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Found 12 results

  1. I received an NIP for "speeding" on the motorway in a speed restricted area. The signage was very unclear and when I sped up it was because I thought the speed restricted zone had ended as there was no signage to suggest otherwise and other motorists sped up too making it unsafe for me to continue at the restricted speed. I was recorded as going 9 miles over the speed limit when I called to ask about this they told me that it was an average taken from when I entered the zone and when I left. Does anybody know anything about how they work this out? And how I could challenge this? The Police have sent me photographic evidence of my car but the photos do not show the context and thus you can't see that there were no signs around telling drivers to maintain the restricted speed. Is there a requirement to provide photographic evidence of the context? Can I do a freedom of information request? Many thanks!
  2. Hi I own a small company with 3 employees only been running since April this year I had booked a holiday and 4 days before I went away one of my employees left without warning. I had no choice but to contact my local agency to employ a temp worker to cover the period I was away 10 days in all . It was quite a straightforward process with just a couple of forms to fill in and sign one of which was thier terms of business . All done over the telephone with the forms being emailed back etc . I queried the hourly rate whilst on the telephone as it wasn't written anywhere (I have never used an agency before ) and the administrator put me through to another lady whom I assume was the manager she told me that the hourly rate was £12.80 for a min of 8 hours a day and then after that it was time and a half. The ten days would include 2 saturdays and a bank holiday . The agency asked me to pay up front as apparently they take a line of credit to ensure that each worker is paid but thier credit company wouldn't lend agaginst my company as it had been newly formed . I thought this was a bit strange and said no I'm not prepared to pay upfront but would pay for the first three days after they had been completed and then the remaining 7 days a couple of days after they had been completed which they agreed to . Due to the nature of the work I insisted that I must have the same person for the duration of the contract which again they agreed to. The agency worker turned up as arranged and I went on holiday.... after the first three days I received an invoice from the agency as promised but to my horror they had charged the whole of sat as time and a half. I queried this by email as I was away and corresponded with the lady who had told me about the hourly rate. When I asked why the whole of sat was charged as overtime her written reponse was sorry I didn't mention it but this practice is common knowledge within the industry everybody pays sat and bank holidays as overtime otherwise they wouldn't get people to work.so I replied that she knew I was a new customer she knew I was having the worker over the weekend and bank holiday so why not mention in the telephone call that sat and bank holidays are classed as overtime ?? To which she apologised again for not telling me but she thought I was not new . Thier terms of business says hourly rate etc to be agreed in writing I have nothing from them in writing stating what the hourly rate would be just the verbal confirmation during the telephone call backed up by her email apologising for not telling me about the changes on sat and bank holiday . I'm away on holiday and am panicking that if I kick up about the invoice that she will pull the worker and leave me in the right brown stuff. So against my better judgement I pay it but send an email complaining I'm not happy .To which I get no response So 4 days later I get a phone call from the agency saying the original worker is leaving today but he is going to be replaced by another worker who will be doing the rest of the week (3 days remaining )....as you can imagine I kick off big time especially after I'd gone to all the effort of insisting that I needed the same worker for the 10'days apparently the worker had been contacted by another employer that he Temps for and wanted to go and work for them apparently the agency can't stop him from doing this which again I was not told about especially as I had lengthy conversations with the agency about this . So I eventually agree to having the replacement guy and then when I speak with the new guy on the telephone in the evening he tells me that he can only do the last two days as he has commitments on the last day which apparently the agency knew about !! That is the final straw so I have cancelled the work for the last day as don't want to use the agency again as too much grief . I will be getting the invoice for the last period of work soon so would like to know if I can deduct the rate increase that I paid originally whilst I was away from the new invoice ,and go down the line I wasn't told it's not written down anywhere etc and can I do anything about having to cancel the last working day and being mucked around etc with different staff etc this company are a joke and I will never use them again Any thoughts greatly appreciated !!
  3. Apologies if this is a common theme on this board but I haven't found an answer that fits my case. I've worked in a factory on a temp contract for a couple of months with the expectation of working there about six months. The first month all was great. My colleagues are all all seniors over 55 who have worked together and never had any temp colleague to deal with. At one point one of the manager pointed out that I could fit as a permanent replacement for one the seniors (which I don't want by the way). One of seniors did not take it well and since then has started taking exceptions at pretty much everything I do, in doing so he verbally humiliated before my colleagues. At one point I couldn't take it anymore and I verbally complained to the manager, which minimised the issue and didn't do anything serious to make it stop. Now my other colleagues have started complaining to the manager about me for petty issues. In other words they would rather want me out. The manager says he's on my side but refuses to take sides and said the workers have been there long and I shouldn't kick up a fuzz. The company is very small and there's no grievance procedure. I don't think I should be bullied into leaving but it looks like it's going this way. What can I do apart from walking out and sucking it up? I was thinking of writing a formal letter but I don't know what I should write. I'm at loss. If I leave I'll get no benefits and never mind any good references. Thank you.
  4. On Tuesday of this week, I started a temp job for a company that I used to temp for back in 2014. However, as the work is going to last for about 4 weeks I have finished the work they asked me to do but as my boss is out of the office most days I've nothing to do etc. When I was there the last time I had lots to do but should I contact the agency to see what they say or ask someone that works for the company at I'm currently temping for. Hope this make sense Thanks
  5. So, I've noticed my black glass table has been covered in white flakes or whatever, Anyway, I'm hardly in the flat at the moment because I'm in the process of moving in. Anyway I've came to the conclusion that the up stairs flat must be jumping that hard on the floor it's caused damage to my ceiling... I've got some pictures for anyone who might be able to offer advice, I have a good mind to go to the council office on Monday. Clearly just using the place as a party flat or something. Thanks
  6. I have been working for an agency for 4 years now, doing the same job, on the same site for 3 and a half of those. A couple of years ago, the company started taking on 'flexi' workers. A couple of months ago, i was advised to apply for this round of 'flexi' jobs. I asked if the job i have been doing is available as one of those jobs, and was told, in no uncertain terms, that no, there will never be a flexi worker doing that job. On that basis, i didnt apply. I have discovered yesterday, that indeed the flexis are taking over that job. Is there anything i can do? the flexis they gave the job to, are less skilled, and much less experienced, and at least one is waiting to get his qualification so he can even start training.
  7. This is really 2 issues 1. We were offered a house my sister was renting. It has damp and electrical problems, landlord hasn't fixed for two years and we were due to move in but not with the issues. My sister is tied to a contract. Can she leave? 2. I have returned from abroad, currently staying with parents but my husband can't stay here. I am not receiving any money from anywhere. I think I can eventually claim but can't find anyone that would accept us. What can we do?
  8. I got my court letter for posseion today on our property, the date is march 13th although eviction will probably be a few weeks after so we'll be here through march I think. We have been told we will be put in temp/emergency accomidation, which was expected, we cant afford to move out and as we work we are not entiltled to much housing benefit. I just want to know if anyone else has been through this as I dont know anyone who has before, I already have storage sorted for my furnature, but I really have no idea what to bring with me. Please dont judge me, just because we work we can still not afford to move out, we have been down this road with our local council who also agree. Please advice anyone? And also anyone else going through the same please feel free to chat!
  9. I have been offered some temporary contract work which will last about two months starting November. I have been claiming JSA, HB and CTB for about 18 months. £1250 will be paid at the back end of November (about a month into the contract) and the remainder of £1500 will be paid at the end of December. What payments will I be entitled to during this period? I will probably be signed off for a month before my first payment (so no income). Would I be entitled to any working tax credits (I am single, no children)? I will be self employed, will I have to pay tax/NI on these two payments (my earnings for the tax year with benefits will be low)? If after those 2 months I am still unemployed can I do a rapid resign? Would it also be rapid for the HB? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi, My elderly mum is staying in a room in a hotel, basically in the attic which is roasting hot! She asked for a fan but they said it was against health and safety!!! Is this true? She is on a holiday from hell I think, wish I has taken her and M-in-L there my self!
  11. This is a question for a friend. She has been in her job 10 months as a temp then on a 12 month contract with the company itself but she has only done 4 months of the 12 month contract. As a temp she was with an agency not direct like she is now. Can you tell me if she has got enough service to put in an unfair dismissal claim please?
  12. Hi everyone, I'm new here and after some advice. I was made redundant from my job last September through no fault of my own and been signing on ever since. However, before Christmas I had an appointment with my advisor at my local job centre and gave me details of a job to apply for but 2 weeks ago I received a letter saying that they are going to stop my job seekers allowance from the end of January to the middle of march. I have since appealed the decision in writing but when i went to the job centre today I had to fill in another form and explain again. I know it was my fault for not applying for the job, but I always complete the booklet and attend the job centre on a regular basis to sign on. Any advice? Thanks Louise
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