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  1. Hi, I could really do with some advice here. I ordered £1300 worth of Israeli Shekels from Travelfx.com. Part of their service is to deliver by Royal Mail Special Delivery (1pm). I ordered for delivery on Thursday 1st September. Travelfx have issued all confirmations and a tracking number, and when I got home on 1st September, I had a card saying by item had been returned to the sorting office and I could collect the next morning. I went, and Royal Mail have LOST the parcel (the card I have been left means it's definitely been in their possession)! They have 5 days before they have to say it's lost. Royal Mail won't reimburse me as they say I have to get it back from the Co. I bought it from (who then claim it back from Royal Mail). Travelfx state that they will not refund me until they have actually got the money back from Royal Mail, which could take up to 28 days. By that time, my holiday will be long over. I will be stuck with a load of foreign currency I don't need, and in the meantime, I now have to find the money again! Royal Mail have confirmed they have passed this to their security department as it's definitely not in the sorting office. They've mooted that they've started a security investigation as this may be theft. Surely due to this (at best) incompetence or (at worst) criminality, I shouldn't be so significantly out of pocket. Can anyone confirm who is liable to refund me, and how soon? S I am really distraught as this has ruined a massive family reunion that we've been planning for years.
  2. Got a bit of an annoying issue with Royal Mail. Will try and keep this as brief as possible. I sent a parcel to friends in Germany containing some baby clothing for which I paid just over four pound to go as a small parcel (airmail). The parcel never arrived and six weeks after sending it out it came back to me, in a clear plastic bag from Royal Mail, my parcel was more or less obliterated, the shipping bag I used was totally shredded with the contents falling out. The address was no longer visible as that part of the mailing bag was totally ripped away. Only my return address was still legible, so it was returned to me by what the enclosed apology letter says was Royal Mail’s lost mail centre. The contents although partly visible / fallen out were still undamaged, just a bit blackened from whatever caused the bag to be destroyed. (A machine ?) I managed to clean the contents (clothing ) but had to pay again to re-send them. I decided to make a claim against Royal Mail for the wasted postage costs for the first attempt to send the parcel. I submitted evidence of the destroyed packing and my proof of posting slip. Royal Mail then requested from me proof of value of the contents as otherwise apparently they couldn’t process my claim. I wrote back to them stating that I managed to salvage the contents and I didn’t have any receipts for the clothing as it wasn’t new and even if it had been I would not have kept the receipts. I couldn’t have anticipated that Royal Mail would destroy the parcel and then asking to see receipts for the contents to be honest. I told them I only wanted a refund for the wasted postage costs as they failed to deliver the parcel to Germany, which is what I paid for. They wrote to me today refusing any compensation / refund, because (I quote) “a postage refund is only available in the event of loss. In the event of damage to an item, we will look to compensate for the damaged iten, but still no potage refund is available.” They apologised for the inconvenience and that was it. I am not happy about this and would still like to pursue this as they charged me for a service they failed to carry out. What are my next options if any ?
  3. Over the past couple of months our company has been sending out a marketing campaign in the form of a box of goodies. Can't specify the exact contents on a public forum, but we send these out to prospective clients (other businesses) to give them an idea of what services we provide. We've sent out 54 of these boxes so far (not including the ones we give to clients face-to-face) and so far only 50 have arrived. Essentially, 7.40% of the parcels we have sent have gone missing. Each one has been sent using Royal Mail 2nd Class Signed-for, at £3.70 a pop. We naturally use a signed-for service to ensure the box has been delivered. Two of the missing boxes have only just gone over their 15 working day window, but the other two had claims submitted back in November. We received a cheque for about £9 for one of the claims, covering the contents of the box and the postage paid. All well and good. However the other (essentially identical) claim has essentially been rejected. Royal Mail acknowledge the tracking number shows no delivery or signature. But they state that, as they have written to the intended recipient requesting confirmation of whether or not the item arrived, and received no reply, they are therefore assuming the item has been delivered and have closed the case. Surely this can't be right, especially for a service specifically purchased to show delivery confirmation?
  4. This problem started since I moved into my new house in July 2013. Different people/organisation have sent letters to my address for former occupiers which is now stopping since I returned them to the postbox, but there is one which hasn't stopped. The problem is from Specsavers who have sending post at my address for a former occupier who used to live at my address and still is still persisting. I haven't opened these all letters as it is against the law. Overall, Specsavers sent around 7 letters to the same person and I have been sending it back to the postbox Other companies who have sent former people in my address have stopped sending me letters since I returned it to the post, but Specsavers have sent one again on Tuesday 10th February 2015. What should I do now, should I send a complaint letter to the customer services or the CEO of Specsavers?
  5. Royal Mail has failed to forward post from a PO Box (a service we paid for). This is despite being made aware of a problem several months ago. I want to know what recourse we have against them, if any. Firstly, this is a business-business transaction. We have a small company and have a PO Box mailing address which we pay for. This was setup in September 2014. We paid an additional fee to have all mail sent to this PO Box forwarded on to a physical address. In November 2014 we became aware of an issue whereby our clients (other businesses) would attempt to return signed contracts for work to our PO Box address. These never arrived with us despite repeated attempts. We made an enquiry with Royal Mail; there was apparently an issue with the PO Box and this was supposedly resolved in December 2014. We got a couple of letters through shortly after, with the forwarding address handwritten on the envelope. We haven't received any mail from our PO Box address since. We recently had an email from one of our suppliers to say their invoice had been returned to them by Royal Mail with a sticker on it saying "Addressee gone away". Until then we had no solid proof the mail wasn't just going missing in the post. We contacted royal mail again. They have since sent a letter informing us that they had failed to pass on instructions to the delivery office that all mail should be forwarded on. Any mail we have been sent has just been sitting at the delivery office, where presumably after a certain amount of time it is returned or disposed of. No-one even thought to try contacting us. Royal mail merely issued an apology, trusting that's enough to settle the issue. After phoning this morning, I was told they would "put a note on the account" and "someone will be in touch". These mistakes have damaged our company's reputation with our suppliers and probably our clients too. As one of our primary contact methods, we may have missed out on business from prospective clients too (we spent quite a lot of money on a postal marketing campaign). The problem I can forsee is that in the terms and conditions, Royal Mail limit their liability with the following paragraph: Thoughts on this gladly welcomed.
  6. I am so annoyed on 24/06/2014 I sent a first class signed for package which is actually my tenancy agreements, bank records etc which we have to send onto the estate agents within 7 days or we can loose not only the house but our £200 for the admin of receiving and dealing with the tenancy agreements. Royal mail website still shows they have not delivered my package and I am worried that this has been lost. Our landlord will not keep the house off the market long before re listing for other tenants to apply. Any ideas?
  7. Hi there folks. My friend sent me some chicken hatching eggs which were well packed, labelled with 'perishable hatching eggs' and fragile'.These were sent via RM 1st class signed for. I received them the next day. The eggs though, had been so badly handled, some were cracked and internally scrambled. They never stood a chance to develop. I have pictures of proof, and the paypal payment details but my friend had the original postage receipt. Ive filled in the online claims form but RM are asking for all proof to be sent to them! I wasn't even given the option to describe what had happened! I don't have a printer to print the pictures and paypal payment. Does anyone know of a email address out there for me to contact royal mail directly? I cant seem to find one anywhere online. Many thanks in advance, Amy.
  8. Hi all i need some advice about some money i sent to the ROI i send over £300 to my ex wife every month for maintenance for my children its sent by recorded delivery every time, on this time however just an empty envelope was recieved the other end. My ex said that there was selotape stuck on the envelope seal thst i didnt put there i know its risky doing this but in 3 yrs i have never had a problem i have the recorded receipt is there anyway i could claim for the money back. Thanks
  9. Just a quick moan about r mail. i work for and use internet retail sites as iam sure most people do. As a user of their services i have seen at first hand their shoddy attitude to fullfilling online retailers promises. example one.... guy orders item for next day before 9am we as a company get charged £50 for the service. guy calls following day at 9.35 calling our company all the names under the sun, We contact royal mail to find out what went wrong, answer fill in a claims form!!!. THIS HAS HAPPENED AT LEAST A DOZEN TIMES. .Example two i purchased an item from an online retailer and paided £6.00 for next day express delivery this was on thursday as nothing has turned up as yet (sat evening) i will now be looking at tuesday earlest(item was needed over weekend). How does this company manage to continue trading, hilst dragging all the firms it does business with down with their appealing standards.
  10. First off, let me explain that I am in Shetland. So other courier services like DHL or FedEx is not an option. I had some documents I need to send to Philippines very urgently for a visa application for a honeymoon. I walked into the local Post Office on Friday, 7 June 2013, and got it sent by Parcelforce Global Express service, which is a "guaranteed" service. I paid £60.60 and was told it will be there on Tuesday, 11 June 2013. Standard Global Express service to Philippines takes 2 days but being in Shetland, it takes an extra day. Saturaday is counted as a working day, so a Tuesday arrival sounds right. So imgaine my horror to get home from work yesterday (Monday, 10 June 2013) to find the package sitting on my door mat! Instead of making its way to Philippines, it went 10 miles the wrong way! So I have to take it back to the Post Office today and was told "this shouldn't happen". The address on it was clearly typed and on the customs form, the "from" and "to" address are both correctly filled in. What do they mean by this shouldn't happen? Clearly it is not the mistake of just one party as it will have to go through sorting before being handed to the postman to carry to my door. I as told by the manager he will make sure it will go correctly this time. However when I just checked (10 hours since handing it to him), the tracking number is still not registred on their system. While I know I can claim back the postage I paid for late delivery (not hopeful as there are many stories of failed claim against Parcelforce on the internet), there is no vaule to the contents and thousands loss if the visa cannot be approved in time. I had emailed them a few times today, but I got no response as well and strangely Parcelforce is not regulated by Ofcom, so I cannot even complain to them.
  11. My friend used my address to send his V Festival tickets and I was meant to sign for them, but instead my little brother answered the door to the courier and told him since it was under my mates name that he doesn't live at this address. What will happen to the package? How can I get it back? The Festival is next weekend :/
  12. Hi,I have already posted previously about this, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere at the moment. The item I was sending has gone to a different address. I was wondering can I take the company that has possesion of my goods to Small Claims court? I have written them a letter indicating that I would if they didn't give back my item within 7 working days and I haven't heard anything. I know someone else that was in the same position as me and their delivery company threatened legal action and the police and the item was mysteriously found. The items went to the same company!Gemma
  13. Hello, I need to send some cash to a relative in Italy. I could either send him money through the bank but I would prefer to send him some leftover Euro banknotes through the post (International Signed For seems the only option). I have researched on the RM website and Italy is not listed in the countries that don’t allow cash to be sent: http://www.royalmail.com/delivery/mail-advice/sending-cash However at the Post Office they were not very sure about this and they have shown me their own internal intranet page about Italy that says explicitly that cash not is not allowed, unless sent via insured mail. Now, according to this thread: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?267107-Royal-Mail-won-t-honour-compensation-claim-on-Int-l-Signed-For-delivery it would seem that even buying additional compensation (£2.60) would NOT constitute a form of insurance. I have called the RM helpline on 08457 740 740 and the operator has told me that additional compensation IS a form of insurance, but in the case of cash only up to £100 per envelope. my question is: where does the law stand on this? And is it overall a relatively safe way to send money or am I better off using bank transfer? Thank you
  14. short version: i signed for a recorded delivery letter that was addressed to my address but it's not for me. what should i do with it? just return to sender? fuller version: The postman came to my door & handed me his "signing machine" (pop quiz: what are they really called?) As he did so, he said, "i've got a lot for you today". (ish) As i was signing, he was sorting my mail from a pile he must have placed on the floor. He then handed me three parcels then a few letters and some junk mail ... sorry, important documents. For something to say, other than the weather, i half jokingly said something like, "what am i signing for?". He said "the [blue?] parcel & one of the letters". By now my arms were very full, therefore i was unable to look at any of the items. I thanked him, we said our goodbyes & i pushed the door closed. i placed the letters on one side and concentrated on the parcels. When i looked at the letter i noticed that it was my addy but not my name. Now i don't know what to do? I suspect the letter might be about a debt that O2 are harassing me for (there is a thread about this debt, in short, it's not my debt, it might be someone who lives, or might have lived, about a mile away but O2 insist i report it to the police yet they refuse to show me any documents to support it - any replies in other thread please) If i'm right, this means they now have a proof of delivery - even if i send it back. Help please ... asap tbh, i am really, REALLY worried about this as i have recently contacted whoever it currently is you contact when you think that Trading Standards should be dealing with it.
  15. Hi,I'm stuck in a catch 22. I posted a parcel special delivery to an address I was provided with. Unfortunately the item has gone missing, Royal Mail have delivered it but apparently not to the correct address. I have raised a complaint with Royal Mail, however they are insistent that the address I used isn't valid as it's for more than one address. On the other hand the company that provided me with the address are insistent that the address is correct. I have taken this matter to the Chief Executive/MD of both companies.Who is right, who can I can claim compensation from and what should I do next.See my article about this at xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  16. I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience and can advise on the best approach. I sent three Christmas cards, including some Euro notes, in a larger envelope to my kids in France. The letter was delivered in a Royal Mail "Damaged post" plastic envelope but my envelope had obviously been steamed open, the contents removed and then been re-posted into the system. Not registered but I'm not sure that would have prevented this or helped apart from compensation, which I will go for anyway as the Royal Mail clearly stated it to have been damaged in transit. The Royal Mail site doesn't even acknowledge the possibility that such a thing could happen: loss - yes, damage - yes, delay - yes but theft? No. Any advice welcomed thankyou:|
  17. I placed an order from gorgeousshop online (around 100 pound), and after few days since I received the dispatching email, i wondered where is my post, so i check the tracing history. I was shocked when i saw the tracing history and the proof of delivery on the Royal Mail website. Because it showed that the item has been delivered to my address at 7:52 am in the morning, and I was even shocked that the proof of delivery showed a signature which looks like the initial of my print name. The point is I never sign anything in print name, simply because im Chinese and i sign in Chinese characters not English letter. And they said they delivered in 7:52am in the morning when im definitely at home. There are two things are certain that my delivery address is 100% correct and I didn't get the delivery. I'm truly angry that how come the Royal Mail delivery guy let people fake my signature which should be illegal i supposed. So I called Royal Mail after I found out the fake signature and miss delivery, they told me anyone has the rights to sign the post for me which is normal :mad2:. And when i mentioned the fake signature, they said they can do nothing, but only do investigation if they get complain from the supplier (the website where i placed my order). So I contacted the website, they said they will call Royal Mail and stuff, and I never heard from them again. What can I do?
  18. Hi everyone, Royal mail lost my original documents(passport, degree certificates etc) in special delivery on 26th of October 2011 and i submitted claim form with original receipt and photocopies enclosed on 17th of November(special delivery again) but no response till now, so i sent an email to them and response from Royal mail is as follows.. Thank you for contacting Royal Mail. I'm really sorry that you've not yet received a response to your complaint and so I've chased this with the relevant department, on your behalf. Unfortunately, they don't appear to have received your claim form. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused but, as we're unable to make any further investigations without this, I would kindly ask that you resubmit another P58 claim form to us, together with the necessary supporting documents. If you no longer have the originals, please enclose copies of your supporting documents together with a short note explaining why you've been unable to provide the original documentation. The P58 claim forms can be obtained from any Post Office® branch or they can be downloaded from our website at Once again, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused and my thanks for bringing this to my attention. Anyone please suggest me what i have to do now.. NOte: In Royal mail website it is showing like Your item with reference xxxxxxxxxxxx(claim form) was delivered from our PL DEL SEC 1 Delivery Office on 18/11/11 . Thank you for using this service. We can confirm that this item was delivered before the guaranteed time. You can now see the electronic Proof of Delivery for this item by clicking the button below. Thanks and Regards, Kumar
  19. Hi I am so frustrated I sent an item that I sold on Ebay via Recorded Delivery to a Paypal confirmed address and the buyer said they had not recieve it so I checked the Royal Mail tracking and it was never delivered after even a month(it says it is still in there postal network) So I claimed and sent all the items needed and then recieved a letterfrom the Royal Mail saying: One of our conditions of posting is thet all mail must display a correct full address inc postcode.As the address used in this instance did not meet our requirements.I am sorry but I cannot offer you compensation for the loss. I sent the item to a Flat 2 , 5 Private Road Area Town Postcode I also included my return address and it hasnt been returned. The postcode shows the address I sent it to when I searched using the Royal Mails address finder but not any flats and i did a google search and this road is full of flats in each house in this Road and it is Paypal confirmed I am furious. Any suggestions and advice most welcome ?is the first suggestion a call to the Royal Mail customer services because this cannot be right.
  20. --- nevermind, resolved --- Feel free to delete this thread
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