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  1. Hi all Here is a bit of background as to the problem I am facing. Someone recently reversed into my car which was parked in a pay and display car park in a town centre. Luckily (?) for me, he left a note on my windscreen and has admitted full responsibility. He's given me all of his details and even reported said incident to the police. I've made my claim and am currently waiting for my insurance company (Admiral insurance) to contact me re getting my car picked up and repaired / loan car issued etc. I have 14 years NCD which is protected and when I was speaking to the guy, I thought I would make sure that this didn't affect my renewal premium next year (I've only just renewed about 2 months ago, so it's not due for ages yet). He said he didn't know and I would need to speak to another department, so I did. They told me yes it would but said because the renewal was so far away I would have to call the New Business department and get a dummy quote (which would give me an idea based on today's figures). Before I did this I told them I really wasn't happy that I was getting punished for someone elses incompetence , they told me about all the statistics and how I am now a higher risk and more likely to make a fault claim in the future because someone had backed their 4x4 into me. I asked (for about 40 minutes) various people to explain, logically, why this it. They couldn't. Anyhow, I called new business and they ran through a cloned dummy quote and I was shocked to say the least. The difference was about £150 on an aprox £302 policy. Yep 50% roughly - I think the guy said renewal without the claim would be £302 and £450 with the claim. Seriously - what?! Like I said I have 14 years NCD (yep, I understand this is still protected and applied but now to a much higher premium) and have no convictions or points on my licence (not to mention, I wasn't even in the car when this happened and it was legally parked). Sooooo.... my question would be, how would I go about recovering this extra money they are loading me with? I've read a couple of stories where people argued with their insurers and they basically waived the increase in the end, but Admiral just seem to be reading from a script and not able to make decisions like that. Can I claim this from the other party's insurer? How long does this loading go on for? (If 5 years, then I would need to claim £750). Lastly, I also know that not all insurers load premiums for No Fault Claims, does anyone who has had experiences with this kind of thing know which insurers do and which don't? (I've heard eSure do as Elephant (which I think are part of Admiral anyway)). Would it be a good idea for me to speak to the financial ombudsmen? (I tried calling them but they are closed today). Thanks for bearing with me, would be grateful if anyone could shed some light on my next steps and I would also be interested to hear from anyone who has experienced this kind of thing - good or bad. Thanks all!
  2. just been reading this has anyone else heard this is going to be happening as its the first ive heard of it This report looks at the likely impact of these changes on severely disabled adults who live on their own (or with a partner who is also disabled or just with dependent children) and don’t have a carer. All severely disabled adults face extra costs However those who live on their own also have additional costs not faced by those with a partner. In the current system this group are eligible for the Severe Disability Premium (SDP), currently worth about £58 a week, but under Universal Credit there will be no additional help with the extra costs that this group face as a result of having no-one to assist them. source http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pquyFSEaEKMJ:www.citizensadvice.org.uk/holes_in_the_safety_net_sdp_report.pdf+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-a
  3. I have been told we may be able to claim this for my mother. Could anyone tell me what information they will need as I like to be prepared? Thank you.
  4. I phoned to cancel my car insurance as i had sold my car, when I phoned to cancel it, they said they had already cancelled it! I asked why and they said someone had called them to say that i didnt live at my address! I told them thats rubbish as i do live there, they said they sent me a letter on the 12th giving me 7 days to prove my address and as they hadnt received anything they cancelled it. I had not received a letter I had only received an email from them on the 18th saying to send them the proof and that i had 7 days from that email to prove to them or they would cancel it. I had phoned them on the 23rd to cancel my insurance. I told them they didnt give me the full 7 days to prove my address so they shouldnt of cancelled it. The lady said that I would not be getting my premium back unless i send them this proof in the form of two utility bills. I pay rent to my landlord who then pays for the gas, electric, etc... I asked him for copies so i can send it to them and he wont give it to me! I had only been with the insurer for two weeks and the are now keeping the full annual premium of £800 which is a lot of money to lose for no reason. Is there anything I can do to get my money back? Help!!!
  5. Hi, I am a little brain dead today, having read through reams of LTSB loans documents (and other documents) provided under a DSAR. I have my Loan statements, of loans which were consolidated into other loans (twice), and have read the excellent threads and guidance on spreadsheets on single PPI reclaims. I thought I had it all sussed - until I was entering some figures into the spreadsheet, by reading the figures from my Loan Statement. I thought I was quite savvy with figures, having calculated the settlement figures from loan 1 which are rolled into Loan 2, and the relevant % of each payment relevant to PPI#1 and PPI#2 etc. However I was only looking at monthly payments and totals - not lines of added interest. The loan I have doesn't add the interest upfront (like NRAM loans) this is the more regular type of loan which decrease each month with interest calculated and added each month. The problem I have is the interest charges on the loan, for example (not my real figures) Loan repayments : 2/1/04 £150 Monthly repayment (PPI element = 20% of total so therefore PPI value for spreadsheet = £30) 2/2/04 £150 Monthly Repayment (PPI element = 20% of total so therefore PPI value for spreadsheet = £30) but what about these entries 1/1/04 £60 interest charges 1/2/04 £60 interest charges I have read through the guides on PPI and it says that interest is handled separately on the forum - but I have been unable to find it. I have all of the interest charges on each month of every loan, so do I take the 20% of the interest charge as the 'actual interest' element charges on top of the PPI. I'm sure the answer is simple, but my day is fogged up with LTSB and I can't see or think clearly! And then do I just add a line entry into the spread sheet for interest element also? eg lines would be PPI £30 interest £6 PPI £30 interest £6 etc Any help will be greatly appreciated. I think I need a little break. Back Soon & Thanks CS
  6. my debitcard recently got refused when paying for shopping obv on a tight budget, but i knew i had money left got back home looked at my online portal found a payment called Amazon prime for £49 debited 28/1/13 at xmas i got given a £50 amazon gift card/voucher as a thank you by someone i looked back at the emails/order details when i used the giftcard on 2.12.12 it had bit right at the bottom about auto sign-up to amazon prime scheme if i did not cancel in 30days. bit cheeky. but had info to cancel membership etc straight on the website to amazon unticked and cancelled it, however gave no indication about the return of the money taken. on the phone to amazon explained the scenario operator on a very poor IP phone sounding like a dalek stated that because i had purchased previously [2011!!] and paid by the debitcard [even though that item was super saver free postage] i had enrolled myself in the prime scheme. any subsequent orders activated the prime scheme and thus the card give almost 2 yrs before was debited with the £50 [incidently the £50 item i just order was free postage too on the ad] stated i was none to pleased about this, a bit of a sharp practice after a wee bit of to'n'fro, where i was told there is nothing that can be done i needed to read the small print!! i said ok i'll goto my bank and get it back under the chargeback scheme 'we won't allow that' said the bod.. i said you've no choice, you can't just decide almost 2yrs later to debit a card without any notification. said email was sent on the 3rd jan i said no nothing received etc etc went over again how can you charge me £50 for this prime scheme about instant express postage when both the items i've had from them were FREE POSTAGE. eventually got somewhere when i said i was going to terminate the call and expose them on their twitter feed and do a chargeback. told the money had been recredited there and then. i'll wait and see if it appears if not watchout amazon..incoming!! after all that i did a quick look around and found lots of people have had this problem so if you've ever used amazon and given them your card number and then ordered again check your bank statement carefully. DX
  7. Hi all, So I'm like many of you, I'm being hounded by letters from iQor and at the moment GPB Solicitors saying that I need to pay up for a debt from my Paypal Premium account that was closed before all of this arose. The debt is for around £2500, which is has been swindled from me - I'm not too sure what has happened because my account was closed before I could find out what Paypal/eBay had against my auction. At the moment I'm just ignoring their letters, should I carry on this way in the hope that they finally give up? Or should I actively be doing something about this because they do actually have some power against me? Many Thanks
  8. First time asking a question so forgive me if I do it wrong! I play an online game using my android mobile conected to O2. I purchased some "premium" content using my phone bill as payment. I at no time received the "premium" content, yet the cost shows on my O2 bill. I contacted the company who suplly the game, they claim not to have received the money. I have sent them a screen dump of my O2 bill showing the amount as due on my next bill I have also forward a copy of the sms confirming payment yet they still refuse a refund. Question: As I am on a post pay contract ie I pay after acrueing charges are O2 as a credit provider jointly and severly responsible for the content. If so can I claim the money back from O2 if I get no where with the company. Sorry if this is hard to follow, I think I have included all the pertinent facts. Thanks for reading
  9. Does anyone know if you get the £50 premium on your tax credit per child of do you get £50 each say if you have 2 disabled children. Asking on behalf of daughter, one child gets DLA for add, sid and autistic traits and speech and lanquage disordor he is in receipt of a statement of special needs. GP now saying his sister is possibly Autistic too
  10. Hi I wondered if anyone could help please. I won my sons DLA Appeal tribunal on Tuesday and ive phoned tax credits to notify them because I was receiving a disability premium before his DLA was stopped last time. I have been told that it will be backdated but I wondered if someone could tell me how long it usually takes ? thanks
  11. Hi I took out an Egg loan in 2005 to consolidate some credit cards. The original loan was for £9000 and the ppi single premium was £2085. My monthly repayments were £170. I felt pressured at the time into taking out the policy but I don't believe I knew what I was buying and was just happy someone would lend me money. In about 2007/8 I refinanced with Egg with a new loan which was £13000 at 12.5%. This loan has since been taken over by Moorgate but when I called them they said I didn't have ppi. I have my paperwork for the original loan but not the more recent one. I have written to Egg to complain and request my money back plus interest etc using the template letter. My question is how much should I expect to be offered? I can't open your spreadsheet as I don't have the right version of excel to do the calculations. Just a ball park figure would do. I think I am owed the original £2085 premium plus 8% interest on that plus the 18.9% of each of the payments of £170 per month I made which I calculate to be about another £2600. What would be a reasonable offer from Egg? C
  12. Personal Enquiry offices (PEOs) Link to UKBA Webpage; http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/aboutus/contact/applyinginperson/
  13. Hi - I am starting the claim process with LloydsTSB on a number of loan and cc accounts. Two of the loans I had were taken out when I was postgrad student - 1st in 1998 and 2nd in 2003. LTSB have given me the details of both loans. I wasn't able to access their professional studies loan option but they did give me the regular loans. Both were sold in branch by advisers who were supposed to be knowledgeable about student finance. My only income was a research council grant and from occasional teaching at the university which was irregular. I have used this as my main complaint reason. However, on both loans the ppi was added at the start and paid for with an additional loan, to be paid off with the general loan. I paid one DD. Is this what is meant by single premium, or front-loaded, PPI? And, if it is, is this generally regarded as a credible reason to complain about mis-selling on its own merit? Many thanks
  14. i am disgusted in the way you have acted after i had a claim with my car you have told me that my car is valued at £2500 then minus a £290 exess then minus £1282.12 yearly premium which leaves me with £927.88. i think this is an outrage and i demand an answer and my money what would happen in a case that i don't want to drive a car again do you get this money for doing nothing then???
  15. Daughter acquired her latest car in Apr 2012, notified her insurance co and paid the additional premium versus her old car.. Policy expired mid-May. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" filled in her details (which included date of car purchase) and chose Hastings Direct, who insured her (she has 5 years NCB) but subsequently asked for sight of V5C. They then sent her a letter which arrived today (12th June) advising they had debited her a further £140. They SAY she put her acquisition date as 2005, and the premium increase reflects her increased risk of accident due to unfamiliarity with the car (it's a 1.4 Fiesta) - and that underwriters reduce premiums for cars owned a long time. Is this correct? a 33% premium increase just because she has a "new" 10 year-old car?
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