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  1. Hi, I've had a look through the sub-forum lists and think this looks like the best place for me to post. Forgive me if this is incorrect and please move this thread to somewhere more suitable if that is the case. I am a self-employed personal trainer and have signed a contract with a company (call it X) whereby they allow me to sell my training services in a gym (Y) that is part of a gym chain (Z) in exchange for a monthly fee from myself. This is a minimum 6 month contract. Part of this contract states as one of the responsibilities of X that there will be no more than 1 personal trainer per 600 members in gym Y. There are less than 1000 members and I am actually the only trainer in a contract with X that is in gym Y. However, gym chain Z provides it's members with free 30 minute, 1-1 sessions with an employee of any of it's gyms including health checks, nutrition advice, motivation and a training programme. In gym Y I have watched those employees deliver these sessions and then book those clients in again for their next session later in the week. As far as I am concerned (and also the gym members I would assume), those sessions ARE personal training sessions. They are also advertised online on the membership benefits webpage as "Free 1-1 personal training sessions". The director of X has been dismissing my complaints of this activity stating "that is not personal training". So after detailing that long story (sorry) I have two questions: -Is it within my rights to terminate this contract on the grounds of a breach on the behalf of X as the ratio of personal trainers to gym members is more than they stated? - Would I be considered a consumer or a business in this contract? I signed it at home before sending it off and have signed it as myself (I have a LTD business but did not sign the contract under the name of the LTD business and the contract states my person as the 'licensee'). My reasoning behind the second question is that I have found some information regarding a cooling off period of 14 days as a consumer; the contract went live on July 1st and I have received an email from the director of X today (7th July) saying that he will get back to me in 7 days (I asked what my next steps would be to terminate the contract). I am wondering if I can simply step out of the contract right now under the cooling off period clause before this gets into a terminology war of what is and isn't "personal training". Thanks in advance. Reise
  2. Good Evening Thank you all so much for adding value with such a thread. I have a very similar situation. I have mistakenly parked in a business only bay as opposed to a residents' bay. I only have 1 PCN to deal with (thank god!). I would like to seek advice and I hope someone can guide me as I have appealed and have been rejected once already. Basically, I parked up at night and I did not see the sign which was obstructed by a tree, firstly it was bent (so as to be hidden under the tree) and overshadowed by the tree (especially from the direct which I was travelling from). The PCN officers have cleared the sign of the branches and have taken pictures where it appears as if the sign is clearly visible. The tree is in very close proximity (up to 30-40cms) away. I had parked at night and there were no clear lightings within close distance. Also, there is no marking on the road to indicate that this is a business only bay. I have pictures with the tree clearly obstructing the tree. They have the opposite. Do I have any argument here? My letter is below for reference: I had parked on Downham Road, N1 at night on 3/06/2014. I hold a Zone H permit. However, I was unable to see this very sign as I was driving towards the direction the car is positioned towards and the tree obstructed my view, and coupled up with the darkness of this night, I took notice of the nearest obvious notice (pole 3 on Downham Road) I saw that it was permit holders zone H and pay and display. I have attached a photo of this and my permit. Otherwise, I would not even consider parking in a business holder only bay as I am legally allowed to park on Downham Road since it is within zone H, evidently I have not noticed the sign. If you also consider picture number 4, you can clearly see that this tree is obstructing the view. However, my photos taken when I arrived show more clearly that this tree was obstructing the sign, also attached. When you consider picture number 10, it is obvious that the PCN officer also thought the sign was unclear, feeling the urge to move the branches and leaves obstructing the sign in an effort to take a clearer photo of the sign. I do not understand why branches have been moved to create a ‘perfect’ scene for a PCN. This sign is also bent leaning backwards (attached) which means deflecting lights would render this sign unreadable at night and this pole has not been rectified where it is being overshadowed by the tree misleading drivers. It is immediately next to the tree which makes it unnoticeable. Another issue is the misleading nature of the zone letter, it should be denoted distinctively, such as H-B. Otherwise, this need be justified. Furthermore, there needs to be a clear marking on the road (similar to disabled bays), to denote that the bay is strictly business only since then I would have then easily realised that this was inappropriate. I would like this PCN to be cancelled as I shall not be held accountable for a sign post that has not been erected clearly to be noticeable and is being obstructed by a tree. As dictated by “Regulation 18(1) of The Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (England and Wales) Regulations 1996, it is a council's obligation to maintain signs/markings is to be found whereby an obstructed sign and poor markings are not enforceable as ruled by Obscured signs and lack of lines (MK301) and “Restriction sign obscured by foliage (MK 329)”. I am utterly disappointed with this treatment and would like to kindly ask for this PCN to be revoked as it has risen from a misfortune. I believe I am unnecessarily being victimised due to poor signage on a public road where I have a valid permit to park on Downham Road. I will be looking forward to your response.
  3. Hi Like so many others i am also a victim of Phoenix Business agents. I would like your advice please. In 2011 Phoenix sent his rep. When the agent came to us he said the same things as with others that you pay cheque of £1600. and the amount will be fully refunded if the business is not sold within 6 months. As my wife was not keeping well i wanted to sell my business (off licence and New agents) fast. I was working somewhere else as my wife was handling this shop. As always they hardly took any efforts to sell the business. So after 6 months i cancelled with them and they charged me another £2400. saying its their service fee. I paid them without any argument. As per my knowledge or as i was told by his rep. that they will refund me. it went vise versa. When his rep. came and we read the contract not in very detailed but still read little bit and told him that your contract states sole selling right agent, at that time he told me it does not matter they just right but its fine he will tell his boss or who ever concern. I had informed the rep. that i was registered with other agency before Phoenix, so I cannot sign them as sole selling agents. Before signing i spoke to the other agency and they said its fine with them if i sign with phoenix. The other agency really took effort to sell my business. I cancelled the contract with Phoenix before i sold the business in March 2012 and sold my shop in July 2012. The other agents are ready to help me to fight with Phoenix and help me in what ever way they can. Now after i sold my business Phoenix are asking me £4320.00 for soles selling rights agreement.(One of Phoenix colleagues called me up saying that its a call regarding tax and when my wife told we have sold the business they ask all the detail and you think its from tax office, she won't give the number when my wife asked so that i can call them when i come back . And next day their boss calls threatening my wife to pay the £4320 after already paying £3600). Ater reading your forum, I recon its has become best and easy way for Phoenix to earn money. They have sent me their solicitors notice and threatened to take me to court. I am ready to fight for my rights. My wife came across this forum when she was trying to find about Phoenix agents. I feel cheated as they say something and come out with something. I keep on travelling for my project and most of the time i am out of the country. My wife has health issues and they are harassing me. I will fight for myself as well as others. So that other innocent hard working people don't fall into their trap. Can you please advise what should I do and how. I would really appreciate if you could give me some advise. Thanking you Yours sincerely
  4. Hi, I was recently contacted by Lloyds to tell me I may have been miss old PPI on my business account. In deed I would have been as I have never knowingly had PPI due to being self employed and believing it wouldn't cover me. I also asked them to look at another business account I had with them. I had two separate businesses. The first Business (lets call it T) account it appears they managed to add it to 3 loans, therefore I believe it impacted on every loan that was replacing the last. As well as adding PPI to its overdraft. I have been offered £2791.38 settlement but no one can give me evidence of where this came from as I would need to pay £10 for them to get it from the archives! The letter breaks down amounts for each account but doesn't even give a date the loans were taken out. The second business (lets call it C) it turns out also had PPI added to a loan. This time they are able to tell me the exact date and I can check my statement and see it going out. This was 9th September 2004. This business account was settled (due to closure of the business) and a partial refund was refunded 16th July 2007. The total they are offering on this account is £2654.70, in my opinion suspiciously similar to the offer made on the account mentioned above. The first business (T) I sold a few years back so no longer have either of these accounts now. Firstly, the bank are fully aware I have no paperwork, insurance policy for these PPI insurances, as I had no idea I ever had them. Therefore as I said to them, they could be plucking figures out of the sky for all I know. Secondly, surely the PPI could have impacted on any charges I received in the current accounts of these businesses for using an overdraft facility? Regards the first business account (T) I have contacted the financial ombudsman and sent them the information as, a)I was really not happy that I was expected to pay £10 to get information I should have been supplied in the first place. b) When I phoned Lloyds they couldn't tell me how they came to the figures supplied, after a lot of going round in circles the only thing they could say was that they asked the insurance company! So My real question is a) Regarding the second © business account Loan, which they have supplied more information on, could it have impacted on the business account and so can I claim charges on the overdraft? b) Can I rely on the Financial ombudsman to get to the bottom of the First (T) Businesses PPI that was added to three loans and an overdraft? Sorry for such a long post but do not want to be ripped off and surprise surprise do not trust the banks!!!
  5. Today the electricity company supplying our building attended whilst i was out and disconnected the electricity. the warrant is not in my company name, it is in the Name of a former company sub letting the building from me. This business liquidated in December. I moved back into the building after the former company ceased trading - the lease has always been in my name - i sub let to the previous company. I tried negotiateng on the phone ( i was working on a clients site in London so could not get back to the NW in person) The supply company say that they are disconnecting and that because the lease is in my name - i am connected to the former company. one thing I noticed tonight when i went into the office is the copy warrant left by them was the name of the liquidated company not my company surely the warrant has to be in the correct name - History. A couple of weeks ago when their agent attended our premises, i explained that he was chasing a debt belonging to a liquidated company no longer at our premises, I also explained that all the old correspondence had been forwarded to the liquidators as per instruction - even so we can not legally open someone elses post so were unaware of any debt or communication prior to his visit. I also explained that they would have been informed of the liquidation as they were a creditor and he admitted that they probably were but they do not act on it ? It all seemed amicable at the time - I suggested changing or transferring the account into our name and we would pay the bills for our usage , he said that was not possible whilst the debt remained outstanding to the liquidated company - suggesting we pay it .... why would we ? i gave their agent a copy of my rates bill, a copy of trading invoices and company insurance, a copy of my current letterheading all to prove the business is different. I even gave him a copy printout from companies house (webcheck) proving that the company he was seeking had liquidated and a list of officers - which of course did not include me. he said it looked ok and would investagete. Last week we had a call from supply company saying that the businesses had a common director and the bill and warrant still stand ?? The liquidated business and my existing businesses do not have a common director - the supply company has picked up another business that that i have that is also registered at the same address and say this proves the common link. This is nonsence !. Even if i was a director of the liquidated company - surely they would be seperate legal entities and they could not transfer a debt from one to the other ? I phoned other supply companies for advice and assistance - but they all say that they can not help or take over the supply unless the current company releases it. The supply company are not backing down. they say the name on the warrant is irrelevent, insisting it is the same company. where do i go from here - is it worth contensting the validity of the warrant ? - even if successful - how do i get them to re-instate the supply, i have looked on the web and am worried - there are loads of horror stories quoting anything from months to never for reinstatement. i will have to buy or rent a generator to supply building in mean time - im not sure of costs , but it ill cost a couple of thousand to buy a decent generator, then get it connected, then im not sure of the running costs etc . ...else close the business and make 5 staff redundant or relocate ... this seems very unfair - everything seems to be sided with these bullys. how do i sort this mess out.
  6. Unfortunately my business came to a pretty sudden ending, 2 dead months and things effectively stopped dead. The only real debt I had was £1150 to a Postage Franking provider for postage. I did agree to pay them £50 a week but in honestly it was too much and after a couple of weeks I stopped. I was just a sole trader so the debt is in my name. This morning I've received a default notice off them, its dated 29th May 2014 in an envelope dated 03/06/14 giving me 5 working days from the date on the letter to make payment via a cleared method. By my maths the entire thing is totally impossible and the date to settle has long passed. The letter states that they will now be adding interest and pursuing legal action, court etc. They also state that they will be be claiming damages. Can anyone advise the best way to go from here?, I am willing to pay via instalments more realistically i.e. £20-25 a week which I can afford but is there a way of going about this?. Should I keep the mess that is the default notice to myself?, its pretty much catch 22, even if you got it the day after the letter date to pay within within the 5 working days would be tight as cleared payment would take 3 days anyway. Any advice you can offer would be appreciated.
  7. Good morning Firstly I wish to extend my thanks for providing the inspiration and the means to support the victims of unscrupulous behaviour. I would like to seek advice. I live in a borough with a known shortage of residential parking spaces. The Council acknowledge they issue more residential parking permits than spaces available. After a very late and long drive I was unable to park outside my house and so parked my vehicle at the end of my road. My vehicle was not visible from my window and I had no cause to walk past it for a few days. When I returned to my vehicle it was plastered with 3 x PCNs based on the fact that I had parked in a 'Business Permit Holders' only bay, which surprised me, because there are to my knowledge no businesses on this road. Considering there is a shortage of parking spaces I was surprised the Council would reserve spaces for businesses as it seems to perpetuate a known problem. I believed (and still do believe) I had reasonable grounds to appeal and did so. My first appeal was rejected so I appealed again providing much more evidence. My second appeal was rejected. The Council repeatedly ignored my attempts to discuss the matter further by telephone or in writing. I visited the Council offices and requested to speak to somebody, stating I would even be willing to pay the fines in spite of the fact I believed they were unfair, on the grounds that a member of the Council would speak with me so that I could ensure my concerns pertaining to confusing signage, inadequate lighting, etc. were at least acknowledged. I was refused an audience and was forced to wait for a Notice to Owner to appeal further, thus losing my right to pay the reduced fine. The Surrey Parking and Traffice Appeals Service conceded that only 1 of the 3 fines was lawful and ordered me to pay (in full) the first of the 3 PCNs. At the time I was a student and only had £200 in my bank account. The £110 full fee thus represented over 50% of my entire life savings! I have now graduated and am seeking employment. I am receiving Jobseeker's Allowance and my bank balance has not improved! I would like to understand if there are any procedures I can follow to recover £55 from the Council. This is based on the fact that had they only issued me with 1 x PCN, I would have paid the reduced rate. I refused to pay on the grounds I was certain the Surrey Parking and Traffice Appeals Service would cancel all 3 x PCNs because £330 (or even £165 at the reduce rate) was a ridiculous amount to charge somebody with only £200 in their bank account. Additionally I believe I still have more than legitimate grounds for the original appeal. There are a number of issues that were not acknowledged by the Council, including: - The 'Business Permit Holders Only' sign is unlit. I was unable to see it in the dark. It is also taller than the residential signs and thus harder to read in low light conditions. - The 'Business Permit Holders Only' sign refers to an 'outside area' but it is not clear what this area is. - The sign is not adequately differentiated from others in the road. I believe it is there as a 'trap' to make money from people, particularly seeing as there are no businesses down a road with a shortage of residential parking spaces. - The road markings are unclear. - Although I was parked within 10 metres of the 'Business Permit Holders Only' sign (the reason I believe Surrey Parking and Traffice Appeals Service did not cancel the original PCN), I was parked within 5 metres of a 'Residents Parking' sign. Do I have any rights to further pursue this issue? Many thanks for your time.
  8. Hello, Im new here this site came up on google searching I wondered if anyone had any help or advise re a personal guarantee.. Ive done a load of google searching! and I Think it may unenforceable pursuant to the equitable principles of suretyship? In summery I am former director of a company which went into liquidation - shortly before I went into liquidation I personally guaranteed a loan for business which was secured on my property. My husband was unaware - he was never contacted by the bank nor was he contacted by a solicitor - he didn't sign anything and the bank didn't ask me to get my husband to sign anything - i never mentioned it... (husband is not on title deeds due to issue over obtaining mortgage many years ago) Now i receive a calling up notice, husband not happy. not sure what to do next will i loose my house ;.( Any help so gratefully appreciated Im feeling sick - loan is for just over £70,000
  9. Hi Guys, sorry if I'm posting this in wrong forum! I have an old business loan with £15,000 outstanding. However, the business went bust a in Dec 2012 and was Dissolved. I sent Westcot who are attempting to collect for Hoist Portfolio Holdings who bought the debt from Lloyds. I sent them request for True Signed copy etc, they responded two months later with the wrong material. I replied saying that if they couldn't supply it they were in default and had no recourse, using standard letters quoting Consumer Credit Act etc. However, they have now written back saying as it was Business Loan for which I had signed a Personal Guarantee, the Consumer Credit Act stuff doesn't apply. I have 30 days to respond with a plan for repayment or challenge further. I can scan letters if need be, any help much appreciated, as I simply don't have the money to pay them, I'm on the breadline as it is! Thanks. Urban Stealth
  10. Hello, Please can someone give me some direction regarding the following claim MKDP LLP pursuing an MBNA Business Credit Card debt? I have filled out the pdf of questions required before a reply is received (see below.) The claim has been issued to the defendant as my previous business name (sole trader) not my name – it’s simply business name and my address not `Trading As’ or alike. Does this mean that the claim is invalid? Also does it still matter if the default notice is invalid (as mine is see attached?) Or can they simply issue a new one? The agreement is pre 2007. Do they still have to produce the original signed agreement? I have no way to pay this or even contribute a small amount monthly, just do not have the money anymore. Thank you and I have compiled a list to the pdf questions below. Claim is issued from the `County Court Business Centre?’ does this make a difference. Name of claimant - MKDP LLP Date of Issue – 01/05/2014 Claim Value – Circa £7000.00 POC – As follows; The Claimant claims the sum of £7000 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement originally between the defendant and MBNA. The Defendants account number was XXXX and was assigned to the Claimant on XX 2010, notice of this has been provided to the claimant Defendant. The Defendant has failed to make payments in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The Claimant claims the sum of £7000 and costs. The Claimant has complied, as far as necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction. Value of claim £7000 (Circa) Claim is for business credit card – MBNA. No `Notice of assignment’ receive to my knowledge – still searching for it. Default Notice from original creditor is attached to this post. Is invalid from Dec' 2008. Not received “Notice of Default Sums” – again to my knowledge. Payments ceased due to child being born disabled – massive life change for us. No original dispute. NO DMP. I will send CCA1974 asap I did do this direct to MBNA on 10th March 2010 however I do not have the proof of postage and MBNA never replied. I will send CPR31.14 to MKDP. I will send a CPR Part 18 request. I will defend. Thank you for your help......
  11. Hello all, I have a bit of a complicated one here… 3 years ago I moved into a property as a tenant..tried to contact npower numerous times without any success of them admiting they are my supplier. After 3 years they came up with this huge bill charged for a business account (and meter registered at the wrong address). I do not have any idea how and why they opened a business account. It is not in my name but in the name of the property owners. They have agreed to recalculate all the bills using domestic rates and VAT, but it still comes out big. I have asked them to apply the back billing policy, but they said that because the account was opened (not by me) as business they can only apply back billing for 2 years and not for 1 year as for domestic accounts. Is there any reasonable solution to this and any way I can be back billed for 1 year back? I do not want to wash my hands clean of this and let the property owners pay it, but I do not want to pay the unfair huge bill. Thanks!
  12. Hi me and my husband took out a Scottish Widow policy when we took out our mortgage. We made a claim on the policy when my husband was out of work and then I made a claim when my husband died in 2010. Will I be able to get anything back now, or has my claim and subsequent payout make any claims invalid.
  13. Could any one help I have recently asked for discoverable documents from my old bank they have presented a number of documents which proport to have been executeted may 2005 may 2006. I beleave these documents have been created from an earlier loan guarantee which was signed. The reason I ask for help is simply this in the two documentsthe both of the loan applicants are stated as being four and five years younger than they are the ages given would have been correct in the origional loan agreement the one which I believe the two in question have been taken from. Does any one know if the loan agreement applkuication forms are based on a spread sheet were age calculations are calculated from the date of birth being entered in the main account details? If this were the case I would then know for certan wethweror not the two documents which I have received are frodulent or not. I would appreciate any help. Regards
  14. Hi all, Can you please give me some guidance on when a loan is not a business loan or even if this is relevant? I asked for a residential mortgage. I was given a loan. No where on the initial agreement does it mention business loan, corportate loan etc. It is in my name not my previous company's name. I was never a sole trader I had a company limited by share. My company had a relationship manager at the bank. He was someone who knew me well. I approached him for a residential mortgage as we had a 'relationship' and he was my first port of call. In 2008 on letters there was an additional phrase added to the letters sent. Suddenly my 'loan' had become a 'flexible business loan'. I was forced to open a 'business account' which looking at the documentation is a clubs and charities account, yet my company had folded in 2006 and I was caring for my son with no business interests at all. So I have a loan used to buy my house as an all monies charge against my house. I thought terms in contract were important? Does it matter I asked for a residential mortgage, they never explained what I had or the small print of what they had given me or not? A normal mortgage would have given me consumer rights with the changes to the Consumer Credit Act in 2008. So I find the fact they changed the wording was a response to making sure I had no rights and they could carry on raising the interest and adding fees whenever they choose. What do you think?
  15. Hi I had a Nat West Business account with overdraft until 2012 when they decided to close it, without even trying to negotiate a repayment plan, last couple of years for been tough with work and health issues but I was just beginning to get back on my feet. I have never signed a overdraft renewal agreement with them, they just kept renewing the overdraft. I have had thousands of pounds worth of charges taken. Today I have received the attached letter in the post from a company I have never heard of requesting that I make contact to discuss the overdraft, referring to a recent letter I should have received from Nat West ( never received any letter last communication was April13). Not sure what to do, would appreciate some help. Confused49
  16. Hi, I took out a HSBC Business Protection Plan when I took out a business loan. I now believe it was mis-sold as I was told it was compulsory and they wouldn't give me the loan without it. I'm hoping this is the same as PPI? and I am able to reclaim. Would really appreciate it if anyone knows of this product to let me know. I'm one half of a partnership, not limited, and we both had to take a policy in order to get the loan. Your help would be much appreciated.
  17. I was a director for a small company for 1 year, during that time i found out that the MD had applied for a business overdraft using mine and his names as it was a limited company, when i confronted him and resigned he said that i had signed for the overdraft without realising. I have contacted the santander branch but though the adviser says she remembers the MD saying that i was ok with the overdraft and she thought it strange that because my signature is there i am liable. I have never been a signatory nor had access to the account in question and have told the bank i want to withdraw my permission to use this facility but they say i have to get the MD to agree and he will not speak to me, he did write a letter saying i was not liable but the bank are saying it does not matter. Please help as i dont know what to do, i do not think the overdraft is being used yet but they will not discuss as i was not a signatory on the account????
  18. I was paying £10.00 a month for a product called Business Focus, that was in 2004, I've contracted Lloyd's making whatthis was for, and not one member of staff knows, can anyone help me please
  19. I am another victim of Phoenix Business agents who are very good at [problem]ming innocent people like myself who just wanted to sell my business. I did not approach them instead they somehow got details of my business on sale and approached me. They made it sound ever so promising and very good at selling that they talked their way into selling my business. They said they would market the business and would be able to sell my business within 6 months and with a high price. They initially said that there is no fee until the business is sold and when the agent had come he had started talking about a fee of £1250.00 as he called it a deposit and he did promise me that it is 100% refundable if they are not able to sell my business. I then paid him as he talked me into this as he was very talented in this trade. This was the worst decision i had made as they are the worst unprofessional company i have dealt with. The agent that had come said my business would be on the internet within days with photographs so that potential buyers can view the business but to my surprise this was not the case even after a whole month of waiting and chasing them. Each time i called them about my business being on the website or photographs they made up a story and said it would be up in a few days when they finally got it up without photographs that was then at two months time by then i realised that they are not going to sell my business. When i had not received any phone calls from any potential buyers i had realised their unfaithful motives i decided to terminate my contract and then the agent had started to come out with a story of their fees which i was not told or made aware of. The agent that i spoke with said if i wanted to terminate before 6 month period i would have to pay £3000.00 and if i went over 6 months i would have to pay £6000.00. The agent that initially visited me had never mentioned this i asked time and time again if there was any hidden fees or charges he made it clear that there was not not any fees until they actually sold my business. Now they are harassing me with several letters asking me a fee of £7550.00 which they are not entitled to and i have not signed any agreement of. Please can i ask for some help and advice and where to go and what to do as they are pestering me.
  20. I am currently under contract with BT, with around £300 of termination costs. I talked and then wrote to BT regarding the change of contract which requires me to pay £9 to receive the same service I enjoyed as part of the contract for 15 months. I gave BT two options (1) refund the £9 for the remainder of the contract; (2) accept termination for cause and I will not pay cancellation charge. I will not be the only business in this situation. Looks pretty unfair to 15% charge more for the same service, or insist on payment of a termination charge if you want to move as a result. Do not like this. Bullying tactic. Views?
  21. Hi, Not really sure if in the right section, but I am sure someone will move it if not: So, I have an old bike frame and sent it away to a company to be resprayed in the original colours and also for them to recreate some grahics/stickers and put these on. In as short a time line as possible, i will note the main points. Bear in mind the communication was almost all one way, with hardly any replies coming back to me, but they had been highly recommended for their work and I have seen a lot of it and it was what I wanted. I and they had no problems with recreating the colours I wanted, but the stumbling block seemed to be the graphics. I eventually identified the correct style, and in both email and telephone conversation I advised on the size and positioning of them on the frame. The situation was then left via my emai communication in August 2013 that I would wait for a "mock up" of the graphics on the frame to approve them before spraying, application and lacquering over the top. Come November I called to ask why there was such a delay in me receiving a mock up for approval and after a strained conversation, it was left with me verbally confirming that I would wait for the mock up to be sent to me as the other person had been unsure of the colouring of the lettering (all they had to do was ring or ask in the 3 months it took before I called them again). Fast forward to February 2014,and I get a call letting me know that the job was "all done". This took me by complete surprise because I was still waiting for some kind of email that I could "approve" before moving forward. To boil the last part down, I said I was unhappy that he had gone ahead and completed the job basically to his own design and he said it was my fault for not providing the correct proofs for the stickers (I was relying on him to do this for me as he was meant to be recreating them!!!) He basically told me to pay (for a job done incorrectly) or he will keep my bike frame to "showcase" his companies work. He was impervious to me telling him that he had got it wrong and would do nothing about it unless I paid extra over and above the actual cost thus far (I have not paid anything so far). I was going to pay but then I asked for some more pictures of the finished work because I only had the one and a few other parts had been done as well and I wanted to confirm the quality. I then received an email last night (7th March) telling me the frame was going to be stripped back to bare metal and sent back to me as A. Someone else could do the job and B. He didn't want my money. When I replied this morning and said that was OK with me and to let me know when he has ready to send the parts back and to let me know the postage cost, he replied by telling me that if I thought I was getting my frame back then "I was wrong" and he thought "I would have liked that option" and it was now "your move" Has anyone got any advice as to whom I should contact because it isn't going to get sorted amicably clearly
  22. Hi. I have been self employed for 3 and a half years now. Running a fashion store, bricks and mortar etc. I was in one location for 3 years and 6 months ago moved to a bigger location, more 'prominent' and the rest. Long story short (for now), I am now closing the store and hope to focus online selling clothing, but not under the business trading name. (a new venture). However, I have debts chasing me, from clothing suppliers/brands. I do not have the money they are asking for, and I have had a letter in the post now asking for a final payment immediately. Or the usual 'take legal action'. The business is now LTD. But these debts where incurred when the business was a sole trader. What are my options here? Is there anyway at all I can cancel this debt under the business and fold the business? Any advice/suggestions welcome. Thanks.
  23. I was offered out of court settlement for money owed to my company.Which was refused and have asked the the assistant of a firm to prepare me particulars of claim for a fee so that I can take up my case myself. Error were made on the PC by the solicitor and my claim strike out for being misconceived, with cost to myself. The other side want their cost and have promised to stop me progress with the fresh claim. Also threatened to make me bankrupt and once am bankrupt I can no longer be director of my firm again---- What do I do as I do not have money to pay this court cost-- which I am appealing at the moment and the appeal is not going well as the judge want 50% of the cost paid before appeal can be looked into------any help
  24. Hi all, been reading the forums to see I'm not the only one with this problem with Barclays. On the 3rd of Jan, Barclays removed £9.6k from my account to "TO RECONCILE", reading the forums shows that this was an AML check, but I got a call on the 9th to say that the money is back in my account, and no we aren't going to tell you why it happened. I asked if there were any issues on my account that I should know about, and was told everything is fine, carry on as normal. Then the 13th comes along, and all access to my account gets cut. I call up and find out that my account is under investigation, and the now £21k in my account is frozen in there until they finish investigating. I am also told they sent a letter on the 9th to inform me that they are closing my account, and I get that letter a few hours later. So I go through the complaints system, and ask why was my account being closed, and what is being doing about the money in there, seeing as I can no long run my business until this is sorted. I get a letter telling me that they can close accounts for any reason and they don't have to tell me, but they seem to ignore the question of the money, the main point of the complaint. So I complain again saying it hasn't been dealt with, and 2 days later, it gets closed as a duplicate complaint, and that I have to go to the Ombudsman, which I since have. But I end up speaking to someone on the 29th who says that if i can prove the money is mine, then I should be able to remove the money from my account, and that i need to take this proof to my branch who will fax it over. So I print out all the transaction logs (PoS Business, so no invoices), and take it to the bank. The branch manager takes it, and disappears for an hour, comes back and tells me that head office is happy with the proof, and I can take my money out now, although they will need to order the money in. I asked if they can do a bank transfer, not wanting to walk out of the bank with £21k in my pockets, and they were more than happy with that. So, here I am, thinking this will have a happy ending, right? Nope, I go to transfer the money out, and i'm told that i can't remove the money due to the block on my account (a T2 block). I have sent the paperwork off to the Ombudsman today, after calling them saying it's an urgent case due to the fact my business is my only form of income. The only saving grace is the standing order I set up on my account is still paying me into my personal account, so I can at least pay my bills, up until they close the account in March. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to speed this up, I don't fancy having to walk into the job center in 2 months stating i'm unemployed due to the bank holding £21k for an undisclosed amount of time. The fact they said it was an investigation makes me think that it isn't an AML check, as i would have thought this would be classed as a tip off, but who knows. Thanks for your help .
  25. Hi, First post and relative business newbie, but need some advice! My folks looked to sell their business back in 2009. Carehome with 15 residents, and Phoenix said they could sell it for £1.1m. Sounded great so they signed up. Long time later and no sale, but they did get an offer at way below the asking price that was rejected. They changed agents to a company called Amberglobe. They marketed the property and the buyer who's bid was initially rejected came back in with a higher offer which was subsequently accepted. Sale has all gone through and folks are enjoying their retirement until Phoenix piped up saying they wanted their 2% fee of the ASKING price they had originally marketed the property for because they had introduced the buyer (it is in their contract that was originally signed). They want ~£29k, then reduced it to £6.5k if my folks paid right then. Folks sought legal advice (from the solicitor they used when selling the carehome) who said they should pretty much just pay and get it done as a long protracted case could cost a hell of a lot more (let alone stress). Phoenix now want £10k+VAT. But since this morning have changed that to £10k inc VAT (providing we pay by 4pm today). Payment dates keep changing with them, terms, etc. which makes me think they are chancing their luck and just trying to make a fee out not doing their job properly in the first place. Any help is greatly appreciated!
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