20. comet site has now changed to ALL stores closing by 18th December might drop in tommorow as the staff have stopped caring and im picking up reams of paper for about 50p at the min
  21. Just got a letter through the door from Marstons. They'll be here in six days to 'seize and remove'. I had dealings with these people a few months ago, went to CAB and fired off a letter of statute. The alleged debt is some student rent arrears that I had no clue about until the bailiff turned up at my door. Thing is, I left student digs just before Xmas 2005 (hence the statute letter). The advisor at CAB seemed confused as the paperwork the bailiff gave me was incomplete (sic) so I hadn't been properly served. As I was in a bit of a panic at that time I wasn't sure what that meant but all went quiet after I sent them the statute letter. Now this! Stuck. Anyone advise on my next move?
  22. Hi all, I have been issued a stat demand and now will be served a petition for bankruptcy next week. This is for liability orders obtained in the past between 2009-2012. The majority of the liability orders are supposed to be the tenants paying which I have proof. I made an application to set aside the stat demand, however Judge dismissed on basis that CPR 13.4.3 "Where the debt claimed in the statutory demand is based on a judgment, order, liability order, costs certificate, tax assessment or decision of a tribunal, the court will not at this stage inquire into the validity of the debt nor, as a general rule, will it adjourn the application to await the result of an application to set aside the judgment, order decision, costs certificate or any appeal." I have stated clearly several time to Council tax department of who owes the liabilities etc, but now because it has gone this far they will not discuss and say only contact through their solicitor. Their solicitor has said not interested and bankruptcy petition will be served unless all monies paid. Problem is I do not owe the liabilities, I made a mistake not appealing within the 21 day time limit via the High courts as I had a lot of other things going on. I am wondering is there anyway we can get the liability orders overturned at all, I have the proof for the council that other tenants were in place and should have been paying for this? My guess at moment is to appeal the stat demand on the grounds surely "Common sense will prevail" but have serious doubts about this. Other option is for me to appeal the liability orders via the High court and hope that the Judge doesn't strike out straight away because of the 21 day lapse. Anyone know the best way to deal with this please? Thanks
  23. Hi All Sorry if this seems long winded but I just wanted to make sure you have all the facts. Just after a touch of advice - I think you are going to to say its just tough but.... I applied for a new permanent job through an agency and after 2 interviews I was offered the role of office manager. I insisted on getting the contract and signing it before I handed in my notice as Ive been with my current employer for 8 years. After working a months notice I started my new job on Monday The MD wasn't in on Monday so I spent the day with the Operations Director giving me an oversight into the business where I sat in a training session for another department, but he advised the MD would be training my directly so my role would really start the following day. I went in Tuesday morning and when the MD came into the office he said hello and asked me to give him an hour to catch up on emails etc then he would be with me for the day. As 12 noon he called me into his office and said he had discovered some problems in the business he needed to resolve and it wasnt feasible for me to just sit around without any training. He asked if I would go home, taking Wednesday and Thursday off and he would be in touch on Thursday afternoon to speak to me with details about attending a sales conference with him on the Friday as this would be a brilliant insight into the company. Then proper training could commence the following week. Thursday evening, at 5pm Id not heard from him so I contacted him asking what the travel arrangements were for the following day. He text back around half an hour later advising me the agency should have been in touch to tell me they are unable to take things any further at this stage. Many issues in the business mean they are unable to look at a manager at the moment. I have spoken to the agency today who confirm they have not heard a thing from the company. In a nutshell, I have left a career of 8 years to move on to something I thought was bigger and better to be simply discarded without even allowing me to do any work. Is this legal? Whilst I know it is my probationary period, would it not be necessary to look at my work and appraise me to make the decision Im no longer required? Its not redundancy surely? Any advice ??
  24. :|OK so I was put into WRAG / Contribution ...had letter today to say that my ESA ends in Jan 2013. August had another ESA50 form to send in ... did this but have heard nothing until today to say that 365days up in Jan 2013 no more money end of ! My conditions have degenerated to the point that after 5 years of being seizure free on meds have started again ...other health issues have also degenerated ...GP sent letter to state all this . Now my question is ..."why was I sent out another form in aug. ? What is the time limit on applying again ...my conditions are worse and mental heath have sent letter in also what happens next ...cos i`m not convinced they have looked at my recent form .
  25. Hi all I worked the night shift in the Monday Thursday; Tuesday Friday. I had all the bank holidays off work. Since the second shift had a day off (paid) I had lieu day instead. Resigned from my job, but the employer has not paid me for lieu days. A phone call and e-mail did not helped. I am looking for some letter formula that i can use. I do not have time for a visit to Citizens Advice (due new job). Wants to send a registered letter asking for an explanation why not received total payment. Other employees were paid in the form of a day off and I did not. I would use at the same time some strong arguments because nothing else works. Also want to notify them about how not to reply in writing, shall transmit it together with a copy of the letter to ................. just do not know where. Sorry for the chaotic post Martin
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