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Found 3 results

  1. Posted by dx (willy waving ....?? until/unless they get an agreement it wont go anywhere. when did you take the cat debt out. sri internet is crap tonight here. the NOA is all cohen themselves are required to provide you as the proposed claimants sols. until lowells get the signed? CCA no dice.) Sorry to jump in, just a quick question dx how does it work with a catologue online because there won't be a signed CCA, they just print your name in there for you ? and what's the difference what happened post 2007 regarding catologue's ? Thx
  2. Excel have left the BPA to join the IPC. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/excel-parking-jump-ship-to-independent.html http://www.theipc.info/#!aos-members/cv75 lnteresting signage as well; Correctly issued tickets that are cancelled, attract a £15 fee...
  3. A while ago i came here for some advice thanks all, have had loads of problems with the companies but last three months have had a plan agreed and have been clearing debt slowly. While i have been paying back the temporary agreement have been getting texts at 0415 every sunday morning to say i have not made payment etc when i have. I have learnt to deal with this. This week i have had to talk with them again as 3 month period was ending, i have stated that i will carry on paying what i have been paying for 4 weeks and will renegotiate after that time if the texts stop at the stupid time, i cant switch my phone off my daughter sometimes works late! They cant guarantee or come to a new agreement so i will carry on with my small payments. My biggest problem is the debt has jumped alot Date: 29/07/2012 Debt GBP 2848 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 GBP 72 Repayments todate GBP 107.38 Total GBP 3604.62 Date: 24/07/2012 Debt GBP 2200 Missed Payment Fee 1 (day 29) GBP 10 Missed Payment Fee 2 (day 43) GBP 10 NDR Accept Case File GBP 200 Solicitors - Instructed GBP 150 Missed Payment Fee 3 (day 56) GBP 10 Closing Amount Discount GBP 57.62 Repayments todate GBP 102.38 Total GBP 2420 Can anyone advise because even though i have limited knowledge this is seriously wrong
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