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Found 9 results

  1. Hi all Going through some old paperwork I found I had a 3k loan over 18 months back in 1996 with RBS. It has a loanguard booklet and have before seen a letter I am fairly sure saying I had this. I also found two personal illustration letters from 1999 talking about a lifetime assurance plan and mortgage protection plan. Sounds crazy but RBS, or RSA? collect a £5.00 a month d/d from my account which I thought was something I had to have...but don't actually know what its for as no reference numbers attached :/ What is the best way forward on this please? I did a few with Lloyds for my Dad but had all the paperwork, however this is much older! Found some paperwork, the £5.00 per month is for Royal Scottish Assurance Life Protector, I am sure I was told this was compulsory when you have a mortgage though? Mortgage started 1997 £45k but has changed lots and not even with RBS anymore! It changed to Aviva, or they took over in 2011. My mortgage also isn't with RBS anymore so all their information would be wrong. How do I stand with this please? Many thanks E!
  2. Good morning, My father has asked me if it is possible to reclaim a life insurance policy which he took out with Friends Life, actual policy was with AXA Assurance). When my father took out the policy he was not aware that the policy expired after 12 years (policy was taken out in 2004 and expired in 2016. He thought the policy was for the rest of his life and would pay out enough on his death to cover funeral costs etc. I have asked him if he recalls receiving any documentation confirming this either from them directly or through the post and he does not recall receiving anything advising him an expiry date. I have also personally checked through all of his paperwork and cannot find anything. I am guessing I would need to do a Subject Access Request with the organisation, where would I go from here would I follow the same route as a PPI claim, what do you believe our chances would be of succeeding. Any help/advice at all would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. We were sold a 25 year Standard Life Decreasing Term Life Assurance policy / Mortgage Protection Plan on our first property / mortgage in 1990. It was also a condition according to the company representative who we had the meeting with. We have moved twice since then and mortgage amounts increased (with same lender) but we continued to pay the same monthly premium. Should the original policy been amended / updated to coincide with increased borrowing / coverage ? Thank-you
  4. Hi hope some one has the answer for me. My dad who is now in a care home with Dementia, worked for Johnsons wax, he has a pension with them titled 'retirement and life assurance plan'. Does this mean he has life insurance with this plan,(just hoping there would be something to cover funeral costs when the inevitable happens). what I can make of the 'plan' his life was covered while working but doesn't mention in retirement. Have tried phoning the only number I have and being held in a queue with a promisr of a call back which doesn't happen! thank you Jill
  5. Hi me and my husband took out a Scottish Widow policy when we took out our mortgage. We made a claim on the policy when my husband was out of work and then I made a claim when my husband died in 2010. Will I be able to get anything back now, or has my claim and subsequent payout make any claims invalid.
  6. Hi, My dad has been admitted to hospital, not looking too good at the moment, he may have to go into care, Have bben looking through his papers and found some of his pension papers, these papers also have Life assurance on them, what is this, does this mean he has a lump sum on his death, for funeral expensis, cant find any thing that telss me what it means. Sorry for numpty question!! thanks for any help. jill
  7. Just wondered if i can claim morgage Assurance? I thought this was a Insurance.Which it is not.I was told to take this out when i took my morgage out,
  8. I am currently seeking a divorce from my wife. At 67, I am 25 years older than she is and about ten years ago we took out a life assurance policy in her name and against my life. I now wish that policy to be surrendered by her as I do not want her to benefit from my death. She is refusing to do this - what are my options and who do I turn to? Naturally, Skandia, with whom the policy is held, cannot deal with me directly, only my wife. I have very little money and I would like to know what my rights are before seeking legal advice. Many Thanks, Steve
  9. Hi About 14 years ago we were pressured into buying a life assurance policy incase my husband died while we were paying our mortage, although it was not linked directly to the mortage. As we were pressured into buying it and we didnt want it and couldnt say no are we entitled to claim anything back The life Insurance is with Pearl Assurance
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