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Found 2 results

  1. Hello Ten days ago, Parcelforce delivered a parcel for me to my next-door neighbour's doorstep. No card through my door, nothing. She came home from work, saw it there and moved it to my doorstep, thinking it was a mistake on his part. Two days later on my return home from working in Salford, wondering where my £110 parcel had got to, I contacted the Beauty firm who had sent it to me. This is a proper company, not an Ebay person. They emailed me a scan of the signed-for document. It's signed by a "P Thopso0n" and a squiggly circle signature. Having googled, I can see that this is not even a real name. It certainly isn't any of my neighbours. All of whom I trust implicitly. Wondering where I stand legally, as the parcel was not signed for by anyone, let alone me. I'd have thought they'd take it back for redelivery, or hand it to the Post Office [literally opposite] or the local sorting office [a one minute drive away] I've paid in advance and have nothing to show for it, through absolutely no fault of my own The parcel was left on a doorstep. No card through my letterbox. We live on a main A-road on a busy High Street in a market town. If the parcel was moved to my doorstep, it is visible from the main road. It was not there on my return two days later. Any thoughts on what recourse I have? Many thanks, CAGers
  2. I placed an order from gorgeousshop online (around 100 pound), and after few days since I received the dispatching email, i wondered where is my post, so i check the tracing history. I was shocked when i saw the tracing history and the proof of delivery on the Royal Mail website. Because it showed that the item has been delivered to my address at 7:52 am in the morning, and I was even shocked that the proof of delivery showed a signature which looks like the initial of my print name. The point is I never sign anything in print name, simply because im Chinese and i sign in Chinese characters not English letter. And they said they delivered in 7:52am in the morning when im definitely at home. There are two things are certain that my delivery address is 100% correct and I didn't get the delivery. I'm truly angry that how come the Royal Mail delivery guy let people fake my signature which should be illegal i supposed. So I called Royal Mail after I found out the fake signature and miss delivery, they told me anyone has the rights to sign the post for me which is normal :mad2:. And when i mentioned the fake signature, they said they can do nothing, but only do investigation if they get complain from the supplier (the website where i placed my order). So I contacted the website, they said they will call Royal Mail and stuff, and I never heard from them again. What can I do?
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