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  1. I live in a sheltered housing property and I am currently in receipt of housing benefit. My landlord is a social housing association, this year the weekly rent has been reduced, but the service charge has risen dramatically. Currently the service charge is paid for by housing benefit but what happens when Universal Credit comes into force? I believe when UC is introduced the rent is then paid directly to myself and that I am responsible for paying the weekly rent to the landlord. The question is the "service charge" still included through housing benefit when UC is in force? The housing association does appear to be very keen lately in adding these additional services and increasing the service charges with no improvements to the services.
  2. Was dismissed from work for poor performance (the work just wasn't suitable for me and no gross misconduct issues) on Thursday 4 February. I was in a coldcalling role and just was not getting anywhere near enough sales to be kept on at the end of my probation period. Company are happy to give me a reference and said that I am a lovely person when giving me the news. Last day at work was Tuesday (9 February). Only paid up to this date (although I think I will be getting two days backdated holiday paid in lieu). Now probably need to claim Universal Credit (as a single person with no children in a Universal Credit area). Tried applying online but wasn't able to proceed as I do not receive my final pay until 26 February. This seems to me to be grossly unfair. It seems to mean that in effect I am not paid anything for three weeks of unemployment(10 Feb - 4 March) as there is a 7 day period after which you put in a claim for which you won't get paid. On the other hand, if my last day at work was the 26 February I would have just seven day without any pay. Of course, I hope I find work soon but in the event that I don't, this seems so unjust. I would add that I have found it hard to find suitable work in the past and to hold down a job. Now bear in mind, that Universal Credit includes the rent payment as well as a payment for general living expenses. How can this be right? Under Jobseekers Allowance you could start claiming from yesterday (albeit not getting any pay for the first seven days of unemployment). I feel like filling out the online form and saying that I am due no more pay from my former employers. Would the DWP find out the real situation? What would then happen and perhaps I could appeal against this - even to the courts if necessary? I should add that I do have mild Aspergers Syndrome and have periodically suffered from anxiety. Indeed, I have been taking medication for this (one 20mg Citalopram a day currently) for the last year or so. Perhaps I should claim Employment Support Allowance instead? (it is not covered by Universal Credit in my area). I ws claiming Employment Support Allowance up until last June and this issue is not heling my anxiety at all. Any opinions? Thanks in advance.
  3. While browsing through the current UJ pages of advertised jobs I came across a local job advertised by 'UK Recruitment' I never apply for jobs via the UJ site itself since the jobs are invariably advertised by other employment agencies that I use. On this occasion I clicked on the 'Apply' button to check on the what method of applying was required and found that in order to apply I would have to register with UK Recruitment. In order to register successfully I would have to agree to their terms and conditions which were listed as: By clicking submit, you accept our Terms & Conditions Match my skills and distribute my CV to your partner job boards via Freemycv.com and you agree to their terms and conditions In addition to all other job websites, I also agree to have my details registered on TotalJobs. The TotalJobs Group Privacy Policy I agree to have my details registered on Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Ltd Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions apply. I agree to; Share my CV and details with Glassdoor. Create a Glassdoor account and Job Alerts. Agree to Glassdoor’s Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Emails. The Universal Jobmatch Terms & Conditions for Employers, Advertisers and Recruiters states the following in clause 9: 9.1 You agree that jobs you advertise on this site will: 9.1.4 be available to jobseekers on an open and fair basis; My question is; would any reasonable person regard the conditions set by UK Recruitment for applying for this job as open and fair? My curiosity having been aroused I checked further the UK Recruitment terms and conditions to see if they complied with UJ terms and conditions and found quite a few that do not comply. Causes for concern do not end there. On further investigation I found that: UK Recruitment is part of Improbable Technologies Ltd, a privately owned company developing innovative solutions for the worldwide recruitment industry. UK Recruitment offers a low cost, high impact recruitment solution to our clients and has grown significantly in recent months. Improbable Technologies Ltd, founded in Glasgow in 2015. Registered company address: 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR. Company No. SC516353 Turns out there is only one officer of this company with one share and it has only been in existence since September 2015. Looked up 272 Bath Street, Glasgow and found the name 'Blue Square' above the door. After further investigation of 'Blue Square' on Google it turns out to be company dealing in virtual office or telephone answering products. The advertising promotes it as: "If you are looking for a Glasgow virtual office or telephone answering product, a good starting place is to have a look at our virtual office packages page. We also provide a registered office address service for Limited companies and LLPs. Our services can be purchased online, however, if you would like to sign up by telephone or talk to one of our team, please call 0141 353 9300." My next question is; what is a virtual office? It also transpires that this officer was one of two directors of another sort of employment agency called The Local Agency Ltd, also based in Glasgow. This company operated from April 2011 to Dec 2012 when it was struck off the Register of Companies. I can't ascertain whether or not foul play was involved but, according to HMRC website, in the period 2011/12 struck off companies cost a loss to the Revenue of £16 Billion. My final question for now; who do I notify of my concerns/suspicions that would be able to take the matter further?
  4. Can you claim Universal Credit (UC) now? If you want to find out if you can, you may now use an online tool to see if you are ready for UC. Follow this link >> https://www.universalcredit.service.gov.uk/uc/ Enter the required information in stages and at the end it will let you know whether or not you are able to claim UC.. Your claim has 4 simple steps Can you claim? A quick check to see if you can make a claim. Your claim All the information needed for your claim. Submit claim Your responsibilities and likely payment. Next steps What you need to do next to be paid Universal Credit. It should take between 20 and 40 minutes to complete your claim. To see if your area is ready for UC follow this link >> https://www.gov.uk/guidance/jobcentres-where-you-can-claim-universal-credit Please bear in mind if you do claim UC the first payment to you may be 7 weeks after your final payment. You can apply for an advance payment for this waiting period, please read here >> https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/universal-credit/apply/get-advance-payment/ If you are disabled you may also want to start to read up on other benefits see here >> https://www.gov.uk/browse/disabilities/benefits
  5. Hello everyone, I will be claiming Universal Credit as from Wednesday 9th , i have no idea what this is & if possible i could do with some help & advise on how to proceed . I tried looking around but in all honesty i found the amount of information overwhelming , that`s not a criticism its just i don`t understand a lot of it & feel a bit vulnerable. Is there a UC section that i can get the advice on please?. Sorry if i have asked a very common question , i am very nervous about the whole thing after 25 years of continuous work i am now unemployed & in my mid 50`s , for the first time in my life i feel very worried about my future prospects of employment & i want to start as i mean to go on if that makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Harry.
  6. On the 05/12/2015 Government considers adding council tax support to Universal Credit! Full story here >>http://www.publicsectorexecutive.com/Public-Sector-News/government-considers-adding-council-tax-support-to-universal-credit "Former MP and council leader Eric Ollerenshaw will chair a review on behalf of the DCLG to assess if local council tax support (LCTS) schemes are acting as a fair and effective system countrywide, and whether it should become part of Universal Credit payments in the future. The review will also examine how the reform of council tax benefit has been implemented and how it affects those reliant on this support". Although this is just a review at present it could become fact. I am just opening up a discussion in to this new matter and hopefully let the wider claimant know now just in case they make it part of UC... I can for see several issues with this in as much as follows: 1. If the Government do act on this and make the claimants responsible for paying their own CT, then giving them the money to pay it. 2. Since it often takes up to 7 weeks to get your first payment then you may already be in arrears by this amount. 3. If in arrears you could face the fact you could be taken to Court and a Liability Order (LO) issued against you. 4. If they do take you to Court and get an LO issued you may face a letter fee of about £75-00 5. Then if you fail to set up an agreement to pay they may add a further £235-00 to your bill. 6. I can see that in some cases where this can cause even more of a hopeless situation for some claimants. 7. There could be further debt issues and then all of this spiralling out of control! What can claimants do to stop this? Their only option could be is to save the amount and keep it safe. This just so when you go on to Universal Credit (UC) then you can pay your bill on time (CT) therefore not falling in to this horrible trap.
  7. Someone who signs on daily like me when he was in on Friday he was given a date to sign back on again after the holidays and he said to me the adviser who signed him on said the office for the computers use is open to Wednesday if u would like to use them he said no he can jobsearch at home she said something back but he can remember what but was he wondering will anything happen if he doesn't go in to use the computers? Or nothing can happen due to not been given a letter or a mandatory letter to come in to the office? He would like some info because he doesn't want to be worried about having money stopped.
  8. Have you ever had a spell on Universal Credit. About 6 weeks i lasted.Got sanctioned within really the first 2 days. To much paperwork for the old owl.To take in quickly and it was in the first week of UC arriving in my town. Missed a appointment. Spent more money going there than benefit received. But i did realise the help it could provide as well,courses and help with CVS etc,and a combination of benefits under one roof. But at nearly 60 felt embarrassed and out of place at times. And really felt that pressurised i will not say intimidated because that would take some doing i just left it in the end.Asked some of the advisors if they liked their jobs. Their eyes said many things.Maybe they get pressure,i did not hang around to long.Bad atmosphere.Deep down,my experience anyway. I feel i must be the oldest sanctioned person in the UK. And when sanctioned for some who do not understand things so well,you could very well starve,feel alone,left out.Terrible for those that live alone,no friends around to help.The vulnerable people in society. Some would walk out not really understanding things,and do not like creating a fuss. And suffer in silence. "I have dodgy heart" "That is ok you go on security course old owl,chase those shoplifters down the road." "When you stop one i suppose you will say" "Before you hit me over the head with that stolen whisky bottle sir or madam be careful i bleed heavily because of medication i am on". Enough of that it is now in the past.I came on to post a story. Not really talking about that it is the thought of possible cuts to this. It is said That Ian Duncan Smith feels this is one step to far. Now i never thought i would hear him say or think that. If behind closed doors he is saying that things are serious. A link that explains things. Labour hits out at Osborne's planned cuts to universal credit Opposition says families will be worse off if taper rate is raised by chancellor, with dissent also evident among Conservatives http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/08/labour-hits-out-at-george-osbornes-planned-cuts-to-universal-credit
  9. Hi Does anyone know if the 'job coach' appointed when on Universal Credit, can provide a personal character reference for a job. Obviously the sessions are quite intensive and lengthy and if a job seeker has followed through on all tasks and kept appointments over a period of six plus months etc. then I would have thought the job coach would be an ideal reference? Thanks
  10. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/if-people-voted-for-policies-the-green-party-would-win-the-next-election-9887199.html I didn't want to talk politics before the election... But today I have been wondering why more people (even most people) didn't vote for the green party? This article in The Independent states a survey of half a million people was taken and if people were voting on policies, then the green party comes first instead of fifth! I think scrapping all benefits and replacing it with Universal Automatic Citizens Income is nothing short of genius. I was dreaming of a world like this and it was good ha ha. Scrapping tuition fees, free pensions for all at current levels or better, free public transport, safe cycle lanes, policies on having clean, healthy air to breathe etc. etc. just seem practical and responsible to me?
  11. I am currently receiving JSA. My area has been converted to Universal Credit. If I start a new job that could potentially engage me 30 hours a week, under the old rules I would have claimed Tax Credits and signed off JSA. I am confused about the new rules. I understand that with UC you can still claim if you work less than 40 hours a week at minimum wage. Therefore I am not sure whether I should sign off or simply declare a change in circumstances. Then I am not sure if it's up to me to claim tax Credits or this should be computed into the new Universal Credit. The official working on Gov.uk is: ========================== You can claim Universal Credit instead of: Jobseeker’s Allowance Housing Benefit Working Tax Credit =========================== So I am not sure if this is up to me or up to the DWP or the HMRC. Thanks
  12. I was asked to sign on for my universal credit by the advisor I saw on the 26th June instead of my normal sign on day the 22nd June. I turned up on the 26th to find there was no sign on appointment for me and the receptionist wouldnt even let me upstairs to see an advisor. I have now received a sanction letter for this from universal credit as there is nothing on the system.I have to take proof in to the Job Centre to stop the sanction. The only proof I have is the advisors note of the 26th June and uc on my Job log sheet. Will this be enough otherwise I will loose most of my monthly payment and wont be able to pay my rent or buy food.Any advice appreciated. Thank you.
  13. I'Ve been trying to find out how UC will affect me as I was placed in an ESA Support Group a year ago for a one year - and then told this year that I wouldn't be called for any type of assessment at all and that they will look at my case in spring of 2017. Btw, I went through the hoops several times plus two tribunals in order to get where I am at the moment. Obviously I was relieved to hear about the '2017' decision, but now am starting to wonder what is likely to happen to me under the scheme for UC. If it helps, I have Fibromyalgia and am a 62 year old female. Please help me as I feel I can't bear to have to hoop-jump again at my age! I honestly thought that I might be left alone until 2017. Thank you for reading this!
  14. Further to what has been said and done recently regarding UC this story could be of interest for those claiming see here http://www.theguardian.com/housing-network/2015/jun/12/universal-credit-u-turn What could this mean now for this dreaded change?
  15. From what I've been reading the WTC Disability Element is abolished under Universal Credit? but Universal Credit talks of 'transitional protection' until you have more coming in than you would have had under WTC with Disability Element. I just wondered how this would pan out for eg. someone self employed on a low income working 16 hours/week claiming WTC with Disability Element before Universal Credit comes to their region? In order to continue to receive the financial assistance would they maybe have to agree to a jobseeker's commitment and be classed as unemployed until they could grow their business to the equivalent of 35 hours x NMW at which point they will no longer require assistance? I ask as I have been doing some online work under ESA Permitted Work rules (which I believe is also going to be abolished under Universal Credit?) which although pays less than the NMW as it's a global market place it is most likely possible to pick up 16 hours + a week of the work if you wanted and it's ultimately flexible for those with health issues as it can be done from home with hours to suit your situation day to day.
  16. Universal Credit and your Claimant Commitment. This PDF was issued in February of this year and maybe of interest to some, it may help you understand what is expected from as a claimant and what you need to do to continue to claim UC. It also covers many other things like... Universal Credit changes as things change in your life. Your responsibilities will vary depending on such things as your family, your health and your potential for future earnings. See page one There are many links within this attachment and it would pay you to try to read up on as much as you can, this could stop you getting sanctioned, if you fail with your agreed commitment plan.. Information gathered from here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/universal-credit-and-your-claimant-commitment-quick-guide
  17. Universal Credit and families: questions and answers from a document issued in February 2015.. If you are a family and maybe wanting to claim Universal Credit (UC) you could find many of your questions answered in the attachment, this was gathered from here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/universal-credit-and-families-questions-and-answers One of the questions asked is "Q. Will I/we both have to look for work? "A" When you make a Universal Credit claim and have children, you will need to nominate a lead carer. What is expected of the lead carer in return for getting Universal Credit will be based on the age of the youngest child in the house, as well as other circumstances. If you are a lone parent, you will automatically be the lead carer". The answer is on pages 6-7 and so on. Again many links to follow so you can get all the required information to assist you and your claim. Child care questions can be seen as well, due to the new Tax free Child Care see (TfCC) Q2 page 9 and so on I hope this can assist those looking to ask about UC and TfCC later this year. For more information on the Childcare Payments Act see here http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2014/28/contents/enacted
  18. DWP have announced that they intend to make a second London borough a trial area for the Digital Service for Universal Credit (UC) If you want to know more please follow the link below (Published 15/05/2015) "Croydon to become second area in UK to undertake controlled testing of enhanced digital service targeted to deliver the flagship welfare reform" http://central-government.governmentcomputing.com/news/on-track-universal-credit-digital-service-set-for-summer-expansion-4578661
  19. I am learning about this new Universal Credit. It replaces JSA and is a one monthly payment to include income support and housing benefit payment. One is given a 'Work Coach' for life, who will be the same even upon moving to a different part of the country. Can I ask how are people finding it? My friend is required to seek work 35 hours each week. I can not understand this as it seems like an impossible request to me. Does it all have to be done via the computer? I can see one glaring problem is that they do not have internet access. They of course will use the library but they only grant up to 2 hours a day. That is only 10 hours a week. Thanks
  20. I went to sign on yesterday and came away shaken and in floods of tears. I was called over to see the advisor who was going to sign me and had my written jobsearch evidence with me. They asked me how I recorded my jobsearch and I said written on the forms that are given out at the jobcentre. They asked why not on universal jobmatch and I stated that I was happy doing it my way as it kept things clear in my mind. The advisor then when on about how when electronic signing comes in, the pads are there on the desks already, then I would have to provide my jobsearch evidence using universal jobmatch, no ifs or buts as it would be checked remotely by another office before payment is released and if I refuse access then I get no money and my claim will be closed or I will be sanction. I didn't know what to say to this, never heard anything about this so didn't know if they were lying or what to me. They kept going on and on about access to my universal jobmatch account and wouldn't just accept that I was saying no and wanted to record my jobsearch my way. In the end I was getting myself so distressed I had to call my friend over, I take my friend with me I suffer with terrible nerves and get so anxious every time I go near the jobcentre as I am unsure of what will happen each fortnight. By the time she got over I was in floods of tears and was gasping for breath. The advisor then said sign that and told my friend to keep quiet as she was not allowed to speak. They told me this would be discussed on another occasion as access will need to be given. I felt like the advisor was like a dog with a bone and wouldn't let it go no matter what I said. I am now scared of what will happen the next signing day. Can anyone offer any advice at all? Thanks
  21. In my local paper the council are reminding people that due to the roll out of Universal Credit,and the way it is paid, our rents will go 4 weeks into arrears, they are hoping that people affected pay small amount each week from now until December when UC will be rolled out in my area to offset those arrears. There is an option to have UC paid in advance to cover the change over, this advance will be recovered over a 6 month period. If that's right then I will be £75 short on the first 6 payments of UC if I choose to have the advanced payment, which is quite a large proportion of my benefit IMO. It is though they have taken 4 weeks from the future plonked it into the present and said we dont pay benefit for the future so what we will do is loan you the money to get by, but we want it back before the future has arrived, they will soon clock on that they could take 3 months from the future and borrow us all the shortfall if they rolled out UC payments on a quarterly basis saving the government zillions. IDS I salute your accounting wizardry.
  22. According to Government information on Universal Credits, you have to be "between 18 and 60 years and six months" to be able to claim UC and not be self-employed (amongst other critieria) I wonder if this means that the Government's new draconian measures regarding minimum wage being introduced to penalise the self-employed who are on low income and claiming WTC/HB/CTR won't apply to us oldies? (Those over 60 yrs and 6 months of age? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. Impecunious!
  23. Some new posters may have some questions relating to Universal Credit (UC) here is a basic guide including many links to any questions you may have see here https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/categories/universal-credit Within this link you can clink on further links and see what is what with UC. There are now many areas of the UK that have already transferred to UC and this is for those that have not. This guide will let you see what you will need to do now and also allow you to see what you can learn before this happens to you. If you have any questions please post them up so others may be able to help you come to terms with the changes before it affects you in the very near future. What you will need to do now is to put some money if possible away before these changes happen as your first payment which will be monthly will happen FIVE weeks after you are on UC. In other words the last payment you receive will need to last you till you get your first months benefits. This will include your housing costs I.E your rent. In this link you will see what areas are going to go through the changes now, then you will see when your area maybe added in the very near future. see below http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?441364-Universal-Credit-national-expansion-–-Tranche-two If you have any questions and require some help please feel free to ask now before the changes make things difficult for you......
  24. Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith laid out the government’s long-term economic plan to prevent EU migrants coming to the UK and accessing benefits. The new regulations mean that under Universal Credit no EU households will be able to access means-tested benefits in the UK without having worked here first and came into effect on 09th March 2015 (As I am new I cannot post links, so please put the usual H-T-T-P at the beginning in order to read the press release gov.uk/government/news/eu-jobseekers-barred-from-claiming-universal-credit Link added: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/eu-jobseekers-barred-from-claiming-universal-credit
  25. I have a loan with this company and don't receive payments. Ive made payments for 15 years at least how do I get a statement. Can someone help
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