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Found 13 results

  1. Hi guys just wondering if some one could give me a bit of advise , i had my home repossessed 9 years ago , there was a shortfall when they sold it at auction . They haven`t bothered us for 9 years (halifax) then today i got a letter from the halifax saying they have passed the debt on to moorcroft dept recovery , i don`t really know what to do, we have not acknowledged this debt . and cant afford £20,000. any advise would be help full.
  2. Hi. My father in law was shopping last Wednesday in Manchester City Centre and visited a book store. He was with his wife. They are both in their late 70's. During the visit, then went down 3 flights of stairs in store to the book section, but after the 3 flights of stairs, there were 2 steps that you couldn't see. My FIL fell and as he was going down, he tried to grab a stand and cut his hand open. He also smashed his face into the floor and was bleeding heavily from his nose. Staff came to help and my MIL was furious about no signs for the 2 small steps, and the staff were saying 'yeah, I know, we should have a sign'. They weren't bothered in the slightest. My MIL asked for a first aider. The store never had one! They called security who didn't really know what to do. They were trying to stop the bleeding from his hand and face with toilet roll. Then someone produced a small first aid bag and the security were arguing about what they could and couldn't apply to his injuries. The staff wrote the incident down in the accident book. They gave him a bottle of water then sent him on his way! They never once offered to call an ambulance! He left the store with his wife and both were in shock. My MIL said she was shaking like a leaf and didn't know what was going on. So he left the store with his face covered in blood, and his hand bleeding and got a bus home! He never went to hospital as he is 'old school' and everything will be okay. They never told me about this until last night. I am livid that the store let him leave like this and there was no first aider to help. I asked about photographs and they said they think someone took one of the steps but not sure. They don't have camera phones. I asked to see my FIL's hand but my MIL had just put fresh bandages on. She said she thinks it needs stitches as the cut is wide open, but he won't go to the hospital. So what can we do about this? I am disgusted in how he was treated and fobbed off. I was wondering if I could go to the store today and see the accident book. Also I'd like to take a few photos myself of the area and see if there are any warnings in place yet. I'd also like to see where CCTV is situated in store and how I can get a copy. Please advise if possible, I'm so angry right now how he was treated! Thanks
  3. “The tax take for this group of people has fallen by £1 billion since HMRC set up its dedicated unit. At the same time, income tax paid by everyone else has risen by £23 billion. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/fatcats-pay-1billion-less-tax-9700294 http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2017/01/27/public-accounts-committee-says-hmrcs-lack-of-transparency-has-eroded-public-trust-in-a-fair-tax-system/ http://www.rossmartin.co.uk/sme-tax-news/809-mps-initiate-key-changes-in-hmrc https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/high-net-worth-individuals-hmrc-16-17/
  4. Sca mmers have been sending out a host of fake vouchers, purporting to be from some of the nation's favourite supermarkets and high street stores. These fake voucher promotions have been popping up all over Facebook, Twitter and the rest. You will be led through some questions to get your voucher and you will have to supply your mobile number and your address – ostensibly so your “prize” can be sent out. In reality, your phone will be hit by premium rate calls costing up to £5 each https://www.lovemoney.com/news/26495/dont-fall-for-this-supermarket-voucher-[problem]
  5. The cost of car and motorcycle theory tests will drop from £25 to £23 for tests taken from 1 October 2015. Theory test fees for other types of vehicle will also be reduced at the same time. Book tests at the new price The changes apply to theory tests taken from 1 October 2015. You can now book tests for this date onwards. You'll have to pay the old fee if you choose a test date before 1 October 2015. Find out more about the changes to theory test fees.
  6. This one is weird. My mortgage statement from Dec 2013 shows NRAM have written off a mortgage shortfall off approx £590k (yes, £590,000). I do not have a statement for Dec 2014. I am not sure if this is a true 'write off' or whether it is just transferred to a suspense account or the like. The property was repossessed by NRAM in August 2012 after a long long fight. The mortgage was almost £1.1m with all costs and charges and arrears etc and the property had been worth £1.2m. Before repo we had offers of around £900k but could not sell as it would not clear the mortgage and NRAM are the most unreasonable company I have ever had to deal with. The property was repossessed and the same agent who was marketing it and had said it was worth around £1.2m plus then 're assessed it' for NRAM at about £650k, yes £650k and they continued to market it at a much lower price. The buyers at 900 magically disappeared. It didnt sell even then and was gradually reduced during 2013 until an offer for around £570k must have been made. We only knew this as I saw it on a different agents web site and decided to try and stop the sale as an under value sale. We even went to court for an injunction to stop the sale but lost although a potential case for an undersell is still possible. I feel very strongly that there was an arrangement for the agent to get it to sell as low as possible for his own personal reasons (we had known him for 10 years and he said this was one of his op 5 houses in the town). There was something just not right about the process although I cant prove that. The sale went ahead in Aug 2013 and the only thing we heard from NRAM was when a statement arrived in Jan 2014. It shows the proceeds of the sale £540k plus various other smaller amounts, agents costs etc and then it says Repo Writ-Off Cred ....... £590k. This takes the mortgage account down to zero, exactly. A cheque refund of £1500 is then ADDED which takes the balance owed to £1500 (no idea what the cheque refund is). Anyone reading this statement would say our mortgage balance is £1500. It is not a sales statement, it is our annual mortgage statement. Recently we were contacted by letter from PRA formerly those monsters Mackenzie Hall. It gives little detail accept our mortgage ref which is why I know its connected. I do not want to contact them or NRAM yet. NRAM know that if they chase us for shortfall they have a fight for undervalue so is it possible that bearing in mind what the statement says, does this look like they have unilaterally written off the debt. It is possible the PRA contact is only for the £1500 and not £590k. Not sure PRA would deal with this high value shortfall. We have had no letters assigning any debt either. We have a great deal of other debt but with a few things that are happening that debt might be manageable, the NRAM debt would be a big problem. The other weird thing is that the sale is not registered with Land Registry from July 2013. I cannot find any sale of our property registered anywhere apart from our own purchase in 1999. i have searched numerous websites including land registry which list all sales in a road/post code for many years back. I have not paid for a title check.
  7. Water and sewerage bills will fall after April 2015 and even more help will be available for customers struggling with cost of living pressures. The average water and sewerage bill in England and Wales for 2015-16 will fall by £9 (2%). In this period, companies will provide a package of measures worth more than £40 million to support customers struggling to pay or in debt, for example through trust funds, debt matching and write-off schemes, debt advice and water efficiency measures to help customers on meters reduce their bills. http://www.water.org.uk/news-water-uk/latest-news/water-and-sewerage-bills-falling-201516 Most companies are cutting prices, but a few are increasing them. See here: Forecast average household bills 2015-16
  8. Visited a retail store today used toilet facilties. See pictures. When you got to go you got to go. Spend 90 minutes in store getting accident form recorded as 'water and foreign body has fallen from hole in ceiling hit him on head'. Action taken toilet closed. Environmental officer was phoned and has closed the toilet until tiles repaired stores retail risk and complience team have been in touch. No first aider was offered. While complaining manager threatened to phone police for harrasment until I phoned head office. Accident happened at midday, environment officer has confirmed fault with tiles was reported three hours later. When he arrive the sanitary bin had been removed and also the company were unable to provide water test logs. Stores defence we checked the toilets an hour before the tiles must have been stolen by customer. Where do I stand???
  9. The cost of renewing or applying for a driving licence is set to fall under proposals announced by the government. Fees would fall by a third for digital applications and 15% for paper. Drivers who apply for their first licence online would see a saving of £16, with the cost dropping from £50 to £34. Drivers who renew their licence after 10 years would benefit from a fee reduction from £20 to £14. And all driver tachograph cards would reduce to £32 from £38. The proposals are part of a public consultation on driver licensing fees - the changes would save drivers nearly £18 million and the industry around £2 million every year. Subject to the consultation and parliamentary process the new fees are planned to come into force by 31 October 2014. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/driving-licence-fees-to-fall
  10. the clever part here is the MAY's & the OR and to read the letter in reverse. debt collector [may] visit your home or the next contact will be a process server alternatively you may get a court letter of proceedings if you don't pay us, we'll take further action not which action! nor that 'further action means any of those listed! classic play on words dx
  11. We all know a bathroom shower is slippery but this hotel, a new one in france has no grab handles anywhere near the shower, just a plastic or glass divider and a grey bathroom floor that is so smooth that with a small drop of water makes it worse than ice as you step down from the shower base. I have very server bruising on hip and day later left arm cannot be used What are my rights? I have photos of bathroom and injured hip I reported incident to reception and got the email address of manager. I have checked out as I can at least walk
  12. Hi can anyone offer me advice on whether to make a claim against my gym? I fell there last week and am being treated for a broken bone in the base of my thumb and have extensive bruising on my back as I fell onto a machine. I was in a class situation and tripped when trying to get around a machine in order to get more space. The instructor took a quick look at my hand and sat me down while she carried on with the class. I was in a great deal of pain, but I got no medical attention. Apart from giving my name and address I played no part in filling in the accident book and was told (by her teenage daughter) the instructor would fill it in with my injuries later (although she could not have known my injuries). Despite the other gym members' showing concern (unfortunately I don't know them), the instructor seemed determined to stay well way away from me - at which point I left. Does anyone know whether there is any legal requirement for them to help me if I fall? And has anyone claimed for this kind of thing?
  13. Has anyone seen the new advert from BG ? BG have decided to offer cuts to customers when wholesale Gas prices fall.Strange that in the last 5 years of price increases,BG have always blamed increases in wholesale prices-If they are anticipating these going down anytime soon,no one else seems to know about it. They also cite costs in meeting energy targets and investment,which are surely not going to be changing ? 6% rise in 2007 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/9606025/Gas-suppliers-must-be-allowed-to-make-a-fair-profit.html 10%rise in January 2008 added to a whopping 35% later in 2008 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7533389.stm In 2009 BG introduced price guarantee which capped prices for 12 months.However,many customers found themselves locked into the deal with BG demanding a £70 exit fee. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/utilities/2010/02/british-gas-locks-thousands-into-pricey-tariffs 6.9% rise in December 2010 followed 8 months later by a rise of 18% in 2011. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2011/jul/08/british-gas-raises-gas-electricity-prices The 6% increase announced for 2012 in the last few days will typically add £80 per year for dual fuel customers. This Fix and Fall deal is a joke. Here is what BG Gas boss told the BBC this week The British Gas boss claimed that 85% of the price it charges customers is outside its control, including wholesale gas prices and the cost of government policies to try to reduce emissions and help the poorest households. "Britain's North Sea gas supplies are running out and British Gas has to pay the going rate for gas in a competitive global marketplace," said Mr Bentley. "Furthermore, the investment needed to maintain and upgrade the national grid to deliver energy to our customers' homes, and the costs of the government's policies for a clean, energy-efficient Britain, are all going up." The cost of government policies and the national grid upgrade added £50 to the average household bill this year, and is expected to add another £60 next year, British Gas said. It said that winter wholesale prices it pays were proving to be some 13% higher this year. So how are they now able to offer this deal,when in the past they have always used it as an excuse for price increases in the first place ?
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