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Found 2 results

  1. I received a royal mail "while you were out" card for a special delivery letter. I can't pick the letter up until next week now. I have no idea who could be sending me a letter, I've not bought anything online recently and it wont be friends or family either. However, I do have a couple of old accounts that are going to be come Statute barred in a few months and lately I have been receiving the usual cycle of garbage from Lowel/Hamptons and Red (threats, discount letters, etc). I have ignored this as they did not reply to my CCA in 2010! I'm now a bit stressed wondering if they have sent this letter and are trying to serve papers or something?
  2. Hi,I'm stuck in a catch 22. I posted a parcel special delivery to an address I was provided with. Unfortunately the item has gone missing, Royal Mail have delivered it but apparently not to the correct address. I have raised a complaint with Royal Mail, however they are insistent that the address I used isn't valid as it's for more than one address. On the other hand the company that provided me with the address are insistent that the address is correct. I have taken this matter to the Chief Executive/MD of both companies.Who is right, who can I can claim compensation from and what should I do next.See my article about this at xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
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