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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, I'm really hoping someone would see this and help me out I'm a 20 year old student and I stupidly took out a £300 loan with TOOTHFAIRY and I signed onto a DMP shortly after, agreeing to take £40 a month. At this point, I apparently had to pay £800. I paid them month by month and to this day I've paid them £310 and I am currently in the process of switching DMP's from Debt Advisory to Stepchange (because they're free) and I received an email from Toothfairy saying that I now needed to repay £1711!!!!!!!!!!!! Bear in mind I have kept up with payments consistently! The £40 has always gone through to them! I've logged a complaint with FOS and OFT but to be honest, they couldn't answer me straight when I asked if I would be dealing with this for the rest of my life if they don't accept any payment plans, they could keep charging interest. PLEASE help me, I start 2nd year of uni next month and this is making me very depressed, the constant emails and calls are very scary and the thought of it never going away frightens me so much!
  2. Hey guys i don't know if anyone can help. I haven't a clue about debt collectors, agencies etc and i am finding it a little over whelming ! I did something very stupid back in November and took out at loan with tooth-fairy finance for 450 pounds. I missed the repayment date as i was a way my own fault really. There was no contact on their part bar one email when i got back home stating that they have emailed me and phone me etc which they hadn't and because i haven't contacted them my case has been passed to NDR, i rang up tooth fairy finance who then stated my debt had been passed on to NDR like the email and they will speak to NDR now and arrange a repayment plan. They said its either 100 pounds a month or 1000 pounds upfront or they'll take me to court there and then, me being naive and feeling pressured into it agreed to the 100 pounds a month because they wouldn't received any less and i was told that i would end up court paying more and having bailiffs round if i don't. Now its come to the point where they've cut my hours at work and i can not afford the 100 pounds a month anymore and they are refusing to help. Please help me im at my wits end i know its my own fault for getting in this situation but i am trying to sort out my issues now.
  3. I posted sometime last week, basically like everyone else, I had a £200 loan which escalated to nearly £700 in a few days.. I called even before to say I was struggling to pay the £200 and they refused a payment plan. I have been getting non-stop calls from TFF, NDR and MHB, who are apparently going to come to my house, I ignored most of the calls and sent a letter to them. Today I got a call from this number - 01224 931013. They have called me the most, and in their voicemails they say "from nothern debt recovery" then I got another two voicemails a couple of days ago "from MHB.." and only today I decided to speak to them and I don't remember them confirming who they were, I was out walking and their phoneline was terrible, like all fuzzy could barely understand. I didn't want to say much but I just told them straight I've sent a letter and I'm not paying the ridiculous amount when I made it perfectly clear I couldn't even pay £200 so how do you expect me to pay £700?!, the lady on the phone said she would take off £200 if I paid today, I said no then she said I could pay £50 a month for 8 months and only pay £400. I did think about this, like all I plan on paying is £272 because that's what I owe, Well I think it was £236 but obviously I couldn't pay it and I already deffered the loan many times, so I thought paying an extra £130 isn't that bad.. but then I can't afford it, I can't just throw out another 100, I told her I would call back tomorrow and discuss because I obviously needed to think about it.. I thought I was actually talking to TFF on the phone I'm sure she said that but it was too fuzzy to understand, but now after checking all my voicemails MHB and NDR have the same number?! lol. So now I'm not sure what to do, I don't really want to agree to it. I wouldn't mind paying 50 a month for 6 months even though that may be a bit of a struggle but I don't want to pay extra, I can't afford to and don't really want to. But then I don't want any more hassle and don't want them turning up at my house, I got a letter saying they are coming and getting a CCJ ready.. So I need some advice.. Shall I write to them again saying I will pay 300 max? and that's all I can afford. I still owe minicredit 150 which has also gone up to like 500, I haven't even dealt with them yet apart from on the phone, when I asked for a repayment plan and they refused unless it was 500.. they haven't been harrasing me though so I kind of forget I owe it, like they sometimes send me an email and text but that's it. I'm stuck in a rut, please help!
  4. Dear All, I'm looking for advice on how to contact NDR so that I can pay my son's account, which was originally with Tooth Fairy, but has been passed over to NDR. I have read all the alarming posts regarding these companies (who I believe are one and the same), and my son has received many nasty texts and emails from these cowboys, to the point of extreme stress. He originally borrowed £400, but somehow they have managed to increase this amount to £1400. He did actually pay £200 off, but his building society returned the money to his account, stating that they refused to forward funds to Tooth Fairy Finance. Anyhow, long story short, after much research we (my son and I) agreed that I would pay the original loan of £400, plus a reasonable amount of interest, calculated from their website (£9 per £100 borrowed per week) of a month, totalling £144 to add to the £400. He told them that I would be paying the account for him (but didn't say how much as I planned to let them know the amount, and the reasons for our calculation), so they emailed him with their details and a reference number. He forwarded the email to me and I accessed the NDR website to pay the £544. However, on accessing their payment page I discovered it was unsecure, no https or a padlock symbol, so I decided against entering my card details into an unsecure web page. They also said in their email that they could be phoned to pay the amount, but I have to say my trust in them was dwindling at this point and there's no way I am going to give them my card details and security number, particularly after I read on another forum that some poor person who had paid a debt for their friend, had money removed from their account by these sharks!!! So, I emailed them yesterday, on the address on their email to my son, but it's been returned saying they do not accept emails via this method and any enquiries have to be submitted via their website. I have looked at the information required, and basically I do not want to give them any of my details (such as phone numbers) as I believe that they would hound me also. So, is there an email address that anyone knows of that I could send an email to? Or, would it just be best to go into my bank this week and forward the £544 to them via bank transfer? I do want to inform them that they will not be receiving the entire amount they say my son owes, and tell them that if they want the rest they will have to take him to Court! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I took out £200 with TFT end of October I think and deffered it a few times then it was due end of December and I contacted them 2 weeks and a week before saying I was struggling due to other bills and my work hours going to 10 hours a week which meant I was only getting £50 or something a week.. They weren't interested now it's been passed on to MHB and NDR, getting the same threats as everyone else and apparently now owe nearly £700.. I sent a letter but don't think they got it.. I spoke to them once on the phone and were not helpful and said to pay £400 and I only want to pay £272 (what I owe) thing is I could probably only afford to pay £10 a month at the minute then maybe more once I get a better job.. they won't come to this agreement though so what do I do? They are threatening me saying probably things you already know about coming to my house and work (where I don't work any more) and threats with a CCJ. Do I just do nothing now and wait or what shall I do because they won't listen to me. I'm also having a pretty much similar issue with MiniCredit, I took out £100 and now owe £380 apparently when it should be no more than £200, I don't know what the legitimate charges would be.. I know it was £130 I originally owed and told them a week before I could not pay all and they said I could only pay monthly/weekly if it totaled to £400, Obviously I said no, I'm not paying and extra £250 just for a repayment plan.. I'm 21, depressed, only get about £40-£50 a week. Have to get food shopping, I also pay money towards gas, electric and water to my mum about £10 a month, Then I am also still paying off QuickQuid and Wonga a little bit each week so I can't break that. Please help me on my next steps!
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