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Found 6 results

  1. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/man-writes-letter-john-lewis-152212297.html Well done John Lewis
  2. Hi All. I bought my car back in November privately for £5500 cash. I asked if there was any finance outstanding etc which they said no. Just before Christmas I fell ill with my kidneys and now await an operation. Unable to work and having started a new job I do not get sick pay losing £630 per week. Now my rent is due along with lots of other bills. I made the decision to sell my car, downgrade and use some of the money to left to pay off rent and essential bills. I took it to a garage saw a car we liked. Arranged to swap my car and get £1200 back. The dealer checked my car out to find out there's an outstanding finance agreement. I spoke to the creditor, who is Barclays personal finance who agreed there is an outstanding agreement and they require some forms to be filled out which I have done. I had to write down where I bought it. How I paid. If I had a receipt. When buying the car the seller drawn out a receipt stating how much I paid for it and when and we both signed it. It also asked if I knew if there was any finance outstanding which I didn't and if I had done a hpi check which I did not. I have also sent copy of the log book showing Last owner. i also wrote Down I bought the vehicle in good faith , which I did. Now that was a few days ago. This car is the only thing what can same me my partner and our 1 year old getting kicked out. We had some savings but that went on last months bills and Christmas. I need to sell the car but now I may lose it and have nothing. I took out a loan to pay or the car initially so we may lose the car and pay for something we do not have. I have read that if you declare the car was bought in good faith and you have a receipt of some kind they will let you keep the car . However I am unsure about this. Someone said just sell it anyway as they will just remove the hpi mark as I bought the vehicle in good faith. Is there anyone who can help me with this as I'm making myself more I'll worrying about this and my family getting kicked out. I am a hard working person. Pay my bills and provide for my.family and now this has happened. My family can't help as they are elderly. I just have no where to turn to. CAB were useless, as where the finance advice line. all I keep being told is to seek financial help from family. Which isn't an option and we can't get loans as I went bankrupt a few years back due to my employment going down after a bunch of break ins. Please help
  3. Hi, This may sound a stupid question. But I've been tipped off by a reliable source at work they are going to outsource my department/function shortly. I already thought this was going to happen though. We are a small IT team of two people, and in November we had an audit which revealed some (allegedly) appalling spending decisions over the years. However I only started in August 2014, so legally I am entitled to no redundancy pay. Is there any benefit on waiting for the official announcement or just find a new job and resign as normal? I have also looked at TUPE etc, they would probably transfer me then make me redundant straight away, especially as the new IT supplier is based 100 miles away. Even if it was unfair, the 2 year rule excludes me from taking it to a tribunal etc. Dan
  4. Hi This morning I had to attend an interview with the Compliance Officer at the local Job Centre. I am the appointee and official carer for my daughter who is receipt of ESA (Support Group) and we went to a family wedding in Turkey for 7 days in June 2014. Apparently I am meant to inform them when my daughter goes on holiday for a week, firstly I would like to know if this is true as I thought it was longer than this. The second thing I would like to clarify is that since this holiday someone has informed the DWP that my daughter is living abroad in Turkey with a Turk which is totally untrue. After this holiday my daughter broke off her long term relationship with a boyfriend who she was not living with, they both had seperate properties and since then has moved back into my home with me due to harassment and other problems, my daughter has mental health problems. We attended a Compliance Interview this morning in which she showed her passport, I had to show some I.D. and I provided written confirmation that my daughter is living with me. The Compliance Officer used bullying tactics which were way over the top, it is a good job that I know the Benefits system quite well as I used to work at the Citizens Advice Bureau but that was a few years ago now. This officer was like a rabid dog with a bone and treated us both terribly. She has stated that my daughter is not even allowed to stay overnight anywhere with her new boyfriend nor he with her when she is in receipt of ESA, is this correct because if so then that would mean that nobody under the new system would be allowed to have a normal relationship. I did state I was very unhappy with the bullying tactics and that I was going to complain at a higher level. Can somebody on this site please enlighten me on the new rules in regard to ESA. I appreciate any help in this matter. My daughter is 26 years old.
  5. My brother has gone to stop with mum for 3 months, without going into full detail, officials have closed his flat, with no access. He is signed off work at the moment by the doctor, which he has to produce certificates for. Guess who now is expected to collect the certificate(s) as mums isn't local to his address. (in the UK though) Will housing benefit still be paid on his flat?
  6. Hello. I am currently getting income based JSA for about 1 year now. I stay with my mum, But all of a sudden my mum is saying i need to pay £27 towards to rent as the council will only pay £109. So why now do i need to pay. I have a brother who gets ESA, and my mum gets income support. What are causing the housing benefit deduction, My brother only started claiming ESA this year in march, And all of a sudden the housing benefit is cut. So could someone help me because i am getting the impression the cut is because of me but i have been getting jsa for around a year and my mum has been getting full housing benefit since untill now.
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