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  1. Hello Everyone, A little new here so please bare with me... On the 11th of October 2018 I started a gym membership with trugym (no obligation/no contract monthly payments) In the first 14 days, I visited ONCE. and once only. After that period I cancelled my direct debit with them as i did not like the gym or the hostile staff after only my first visit with an online form and accordingly then called my bank and did the same. The gym later called me and informed me I had not done it within the 14 days that was required so the direct debit would still be taken out...now my bank were not aware of this as i assumed i had cancelled with the gym so it made sense to cancel with my bank too (there have been instances where i've cancelled direct debits with companies but still they have managed to keep taking money out and its taken months!!! to get refunds with 10 phonecalls average) Anyway, straightaway Harlands emailed me a couple of days later and said they had charged me a admin fee of 25 pounds and i would have to pay 39.99 to clear my arrears. (During this period I went away as i am a FULL TIME student for my dissertation and was unable to respond) Next, I got the letter attached from the CRS saying I owe (167 POUNDS!!!) how on earth can i afford that being a student. I called them and asked what the charges were for and they stated it was tracing (for what?! they already had my address - I hadnt moved!) for admin charges and etc. what should i do! Id be happy to pay the 14.99, even the crazy 39.99 but 167 is ridiculous!!!!!!! PLEASE help - they wont stop texting at silly times like 11pm and telling me to call them! Much Appreciated, Sosa. CRS LETTER..pdf Harlands letter..pdf
  2. Hello Last year, me and my girlfriend joined an X4L gym on a monthly contract basis. We paid the first month on the spot when joining (28th Oct) and shortly after had a bad experience. I went online and saw how bad this place is and we decided to cancel. I wrote down all the things I had to do and when, hoping to avoid this. I sent the cancellation request on 9th Nov online as instructed, saved the 'receipt' and also have the confirmation email that came through a few days later. I allowed the final payment to come out on the 27th Nov and then cancelled the DD on the 28th Nov. That's 48 days before the following payment would have been. I've stuck to the terms, yet here we are. As I mentioned, we both joined. I did everything for us both at the same time. I haven't heard a thing from them, but they are chasing my girlfriend. So far, their demands are 2 months membership plus x2 £25 penalties (sorry, 'admin fees'). Most threads around here are people cancelling DD without letting them know, etc. I can't be bothered to write a letter and post it, considering it's obvious they don't care and will just continue. I just wanted to check, am I OK to bounce their emails and forget about it? I know they have no powers... Or, shall I send a letter with the dates in, anything else?
  3. Good Evening Everyone! Another Harlands post unfortunately, I've had a good read through and followed some of the advice and am now at the next step and wondering what is my best course of action, Let me start with the background. I signed up to a rolling contract with E4L in Milton Keynes, I had used the gym over the months but unfortunately suffered a quite catastrophic knee failure that has made even a daily dog walk a chore (Joys of getting old I guess!). Because of this I cancelled my E4L DD thinking it was the best way to cancel (My fault, Should have checked the T&C's). I received an email but truth be told I thought it was a cancellation email and ignored it... On the 27th of December I received an email confirming that because I failed to rectify the situation they had added fee's on and I owed them £36.99 and if I didn't call them before 16th of January. I called them on the 15th of January to discuss this (I recorded this mainly because I always worry about situations like this!). I apologised and offered to pay two months to bring the account up to date, would continue my membership as normal.. I got told basically to pay the fee's and deal with it.... Nice! I then received a further email on the 23rd of January now saying because I hadn't called them I now owe them £73.98 and had to call them by 7/2/19. I've followed the advice here and sent them a written letter offering to pay what I owe less the fee's to cancel my account etc etc, I have proof of posting and tracking number for this. After this I've received two emails, the first being an Email from CRS saying I owe them £107. The second is an email from Harlands which is the following: Thank you for your recent letter. We can confirm all cancellations are dealt with online via an online cancellation form, this can be found on the Xercise 4 Less App or use the following link for the Xercise 4 Less website cancellation form: (Removed due to forum rules) You will need your W reference number which is W14960979 and then you need to input the branch that you use and your Date of Birth. Please note, to enable you to complete the form, your payments must be up to date and you must have an active direct debit in place, if your direct debit is cancelled and/ or you're in arrears please use the following link to reinstate and/ or make a catch up payment: (Removed due to forum rules) Once completed you will receive a confirmation of cancellation receipt. Your membership is currently in arrears for missed payments and therefore charges have been applied. These charges have been applied correctly under the terms and conditions you agreed to during your sign up. These arrears will need to be cleared for you to be able to complete the online cancellation form. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. I'm not sure what to do now going forward, Surely its not possible for them to continue charging me on the basis that unless I pay my fee's I cannot cancel my contract?
  4. Hey all, looking for a quick bit of advice here. I signed up for a membership with X4L on the 14th of May 2018, and have only used the gym a handful of times in that time. I haven't been at all during 2019. I now have free access to a local gym which a friend owns, so I cancelled my direct debit with X4L/Harlands on Jan 4th 2019. I then cancelled my membership via their Online Cancellation Portal not long after. After doing so, I received this email - Then this email the following day, Never realised that I wasn't supposed to cancel the DD until they had taken their last payment, but I didn't think it'd matter since I haven't used their facilities in months, even after cancelling my membership (which they can check, because they use fingerprint scanning to allow you access at my gym). On the 24th of January I received an email from HG (Harlands Group) notifying me that I owed them £45 because of admin fees. I sent them a reply letting them know that I would be fine paying the £19.99 for the remaining month of membership (which I never even made use of), but I would not be paying any of their silly admin fees. They never replied, and then on Feb 16th I received this email, So it has suddenly increased from £45 to £69.99? Am I in the wrong here? TL;DR - Cancelled via direct debit, then online using cancellation portal, received email saying not to cancel the DD (I already had by this point), offered to pay for the remainder of the membership (£19.99), now they're trying to charge me £69.99.
  5. Hello all, I was a university student who signed up to my local gym. My last payment to the gym was in February of this year. I believe the payment was set up at £19.99 pcm. I ran into some financial troubles in February and the direct debit for this membership was revoked by my bank (HSBC). I viewed the email sent to me by the gym group and assumed that next month when they came to debit my account, they would take the amount owed + the next membership instalment. I recently started receiving phone calls from CRS, of which I have not picked up. I then checked my emails and found one from them stating I owed them in excess of £300 due to late payments. What has gone from a (relatively small) 'admin' fee from the gym of £50 has now shot up over six fold. I will admit that I probably should have kept on top of this (phoning the gym/bank to discuss how payments should be made) but other reasons and a lack of checking my email account associated with the gym lead me to do otherwise. I suppose I am creating this thread for advice on how I should proceed with CRS with regards to this issue. I have already read that CRS have no legal power with respect to collecting debt owed. I also have read that it is not advised to answer their phone calls. However, I fear as time passes and the debt racks up, it may get to a point where I 'owe' them much more than the current £350 as they keep on adding 'admin' charges to my name. As a student who does not necessarily have those kind of funds, what would be the advised next step for me? I am hesitant to contact CRS to work out a payment plan without fully understanding my rights. If anyone could assist me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Hey Guys in a ongoing battle Going back few months now with harlands over the head of cancelled membership of a gym! Last July 6th months pregnant I verbally informed a member of the gym to freeze my account until after the baby was born. My gym membership is a 30 day rolling contract btw. Wasn’t until Feb of this year that I realised that the money was still Coming out of account I rang the gym who told me to put it In an email which I did and sent it off In March still had no response from The gym I went to the bank who claimed back the money under the indemnity scheme. Then the letters started from Harlands, immediately I rang them and explained the situation and forwarded them the email I sent to the gym in February. They were to look into It and get back to me. I got a letter to say that as harlands hasn’t heard from me the amount owed had now risen and was being referred to a debt collection agency. messages started coming to contact this number I rang harlands again and explained again and they told me it was now passed to Crs who I just rang this morning and they were just shouting at me that I should have contacted them as it states in the terms and conditions and I breached these conditions I am liable for all the money and they are starting court proceedings for the 180 I claimed back and 25 for administration fee and I don’t even know what else he as shouting. I thought no this isn’t on this is the gyms fault I just rang them this morning, turns out I spelt the girls name incorrectly that I emailed, but she also said that I should have left a letter to say I wanted to freeZe my account, this wasn’t told to me at the time however they were happy to verbally take my notice. But now start stating I should have done this and that when that day they were fine accepting that I wanted to freeze it was a 30 day Rolling contract , I wasn’t tied into any contract What should I do It’s such a mess and the messages and phone calls are unbearable
  7. Hi All, Joined Lifestyle Gym last year. Paid a few months and only went once! My own fault, I just didnt have the time to go so I cancelled my direct debit.. Silly thing to do I know but I'm not refusing to pay.. I have the following breakdown from CRS of what I owe: - £113.33 - Membership Fees, due under the terms of your Membership Agreement (DEC 2017 onwards) - £50.00 - Administration Charges, incurred due to missed payments in December 2017 & January 2018 - £66.50 - Recovery Fee, incurred as the file was passed to CRS (both applied under the terms of your Membership Agreement) £229.83 – YOUR ACCOUNT BALANCE I am by no means refusing to pay but I just wondered are the fees they have charged here enforceable.. I have had a look around the forum and I don't think they are. If they are then of course I will pay but just wanted to check before I do. Thank you Tink
  8. Hi, I know there are numerous people on here regarding these companies but I need advice. I joined the gym before it opened on the computers in the building. I never received a copy of my contract only 2 emails - one welcoming me to Xercise4less and the other the dd confirmation. I started uni a couple of years later and a dd payment failed. I incorrectly thought I could cancel just by cancelling my dd due to the emails - I had nothing to say otherwise. I had 2 charges of £20, Googled the gym and found the online forms to which I just got an answer 2 weeks later to say my account was in arrears then another 20 charge was added. Then a 60. I queried this with the gym which refused to do anything. I ignored letters and calls with the last letter being Jan 2017. In Feb 2018 I moved house and set up redirection for mail. In March 2018 I got a letter at the new house adding 37 tracing fee! I queried this and said that as I hadnt heard anything I didn't think to inform them but had the redirection in place in case of anything like this. They refused to remove the fee. I took this further, the financial ombudsmen don't deal with gym membership so I took it to the csa. They defended CRS and their charges. CRS have now started chasing again for the £207 and threatening legal action. I have offered 5 a month but no reply. I'm scared of any action as I haven't a clue. Please help. Thank you
  9. I cancelled my gym membership in February 2018 over the phone to a gym colleague and was told I would be able to use the gym up until March 2018 for the 1 months notice payment. However come June, I noticed they were still taking the payments out of my account, I contacted my bank and they were able to refund me the 3 months additional payments that they took out. I went into the gym and they said that you're not able to cancel over the phone even though I can clearly remember making the phone call and being told that it would be cancelled. The manager of the gym said that I'm still a member of the gym but offered me the ability of not having to pay the 1 months notice but would not be able to refund me the 3 months that they took out without me knowing (which I am fine with as the bank refunded me). So that was that, and I thought it was all sorted and then last week I got a text message from an unknown number saying: 'You have been sent an email from CRS regarding your account. Please check your inbox/junk folder or call the helpline on 01444 449165' I checked my emails and couldn't find it, maybe because I used an old email that I can't remember anymore, but I wasn't too sure what the text message was about anyway so I just left it. Then this morning I got another text saying: 'Please call CRS on 01444 449165 between 8:30am and 6pm. We sent a letter a week ago and need to discuss this with you. Thank you.' As a note I have moved house since, so I haven't seen this letter. I've read some other posts on here, but they're slightly different to this situation and I just want this resolved asap. Thanks!
  10. Hi there. I have had similar trouble with CRS because of the membership I had with the Lifestyle gym where I and my partner took 12-month memberships both. We then moved to a different city and kind of cancelled by the procedure except that my partner did this for BOTH of us and not me personally, no one never in the gym or Harlands told him that he cannot cancel for both of us (he was the one paying for them so we just decided it will be easier that way, I also was pregnant and super sick and just couldn't care less about the gym). He just carried on with the cancellation, it took him months to do it "properly" via phone calls and emails because there was always someone who knew nothing about it and always was told that to call or email here and there and there.. long story short- he cancelled eventually with the proof of our new address 100miles away with both our names on the bill. months later I got an email and ton of messages and missed calls from CRS. I ignored because I get a tonne of calls from these debt advisors and car accident people, but after a while, I realized it's for real, they are searching for me. I emailed telling the same I had just told you now and that I owe nothing, this has gone on and on for months, a couple of weeks ago I got an email with red letters about the court, you know what they do, won't recite it. I phoned harlands, I phoned CRS, my partner did the same.. I was left in tears on the phone because I was utterly stunned by the given attitude". They are not going to look into it, where the things went wrong etc. My partner left me his bank card n the table today saying- call them and pay them. And just something whispered in my mind- Google them. That's what I did and found this forum and I am hopeful now, this seems super unfair to me, and plus I am a stay at home mom, I don't get any benefits, I claim nothing from this country, my partner supports the whole family, I simply cannot afford to throw his hard-earned 200£ in the bin. What do I do?? Just ignore? Are you sure they cannot proceed with the court? Thanks a million for having this website and information, your advice is highly appreciated!!!!
  11. Hello, I am desperately hoping someone can help on what step to take next with CRS / Harlands. To give back story, my partner signed up to a boxing gym in November last year for an 11 month term contract (English is not his first language and was mislead to believe he could cancel his contract at any time with 1 months notice as like a rolling contract) He lost his job that following December, and in January he went into the gym to inform them of this and ask if he can cancel his membership. The woman there told him that it is fine under these circumstances and he can cancel his direct debit. She did not at any point tell him to contact Harlands and cancel it Via them. In February he started receiving letters saying he owed 80 odd pounds, and he has been charged penalties, fees etc. He contacted them saying that he has lost his Job and was told this IS an acceptable reason to cancel his membership at the gym. He sent them the evidence of his loss of job, but because he was actually effectively sacked out of his job by a new manager who did not like this was classed as him being 'dismissed', CRS responded saying he is NOT able to cancel his membership as they can only cancel his membership if he is made "redundant or other loss of livelihood" After this I advised him they are being ridiculous (CRS) and that he should offer to pay the last month and ignore them. Since then they have sent him numerous other letters demanding £741.20 for the full years membership £495. (he paid 2 months) and then £290 odd of fees!!! I have had phone calls with them try to explain he lost his job and he was told totally incorrect information at the gym about cancelling his membership, but because those were 'verbal conversations' there is no proof of them taking place !! The man on the phone was very condescending and snotty about all this. After months of back and forth, he has had enough and has recently offered to pay the £495 for the rest of the years membership and to just try and end all this. I used the template found on other threads here and sent them a letter offering them that as a final amount and to Pay no fees or penalties, within 14 days and if they do not accept he will not pay anything. They have now responded via writing with the following: Further to your recent correspondence, as your payments were not honoured and you failed to rectify your breach of Agreement charges were applied to your account and your file was referred to ourselves for collection at which point you became responsible for our collection fees. These charges have been added to cover actual and necessary costs incurred because of your breach of contract, and are stipulated within the terms of that contract. It is our position that our charges are lawful and in line with all relevant guidance. We may, in some circumstances, be able to negotiate a reduction on these charges, but will not accept any offer of payment that gives no consideration to the costs these charges cover. For the above reasons, we shall be pleased to negotiate on this sum, taking into consideration your concerns, but cannot accept your offer to pay just the remaining membership fees as sufficient to settle this balance. We are, however, concerned to hear that someone here has told you that you cannot cancel in the circumstances you have described. This is not the case, but it is true you cannot cancel by the procedure you have followed. We wish to confirm that the terms of your agreement state: “This agreement can be cancelled upon appropriate proof of redundancy or other loss of livelihood.” The terms also state, however, that: "ANY cancellation for the above reasons will not be effected until the appropriate proof is provided and received." As such, you will remain liable for your arrears up to the point such evidence is received, but a reduction is possible and so we recommend that you supply us with evidence of your change of circumstances as soon as possible in order to maximise the discount we can offer you in relation to the remaining balance. For termination on the grounds of redundancy or other loss of livelihood, we require either a letter from your former employer which is either signed or on headed paper (ideally both) confirming the termination of your employment ( either from the time your employment ended or a new letter), or any document relating to a claim for job seeker’s allowance. Please note we cannot accept a P45 as sufficient as this would be supplied even if you left your previous employment to take a higher paid job. This evidence may be sent to us by posting it to Credit Resolution Services, 2nd Floor, Rockwood House, 9-17 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3TW, by emailing it to *email. uk or by faxing it to 01444 449 152. Please be aware that we are happy to accept scans, photocopies and photographs of evidence, we do not require original documents. We shall hold further recovery action for a period of 7 days to allow you time to provide such evidence. Yours sincerely Now, should we write back and offer to Pay the penalty fee of late payment on top of the £495 (£20 I believe or something) or just ignore them and act as this is them declining his previous offer. And also, is him loosing his job NOT by redundancy, but by being dismissed reason enough for him to be able to cancel his membership anyway?.. Surely it should apply to both, and can even be considered a 'loss of livelihood' if he does not have his job any more?? is he actually not obliged to pay anything at all because he lost his job ? Please any advice on what he should do next would be greatly appreciated! I cannot believe they are not accept his payment of nearly £500 and still want £740. Thank you in advance !
  12. Hi, Roko are claiming I owe another months fees after cancelling and are threatening CRS. Background: Gym membership commenced 1st July 2017 First payment made upon joining. 12 month minimum contract DD's taken on the 1st of each month. Contract states 3 months notice to cancel. In 2018 I could not justify the cost of the membership. 1st June 2018 I rang Roko to confirm intent to cancel. 1st June 2018 written notice provided to Roko, confirming June, July and August would be paid via DD as the 3 months notice and membership should end 31st August 2018. 13th June 2018 a letter was received from their reception stating that the notice would begin from 1st July 2018 and membership would end 30th September 2018. I rang to query this and reception said they didn't process my notice until the 7th June 2018, and because they didn't process it before the 6th of the month, it would 'roll forward' to July 2018. There is nothing within the contract to state the notice of cancellation has to be processed by them at a certain time of the month. They said they weren't in a position to discuss when I disagreed but would ask the membership administration manager to call me to discuss. Never happened. A further call was made to Roko a week later requesting to resolve this. Promised a call back. Informed reception that DD would be cancelled after the August payment was cleared. Since they were asking the membership admin manager to ring, they said I should discuss with him. Never got the call. September 2018 - letter received stating DD attempted and failed. £20 admin fee now added to outstanding membership balance. This letter was from the membership administration manager who I'd been wanting to get hold of so at least now I know who he is. Responded by letter outlining terms of contract fulfilled from my perspective (more than 12 months minimum contract paid for, and 3 months notice given) plus pointing out the administration fee is unlawful, unenforceable - particularly because nothing is owed. Another letter received yesterday containing copies of contract, pointing out the 3 months notice requirement and basically saying they are within their rights as per T&C's to have September's fee. Specifically no mention or response to my point about admin fee added. And saying that if no payment received by 28th September, the matter would be passed to CRS, incur additional costs and it would then be nothing to do with Roko. Reading this forum, I know I should ignore CRS but it sounds as though this guy from Roko won't be responding anymore so I'm unsure how to proceed. Do I go to head office? Or am I in the wrong here? Many thanks,
  13. Hi, Firstly I know there are hundreds of threads for this same matter but I don’t think any apply directly to me. I received an email today from Harlands claiming that I owe them £104.97. This is for a gym membership I took out around February 2017 whilst working away from home. When I signed up to the gym I was told it was a 12 month contract and nothing else. I was surprised to see the payment still coming out a few month down the line once the 12 months was up and I cancelled the direct debit on the online banking app. Heard noting and thought nothing of it until today I received an email saying I owe them the above amount. The email contained an attached letter from CRS threatening legal action if I do not pay. I rang immediately to question why I owed them and it’s because I didn’t follow the cancellation procedure and didn’t let them know and that they charge me every month for missed payments, the £9.99 per month membership fee and £25 late fee. I asked what would they accept payment wise and he said if it wasn’t paid in full by the 9th October they would take me to court. I refused to pay the amount as I believe it’s daylight robbbery! My question is what should I do next? I cancelled the direct debit in July so there are 3 missed payments. Should I email them offering to pay the 3 months I’ve missed and then cancel it after? I really can’t risk this effecting my credit score as I am applying for a mortgage next March/April! But I really don’t want them taking my hard earned money just because they’ve decided to ask for it! Any help would be awesome!!
  14. Hi Only signed up today but I've been reading quite a few posts. Can't wait to use Slick132 letters in regards to Harlands / CRS. How am I best starting the letters as they don't have my correct email or even my address (never moved yet never received any letters they've said they've sent me)? Thanks Annieb_101 x
  15. Hi all, i've been reading these forums for awhile after a certain run in with Harlands/Xercise4less as it appears i'm not the only one to fall victim to their harassment. I would really appreciate any advice regarding the matter - I know that it's not something to lose sleep over but i'm a bit fed up at the moment. Brief background: July 2018 - I hadn't used the gym in a couple months as I moved to a different area and joined a different one closer to work. I thought I had completed the 11 month obligatory period and decided to cancel the direct debit, but I was mistaken, I still had a month left (although I had not used the gym in a couple months by this point already) August 2018 - They send me an e-mail saying I owe them 36.99 (11.99 missed gym fee and 25 pounds administrative charges.) I ring xercise4less and harlands (a mistake) and do not manage to resolve the matter. I send them an e-mail that I recognise there is a month's missed fee and am willing to pay that, but will not pay them any more and will not offer anything further if they do not accept. October 2018 - They have continued to harass me via e-mail and the charges have accumulated to 110.97 and are they are now e-mailing via CRS. They say that if I do not pay, they will have no option but to take legal steps. So i've drafted a letter which I will send to them via post, but I was wondering if there was anything else I should do/add to the letter before I send it off! Again, thank you for your time and any advice would be much appreciated. Best regards, worriedwort
  16. Hi guys, First time poster here, I'm hoping to receive a little bit of advice if possible. I signed up with exercise4less back in either October or November 2017, and paid for my membership through until May2018 when I had to cancel my direct debit due to having no money. I have been suffering from mental health issues for a while and have only just about managed to get a grip on my life again therefore would like to get a grip with this. I received an email yesterday from CRS asking me to call them urgently, stating I owed 212 pounds of which roughly a hundred was the CRS fee. I must admit when I saw this I panicked a lot and phoned them today trying to sort the issue. They weren't exactly very sympathetic when I explained my situation and that I was willing to pay the contract off. I have always had the intention to pay off the full contract that I signed up for, however I feel 212 pounds is extortionate for 3 months of unpaid direct debits. I feel this is very high baring in mind the contract was 11.99 a month, which would have left approximately 5 or 6 months left to pay. I was offered a settlement of 170 pounds to close the dispute, however at this moment I don't have that much money lying around due to poor finances. My question is, have I got a leg to stand on? Or would I need to pay these fees in full? To reiterate I am happy to pay the months I haven't paid for to finish the contract. Is there anything I can do? Thank you for any help and advice.
  17. Harlands/CRS/Trugym claim I owe £86 from a gym membership from around 2013. The account was with Zinc from 2014 to 2016 and now back with Harlands/CRS. On 30th August I received a letter (via email) of possible 'legal action' or 'outsourced to external agents'. What is my next move? I am not about to phone then and CRS don't have a website as they are Harlands. I go away on holiday on 19th September and don't want any nasty letters on my return. I hear that no gym has ever taken anyone to court so what can they really do to me for £86!
  18. Hi, I’m looking for a advice re. Issues I’m having with CRS. I cancelled my gym membership (in writing) in November 2014 giving 1 month notice as per my contract and at the time of cancellation all my DDs were up to date. Then going forward 3 years I noticed that Harlands were still taking DD out of my account (schoolboy error as I forgot to check at the time). I contacted Harlands who admitted their error and agreed to refund the money of £710. Then all went quiet. I chased them several times over two months by email and heard nothing, so I then evoked a Direct Debit Guarantee through my bank and emailed Harlands to keep them informed and asked them not to refund the money. A couple of days afterwards Harlands then refunded the money even though I’d sent them several emails asking them not to do so. I then contacted Harlands asking them how to refund the money they’d transferred to me in error and heard nothing. A couple of weeks later I received an email from CRS saying that I owned the £710 (which I’m happy to pay back) plus a £290 admin charge for breach of my contact. Since then I have tried to return the £710 by posting a cheque for that amount to them twice, both times it was returned saying they couldn’t accept the payment without the admin charge. Apologies for the long winded post but I have no idea what to do next, I’m more than happy to pay the £710 but refuse to pay the additional charges. I just seem to be going round in circles with them. Any ideas as to how I should now approach this. Am I right in refusing to pay the admin charge. Thanks
  19. Hi.. First post on here so please just let me know if I do anything wrong. I've been reading through all the letters people have sent to Harlands etc but not sure they're specific to my situation. I was going through a tough time financially and cancelled the Harlands direct debit without letting them know first which I acknowledge was a massive mistake and has caused some issues. After the fine raising in price to something daft like 60 quid, I sent them this that I'd found on here - Dear Sir/Madam I refer to my membership at Xercise 4 Less gym in Kirkstall which was a month to month agreement. I cancelled my direct debit mandate in June but realise now that I should have given 30 days’ notice to cancel. Cancellation of the DD mandate was adequate notice of my wish to cancel. So I now offer to pay £11.99 for the notice period. I will not pay you any administration or cancellation fees. If you confirm in writing that you will accept the amount of £19.99 in full settlement of all that I owe, I will pay you promptly. If you fail to accept my offer within 14 days or you demand any higher amount, I will pay you nothing and my offer will be withdrawn. Yours Faithfully, Jack From: Harlands Customer Services Sent: 06 July 2018 10:17 ***** Subject: Important information regarding your membership payments to Xercise 4 Less Dear Mr ***, Please find attached a letter regarding your direct debit instruction, reference number for .... Xercise 4 Less. If you have any questions, please call the Harlands customer service team as per the attached letter, quoting reference number Yours sincerely, Harlands Customer Service Team I didn't hear anything back from that and they've carried on sending me texts / letters from Harlands to my old address. Today Credit Resolution Services text saying "You have been sent an email from CRS regarding your account. Please check your inbox... etc." I now receive a letter from them stating that I owe £140 pounds (Original £80, plus CRS £60 in admin fees). Re: CRS Ref No: **** Xercise4Less Leeds Ref. No: ***** We've been employed by Xercise4Less Leeds as your membership remains in arrears. As a result of this, our fees totalling £ 66.50 have been added. Therefore, your account balance now stands at £ 140.48. WE WANT TO REACH AN AMICABLE RESOLUTION WITH YOU! In order that we can do this, please ring our non-premium rate number - 01444 449165. WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS? 1. You want to continue your membership - The club want nothing more than for you to get the full benefits of your membership. You simply need to pay your arrears and either set up a new Direct debit with us for your remaining months or rejoin Xercise4Less Leeds if your membership has expired. You may also be entitled to a discount if you are able to settle your account balance in one payment. 2. You believe you've cancelled your membership - We understand the numerous reasons why people stop going. We'll listen to your reasons and do everything we can to resolve your account in line with the terms of your membership. 3. You're experiencing financial difficulties - We know times can be tough and therefore have a variety of possible solutions to assist you, including monthly payment plans that you can afford and recommending independent organisations that may be able to assist you in severe circumstances. We'll cease further letters for 7 days, so please call us on 01444 449165 before then. Yours sincerely For Credit Resolution Services Nuria Manson Collections Department Has anyone got any advice on what to reply with considering I've already sent an email saying I'll settle for £25? My monthly membership was only £9.99 and I didn't think I would have to pay any further for a service that I would not be using if I just cancelled the direct debit. Thanks for reading!
  20. Hi, My partner had a 12 month gym membership with Xersise4less, unfortunately due to a foot injury she had to stop going after a couple of months we cancelled the DD (Stupid in Hindsight) now i am sure you know whats coming next they have passed it to Harlands / CRS and have of course added lots an lots of extra fees any help would be appreciated. Is there a way i can pay the 30 days notice and have done with this i refuse to pay the extra admin fees. Thanks in advance
  21. Just over a month back, Harlands came after me with £50 in admin fees for an unpaid £39.99 DD to a gym which I left without formally cancelling. This is my fault and I accepted full responsibility. Here's a timeline of events (this is an email I sent to CRS when the debt was "passed on" (even though they're the same scummy company in essence)): Today, I got this reply-- To which I replied How should I proceed? Can anybody with any experience with such matters weigh in here? How likely are they to pursue me and take civil action? And, if so, how likely am I to succeed given my attempts to pay as outlined in the above email. Thank you!
  22. Hi, I need some help asap. I joined TruGym in 2nd October 2017. Then my account was immediately defaulted because my bank account doesn't take DD. Because i didn't have another payment method i let it there. I wasn't able to access the gym at that time also. After 3 months in late december i received an email form CRS that i owe a debt of £167 passed by trugym Platinum. I tried to contact TruGym at first but they didnt reply in any emails. Then one month later i received another email from the CRS with a Letter attached saying that i owe £203 and that they will take legal action if i dont pay them. Also they are willing to "reach an amicable resolution to this". What should i do?
  23. Good Afternoon everyone, Like many before me, it appears I have run into a few issues dealing with Harlands and CRS. It all started when I tried to cancel my membership with Xercise4Less. Having naively believed they had accepted my cancellation when I filled out a form in my gym, I got a nasty surprise some months later when I found they continued to take £14.99 a month out of my account. I then found a way to cancel online and cancelled my direct debit too to ensure they couldn't take any more money from me. Six months later, and I start getting emails from Harlands and CRS demanding £186 and, while I have no intention of paying and am well aware of their limited powers. I'm unsure what to do next. I have moved house since i took out the gym membership so I'm yet to receive mail or a phone call directly to my house but I'm quite keen to nip the emails in the bud before it gets out of control. I'd be eternally grateful for any help or advice that could be offered on this forum. Kind Regards, Joshua
  24. Hello. Please help me regarding the debt I got from CRS for canceling DD. I apologize in advance for my English because it is not good I registered for the xercise4less gym in January 2017 and during the visit I was interested in not having a contract and being able to resign at any moment because I come from Poland and at that time I worked in Great Britain. I was told that there will be no problem and I have to pay 19.90 per month where there was 9.90 on the chop, but I agreed because it suited me. In October 2017 I returned to Poland and canceled direct debit in my bank without informing them because I was convinced that I did not have to. I have now received a letter from CRS about debt for over 200 pounds. Can I somehow resolve this matter to avoid this penalty? Here is the e-mail I received 19 March 2018 CRS REF No: LIVERPOOL CRS HELPLINE: 01444 449 165 ACCOUNT BALANCE: £ 201.47 IMPORTANT - PLEASE CALL US TODAY ON 01444 449165 Re: CRS Ref No: Xercise 4 Less Ref. No: We regret that despite our attempts to reach an amicable resolution to your account, you remain in arrears to Xercise 4 Less. We must therefore give notice that failing to reply to this letter within the next 10 days will result in your account balance being passed to Zinc Group Ltd, one of the UK's leading providers of debt recovery solutions. WE WOULD STILL LIKE TO RESOLVE THIS MATTER We're still happy to listen to your reasons for not paying and will do whatever we can to reach an acceptable resolution for both parties. All that is required is for you to call us on 01444 449 165 by no later than 29th March 18 so we can discuss your account further. Yours sincerely For Credit Resolution Services Nuria Manson Collections Department Thank you for every help.
  25. Hello, hope somebody can help me out, please. Took a Gym membership out due to moving away and commute to and from the gym would have been a nightmare I spoke with the Gym who informed me to cancel through Harlands of which I did and they accepted as proof of cancellation. they would not cancel my Gym membership stating I had arrears of £89.98, this included £39.98 for monthly instalments and £50.00 for the admin fees. of which I did offer to meet halfway to resolve the matter with a payment of £45 as I was not prepared to pay the fictitious admin fee. Moved address and did not hear from Harlands for a good while. CRS have started to email trying to chase me for payments. Did a little homework of which I now know Harlands and CRS to be the same. Sent The Gym, Harlands and CRS an email stating. Re: CRS Ref No: ****** MP Fit Gym - Brighouse Ref. No: *** I cancelled my direct debit in September 2017 due to moving home, having informed MP FIT Gym and HARLANDS via email.! I provided proof of my new address to HARLANDS in the form of a bank statement and an itemised bill of which was received on the 08th December 2017, HARLANDS have copies of both and accepted as proof for cancellation.! Apparently, I! had arrears of £89.98, this included £39.98 for monthly instalments (October 2017 and November 2017) and £50.00 for the admin fees. of which I did offer to meet halfway to resolve the matter with a payment of £45. The offer has now passed and no longer stands. I will not pay you or HARLANDS Services Ltd any ‘administration fees’ as these are penalty charges and are unlawful and unenforceable.! Adding charges, even as implied in the misleading membership terms and conditions, is unfair and amounts to penalty charges. Provision for cancelling the membership due to moving away from the facility is completely within the stated terms and conditions, as discussed in email correspondence.! However, these terms and conditions are both misleading and unclear, as they do not state who the agreement is with. This is unfair.! The average consumer who wishes to cancel is likely to give notice to their gym, as I did in September 2017, providing proof of my address.! I wish you to withdraw all attempts to demand money from me via HARLANDS Services Ltd or their subsidiary companies forthwith and agree that I cancelled the agreement in September 2017. I also wish you to agree that there is no outstanding debt, balance, arrears, account (which you refer to but I do not believe exists), owned by me.! If you disagree with the above, my intention will be to seek a court judgment.! I will ask that the following be considered: 1. A declaration that all of your demands, including those of HARLANDS Services Ltd, are contractually enforceable.! 2. Nominal compensation at an amount decided by the court for MP FIT Gym and HARLANDS Services Ltd continual harassment.! The route I shall take to resolve this will involve the county court, using the small claims court procedure.! Sincerely, __________________________________________________ _____________________ to which CRS replied with Re: CRS Ref No: ****** / MP Fit Gym - Brighouse Ref No: *** Further to your email, we initially wish to apologise that the agreed cancellation of your membership was not taken into consideration in our previous correspondence. The evidence is sufficient to support termination of your membership from the date the evidence was received (8th December 2017). There is no record of any attempt to cancel in September 2017 and the terms are clear that cancellation will be form the date evidence is received. As such your balance has been reduced in relation to sums which had not become due on the date your evidence was received. This means we can accept £156.48, consisting of arrears already due on the date your evidence was received, in order to settle this matter. Your comments regarding the terms being misleading and or unclear are noted but not accepted, and we can see no basis for these claims other than that the terms are not convenient to you personally in this circumstance. As your payments were not honoured and you failed to rectify your breach of Agreement charges were applied to your account and your file was referred to ourselves for collection at which point you became responsible for our collection fees. These charges have been added to cover actual and necessary costs incurred because of your breach of contract, and are stipulated within the terms of that contract. It is our position that our charges are lawful and in line with all relevant guidance. We may, in some circumstances, be able to negotiate a reduction on these charges, but will not accept any offer of payment that gives no consideration to the costs these charges cover. For the above reasons, we shall be pleased to negotiate on this sum, taking into consideration your concerns, but cannot agree to write off this balance. If you believe now, or at any time in the future, that our course of conduct constitutes harassment, we recommend that you take any action you deem necessary. We are, however, aware of Section 40, subsection 1 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and Section 1, subsection 1 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. We are confident that we are not guilty of any offence because one or more of the exemptions within subsection 3 of both the quoted sections of these acts of legislation apply to this circumstance. It is our position that this balance is due, and our correspondence has been appropriate to the matter in tone, content and frequency and as such is reasonable. Please contact CRS directly on 01444 449165 to discuss your account within the next 7 days. A suitable resolution can be organised. Our lines are open 08:30am - 6:00pm, Monday to Friday. Yours sincerely, David Castle Collections Department Credit Resolution Services and CRS are trading styles of Harlands Services Ltd. Registered Office: : 2nd Floor, Rockwood House, 9 - 17 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3TW. Company Registration No. 2982925. VAT Registration No. 799 7113 70. IMPORTANT This e-mail is intended solely for the addressee, is strictly confidential and may also be legally privileged. If you are not the addressee please do not read, print, re-transmit, store or act in reliance on it or any attachments. Instead, please e-mail it back to the sender and then immediately permanently delete it. Although efforts will have been made to ensure that this e-mail and any attachment(s) are free from software viruses you should yourself ensure that they are in fact virus-free. Please note that Harlands Services Ltd does not accept any responsibility for any loss caused by software viruses. __________________________________________________ _____________________ Soo asking should I continue to argue with Harlands/CRS or ignore all correspondence with them, has anybody had any joy with Harlands/CRS and has any been to civil court with them. Cheers
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