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Found 4 results

  1. My ESA contributions based benefit ends at end of April 13. The DWP have not contacted me. What do I do? I was told that I should go straight onto income based ESA. But I do not want to phone the DWP, because of all the stress that's involved because of my depression etc. I, have only phoned the DWP once and staff were very unhelpful and very rude. It made my depression worse. My GP currently has me covered by sick notes up to the 13th June. Do, I just wait for the brown envelope to arrive before the end of April 13. Very worried, as I think that I will end up on JSA or universal credit coming up soon. Just, wish that did not have to deal with DWP are things are one sided in their flavour and I do not stand a chance. Any suggestions ! My best wishes to you all and thank you
  2. Hi there, I feel a little rude coming straight in to ask a question, I hope it's ok. I'm feeling worried and confused and not sure what to do. I am currently in receipt of CB-ESA-WRAG and it ends on 20th June. I'm assuming this means I'm being classed as fit for work? I have, amongst other things, chronic sciatica and bladder incontinence as a result. I am also in the middle of a rather difficult withdrawal from prescription painkillers that were over-prescribed years ago. Between the pain, incontinence and agony of the withdrawal, I spend much of my time in bed, conked out on medication to help nerve pain and the withdrawal. I believe I have a lot to offer the workplace (not to mention how desperate I am to earn my own money again) but all I could offer right now is countless sick days, bad timekeeping because I get so sick and to be honest, I want to get better, not cripple myself even more and end up relying on painkillers to get me through again. What options do I have, if any? My JC personal adviser isn't much help and is rarely in the office. When we do speak, he tells me he's sending all these forms but obviously forgets as they never arrive. I feel a little lost with it all and could really use some advice on what to do. I'm not sure if this is relevant but I'll share it anyway. I'm single, I have no other income and I live with my brother who rents privately and I pay towards the bills and food out of my ESA. I do not claim any other benefits. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I really hope there's a way to get through this and I appreciate any advice or help you can give me.
  3. Hi everyone The person I care for has been put on ESA that is both contribution AND income based. Is this right? Also as he has been put into WRAG - appealing that - he and I have been told by them that he isn't down for another review until 2 years from end November 2012. As he has been put on both contribution AND income based ESA and being told he isn't down for review for 2 years, does that mean the 365 day rule does not count? Extremely confused!
  4. :|OK so I was put into WRAG / Contribution ...had letter today to say that my ESA ends in Jan 2013. August had another ESA50 form to send in ... did this but have heard nothing until today to say that 365days up in Jan 2013 no more money end of ! My conditions have degenerated to the point that after 5 years of being seizure free on meds have started again ...other health issues have also degenerated ...GP sent letter to state all this . Now my question is ..."why was I sent out another form in aug. ? What is the time limit on applying again ...my conditions are worse and mental heath have sent letter in also what happens next ...cos i`m not convinced they have looked at my recent form .
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