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Found 1 result

  1. Many months ago I took out a loan with ToothFairy Finance, what a mistake, which due to personal circumstances I couldn't pay. I contacted them several times about extensions, and got three unique responses regarding how the policy works, crazy people that they are. Eventually I had to contact them to request we come to a repayment arrangement, no reply. I continued emailing them almost daily, then twice weekly, eventually one last time to state I would no longer be attempting contact as they had failed to work with me or even respond through any avenue of email contact, despite their automated system confirming reciept of the emails. For all of this time I have kept an occasional browse over them as an entity, how they are operating etc. I joined the Royal Navy in October, and during training I actually sent my final email, and put the issue to bed. Now I'm settling into the next stage of training I recieved a text message from someone called Blackwater, regarding the loan I owe, claiming they have a solution to repay the debt, followed by a number. I have been looking around elsewhere to find out if the loan is even valid after a company goes into administration and has it's credit license revoked. I am to understand the loan ledger was sold at 7.5% it's value, some people have suggested offering a 10% repayment on the original amount borrowed. As I have obviously not recieved a reply from the company, I can only assume by now the interest and charges that have been invented are running into an extortionate amount. I have not contacted them at all since the text, and I have simply been researching to find a solution that isn't going to cost me a years wages. In my opinion, I have been trying to resolve this situation since it started, if Toothfairy had responded to me I would have had frozen interest and gotten it sorted over a few months, this situation wouldn't exist. As it stands they ignored me completely, despite mountainous amounts of contact from me, never to me, and simply let the loan slide over to this new company. I suppose what I'm asking, from someone who really knows the legal ends in this situation, what can I do?
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