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Found 11 results

  1. Hi I was wondering if someone could help me! I told the sales assistant I needed a corner sofa for a specific area and she directed me to a sofa in store I was also looking for a dining table with chairs so looked around and was not 100% on anything I saw despite her making many attempts to close the deal. I decided to look around before I was 100% on the dining table that I had chosen. The sales assistant said she would place both order of the sofa and dining table for me on hold and I could call and tell her what I had decided the next day. I went home and looked at the sofa again online, saw the dimensions of the left arm facing corner sofa I had picked online advertised as 289cm which would fit in the area like the assistant had said. I called her and said I would go ahead with the sofa but not the dining table. The sofa was custom made and was delivered on Tuesday the 20th of October - it is too large for my living room space! When I saw it in store and saw the measurements online I was confident that the information I was given was accurate and it would fit! scrolling down the dfs website in more detail now I see that the measurements are wrong on the first sofa (the one I had picked left arm facing) and if you look at right arm facing (which is not what I wanted so I did not pay much attention to it then)..there are added measurements! I am annoyed that I was misled by the website and assistant! But I know I should have known better looking at the sofa in store What makes matters worse is the sofa arrived faulty! The delivery man took photos and said that it should be ok after a couple of days (something about the material being compressed during delivery and it should expand back.. which it hasn't) but he would let the store know . I received a phone call saying the manager would come to my house on the 9th of November which is 20 days after the delivery date! I emailed customer services with these details and an attachment of the website dimension details, saying the 9th is far too long to wait for a response and they said the store manager would contact me, I have yet to be contacted. After reading many unhappy customer posts I am very worried that this issue will not be resolved and I will be stuck with a sofa that is far too large for my living room!! Do I have a case and is there anything I can do to resolve this matter quickly? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! zozi
  2. My GP and an OT applied to the council for adaptations to be made to my home (wet room and stair lift). I live in a 3 bedroom house, my eldest 2 children having now left home. My youngest daughter has her room, I have mine and the L shaped minute box room I pay Bedroom Tax for each week. The council have stated that I can not have the adaptations made to my home as I am under occupying the house I live in......The problem is, my diagnosis. They seem to have overlooked as to why I can't move house. They make it sound as if I choose to live here. I certainly didn't choose to have all 12 diagnosis that I have, which makes it impossible to move. I wont list them all, I can if it helps with answering my post, but I will mention High Functioning Autism, Non Epileptic Attack Disorder, and the reasons I needed a wet room in the first place.....Chronic Pain Syndrome (feet, ankles and calf's) Sciatica and Arthritis of my right hip.... I feel as if I am being penalized for the same reason twice. I have to pay bedroom tax for that box room in order to stay where I am and yet the council are using that very same reason as to why I can't have the adaptations, for a room that I'm paying for. It just doesn't sound right to me. Anyone got any ideas? Is it right????
  3. You may have noticed that packets of 20 for a lot of brands are now in 19's. Next step according to Imperial is they are going to reduce to 18's & will keep reducing pack sizes until forced to go back to 20's by the recently passed EU Directive on Tobacco pack sizes.
  4. Hello - I recently bought a sofa for 800 pounds at the DFS store. I feel I have been taken for a ride by DFS and would appreciate any guidance. Long story short, the sofa that was delivered or the one that I paid for was NOT the same size at the one that we tried in the store. When we tried the sofa, three adults were able to sit in. We tried that with my wife, my daughter and myself sitting on it. There was still some spare space due to the child sitting on it. However the one that eventually arrived was much smaller. I raised this with the store manager who pointed out that my sales contract showed a "small size". However, I went to the same corner of the store where the sofa that we tried was placed, and it had a similar size sofa now as the one that we tried i.e. the larger sized sofa (not the small that was sold to us). I am VERY certain that DFS had placed the larger size sofa in the same corner of the store that we tried and this was not marked correctly. I would have been happy to pay more for a larger size sofa. The store manager has blatantly refused to validate the size of the sofa that we sat on. In my two visits, I met two different sets sales staff who know exactly the location of the sofa that I sat on. I am sure there are some cameras or pictures of the specific sofa that will confirm the size that we were made to believe we purchased, based on the SPECIFIC location where this piece was placed in the store. The store manager says that all complaints made to DFS will go to him in any case. The sales person that we worked with called us earlier this week but did not call back. Thanks for any guidance.
  5. Hi All..been directed to this site to try and solve my problem. I replaced 4 tyres on my car and bought the exact same size that have been currently on it for the past 3 years (only difference was the brand). I ordered the tyres from ASDA tyres and got them fitted at one of their approved garages called kingsway tyres Once the new ones were fitted and i paid for them, as i was traveling down the road i noticed a noise.. I found out that the new ones were rubbing the arch so took back straight away (max 1/4 mile in total). Kingsway said "not my problem", and to contacted ASDA Asda said "There what you ordered" - its your car at fault Told them about the sales of goods act etc but i think they just laugh at me now when they dont ignore my emails Finally found out that a 265 tyre can be up to 282 in width....nearly an increase by 2 tyre sizes and still within spec!!!!! I now have £400 worth of rubber in the garage and stuck with them and cant get a refund Over 3 weeks ive been arguing and getting the same response and still out of pocket Am i stuck with these tyres for is there something i can do?? Thanks All
  6. Hi, I hope that I have found the right place to post this, I am new to this site and looking for some advice if possible please. I rent a flat from my local council, Dacorum Borough Council. There is a real problem with mould and damp throughout the flat. This is causing me great concern, more from a health perspective than any other. My husband has lung conditions and had a double lung collapse not very long ago. After having several people come and look at the mould on behalf of the council I still have no answer to how to prevent or cure this. More than one person has said that they think the mould could be due to overcrowding. I have two daughters in a very small room. I have been told that I should leave the window wide open (yes actually wide open) at night, even though this is a ground floor flat! I have asked for a transfer, but the council has told me that I am not classed as overcrowded. Please can anyone tell me what the guidelines are for deciding if I am technically overcrowded or not? Thanks in advance Jackie
  7. The parking warning signs on a car park on private land do not need planning permission as long as they are with the permitted size as stated in the (The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007) if they are any bigger they need to apply for planing permission, If non has been sort then the sign is illegal does it make the alleged breach of contract claimed null in void ? Most of the car park signs i have seen are bigger than A3 The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 Regulation 6 SCHEDULE 3 CLASSES OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR WHICH DEEMED CONSENT IS GRANTED PART 1 SPECIFIED CLASSES AND CONDITIONS Class 2 Miscellaneous advertisements relating to the premises on which they are displayed Description 2A. An advertisement displayed for the purpose of identification, direction or warning, with respect to the land or building on which it is displayed. Conditions and Limitations 2A. — (1) No advertisement may exceed 0.3 square metre in area. (2) Illumination is not permitted. (3) No character or symbol on the advertisement may be more than 0.75 metre in height, or 0.3 metre in an area of special control. (4) No part of the advertisement may be more than 4.6 metres above ground level, or 3.6 metres in an area of special control.
  8. A while ago i came here for some advice thanks all, have had loads of problems with the companies but last three months have had a plan agreed and have been clearing debt slowly. While i have been paying back the temporary agreement have been getting texts at 0415 every sunday morning to say i have not made payment etc when i have. I have learnt to deal with this. This week i have had to talk with them again as 3 month period was ending, i have stated that i will carry on paying what i have been paying for 4 weeks and will renegotiate after that time if the texts stop at the stupid time, i cant switch my phone off my daughter sometimes works late! They cant guarantee or come to a new agreement so i will carry on with my small payments. My biggest problem is the debt has jumped alot Date: 29/07/2012 Debt GBP 2848 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 Repayments todate GBP 107.38 Total GBP 3604.62 Date: 24/07/2012 Debt GBP 2200 Missed Payment Fee 1 (day 29) GBP 10 Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) GBP 10 NDR Accept Case File GBP 200 Solicitors - Instructed GBP 150 Missed Payment Fee 3 (day 56) GBP 10 Closing Amount Discount GBP 57.62 Repayments todate GBP 102.38 Total GBP 2420 Can anyone advise because even though i have limited knowledge this is seriously wrong
  9. Hi, I am (unfortunately) having to go to through an employment tribunal process against my present employer. I had an initial case management discussion meeting (CMD) a few months ago. At that meeting my employer's legal representative stated that my employer intended to call several witnesses. The names of these witnesses were not listed in the CMD agenda - even though I had openly listed the names and number of my potential witnesses - and I had expected the employer's side to do the same thing for the CMD meeting. My employer's legal representative stated at the CMD that they (the employer's legal rep) didn't know the names of witnesses, just the number to be called. I have since emailed my employer's internal Legal section several times requesting a list of witnesses names. My employer's Legal section has not even acknowledged receipt of my email requests let alone supply me with the list of names. This refusal to name their witnesses has the potential to weaken my case. Indeed one or two employees which I have sounded out as potential witnesses on my side have instead bailed out (which is unfortunately somewhat understandable in these days of job cuts) explaining that they were doing so because they might actually be called as witnesses on behalf of my employer (which is a lot less easier to forgive I must say!). I'm not interested in recriminations against any of my co-workers who may actually stand as a witness for the employer (I really don't have the enery left for it apart from anything else). However I do feel that I should be entitled to know who may have been 'bagged' for the other side! Does anyone know if I do have a right to know who these employer-side witnesses are and if so, can I make my employer disclose this list of witnesses asap? Any advice would be most welcome.
  10. After recent dealings with JD Sports Fashion customer service department, I thought I’d share my experience with everyone as a warning that if you buy from them and have a problem with goods you have purchased, then you have no chance of getting your money back! JD Sports Fashion run JD, Size, Scotts and BANK. In the past I've shopped in all of the stores and spent a decent amount of money, mainly on the Paul's Boutique stuff for my daughter. Now of course I no longer shop in any of these stores. Firstly, I found the Customer Services to be terrible, they find answering their phone to be very difficult, and when they finally do pick up the phone do they are very ignorant and unhelpful, they seem to have the "We are big and we don't care about you, so forget about every getting a refund" attitude. Secondly they took a long time to respond and process my return, respond to letters and also to finally send the faulty trainers back to me. My daughter purchased a pair of kids Converse hi-tops from JD which cost £35. They proved to be faulty; however this was just over the 3 months after we'd purchased them. To cut a long story short we returned them to their head office twice, and both times they claimed that it was not a manufacturing fault, but that it was due to them being 'incorrectly cleaned' and they refused to give a refund or offer any repair. I think they were trying to say we'd washed them in the washing machine, however I know for a fact they haven't been. Under consumer law they are liable, as it’s within 6 months and goods must last a reasonable amount of time but are still refusing to do anything to help. They are liable and required to repair replace or refund the costs. I'm now left with the option of paying someone for an independent inspection of the Converse, or raise a claim with Small Claims Court, all of this over a pair of £35 kids Converse! What’s worse is the fact that they have been posted back and forwards twice, it’s probably cost £20 in postage alone. Plus they have lost me as a customer, and hopefully after reading this you will think twice before you buy from any of their stores. I’d be interested to hear if anyone has had similar experiences with JD, or even if you can advise how I should approach this in order to get my money back. I’ve already been to MasterCard and they won’t help as the purchase was made in-store, so they will only try to recover your money if its an online purchase. Moral or the story, if you thinking of shopping with JD, Just Don’t!!! Here are some pictures of the defective Converse. We must own about 8 pairs of converse in the family, and they are great and we haven't had problems with any of the other pairs: [/font][/font]
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