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Found 1 result

  1. After recent dealings with JD Sports Fashion customer service department, I thought I’d share my experience with everyone as a warning that if you buy from them and have a problem with goods you have purchased, then you have no chance of getting your money back! JD Sports Fashion run JD, Size, Scotts and BANK. In the past I've shopped in all of the stores and spent a decent amount of money, mainly on the Paul's Boutique stuff for my daughter. Now of course I no longer shop in any of these stores. Firstly, I found the Customer Services to be terrible, they find answering their phone to be very difficult, and when they finally do pick up the phone do they are very ignorant and unhelpful, they seem to have the "We are big and we don't care about you, so forget about every getting a refund" attitude. Secondly they took a long time to respond and process my return, respond to letters and also to finally send the faulty trainers back to me. My daughter purchased a pair of kids Converse hi-tops from JD which cost £35. They proved to be faulty; however this was just over the 3 months after we'd purchased them. To cut a long story short we returned them to their head office twice, and both times they claimed that it was not a manufacturing fault, but that it was due to them being 'incorrectly cleaned' and they refused to give a refund or offer any repair. I think they were trying to say we'd washed them in the washing machine, however I know for a fact they haven't been. Under consumer law they are liable, as it’s within 6 months and goods must last a reasonable amount of time but are still refusing to do anything to help. They are liable and required to repair replace or refund the costs. I'm now left with the option of paying someone for an independent inspection of the Converse, or raise a claim with Small Claims Court, all of this over a pair of £35 kids Converse! What’s worse is the fact that they have been posted back and forwards twice, it’s probably cost £20 in postage alone. Plus they have lost me as a customer, and hopefully after reading this you will think twice before you buy from any of their stores. I’d be interested to hear if anyone has had similar experiences with JD, or even if you can advise how I should approach this in order to get my money back. I’ve already been to MasterCard and they won’t help as the purchase was made in-store, so they will only try to recover your money if its an online purchase. Moral or the story, if you thinking of shopping with JD, Just Don’t!!! Here are some pictures of the defective Converse. We must own about 8 pairs of converse in the family, and they are great and we haven't had problems with any of the other pairs: [/font][/font]
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