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Found 12 results

  1. "The national interest must come ahead of human rights" David Cameron. But is not human rights central to our national interest? Every year the British Government sell £4 billion in arms to one of the worlds worst human rights abusers, Saudi Arabia. Currently a 17 year old Saudi male faces public beheading followed by crucifixion because he has been found guilty of being involved in sedition in taking part in a human rights riot. David Cameron's Government cut a secret deal with Saudi Arabia last month to be elected onto the United Nations 'Human Rights Council'. Saudi Arabia publicly beheaded over 60 of it's own citizens last year year, flogging, up to 1000 lashes at a time, is common. Woman under penalty of imprisonment are not allowed to drive. The justification for David Cameron in turning a blind eye to these and other human rights abuses is 'We share valuable intelligence with them of people who want to harm both regimes'. As well as Saudi Arabia Britain has just completed trade deals with one of the most prolific Human Rights Abusers. That being China. An example wil be live organ donation/ harvesting from their prison population. ( Falun Gong) The response from the Chinese Government states that the prisoners agree to it. And the UK Government accepts that response What can be more harmful to our reputation on human rights when we ignore them in the name of national security that ultimately undermines our commitment to uphold human rights? No wonder the Tories are so keen to try and dump the European Convention of Human Rights as they have no respect of them. The irony in all of this is that it was a Tory who was instrumental in conceiving the ECHR That being Winston Churchil
  2. Criticism as £30-a-week disability benefit cuts go ahead Peers have backed down in their battle with MPs over cuts to disabled people's benefits after ministers invoked special powers to push them through. The government was twice defeated in the House of Lords over a £30 a week cut to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) for certain claimants. But it is set to go ahead after peers deferred to the elected Commons. Ministers claimed "financial privilege" to assert the Commons' right to have the final say on budgetary measures. Ministers argue the changes will encourage people to get into work, but this is strongly disputed by opponents. The cuts in weekly support from £103 to £73, contained in the Welfare Reform and Work Bill, will apply to new ESA claimants in the work-related activity group, bringing the rate into line with Job-seeker's Allowance. It will affect people who are deemed unable to work at the moment but capable of making some effort to find employment, including attending work-focused interviews and taking part in training. Ministers argue that too few people in the category are moving into work and that while the lower benefit rate would save £55m in the first year, £60m would be spent on supporting claimants to take steps towards finding work. 'Harmful impact' Work and Pensions minister Lord Freud acknowledged peers were only withdrawing their opposition with "great reluctance" after the Commons asserted financial privilege - its right to overrule any Lords proposal that has cost implications. He insisted that the Lords had "discharged their duty" by scrutinising the bill to remove "unintended consequences" and sending back concerns for the Commons to reconsider. But Paralympic gold medalist Baroness Grey-Thompson said she was disappointed such a "dreadful and punitive" part of the bill - which has been opposed by more than 30 charities - was going ahead. "It may be seen as a victory in terms of voting numbers in the Commons but we can't forget there are many disabled people who will lose out," the cross-bench peer said. Link
  3. Well it seems it is going to be one of those days.Already i have put two threads out and it is only 8am. This one has caused by blood to boil.But everyone has a view,what is yours. Here is my answer to the news that - Fracking gets go-ahead in UK for first time since 2011 as North Yorkshire council approves plans. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/23/north-yorkshire-council-approves-fracking-plans/ Well everyone will know what i feel about Fracking just in case it is Lancashire next by fair means or foul. Our council and people have said No quite clearly.I am now catching up with local views just in case. My video of how i feel.When i went on a protest to learn more.These people are protectors not protesters. Could be on your doorstep next.
  4. Payday loan charges cap announced by FCA http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30000472
  5. MPs' salaries should go up by the planned 9% to £74,000 after May's general election, the body in charge of their pay and expenses says.
  6. Hi I am on ESA having been on Incapacity Benefit before. Although my health is still poor (has in fact deteriorated) our family situation (husband redundant at 59!) makes it imperative that I find some kind of paid work. I also have a feeling that I will at some stage be pushed off ESA and think it's better to go at my own pace rather than be pushed suddenly and frighteningly into no income. I thought that I could do some kind of work from home, so that I can work around my epilepsy and other health issues and build up slowly. Given my educational background and previous experience, I thought of proofreading, editing, copywriting or some kind of related work. These days, everything seems to be digital and require computer skills which I don't have. Various centres offer short courses in these skills. There are also courses to upgrade my computer skills generally and bring me into the 21st century, as far as digital media is concerned. Does anyone know whether the Steps to Work and Step Ahead 50+ programmes cater for such courses ie will the government pay for me to be re-skilled in order to get me off benefit and back into work? Before I make a formal enquiry to the departments concerned, I thought I'd get advice from anyone on this forum who has experience of these things. Many thanks for whatever you can offer now and all the help in the past
  7. Hey, I was just wondering about an installment plan I have with a DCA(Advantis) to be exact. It's regarding a Council Tax bill which I totally forgot about. I've happily been paying it off until I received a rude call from one of their staff informing me that I've missed an instalment. When the agreement was made, they clearly stated in the mirander at the end of the call something to the effect of: etc. Having followed this, last year I knew that this year I was going to be somewhat financially strapped so I purpously paid off 3 x per month individual £5 instalments (as opposed to a whole £15) sticking to their agreement. Today they called me up stating I've missed an installment as a 'minimum of £5 a month is expected). This wasn't agreed in the first place. I told them, if this were the case (I counted all the installments), I would be paid up to April 2014! They said it didn't work like that... is this the case? 1) They never mentioned a minimum / month 2) They said x amount of payments in total, which I'm MORE than ahead on 3) Any idea's or templates about I can use about THEM breaking an agreement i.e. adding that a minimum / month has to be installed without informing me. 4) I asked them for a statement of ALL installments as their figures don't tally with my bank statements, and they won't provide this either :-/ They want all the copies of my bank statements instead (which I refuse to send). Cheers, A 155 views and 0 answers? Surely someone knows lol
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2195853/New-household-bills-squeeze-EDF-Energy-pulls-cheapest-fixed-price-deal.html
  9. Creating around 800 jobs in the area. STOBART Air has been given permission to develop Carlisle Lake District Airport. The application was approved today by Carlisle City Council’s development control committee. The application sought planning permission for the erection of a 374,000 sq ft distribution centre, along with the raising and re-profiling of the main runway at the airport, and the decision will help to safeguard over 800 jobs in the local area. The development control committee passed the development after hearing how the distribution centre, which would house key Eddie Stobart warehousing contracts, would deliver the rental income required to help upgrade airport facilities and allow passenger flights to commence. As part of the supporting evidence, Irish airline Aer Arran identified that passenger routes from Carlisle to Dublin and Stobart-owned London Southend Airport would be sustainable and would successfully integrate into its current network. More: http://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/9855009.Stobart_gets_go_ahead_for_Carlisle_Lake_District_Airport/
  10. hi i have found this site very helpful in the past so let’s hope it continues i am about to enter the confusing world of ppi claiming i have had a good read on claiming back miss sold ppi and some say it's easy and some say it's a long hard slogg lets hope mine's not the latter firstly a abbey loan paid in full with a (consolidated loan) on 02 /2005 i know i was miss sold it because the phone call to abbey stated that if i did not take out ppi from them i probably would not get the loan so if that's not miss selling what is i have the final settlement letter with dates and details is it to late to claim just over 6 years ago ? on the letter it shows a less rebate of payment protection premium of £42 can i still claim for the rest ? Secondly i have found a cpi services contract for ppi for 60 months from 3 / 2004 £1.391 same again the salesman said if you don't take out ppi now you may not get the mortgage i have others i am looking into this is just the start the largest is with the consolidated loan company on 1 /2005 £3250 added to the loan same as the others told i have to have it from them before the loan would be offered so it's the dates i am worried about
  11. Hi happy new-year to you all and good luck to everyone that’susing this site for any future claims After my susess with abbey\santander i have started to hunt down citi groupi may have had at least 5 loans with different companies but all under the citi group name so thismay take some sorting out Here’s a quick rundown of where I’m up to with it SAR sent 22-10-2012 Citi Request for proof of identity 10-11-2012 proof sent straight back15-11-2012 Nothing has been herd to date over 60 days not including holidays and i still have not receivedmy requested S A R what’s my next move any ideas thanks in advance
  12. Motability have updated their website with their latest understanding of PIP. Whilst most of the info won't come as a surprise - it's been described as 'a chilling read' elsewhere - it is worth having a read through. You can find it here. As if decimating the Motability scheme and removing the personal independence from thousands and thousands and thousands of mobility impaired people wasn't enough:
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