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  1. Has anyone seen the new advert from BG ? BG have decided to offer cuts to customers when wholesale Gas prices fall.Strange that in the last 5 years of price increases,BG have always blamed increases in wholesale prices-If they are anticipating these going down anytime soon,no one else seems to know about it. They also cite costs in meeting energy targets and investment,which are surely not going to be changing ? 6% rise in 2007 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/9606025/Gas-suppliers-must-be-allowed-to-make-a-fair-profit.html 10%rise in January 2008 added to a whopping 35% later in 2008 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7533389.stm In 2009 BG introduced price guarantee which capped prices for 12 months.However,many customers found themselves locked into the deal with BG demanding a £70 exit fee. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/utilities/2010/02/british-gas-locks-thousands-into-pricey-tariffs 6.9% rise in December 2010 followed 8 months later by a rise of 18% in 2011. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2011/jul/08/british-gas-raises-gas-electricity-prices The 6% increase announced for 2012 in the last few days will typically add £80 per year for dual fuel customers. This Fix and Fall deal is a joke. Here is what BG Gas boss told the BBC this week The British Gas boss claimed that 85% of the price it charges customers is outside its control, including wholesale gas prices and the cost of government policies to try to reduce emissions and help the poorest households. "Britain's North Sea gas supplies are running out and British Gas has to pay the going rate for gas in a competitive global marketplace," said Mr Bentley. "Furthermore, the investment needed to maintain and upgrade the national grid to deliver energy to our customers' homes, and the costs of the government's policies for a clean, energy-efficient Britain, are all going up." The cost of government policies and the national grid upgrade added £50 to the average household bill this year, and is expected to add another £60 next year, British Gas said. It said that winter wholesale prices it pays were proving to be some 13% higher this year. So how are they now able to offer this deal,when in the past they have always used it as an excuse for price increases in the first place ?
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