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  1. Oh look... Looks like they have begun trying to "Enforce" These debts...
  2. Many months ago I took out a loan with ToothFairy Finance, what a mistake, which due to personal circumstances I couldn't pay. I contacted them several times about extensions, and got three unique responses regarding how the policy works, crazy people that they are. Eventually I had to contact them to request we come to a repayment arrangement, no reply. I continued emailing them almost daily, then twice weekly, eventually one last time to state I would no longer be attempting contact as they had failed to work with me or even respond through any avenue of email contact, despite their automated system confirming reciept of the emails. For all of this time I have kept an occasional browse over them as an entity, how they are operating etc. I joined the Royal Navy in October, and during training I actually sent my final email, and put the issue to bed. Now I'm settling into the next stage of training I recieved a text message from someone called Blackwater, regarding the loan I owe, claiming they have a solution to repay the debt, followed by a number. I have been looking around elsewhere to find out if the loan is even valid after a company goes into administration and has it's credit license revoked. I am to understand the loan ledger was sold at 7.5% it's value, some people have suggested offering a 10% repayment on the original amount borrowed. As I have obviously not recieved a reply from the company, I can only assume by now the interest and charges that have been invented are running into an extortionate amount. I have not contacted them at all since the text, and I have simply been researching to find a solution that isn't going to cost me a years wages. In my opinion, I have been trying to resolve this situation since it started, if Toothfairy had responded to me I would have had frozen interest and gotten it sorted over a few months, this situation wouldn't exist. As it stands they ignored me completely, despite mountainous amounts of contact from me, never to me, and simply let the loan slide over to this new company. I suppose what I'm asking, from someone who really knows the legal ends in this situation, what can I do?
  3. Guys Check this out below; This truly goes to show the shady dealings that company had... I think this should be a lesson for us all. To see a company like this go under is truly a good thing! I also like how it mentions about NDR and MHB being fit about holding Credit Licenses ^__^ What id like to know is how they define the loan book as "Potentially Recoverable"
  4. hi does anyone know a valid email for toothfairy as i need to contact them but not over the phone.thanks.
  5. Hi all, I'm really hoping someone would see this and help me out I'm a 20 year old student and I stupidly took out a £300 loan with TOOTHFAIRY and I signed onto a DMP shortly after, agreeing to take £40 a month. At this point, I apparently had to pay £800. I paid them month by month and to this day I've paid them £310 and I am currently in the process of switching DMP's from Debt Advisory to Stepchange (because they're free) and I received an email from Toothfairy saying that I now needed to repay £1711!!!!!!!!!!!! Bear in mind I have kept up with payments consistently! The £40 has always gone through to them! I've logged a complaint with FOS and OFT but to be honest, they couldn't answer me straight when I asked if I would be dealing with this for the rest of my life if they don't accept any payment plans, they could keep charging interest. PLEASE help me, I start 2nd year of uni next month and this is making me very depressed, the constant emails and calls are very scary and the thought of it never going away frightens me so much!
  6. Been stuck in a little bit of a toothfairy wrangle (my god I wish I googled them first)... I've actually used the company quite a lot and because I've never had a problem paying back all has been good. Took out a £400 at the end of June but then in the first weeks of July unfortunately circumstances changed where we had £800 of unexpected bills with the car ... We had a couple of PDL's going so I rang them all straight away being honest and actually got some great responses to where I have come to perfectly reasonable deals, apart from Toothfairy. Toothfairy's stance from the outset was to change from the happy you are an amazing customer to pretty nasty straight away and told me that it's ok I had until the 24th August to pay, I told them that this wouldn't be able to happen as it'll take me a couple of months to get fully back on track so the earliest I could pay was the last working day of October. Obviously they ignored me totally and the debt started to rack up, got the usual texts and emails saying it is overdue, so I speak to the national debtline to get some advice and decided to call to try to come to a deal again. Speak to NDR who get toothfairy to send me an email saying that Payment plans can be available. Call fairy and explain to the manager that my circumstances have changed a, and she said to fax over the details and they'll look into it, it cannot be emailed as they do not have an email address... of course when I go to check if they recieved the fax, it hasn't arrived. When finding out it 'hasn't arrived' I call up to complain, get a really angry South African guy shouting down the phone about how I shouldn't have taken out a loan if I couldn't afford it, i had to pay by the 24th August or the bill (which by this point will be £656 - which I can accept) will go up to a massive amount and £350 will be added on if it goes to their collection agency NDR, I inform him that I just recieved a letter from Toothfairy legal team that the debt was supposed to go over on 17.08.13 and that I am not happy, he tells me the balance when it goes over to NDR would be £1002. Ironically during the phone call I check my email and one pops up saying that it will be passed over on 24.08.13, the guy on the phone continues to be rude and I say i'll speak to NDR. NDR can't talk about it because it hasn't been passed over yet but can knock 'hundreds' off the £1002 that has been quoted if its paid quickly. I complain to the financial ombudsman about the general attitude of the company and how I'm disgusted that they say they have procedures for if you have a financial difficulty but don't actually follow them up. On the 20th i get a voicemail from Marshall Hoares Baliffs, when calling them back they apologise for calling me which I tell them they should be apologising because it hasn't even gone to NDR yet! I speak to toothfairy to get a call back from a manager, which never happens. Yesterday is when it all got very very dodgy... I call toothfairy again to complain about a baliff calling me, get the same south african guy who decides to start having a go at me again, i tell him very specifically I will not be speaking about the debt on the phone and need the correct address for the company... So he starts to tell me that it's my own fault i'm in this problem and that I shouldn't be taking out loans if I can't afford them (at the time I could), I get fed up and ask to speak to his manager. He suddenly has the address ready, I take down the address and tell him that I still need to discuss his attitude with his manager because at current I am still a toothfairy customer... No managers are available and all are in a meeting (that could last forever by the sounds of it). I decide to then call NDR again to see if I can come to an early solution... definately calling the correct number and having to listen to the opening NDR intro guess who answers the phone The same south african guy who makes the mistake of saying 'Is that Craig, i'm calling you from Toothfairy i am one of the managers' If you are going to try to lie make sure you have a voice that isn't easily distinguishable! Tell him that I'm glad they record phone conversations so i'll be asking for these back and if he tries to delete it I have a record of the numbers i've called including call times. I've looked at the contract and it does say charges of £350 will be applied after 56 days, but now finding out it's exactly the same people (literally!) is there a way to fight this crazy charge. £200 is to NDR and £150 is solicitors fees.
  7. Hi i've just had a voicemail from MHB the pretend bailiffs to my office phone number. I am absolutely fuming, surely they are not allowed to just contact me at work? God knows how they got my number, I'm guessing switchboard put them through. I blocked their phone number on my mobile due to the incessant texts and phonecalls and now they dare to call my office. Are they allowed to do this? I do not want to pick up the phone expecting a legitimate business call only to hear these jokers on the other end. Could potentially be embarrassing if my co-workers realize what is going on. I have already complained to the FOS and the OFT about these jokers, is it worth recording the voicemail and sending as further evidence?
  8. All their related websites are down. Have the OFT finally acted on these muppets? https://www.toothfairyfinance.com/ https://www.northerndebtrecovery.com/
  9. Do not take a loan from Toothfairy Finance. These people are (Edit) They make it difficult for you to contact them, they do not send you any contract, they do not send you a reminder. They very quick to start threatening you with legal action, and phone you up and threaten to come to your house to collect the money. I repaid my loan of £400, which became £616, the next working day, after the repayment date. Too late they said, and i now owe them £1048. They phone you up, and threatened me. They start taking extra fine money from out of my account. I am now having to change my bank account, to stop them from taking money out of my account, without my permission. If you want a loan, you are much better off going to Wonga, or UK Payday, i have found them to be good, no problems. This Toothfairy bunch are rotten, do not do any business with them. Also, do not go anywhere near Smile Finance, or My Loans, they also help themselves to money from your account, and they do not answer their phones, or answer emails. But they do answer the phone, when the bank calls. So get your bank to call them, or ask your bank to reverse the charges.
  10. I've just got home from work to a letter pushed through the door from GPB solicitors regarding a debt that i have had with Toothfairy finance. The client name on the letter is Northern Debt Recovery Ltd and Toothfairy is listed as the creditor. Basically, GPB are saying that they have been instructed to recover the sum of £919.00 from me. The letter is dated 04 April 2013. They have said in the letter failure for me to pay up "could leave us with no alternative other than to take legal action against you" I have had a loan with toothfairy in the past, but it was in the summer (july) of 2011. I have checked through all of my contracts that they emailed me and my reference numbers on those matches the client reference on the letter that i have received. The contract says that i borrowed £400. Slightly confused by this letter as in my mind i had paid this off a long time ago. I have logged into my internet banking and checked my statements. Toothfairy deposited £400 into my account on 14/07/11 They then took out of my account £72 on 02/08/2011 Then a further £315 on 31/08/2011 And then nothing after that. This means that i owe them the grand total of £13 Just wondering if anyone has any advise on what i should do about this letter?.. clearly there is no way they are getting £919 from me when i owe them £13 from a debt almost 2 years ago. GPB's website is gpblitigation.co.uk
  11. Hello I have a serious problem with a company called Toothfairy finance, I need some really good sound advice on this! On 1st June 2011 when i was a student, I needed emergency funds. So i Googled "payday loans" being a student and having poor credit I didn't actually think I would be accepted, So when I applied for a £200 loan with TF I was really surprised that I was accepted, Straight away too!! I understood the interest charges stood at £9 per week for every £100 taken out with them! So, come the next two weeks when I was due to pay it off, I had a serious problem with my car, I needed to pay for this ASAP. So I called TF up and explained my problem, All I remember (as it was nearly 2 years ago) was that they were rude, nasty and didn't want to help. So i ended up putting the phone down on them, and thinking I could pay whatever i could find off. So for a few months this is what I did, I paid off bits and bobs. I heard nothing from the company for months on end! Not until i moved back home in the NEXT YEAR. All of a sudden my account was over £1000. I was stunned. So I called them, I asked questions and I told them I simply could not afford to pay this back. In the end I was bullied into excepting 10 monthly payments of £100. I paid my first £100 and then realized this was really too much! It was leaving me without food every month. So i called and again got horrible treatment. So i cancelled my DD and I didn't contact them again. It's not April 2013, and myself and my partner are looking to buy a house. So i checked on my credit file just to see what was what. It turns out I know owe £2104. By the way, This isn't just interest, These charges are apparent recovery fees? So I called them, And it appears their customer service is as bad as it always was. I got told from this women that i needed to pay the outstanding amount right away. Like i have that money laying around!! So i explained, I tried sticking to my guns and said i was willing to pay the origainl amount of £200 plus some interest but not that amount of money! She then asked if i Had £400 today, I said i don't have £4 let alone £400 to give to you!! But if I did she would have happily closed my account. I couldn't understand it? Why couldn't she reduce the account to £400 and let me pay it off in installments? Anyway, again like 2 years ago I was rail roaded into another payment plan with them. £50 a month for 16 months. This is still too much for me, I really do not want to pay them back £800. I have contacted the FOS who have assured me i have a complaint against them. The FOS have wrote to them, and have wrote to me so now I have to wait 8 weeks. BUT TF DO NOT HAVE MY NEW ADDRESS or my new mobile number because I cannot handle the threatening emails they send me! So how do I go about getting them off my credit file altogether? Does anybody think actually getting the FOS involved will help? Or am i just going to have to pay them back £800 for a £200 loan PLEASE HELP Becci x
  12. I have just received this email from marshall hoare regarding my outstanding loan with toothfairy i have sent them an offer of repayment the most i can afford submitted a income and expenditure form yet they are still refusing to accept my offer and i have now received this email below, i am happy to pay what i owe but they have added over 400 in charges and are now threatening doorstep agents and court action please help. I dont know where i stand with regards to the charges and everything eles. any help with regards to a reply to them any help whatsoever i would be really grateful of. Outstanding amount: 806 Demand for payment Client: ToothFairy Finance Ltd - ToothFairy Pay Day Loan Client Ref: Date: 22/03/2013 Despite our previous demand for payment you have failed to clear your arrears (as stated above) or make suitable repayment proposals. The amount which remains outstanding to the above named client must be paid in full within THREE days of this demand. Should you be unable to pay the amount outstanding within THREE days, you MUST contact one of our customer service operators on Tel: 08433811111 to arrange a suitable repayment plan. If you ignore this demand for payment or fail to arrange a suitable repayment plan within THR EE days, we will issue this case to one of our Door Recovery Agents to attend your premises to discuss your debt and arrange for repayment with you. NOTE: DOOR VISIT- please call to arrange a convenient time for one of our Door Recovery Agents to visit to discuss repayment. If we do not hear from you we will visit at will. Failed visits may be charged for as per the terms and conditions of the contract you signed. NOTE: COURT ACTION - All necessary documents have been compiled into a legal case file to evidence the issue of this credit to you, and your refusal to come to a satisfactory arrangement to settle this debt. This is ready to be submitted to your local County Court or Sheriff Court in order to seek a Judgement against you. If you have already repaid, please contact us so we can investigate further and close your file. Yours faithfully Door Collections Marshall Hoares Bailiffs T elephone: 0843 381 1111 PLease help at my wits end now
  13. Hello, I had a bad experience with these people. I borrowed £400 and today it is over £2400 in debt with them. Continued harassment by NDR and MH Bailiffs, who for those who dont know, are owned by the same owners as ToothFairy. It's all a [EDIT]. I am refusing to repay, and I am happy for them to take me to court where I will fight them. There is no note on my credit file regarding ToothFairy. I'd like to know if this is the same for everyone? Has anyone ever been visited by a real bailiff, or been taken to court by these people? I have launched a website to warn others and share peoples bad experiences with these people. Please visit the site and share your experiences. No more victims. Please reply to this thread with your experiences Thanks and best of luck.
  14. Hi Guys, I have been looking at this forum for a while for advice, and have to say it has been great, much better than MSE forum which is full of pretentious ***ts who tell you to shoot yourself for making a mistake. However this forum has much much better users who have been helpful hence why i have decided to join. Anyway, i am another victim of Toothfairy Finance and have been dealing with these numb nuts for a few weeks, taking in advice from different members of this forum i have been responding only to toothfairy in writing via email. I want to post my progress as it happens as well as take in advice from you guys as what to do next. As it stands i took out a loan for £400 on the 7th of April, my income stopped and i was unable to repay the loan in full. As i am a student i cant receive benefits, however i start a new job at the end of this month. As expected the calls and text started, i did say to them that i will only correspond in writing, below is the list of correspondence in order: Mr **** Ref Loan: ***** ********* - 07.04.13 - Sum outstanding GBP 626 We have made a number of attempts to contact you by email and SMS to discuss the outstanding balance on the short-term loan you took out on 07.04.13 and you have failed to repay the loan in accordance with the contract. We have also warned you in advance of additional charges you have incurred. As we make clear to all our customers our product is intended to be a short term financial solution. If the loan is extended this product can become expensive. As the matter has not been resolved and your loan is still outstanding, we have been left with no alternative and are writing to advise you that this debt will be passed on to our Debt Collection Agency on 19.05.13. As per the terms of the contract betwee n ToothFairy Finance Ltd and yourself (see http://www.toothfairyfinance.com/terms.html) instructing a Debt Collection Agency will add a further GBP 200 to the balance you owe. Debt recovery agents will contact you using the contact details you have provided until you pay off your debt to us. This may include a visit to your home by a Door Recovery Agent who will discuss your debt with you. If after a reasonable period of time, you have not repaid your debt, this may lead to our taking legal action against you in the County Courts (or Sheriff Courts if you are in Scotland). We will seek to recover the full amount including interest, recovery costs and legal costs where appropriate. Should we successfully obtain a judgment against you, you should be aware that a County Court Judgement against your name will remain for 6 years on the National Credit Records (NCR). This is accessed by employers, insurers and banks and may result in:- a) difficu lties in obtaining future credit; b) difficulties in obtaining a mortgage; c) being questioned at a County Court as to your financial circumstances; d) difficulty in securing future employment due to an adverse credit history and credit score If we are successful in obtaining a County Court Judgment or Scottish Decree this will be followed by an application for a Warrant of Execution (or Scottish equivalent). If this is received, Bailiffs will then visit your property and may take possession of your goods to be sold to repay your debt. The initial cost of issuing a claim in the County Court or Sheriff’s Court can vary but we will seek to recover those costs against you should we be successful. We will also seek to recover all further legal costs where legally possible. This matter may ultimately cost you more than you currently owe if you do not contact us to arrange repayment now. Please immediately pay 626 by either: 1) Paying online by visiting http://www.toothfairyfinance.com and clicking Pay Now; or 2) Make a bank transfer for GBP 626 to: Barclays Bank Account number 93462382 Sort code 20-50-94 Ref: Use your mobile number (************) as a reference so we can match it correctly ALSO please EMAIL us confirming that this has been done to stop the debt being passed to the Debt Collection Team and further charges being incurred. If you ignore this and a Debt Recovery Agency is instructed you are putting yourself at risk of legal proceedings and further action. We look forward to hearing from you confirming a speedy resolution of this matter. If you have already repaid and this is not reflected in the above statement please contact us so we can investigate this further and correct your file. Yours Sincerely Legal Department Toothfairy Finance t: 0800 8620218  Please consider the environment before you print this email. The above email will look familiar to those in my position, i just ignored this then decided to call them to sort it out, from our phone they somehow believed i agreed to a repayment plan when i told them i have no income, which i thought was hilarious. At this point they told me i owed £1344 however after the repayment plan i "agreed to" i owed £800. Here is their email dated May 20th Dear ****** This is an AUTOMATED EMAIL. I am writing to confirm your agreement with one of our agents OR debt collection agencies regarding your ToothFairy Pay Day Loan*** in which you agreed to make the following payments: 31.05.13 - £800.00 Total payment of £800.00 to be paid by 31.05.13 to close this loan This agreement has now been noted on your permanent file. PLEASE NOTE: You can make payment in one of the following ways: - ONLINE: by visiting our website: http://www.northerndebtrecovery.com - BANK: you can make a transfer to our account or pay cash over the counter at your local bank using the following information: Barclays Banks A/c number: 13492192 Sort code: 20-95-61 Ref: 17357858 (please use 17357858 as the reference to ensure your payment is l ogged to your account. Not using a reference will delay us in being able to match your payment to your file and may delay us in crediting your account leading to you incurring additional charges and fees). If YOU fail to HONOUR this agreement, and do not pay as agreed, the following action may be taken: 1. FULL fees and charges will be added to your account, and any discount applied will be lost; 2. Full interest will be added retrospectively; and. 3. We reserve the right to instruct our solicitors to issue legal proceedings in the County Court (or Sheriff Court if you are in Scotland). If we are successful in obtaining a County Court Judgment (CCJ) or Scottish Decree we may make an application to the court for a Warrant of Execution or its Scottish equivalent. This will enable Bailiffs to come to your property and seize your property. This should be taken seriously. It is ESSENTIAL you honour the agreement you made You rs sincerely, DEBT MANAGER - Greg Campbell (257) NORTHERN DEBT RECOVERY 0843 381 0843 NOTICE: The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information which may be confidential and which may also be privileged. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received it in error please notify sender immediately and then destroy it. Northern Debt Recovery Limited (NDR) is a company registered in England and Wales whose registered address is Northern Debt Recovery Limited, 15 Lyndhurst Terrace, London, NW3 5QA, United Kingdom. Company registration number 6956396. Northern Debt Recovery Limited (NDR) is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading under Consumer Credit Licence number 631166 It must be noted that i called Toothfairy Finance, i was still on the phone to Toothfairy to a Greg, when i got this email from NDR....funny that. I decided i was going to attempt to pull £800 out my a** in two weeks to get these crooks off my back, however i did not with the lottery so on May 30th i replied: Hi, Following my loan default i am in the position where i am unable to repay the £800 you are requesting, even though i stated to you i am out of work and do not have a single penny of income at the moment. Can you please provide me with my options? Please note i will only accept correspondence in writing or email. ****** ***** On the same day i got the same day i got a similar email as before from toothfairy not NDR: Please remember that you agreed / are required to make payments to settle your ToothFairy Finance Ltd - ToothFairy Pay Day Loan*** to avoid further charges and debt recovery action. You are committed to paying GBP 800 by 31.05.2013. If you fail to honour this agreement and you ignore us your payment plan will fail and we reserve the right to take action to recover the full amount. We may also instruct Door Recovery Agents to visit your property to discuss your debt with you and the reasons for non-payment. If payment continues to be non-forthcoming, then the file will be passed to our Solicitors for review. This may lead to a County Court claim (or Sheriff Court claim if you are in Scotland) against you. If we successfully obtain a County Court Jud gment (or Scottish Decree) we may then make further applications to the court for a Warrant of Execution or an Attachment of Earnings Order (or their Scottish equivalent). my response again was similar as they sent me a repeat email Hi, Following up from my email last night that i sent, which was as follows: Hi, Following my loan default i am in the position where i am unable to repay the £800 you are requesting, even though i stated to you i am out of work and do not have a single penny of income at the moment. Can you please provide me with my options? Please note i will only accept correspondence in writing or email. ************** Your opening line to the email you sent to me states that i "agreed" to the repayment of £800, I never agreed to that, what i said to your advisor was that i will try and get the money put together but i highly doubt it because of my situation. Demanding £800 off a person who has £1.37 in their bank with no income i would consider to be a ludicrous payment plan, so can you please email me with a suitable repayment plan that would better suit my situation. I will not speak over the phone as i want all our correspondence in writing. *********** However i was unable to respond to this email so had to submit the email to their contact us form on their website, i suppose this is where it gets lost for future evidence! So my advice would be to keep a copy. Anyway following that submission this was my their response: Dear ******, Thank you for your message passed to us from Toothfairy Finance. In order for us to be able to assist you please fax us as much of the below listed evidence as possible. Income and Expenditure form; Letter of termination/redundancy; Letter confirming receipt of Job Seekers Allowance; A copy of your P45 / P46; and A signed sickness certificate from your doctor indicating long term illness. We will take these documents into consideration when arranging your repayment plan, once your plan has been arranged we would like to assist you further by freezing all correspondence and charges on your account. Faxes can be received on 0203 137 0794 and will be processed. Yours sincerely, COLLECTIONS (129) NORTHERN DEBT RECOVERY 0843 381 0843 NOTICE: The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information which may be confidential and which may also be privileged. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received it in error please notify sender immediately and then destroy it. Northern Debt Recovery Limited (NDR) is a company registered in England and Wales whose registered address is Northern Debt Recovery Limited, 15 Lyndhurst Terrace, London, NW3 5QA, United Kingdom. Company registration number 6956396. Northern Debt Recovery Limited (NDR) is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading under Consumer Credit Licence number 631166. After this email i thought i was getting somewhere, couldnt believe my eyes they were offering to freeze interest and charges, too good to be true though. I worte back explaining i was a student so couldnt provide any of the documentation they asked for. Their response was: Dear ******* Thank you for your message. An income and expenditure form your can download from Google. If you are unable to pay in a one off payment, but you are willing to pay £150 per month starting from this month, we are prepared to FREEZE all interest and charges on your account. Please confirm the dates that you will be making payment on and whether you wish for us to set this up to take payment automatically from your debit card you previously provided us with. If you are unable to pay the above amount on a monthly basis, please confirm what amount you are able to make and we will consider your offer. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us on 0843 381 0843 Please note continued non-payment or refusal to come to an amicable agreement will result in your file being passed to Marshall Hoares Bailiffs who may come to your property to discuss your outstanding debt with you. Yours sincerely, COLLECTIONS (129) NORTHERN DEBT RECOVERY 0843 381 0843 NOTICE: The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information which may be confidential and which may also be privileged. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received it in error please notify sender immediately and then destroy it. Northern Debt Recovery Limited (NDR) is a company registered in England and Wales whose registered address is Northern Debt Recovery Limited, 15 Lyndhurst Terrace, London, NW3 5QA, United Kingdom. Company registration number 6956396. Northern Debt Recovery Limited (NDR) is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading under Consumer Credit Licence number 631166. At this point i was getting bored with the rubbish email correspondence so decided to spice things up by setting out my own terms, not sure if it was a good idea but i really couldnt care less to deal with crooks you have to be a bit of a crook. Hi, My expenditure is £811 pm with an income of £0pm....Also quite frankly i need you guys to justify the substantial fees you have added to my loan, considering that you are the same company as toothfairy you cant justify charging 100's of pounds to pass the debt from yourselves to yourselves, thats just a joke. 1) I am willing to make monthly payments as i start a new job soon, however it will not be or even close to £150 a month as i wont be able to afford that and live. 2) I will not be paying the £1000's you claim i owe, i will not pay your ridiculous fees and charges that are deemed unreasonable. 3) If you cant accept the above terms, i suggest you skip all the rubbish and take me to court. ******* ***** Well did not get a response to that however today got this email from Marshall Hoares Bailiffs BY LETTER AND EMAIL Online payment ID: 17357858 Outstanding amount: 832 Commence Proceedings Client: ToothFairy Finance Ltd - ToothFairy Pay Day Loan*** Client Ref: 17357858 Date: 11/06/2013 We write to inform you that we have not heard from you and that we have been instructed to commence active recovery procedures against you for the collection of the above arrears which remain outstanding. Full payment of the outstanding amount is hereby demanded within 7 days of this notice to prevent further recovery procedures commencing. Further recovery procedures which we will undertake are: -further letters and telephone calls to contact you at your home and place of work if you do not respond to us; -our agen t will make visits to your premises for the purpose of discussing your debt; and -we will gather all evidence and prepare your file for presentation to our Solicitors so that they can issue proceedings against you in your local County or Sheriff Court. Should you be unable to pay in full within 7 days, an instalment plan may be accepted depending on your financial circumstances. If you wish to pay by instalments you should contact one of our customer service operators as soon as possible on 08433811111. Yours faithfully Door Collections Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Telephone: 0843 381 1111 The content of this email should not be considered as an acceptance of any offer unless we previously review and expressly approve in writing your terms and conditions relating to the subject matter of this email. The information in this email is private and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient( s) or have otherwise received this email in error, please delete the email and inform the sender as soon as possible. This email may not be disclosed, used or copied by anyone other than the intended recipient(s). Any opinions, statements or comments contained in this email are not necessarily those of Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited. If you wish clarification of any matter, please request confirmation in writing. Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited is a company registered in England and Wales whose registered address is Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited, 15 Lyndhurst Terrace, London, NW3 5QA, United Kingdom. Company registration number 06871092. Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading under Consumer Credit Licence number 631168. We take precautions to minimise the risk of this email containing a software virus but you should use virus checking software. which i responded: Hi, Dont for one second think that 'Bailiffs' in your name will scare me your nothing more than a debt collectors and have no authority to carry out bailiff activities. Anyone showing up at my door thinking they can without a licence will get a familiar treatment. Also Toothfairy Finance is not a 'Client' of yours but in fact your sister company, you are owned and ran by the same staff, i am not stupid. For this reason i do not believe you can justify charging the additional fees you have for passing the file to each other. As for your threats, they mean squat im afraid, - you can send all the phone calls, texts and letters to my home, ignoring is a talent of mine. As for sending it to my work, well good luck with that, if you were a responsible letter and got the reuqired documentation before giving out loans you would have seen that i have been a student for the past year without a working income, so again good luck with that. - Your agent can make visits to my premises, but again the door will be slammed in his/her face, they will have to go have a cup of tea with my old neighbour next door. - And as you can see i have asked you already to just take me to court, i would really really really love to see how you guys present yourselves in court and answer for your unjustifiable fees as well as your behaviour as a lender, it would make my day so please feel free to take me to court, because unless you agree to my terms which i have now emailed 3 times, you will not get a single penny from me, PROMISE YOU THAT!!. Have a good day ****** ***** If you have got this far in this post thank you for reading through, could you guys please give me advice as to what i should do next? I do agree i owe them money but as you can see i aint paying no £832 because the fees are a joke. Again thank you for reading this far and i look forward to your comments!
  15. Just thought i would share to you that i noticed Toothfairy have a new looking website! https://www.toothfairyfinance.com/
  16. Hi new poster so bare with me! I recently had my tax credits go into my account on a friday, so i did some shopping online for food for my children who currently reside with their father. Now tesco dont take money out until they have actually done their shopping which would be the day it is due to be delivered which was the saturday. However on my way to work friday evening, 5pm ish, i checked my bank account and found it to be £144 down which is most of the tax credit payment and it also meant that the shopping didnt and wouldnt get paid for meaning i had to find another way. (in the end i borrowed £20 off of a friend) The payment for that £144 has now shown up on my account as it was bank holiday weekend, and FOUR!!!!! seperate transactions from toothfairy finance of £36 each have come out and i DID NOT authorise this. Anyone know what i can do to get the money back as i really did noot authorise it??!?! Any help appreciated!
  17. Hi Guys, just need your advice on this one. Have been paying the usual £72 rollover fee for a while now, i have complied with my agreement with them and have never defaulted etc,etc, i once had an email saying i had and i phoned them about this (and recorded it)and they agreed it was a mistake and this was indeed rectified. I log in today to pay my next rollover fee and find my balance almost double what it should be at £ 842, obviously this was a surprise as it should be £472 and then when i pay my extension fee it goes back down to £400 until the next extension is due.Havd had no communication about this either and i dont owe them what they claim as i am still within the terms of my original agreement. Now obviously this is NOT correct and i was wondering what you think i should do about this, obviously i have emailed via the TF site and also i have sent an email via the main web loans processing site to them, so i will see what response i get.I have a full trail of every communication i have ever had with them as well. Just wondering what your thoughts were and what i should do next. Thanks
  18. I am worried sick. i took out a loan from toothfairy in april. i wanted £100 as i have had them before and payed back in time. on the day, it said i had to choose a higher loan as £100 wasnt available. i got a £200 one and then something happened so i didnt repay. i have since had numerous calls/texts/emails every day form them, and NDR wanting money. the debt has risen to £715 and will rise again if i dont pay within 3 days. today i have had a text from marshall hoares bailiffs sayig they will be at my adress in 3 days and will take things to 9times the value of the loan. i have emailed them, told them on the phone and through the contact us on all 3 websites asking how to repay an affordable amount each month/fortnightly. i am on benefits and get £148 every 2 weeks. i am worried sick for me and my young daughter. i have been sitting with blinds shut and not making noise/not answering door if i am not expecting anyone. i really dunno what to do. they wont give me an answer to repay what i can afford. oh, forgot, i had a text yesterday saying i had agreed to pay today in full but i never did. because i got the text yesterday, i went online banking and switched the money i do have in (my rent) to my savings account so they couldnt take it. anyone have any advie?
  19. Hi guys, new here so will quickly tell you about my situation, last year I took out some PDLs and couldn't afford to pay them all back, including a £200 loan with Toothfairy. Iv had countless letters from TF, MH and NDR demanding over £1000! Iv offered to pay back the original loan amount with a couple of months interest but they are saying they can only reduce the fee a bit, they are still adding interest. I got an email today from NDR I contacted toothfairy today and received an email from MH so they are clearly all the same company... Here is part of the email I received today, any advice welcome! You currently owe £1460. You agreed to repay your short term loan within 14 days. Payday loans can become expensive if you do not keep to the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you took out your loan. Please note that as you borrowed £200, you are being charged £36 every 14 days. This is CLEARLY STATED in the terms and conditions YOU agreed to. YOU agreed to the terms and conditions with your double digital signature by way of entering your email address in twice then clicking \'I accept and agree to the terms and conditions\'. The terms and conditions that you agreed to are legally binding under The Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please remember that your original loan was for 14- 28 days ONLY. Here is a COMPLETE breakdown of your account to-date with ALL the dates and the amount of ALL charges: 26.08.11 Issue LOAN £200.00 – 27.08.11 Charge Interest-1 £36 – 10.09.11 Charge Interest-2 £36 – 23.09.11 Payment -£36 24.09.11 Charge Interest-3 £36 – 08.10.11 Charge Interest-4 £36 – 08.10.11 Charge Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) £10 08.10.11 Charge NDR Recovery Fee £350 22.10.11 Charge Interest-5 £36 – 05.11.11 Charge Interest-6 £36 – 19.11.11 Charge Interest-7 £36 – 03.12.11 Charge Interest-8 £36 – 17.12.11 Charge Interest-9 £36 – 31.12.11 Charge Interest-10 £36 – 14.01.12 Charge Interest-11 £36 – 28.01.12 Charge Interest-12 £36 – 11.02.12 Charge Interest-13 £36 – 25.02.12 Charge Interest-14 £36 – 10.03.12 Charge Interest-15 £36 – 24.03.12 Charge Interest-16 £36 – 07.04.12 Charge Interest-17 £36 – 21.04.12 Charge Interest-18 £36 – 05.05.12 Charge Interest-19 £36 – 19.05.12 Charge Interest-20 £36 – 02.06.12 Charge Interest-21 £36 – 16.06.12 Charge Interest-22 £36 – 30.06.12 Charge Interest-23 £36 – 14.07.12 Charge Interest-24 £36 – 28.07.12 Charge Interest-25 £36 – 11.08.12 Charge Interest-26 £36 –
  20. Hi Everyone, I am trying to reply to there awful emails and letters and texts, but as you all know the email address bounces back. does anyone have an address I can send a letter to please? Thank you.
  21. hello all!! i got into a payment plan with these guys and paid nearly £600 for a £300 loan a year back. i think they have had more than they deserve and now i want them to stop harassing me. is there a sample letter i can send telling them i have paid them the loan principle plus a months interest and wont be paying them any more? maybe citing the fsa regulations? your help would be appreciated. thanks
  22. Hi all Received this email from the OFT today, has anyone else had one?? Dear ********** Our records show you submitted a complaint to the Office of Fair Trading on 5 May 2012 in relation to Toothfairy Finance. There are some serious issues in your complaint we would like further information on in the form of a witness statement. Complaints such as yours are vital in helping us to evidence business practices that might cast doubt upon the trader's fitness to hold a consumer credit license. I have attached an information sheet on providing a witness statement to the OFT. The process usually involves one phone call from us to you of approximately half an hour to 1 hour where you talk us through your experience with the trader. We would then write this statement up and send you a copy to sign. If you provide a witness statement which is relied on by the OFT in any subsequent enforcement action, the details of this statement would be disclosed to the trader and their associates. If the case were to go to the Tribunal, you may be called to stand for cross examination on the contents of your statement. If you would be happy to provide a witness statement please contact me on 020 7211 8635 or via email to arrange a time suitable for us to call to take this statement. Kind Regards Alexandra Alexandra Ivett | Debt Collection Team | Corporate Services | Office of Fair Trading Fleetbank House | 2-6 Salisbury Square | London EC4Y 8JX | T: 0 20 7211 8635 |
  23. Hi everyone, I am defaulting tomorrow on my toothfairy loan. I have read a lot in this forum about them and am aware of the charges and issues with them. The current situation with them (from email communication I had with them) seems to be that they do not accept any repayment plans at all (previously I have heard they accept 6-weeks-plans). My questions to any of you who had experience with them: - Has anyone managed to set up a repayment plan with them directly (not with NDR, etc) and if yes, how many months and at what point in the negotiations? - Has anyone ever been taken to court, and if yes what was the outcome? - If at some point the debt (currently in my case 472 GBP) spirals to e.g. 1212 GBP, and someone paid a percentage in full and final settlement, what percentage/amount was to pay? - Has anyone ever tried within the 14 days to withdraw from the contract (but not paying immediately) just to avoid the charges (not the interest)? Would that work legally? Any advice from your experience is much appreciated! Thank you
  24. Hi, I am having problems with Payday Loans i owe, however the biggest problem before I tackle the others is Toothfairy. I borrowed £400, they now want £934 and ARE THREATENING all sorts of people coming to the house, but from northern debt recovery which are the same company? I have listed below details, can anyone help me here, I'm not paying £934 back! Total payments I have made against the £400 (which was £544 with interest) is £294 so I owe £260? how do I tackle this, they are awful people. Tooth Fairy I took out a loan on 16.04.12 for £400 and I was going to pay back £544 on 15.05.12. Couldn’t make the payment, however I did make the following payments and had the following additional charges added on; 16.05.12 £72.00 Payment Made to TF Then on 20.05.12 I got a email and letter from Northern Debt Recovery saying that they had added £150 to the loan as I was in default. 23.05.12 £50.00 Payment Made to TF 25.05.12 – they then added on the following charges Loan and Interest £688 Recovery Fees £200 Repayments to date £126 Total £572 30.05.12 I send them an email to say I cannot pay anything until I get paid on 15.06.12. 01.06.12 I get these from TF You currently owe: Loan and Interest GBP 688 Missed Payment Fee 1 (day 29) GBP 10 NDR Accept Case File GBP 200 Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) GBP 10 Solicitors - Case Preparation GBP 150 Repayments todate GBP 126 Total GBP 932 Please note 1. Door Agents have been dispatched 2. Solicitors have been briefed 3. Bailiffs have been informed Judgement will be sought and a Warrant of Execution to seize goods/obtain an attachment of earnings. 06.06.12 I pay £172 29.07.12 I get an email saying I owe £934 to them THANK YOU.
  25. Came across this and thought it would be useful info, not sure if there's a place for these kind of posts. I attatched it to my own thread as a comment but thought it would be better to have it's own thread P.s. first few paragraph's are part of the story case study, article then breaks down what company is who and owned by who and CCL's Toothfairy Finance Limited and MCO Capital, two separate payday lenders who are no strangers to controversy. In 2010 MCO Capital caused mayhem when a reported 9000 identities were stolen from the company and used to set up dummy loan applications, whilst in the same year Toothfairy Finance were punished heavily by the Office Of Fair Trading telling the firm not to impose “disproportionate” fees or demand “large *installments” from clients who are unable to pay. It may not surprise people to know that new evidence suggests the two companies are actually linked. A few weeks ago another helpless payday loan victim came to my website for help with what seemed like a typical, although slightly alarming, payday loan problem. Out of desperation after the stressful Christmas hangover period, she had borrowed 400 pounds from a company called Paycheck Credit (a trading name for MCO Capital) at the very end of 2011 for a period of just 14 days. Not surprising two weeks later she had realised the foolishness of her decision and was unable to repay the loan. The company wasted little time in slapping on a massive 150 pound default charge for missing the payment date and immediately began threatening further action if payment was not made. Out of fear of the consequences of further delays, she made the payment in full at the end of January, 621 pounds just one month after borrowing 400. As with many who become stupidly trapped in payday loan cycles, the repayment left her massively short of funds and once the loan had been repaid she received a text message offering her a new loan. I wish I could sit here now writing about the irresponsibility of offering a vulnerable customer the chance of a new loan immediately after paying off a defaulted loan, however I simply do not have the time! She took the money on offer immediately however later changed her mind commendably against borrowing again. The money from Paycheck Credit never made it into her account, and that should have been the end of it. It was not. Paycheck Credit were insistent the money had been transferred into her account, and that despite her cancelling the loan it must still be repaid with interest. Karen, my case study, responded insisting the money had never made it into her account and even had the backing of her bank who were equally as adamant that the money had never been transferred. And this is where the plea for help stood, amidst uncertainty of how to resolve the situation. The situation then turned completely on its head. In one email exchange Karen uttered the name of one payday lender I did not expect to hear “Toothfairy took the money back out of my account” she claimed to me. Toothfairy Finance – what the hell did they have to do with this ?!? As the plot thickened I asked Karen to backtrack through emails to figure out just what was going on. The reality of the situation was that at the end of 2011 when Karen took out a payday loan through Paycheck Credit it was clearly Toothfairy Finance who paid the money into her bank account, it was the very same Toothfairy Finance that took the 621 pounds back out at the end of January. The problem is this – Paycheck Credit, or MCO Capital as we should call them have no links to Toothfairy Finance at all ….. For the purpose of clarity, let us first understand who both companies are as stand alone entities; Paycheck Credit – The Facts Paycheck Credit are a trading name for MCO Capital and have a consumer credit license – 613263. The license was issued in February 2008 and expires Feb 2013. Other trading names are; Popcredit Speedcredit The company registration number for MCO Capital is 6472855 According to the OFT register the company is currently ran by an organization called MWLAW Services Limited and have a company registration number of 4668658. On 15th September 2011 the OFT imposed two counts of ‘minded to refuse to vary’ and one count of ‘minded to revoke’ on the company MCO Capital Limited. Toothfairy Finance – The Facts Toothfairy Finance are a trading name of Webloan Processing Limited and have a consumer credit license – 637426. The license was issued on 28th October 2010 and expires 27th October 2015. Other trading names are; Creditcheckout Creditcheckout.Co.Uk Creditcheckout.Com Gogetloan Gogetloan.Co.Uk Nextcredit Nextcredit.Co.Uk Nextcredit.Com Okcash Okcash.Co.Uk Okcash.Com Takeoutcash Takeoutcash.Co.Uk Takeoutcash.Com Toothfairy Finance Wegivecredit Wegivecredit.Co.Uk Wegivecredit.Com The company registration number for Toothfairy Finance is 7275227. Interesting Info Heres something interesting – Toothfairy have got TWO Consumer Credit Licenses! The other license number is 615666. According to this license, the parent company is called CIM Technologies Limited, has a company registration number of 6144500 and has three trading names; Toothfairy Finance http://www.toothfairyfinance.co.uk http://www.toothfairyfinance.com The license was issued on 15th April 2008 and expires 14th April 2013 According to Companies House, Webloan Processing Limited was created in June 2010 but was originally registered as Toothfairy Finance Ltd – they only changed to Webloan Processing Limited on 1st September 2011 – two weeks before the OFT issues its minded to revoke on MCO Capital! According to Companies House, CIM Technologies Limited was created in March 2007. On the same day as the second license was issued, the OFT raised a ‘requirements imposed’ on both licenses. So the question remains how are the two companies linked? It is clear according to the OFT license register that Paycheck Credit belongs to MCO Capital, it is also just as clear that they are in fact an actual lender in their own right. It took a bit of searching, but I started to find the answers. How Do The Companies Link This is where it all starts to come together! Karen confirmed for me that the initial loan taken through Paycheck Credit was deposited into her account by Webloan Processing – one of the parent companies of Toothfairy Finance Limited. Karen also confirmed and sent me copies of Paycheck Credit chasing the defaulted original payment in the name of MCO Capital. Wondering how I found out Toothfairy have two licenses – its written on Paycheck Credits website! In the terms and conditions it states; 12. We are registered at Companies House as CIM Technologies Limited trading as Paycheck Credit. Our company number is 06144500. Our main business is consumer lending. We are regulated and authorised by the Office of Fair Trading (the “OFT”) consumer credit license 615666 At the same time the FAQ page on the website gives the real license reference and name of MCO Capital. CIM Technologies belongs to Toothfairy Finance. Oh and one final confirmed link. BOTH Paycheck Credit and Toothfairy’s websites tell you how you can pay directly into the bank and both websites tell you the bank details to make payments to; A/c number 93462382 / Sort code: 20-50-94 They are the same bank details on both websites. I needed one final piece of evidence and so I sent Paycheck Credit an email directly asking to speak to someone with a press enquiry. The response came from Oliver Larholt using a Webloan Processing email account, stating they deal with all media enquiries relating to Paycheck Credit. It is now beyond doubt. MCO Capital, CIM Technologies, Webloan Processing Ltd, Paycheck Credit & Toothfairy Finance. They are all the same entity. There was however one more final twist to the tale and that is the story behind Oliver Larholt and a company called Northern Debt Recovery, a name familiar to anyone who has followed the Toothfairy Finance saga over the last year or so. Karen mentioned to me that she remembered an email saying that the debt would be passed to a collector called NDR. NDR is short for Northern Debt Recovery. The website is http://www.northerndebtrecovery.com The website has no registered license number or postal address – yet the contact times are identical to those of Tooth Fairy and Paycheck Credit. I went one better and searched Companies House website and found them. Company registration number 6956396 and was set up in 2009. Registered to the same address as Webloan Processing Limited. After referencing this reg number in the CCL database, I found the license was issued in November 2010 and due to expire in 2015. Guess what – they have ‘requirements imposed’ by the OFT – again, the same day as Toothfairy. Also the website states in its contact form that a question to ask is what their relation to Marshall Hoares Bailiffs is. Who are Marshall Hoares Bailiffs ?? Lets find out. The website is http://www.marshallhoares.com – you will see the layout is identical to Northern Debt Recovery. They do post a CCL license which is 631168. The license was issued in November 2010 and due to expire in 2015. Guess what – they have ‘requirements imposed’ by the OFT – again, the same day as Toothfairy. The companies registration number is 6871092. According to Companies House, the company address is identical to Webloan Processing Limited and was registered in 2009. On the 8th Feb 2011 they changed their name to Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Ltd – its previous name since creation – Toothfairy Finance (Cheque Cashing) Limited. Oh and for avoidance of doubt – Northern Debt Recovery, according to the OFT license register, is under the ownership of Oliver Larholt – he deals with Paycheck Credit’s media enquiries. Since sending a recorded delivery message to Paycheck Credit, signed for by ‘innovation’, Paycheck Credit have sent her an email claiming that; “On the day you applied for your loan, there was a problem with the faster payments system in the UK. We are currently investigating where your funds went to and we will be in contact once we have established this.” Perhaps a satisfactory end to Karens issue but a whole shadow of doubt cast over both companies. I have since spoken to Action Fraud whose representative has claimed whilst the practice may appear unethical, it does not constitute fraud. I have to say, I disagree entirely. Someone looking for a payday loan online would probably think twice about using Toothfairy Finance when reading some of the information on the internet concerning them, so when you can look at the website of Paycheck Credit, a trading name for MCO Capital, there would be no reason to suspect a link to Toothfairy at all. As always I will not go quietly, and this issue will be reported directly to the OFT – they might want to make a quick stop at both companies as part of the 50. All credit for this article to be given to Steve Perry, original article: http://saynotopaydayloans.co.uk/blog/controversial-payday-lender-links-exposed/ Also from what I have been told and read, NDR is an internal Debt collection within the toothfairy finance umbrella, you should not have to pay (usually £350) exceptionally high costs for them to do this (pass you over to that departemnt).
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