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  1. Hi all, Now, this kind of story will have some resonance with other users of this forum. And my contribution is my 4+ month fight with the DVLA for allegedly not notifying them of a change of keeper.. It started back in October when my partner (named driver) received a letter from the DVLA that stated someone was trying to register the car in their name. My partner rang the DVLA to let them know that the car had been sold on eBay back on the 22nd of June (not May as I had mistakenly stated in another thread) and that the V5C was posted to them on the same day as the sale was completed. I can't remember what the reply was but the agent from the DVLA on the phone was taking notes from my partner with regards dates, times etc. A couple of weeks later she got a letter from the DVLA stating that she had failed to notify them of a change of keeper and that a £35 penalty was due, which would increase to £55 if it wasn't paid within 14? Days. At this point, as I was the actual owner of the vehicle and my partner was merely the named keeper for insurance purposes, I took over all the correspondence going back to the DVLA. I notified them that the documents had been sent back to them and that it was unfair for them to hold us responsible for something totally out of our control. There were a few letters sent back and fourth between us but the third letter from them was almost laughable. after telling them that we had done all we reasonably could do with regards to notifying them, they stated that our statement was noted but did not constitute a defence. They had not received any documents so therefore we were liable. So, as to make my position clear, I duly notified them of chapter 30, section 7 of the Interpretations Act 1978. References to service by post. Where an Act authorises or requires any document to be served by post (whether the expression “serve” or the expression “give” or “send” or any other expression is used) then, unless the contrary intention appears, the service is deemed to be effected by properly addressing, pre-paying and posting a letter containing the document and, unless the contrary is proved, to have been effected at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post. After a couple of weeks we received another letter form them stating that the Interpretations Act is clear in that it refers to documents or letters being delivered rather than merely being sent. I wrote back telling them that they are clearly deluded, and talking nonsense as no where in that section if the act does state anything like they were suggesting. I also included the act again and asked them to carefully read it just so they can be clear. Eventually after another letter from them, I wrote back telling them that I was tired of these wasteful exchanges and that their only option was to take the matter to court as I was refusing to enter in further discourse on this matter. I even added that any more correspondence sent by myself to them would result in an hourly charge 0f £6.50 per hour which would include printing and postage costs. After a couple of weeks i received another letter from them stating that this issue was going to court and that i should receive a summons shortly. Low and behold, roughly 2 weeks later a court summons dropped through the door. So with my partners date in court set, which was yesterday, I began to get some nice little facts together about the DVLA. I first started with a freedom of information request that I placed back in December. http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/number_of_missed_acknowledgement I asked the DVLA how many V5C documents were received by them between 2010 - 2012 and how many acknowledgement letters were sent out on response within those same years. The reply I received was quite shocking really. The DVLA had no specific records of the amount of V5C's that they received but took a sample (85%) and gave figures out. Now, these figures still don't add up by their own account yet people are prosecuted for not following up on these acknowledgement letters with the DVLA after 14 days. Better still, there is no legal requirement for the DVLA to issue one and this leaves a wide open door for all sorts of abuses to go on. Another freedom of information request was printed which is a little different in how the case came about, but the process in how the summons was made by the DVLA is the same. In this case, the SORN declaration was made but acknowledgement was received. This led to the summons being issued against the person named in the FOI request and i believe the person was acquitted as a result of his research. So, armed with the letters received from the DVLA and the letters sent by me, and also the FOI information, i went to court. The first thing that struck me was the amount of people waiting to have their day in court for issues the same as i was having or for SORN issues. The clerk of the court was who amazed me though. She was going around asking people their names and how they wanted to plead. One gentleman was there for a different case that was being dealt with in the same court room. She asked him why he was there and he said that it was because he had his car clamped by VOSA, because it had no tax, even though it was parked on a private road. She, and i was stunned by this, said to him "well it is an offence so you are guilty and will be fined today". I sh*t you not, that was a clerk of the court telling someone that she had never met before, and whom had no idea of the case, telling someone they are guilty. Whatever happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty? Anyway, i approached the clerk and told her my partners name. She asked why i was there and i told her that i am the partner of the defendant and that i was there to represent her in court. The clerk said that they (the magistrates) may not hear my defence as the summons was in my partners name. I stated that everyone was entitled to representation, i am the partner of the defendant and that i was the owner of the car which relates to this case. The clerk said that she would ask and would get back to me. After around 15 minutes, the clerk emerged from the court and called my name out. I approached her and as i did so she stated that the case had been dropped. I asked why it had been dropped and she said that she didn't know. I asked what i should do and she advised me that i could leave and a letter from the court detailing the case and the verdict would be sent to me after a few days. RESULT! I didn't stop there though. After speaking to the clerk i sat down with other people who were going through similar situations and gave them the FOI requests, and some notes about the human right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and the interpretation act. I asked them to read it, understand it and pass it on to the next DVLA victim. My advice to anyone dealing with the DVLA is to always refute their claims if you have done everything by the book. Always record any conversation you have with them regardless of how trivial it may seem and always, always attend court if you are summonsed. After what i saw yesterday, i can definitely say without any sort of undue bias that the DVLA rely on you not knowing your rights, your ignorance of the law, and not knowing your responsibilities within law. This is how they get away with their unscrupulous behaviour and command huge fines. Always, always use the Interpretations Act 1978 Chapter 30 Section 7 as your defence when important documents such as V5C's/V60's and SORN notifications are sent by post and lost by either Royal Mail or the DVLA. Hopefully, you will succeed like i did.
  2. Trying to change Uk driving licence to a Spanish one. It is a legal requirement to change over licence as i am a resident of Spain now. Trafico Spain have faxed a licence verification request to DVLA but DVLA simply say" We have not received any request. Trafico can prove the request was sent. I have repeatedly phoned DVLA but getting nowhere. I need to talk to someone from the office that deals with licence exchange but all i can get through to is a call center 0044 300 123 6801 Has anyone else got any experience with this dept? or offer any other ideas.
  3. Am I the only one out there that is gettin hassle from DVLA stating that ive not sent them back the V5 form, Its a bit strange how they word the letter final opportunity to prevent court action, as of course I failed to send bk the other half of the V5...NOT.. I've always sent this bk,but for the first time did not send it bk via recorded post D'oh, big mistake, but as stated in the letter I can pay £35 but if no payment is not received by a cut off date then it go's up by £55 with the option to pay via cheque-postal order-debit card, yep thanks 4 that option's, I ant paying this, this is a bloody lib's, I know I sent this bk they know what gives the the right to con us out of money & court action, out of order, My friend betty has this same letter with the same text word for word, like her she sent the V5 bk & of course did nt send via recorded post, strange how they never received this back... can anybody help or is there more people like us that is in this presition.. I would like to know & start up a pertistion sorry for the poor spelling, but you know what i mean mike marshall.
  4. Hello, I am a 25 year old male from England. Having just received my latest letter from the DVLA I can honestly say I am furious to say the least. :-x Anyway... I am a provisional license holder who has been taking driving lessons for the best part of 2 years. I have lost count of the amount of lessons that I have had already and that is probably a good thing lol. To help me through this I have decided to go out and buy a car to get some extra practice due to the rising cost of driving lessons etc. I was all ready to get a car until I went to the opticians for a routine eye examination. My problems started on 14/1/2013 when I went to Specsavers. When looking in my drawer a month previous I came across an old letter from my last hospital check up which said "examination of the Fundi was difficult on the right disc due to Nystagmus but the left disc looked fine." - It also said that I have "good occular eye movements". I thought nothing of the letter until i went to Specsavers then I suddenly asked what is a Nystagmus? she explained what it was and I (probably stupidly) told her about the letter. Her reply was that I needed to declare this to the DVLA as it is classed by them as a Notifiable condition - which meant that I could be fined and my insurance void if I didn't. Thinking this was going to be just a quick - Yeah your fine sort of job I printed off a V1 form and sent it in the post. I received a reply on 26/1/2013 saying they have written to my doctor for more information. This was disappointing to say the least as I am still waiting to get my little car to finish my learning. I immediately made an appointment with my doctor to hopefully speed things up. While I was at the doctors surgery she said a letter from DVLA has come through and that it will be replied to now (presumably by other staff at the NHS). On 16/2/2013 (exactly three weeks later) I telephoned the DVLA to find out what was happening. Someone on the phone said that the DVLA have received my doctors letter and that they will send me a letter soon. Today being 25/2/2013 I received a reply from the DVLA!! This time it says that "we have now received medical information which has now been passed to the medical advisor for further advice. This could take up to 8 weeks" The thing is I don't want to wait another 2 months. If I did it would defeat the whole object and slow my driving down. Judging by what has been said online about the DVLA I don't expect it will be 8 weeks, I expect 2 months just for them to say I need another appointment, then a further few weeks to make it and more time after just to make the decision about my fitness to drive - Even though I meet the legal requirements after all. Is there anything I can do to speed this stupid process up? Can I still take my practical driving test while waiting for the DVLA to make their decision? (I am obviously a provisional license holder) Additional notes: I have worn eyeglasses for a while now to correct short shortsightedness and have no other eye problems or serious illnesses. I can read a number plate from 20 - 25 meters away without a problem. My friend has congenital Nystagmus and cannot see his computer screen without being really close up. I am not like that and was unaware I even had this silly Nystagmus thing! lol. If you have probably sensed my frustration in this post I apologize as the last letter has only just come about an hour ago. - Thankyou in advance for your replies!
  5. Theresults of DVLA sight tests should begive to the person undergoing the test. Why you may ask? One part of the testinvolves a periferal vision test to press a button when a light spot appears.If you boob on the test by not pressing the button, they do not tell you. So you wait for the new licenceand low and behold you get a letter saying it is not being renewed!! Now how doyou appeal and how quick can retest to appeal the refusal? The answer is not clear and DVLA appear to have no sense of urgency. A neighbour of minehas not been able to drive since early October 2012. It is now 17th January2013! He sent, after considerable expense, a specialist eye report by special delivery at the begining ofDecember. Update- It is now 22 Feb and after he had written to them he has received a reply and a D1 to complete again! I ask, does this pay to declare honestly what problems you have? Does this make DVLA unfit for purpose, rather like the Home Office was described about 10 years ago?
  6. My car was clamped yesterday for not having a valid tax disc and I had to pay £260 to VEAS (who are a company employed by DVLA). I can claim £160 of this back once I take my new tax disc to show any DVLA office. They will keep £100 for removing the clamp, which seems a bit much to me for one and a half minutes work. They opened my car door and asked for my car keys and I refused. They ignored my requests to identify themselves and they threatened to tow my car to the pound if I didn't get home and pay the money over the phone in ten minutes. A very unpleasant event. I bought the car in April 2012 from a garage and apparently it has not been registered in my name. The forms sent by the garage and myself must have gone missing. As I didn't get the usual renewal reminder from DVLA (the tax expired on 31st May 2012), I completely forgot about it. I have now bought a years tax disc and have to send the blue form V62 to get the car registered to me. This form asks when I purchased the vehicle and so they are soon going to send me a demand of back pay plus another penalty for driving with no tax. I am already £100 down and simply cannot afford a hefty fine and the back pay as well. I am considering being dishonest (with the robbers) and stating on the form that I purchased the car last week, but don't know if that could be proven to be false? Any advice would be much appreciated
  7. Hi Guys, First post so be gentle My partner had a car that was stolen back in 2010. It was recovered by the Police and when we went to the garage it was at, we agreed to destroy the vehicle. The company sent the required paper work off and we sent our bit off. The company state they have documentation that on 10/12/10 the car was destroyed. In January 2013 we received a letter from Inter Credit stating money is owed and a £80 payment (fine) will do the trick. I contacted them and explained the facts and the threatening words from them were unpleasant. I said to them see you in court. I said this as I had spoken to the garage that destroyed the car who told me that this company were always trying to [problem] people. Today we received a letter from Trust Recoveries "FINAL NOTICE" saying they have been instructed to commence legal prodceedings. Again, I rang this company stating the facts etc but they just said that my partner should have received a letter 4 weeks after we sent our paperwork off and because we didnt receive the letter and didnt chase it up we were liable for the £80. I insisted that we had done everything right but they were having none of it. I spoke with DVLA explaining everything, who said that I could appeal this in writing. This option has never been offered to us by Inter Credit or Trust Recoveries. When I asked Trust Recoveries about this they stated that the DVLA gave me wrong information (DVLA told me to address letter to TR) and that they didnt have a clue what they were on about.? Guys were do I stand on this as Im getting majorly stressed. Cheers Andy
  8. Hi I have read some threads about this issue with DVLA, I just needed some help. I sold a car over a year ago or so and I posted the V5 1st class post to them. However I received a letter from DVLA stating someone had applied for the V5 and if this was correct then I don't need to take any action and they would issue the V5 withing 14 days I think it was? So I took no action. I then received a letter saying I had failed to notify the DVLA about the change of ownership and now had to pay them an out of court settlement. After receiving this letter I phoned them to explain I had posted the V5 the clerk told me not interested sorry don't bother writing in as it will make no difference. just pay the fine. I refused to pay it as I had posted the V5 and didn't think I was in the wrong. Hence now I have a court summons for the 27th of Feb. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of similar dismissed cases that I can use in my defense. Thanks
  9. TheClunk

    DVLA issues

    Hello, was reccomended this forum for some help and suggestions. Back in August, I sold a car via ebay. I delivered the car a few days after. The day after delivering, I posted the V5. Thought nothing more of it. Last week, I get a court summons for next Tuesday because I failed to notify DVLA of the new keeper. When I contacted them, I was told that they would of sent a confirmation letter of new owner, and if I did not get one, I should of chased them up. I told them I was unaware of having to receive this letter, and they said it is on the V5 which I signed to acknowledge this. I have no idea what to do. One thing I have noticed is that the date of ownership change is wrong. They have it down as me selling the car on the 26th August, but I sold it on the 11th, delivered it on the 16th (I have witness to this) and sent off log book on 17th. (although I do not have proof of posting, I do have it on my bank statement that I was in the post office on the 17th as that is when I bought tax for my new car). What should I be doing?
  10. A NOTORIOUS car clamper who racially abused a man is the boss of a new parking enforcement firm in East Yorkshire. Despite having a criminal conviction, the Mail can reveal Peter Del Grosso could have access to the DVLA database, meaning he can find out the names and addresses of drivers he fines. Del Grosso, who is no longer clamping, became director of a new company, Auto Security Limited, three months ago – around the same time wheel-clamping was outlawed in England. Auto Security Ltd is a member of the British Parking Association (BPA), which would allow Del Grosso access to records kept by the DVLA. http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Convicted-clamper-Del-Grosso-access-DVLA-database/story-18076684-detail/story.html
  11. http://www.dft.gov.uk/dvla/~/media/pdf/Consumer_forum/Consumer%20Forum%20Minutes%20-%20%20December%202012.ashx Comments?
  12. Ok I have spent, like many others, in excess of 3 decades being chased and bullied by DVLA for crimes and offenses that i have not committed. 1) Just in the last 12 months DVLA failed to explain to a court why they claimed that my driving license had been revoked back in 2006 resulting in me being charged with driving without a license or insurance --------- I received an absolute discharge but it cost me well in excess of £1000 and loads of hassle, stress etc plus it caused severe stress to my severely disabled ward of care and her disabled son impacting, seriously, on both of their medical conditions. 2)They have given my details out without cause or justification in relation to a vehicle that I no longer own and there is irrefutable proof in their possession that someone else is responsible for the vehicle in question. 3) Now they are taking me to court for failing to notify them of a change of keeper for another vehicle over a year ago. This vehicle is a vehicle that I never owned but i was the 'responsible' person as it was a company vehicle. However, (a) this vehicle became the responsibility of the official Receiver when the company that it was registered to went bankrupt and my employment with them ceased as did my legal responsibility. (b) they where notified at the time and this was way back in 2008. Now they are claiming that someone applied for a V5c in December 2011 and I failed to tell them I had sold the vehicle. MUPPET'S!!!! As usual DVLA have applied their normal bullying tactics but that doesn't work with me anymore. So, we are going to court. I am not going to give dates or venues here because not everyone reading public forums have honest intentions I am well aware of all the relevant statutes etc and, of course, the Kennedy case and I have spent the last 3 weeks trawling this forum and others reading the thousands of posts from similar victims. Until now, like most members of the public,I was not fully aware of the size of this problem. Originally it had been my intent to plead not guilty, force DVLA to prove my guilt by statute (which is impossible for them to do BTW), and walk out of the court with my costs (well some of them anyway) However, having spent all this time researching then my attitude is changed. THIS NEEDS TO GO TO CROWN FOR A RULING Herein lies the problem --- How to get this into Crown? Kennedy was one of the closest I found but still no ruling because DVLA decided, after wasting money from the public purse for a case in the first place, to offer no evidence when Kennedy went to Crown for appeal. A common practice it would seem I can find no circumstances where i can ask a Magistrate to send this case to crown for trial. A summary only conviction that ends in a criminal record, it seems, can only be heard in Magistrates court with no right to ask for trail by jury ????? If I offer a weak defense and don't put up a fight I suppose i can get a guilty verdict and then appeal to Crown against conviction but then DVLA will pull the same stunt and offer no evidence on appeal so there will still be no ruling. There has to be a way to get this heard properly and case law to be established by a ruling but i am running out of ideas so HELP PLEASE Your ideas appreciated I am willing to fight this, not just for me------ that bit is easy I can tie the prosecutor in legal knots and have fun doing it but it is to no use to anyone else unless we can all, somehow, get these cases into case history so that DVLA has to behave and stop the bullying tactics which they use to raise revenue for their own sick organization. One further note. Even if i fail I will travel from Lands End to John O Groats to help anyone else to achieve the same end. I have had enough DVLA has cost me personally over £10,000 during the last 2 decades and I have emails and complaint letters going back to the 1980's about things that DVLA have done to me including 3 separate issues with my driving license. They need to be bought to task I know there are folk on this forum of the same mind and I know that there are some of you with far more knowledge of the law than myself. So how about some of us putting our heads together and going for this? Your 'sensible please' replies welcome
  13. Hello, New here! Last year around End of August, i scraped my old car. Swiftly followed by my V5 being sent off to DVLA to inform them of this and thought all was well. Couple of months ago, i received a letter from Philips (which from what i understand is now Collectica?) advising that i haven't renewed my car tax and have an outstanding fine of £80. I called them and explained i sraped the car and that it wasn't actually a car anymore, more a small box of metal. They advised to speak to the DVLA and see what they say, which i did. I emailed them from the DVLA website explaining this, and they simply returned with: So, DVLA essentially say 'Do what they tell you'. Now, to this i say NO! As far as i am concerned, i had done what i needed to do. Granted, i obviously didn't receive a confirmation of me not being the owner, but as it can take upto 6 weeks, the thought didn't stay with me for long. I wrote to DVLA and Collectica advising what had happened, and that i am not going to pay an £80 fine for something that is beyond my control. If Royal Mail or, More Likely the DVLA have lost my V5, that is not my fault. Now. Today i receive a 'Court Warning - Final Notice' from Collectica. So, i'm thinking - Do i waste my time calling them and speaking to another person who has absolutely NO personallity what so ever? Do i call the DVLA again? Do i send my letter to them again? Or, do i wait for a possibly letter giving me a time and date to be at Court, then explain it to them? Not being funny, but seriously? I have done what i am required to do, and also written to both parties to advise this...there isn't anything further i can do is there? Aside from paying up, which i'm not going to do as it's not my fault... Anyone have any advise? Could do with some form of logical answer!
  14. Just out of interest, reading all the various posts on PPC's getting info from DVLA, is it possible for the RK to register with DVLA that under, say, Data Protection Act, they withdraw all rights for DVLA to provide information to non official bodies (ie Police, Local/National Govt)? Seem to recall that on the back of a V5(?) there are notes on information promulgation Just curious
  15. Hi All I tried to tax this vehicle online but I had problems for some reason so I gave up, then my circumstances changed and I bought another van so I didnt buy tax at all, a couple of more weeks passed and I decided that keeping 2 vans was the way of the future and tried to tax online again (it was not driven on the roads in the meantime) but 4 weeks had passed and I could not do it online anymore so I went to the post office, they couldnt do it either so my next day off I drove to the local office and taxed it there, backdating it to the start of the unlicensed date. Now i have just received a LLP, i wrote to them saying that I had taxed it and backdated the tax but hey have insisted that I pay it, does anyone think that i need to? Thanks, John:|
  16. And on their return to work they will probably issue fines to all those who missed some renewal or notification. Such is the attitude of the DVLA. More ...
  17. I have read many of the posts regarding the DVLA and Inter-Credit International with interest as I just received a debt recovery notice yesterday. I could really do with some advice as my situation seems a bit different. The truth is, during a very stressful year my SORN has run out (31 March). Exactly 6 months prior I moved house, put a redirect on my mail for 6 months and so never received the reminder. I have received NO correspondence regarding this until the debt recovery letter from Inter-Credit International, which is the standard one everyone else has posted here for £80 to avoid court proceedings and clearly states that I'm receiving it because I have ignored all previous correspondence. What would you (clearly experienced and knowledgeable) folk advise me to do next? I don't want to just cough up to this debt recovery agency if I should be dealing with DVLA direct as the message on here seems to be that ICI are best avoided. Also, my bike remains currently un-SORNed, should I do that asap? Many thanks for anyone taking the time to help a girl out during the festive season!
  18. I purchased a car at a well known reputable car firm known all around the country At the time of purchase there wasn’t a second key, which was to be delivered within a 2weeks, there also wasn’t a log book. After much deliberation on the day of purchase where NEITHER where brought to my attention I went ahead with the purchase. Issue Number 1: After not hearing anything for two weeks regarding my spare key I contacted said car firm who said that the key actually hadn’t even been ordered yet and that it had been ordered now and will be delivered in two weeks (15th September). At this time the new logbook had arrived. At the end of Setpember, I phoned up to confirm if my key had actually been delivered, which it hadn’t, and to my surprise I had to arrange a time to get my key coded, despite being assured I could be sent the key in the post. About a week after I had my key coded at the Car Manufacturer Garage I received a letter in the post, with the new owners slip for the log book supposedly lost and a 3RD Key which was coded for the car. This was blamed on the fact that the person who sold me the car has since left the company, this doesn’t excuse the fact that they didn’t organize his outstanding work successfully. So two things 1. They sent me a new owners slip about a month after I had received a new log book from the DVLA 2. They sent me a 3rd key coded for my car which PROVES that I didn’t have to take my car to the garage to get it coded! Thus wasting 2-3 Hours of my time. Issue Number 2: About a month ago, I received a letter in the post stating that I was no longer the legal owner of my car, and now was the registered keeper of another car. Which incidentally had the same previous owner of the car I actually own. This has caused significant difficulty in trying to rectify with the DVLA, it has caused untold stress and anxiety, as technically this car does not have a registered keeper.
  19. Good agternoon guys and gals... Hoping you can help me out here. I sold my car last October, did all the usual, and sent off the bottom slip to the DVLA. I think it was in May, they sent a letter, regards Taxing the car, so I rang them, letting them know they had sent the renual to the wrong address and should resend to its new owner. No problems there. But about a month ago, I received a summons to magistrates court today, as a start of legal proceedings. I went along, and asked exactly where there is any evidence of my not sending off the neccesary paperwork, and got told all they need is a "section 9"??? for them to take me to court. Seriously... its a piece of paper, printed out with a DVLA header, and someone saying they cant find my paperwork. First off, how does this hold ANY weight in court, I could knock this up on my computer in seconds, and sign it, saying that I've sent it... Effectively, there is no actual evidence one way or another, just someone pointing a finger and saying "you did a naughty" well, I'm very sorry, but I didn't, and I wont pay for some elses mistake. Secondly, given that DVLA are prone to making mistakes, regularly, how can they justify chasing up on the say so of one of their staff? Thirdly, Why are the courts listening to these incompetent idiots? Fourthly, if they dont tell me the documentation hasn't arrived, how can I know whats happened, especially with the third party being the royal mail, a company that looses 1 million letters a week? Last of all, how do I get these people off my back? Because there is no way I'm pleading guilty, theres no way I'm paying any fines or costs. It will end up a simple case of them having to give me a costodial sentance in order for them to get anything. I hate that the little man can get dragged through court on the say so of one employee of any Government agency, and the fact that there is nothing in the way of actual evidence absolutely disgusts me. Please help, thanks in advance Martin
  20. I have just received a notification of destruction letter from DVLA 1. I sold this car in mid Hune and sent of the V5 and gave the appropriate part of the V5 to new keeper, well I fully intend to keep this notification safe, but should I do anything else? bearing in mind the DVAL's ability to cock things up? But on the other hand, I renewed my existing car's tax on line on a Thursday evening prior to the end othe month. and when I got home on the Monday evening, a new Tax disc, so full marks there, so why cannot they get other things right? I am a JP and am sick of cases where DVLA say papers not returned and defendant says they were!
  21. My car was written off in may 2012 i cancelled insurance on 18th may 2012 and didn't send docs into dvla until oct (5 months late) i sent them everything including tax disc from jan 2012 to jan 2013, dvla then sent confirmation slip and a check for £21 i think it was minus £40 or so less, i thought that was money they took for fine and that was end of it. WRONG a couple of weeks later i get a letter from - mid - database shows this vehicle was not insured on 19/10/2012 penalty £100, i filled form to appeal and inclosed dvla letter of confirmation and insurance letter of cancellation,then on 5th 12th 2012 i get final notice of failure to insure, so i phoned mid and asked what had happend to my letter of appeal, they said they didn't receive my letter BUT the records have now been updated, can anyone please advise me on what to write on this appeal, oh and how could they update records if they didn't receive my letter of confirmation from dvla. thankyou,
  22. I am keeping my car off road therefore I did SORN online and also I sent V14 with TAX disc to DVLA by royal registered mail. But still they want 100pound penalty. Time lines: 1. Did SORN online on 23rd November12. Got email confirmation saying application made on 23rd November12. However website said SORN will start from 1st December12 (probably because my TAX disc runs out on 31st November12). 2. Sent V14 with tax disc to DVLA by registered royal mail post on 23rd November. I can see on Royal Mail tracking website that it is received by DVLA on 24th November. 3. Got a letter from DVLA dated 28th November that since your car is not insured or sorn as of 28th November therefore you have to pay 100pounds. Please can anyone help me what I am suppose to do now? shall I pay penalty and get rid of the problem or shall I apply for dispute?
  23. melloneed

    DVLA Fine

    Hi wondering if anyone could help me here My boyfriend lent one of his cars, around two months ago to his friend who crashed the car in a drunken accident and was subsequently arrested and prosecuted. (Thankfully he was insured) The car was written off and was completely wrecked. The car was impounded by the police and after my boyfriend telephoned them to find out what was happening. He paid the £200 storage fee price and then received a letter from a scrap company which I'm guessing work in conjuction with the police about their intention to scrap the vehicle. He informed his insurance company about what had happened with the vehicle, and then he bought an old banger to insure on the same policy!, He didn't inform the dvla about what had happened to the car, and he assumed that the scrapping company would have told them about the circumstances. Anyway the written off vehicle's tax was due to run out on October 30th, around November 17th he recieved a letter from the dvla about a final reminder to tax the vehicle or make a sorn. He telephoned the dvla to explain the scenario and they advised him to post details about everything. He wrote them a letter and enclosed the reciept sent to him by the scrapping company. The DVLA told him that in 4 weeks time he should get a confirmation letter. What has worried me is however, after speaking to a number of people, and seeing some posts on here that he might be a liable for a fine. And knowing what a stubborn kind of person he is if he refuses to pay it Magistrate Summons. I'm not totally clued up here on all this some if anybody could enlighten me that would be brilliant!!!! thanks
  24. des23

    DVLA bike licence

    Hi All just rcd my driving licence back fom the dvla after renewing my hgv licence.it has come back without my motorcycle entitlement (licence)i passed my bike tst some years ago cant remember the date safe to say over 25 years.it must have been on there as i was done for speeding on my bike in 2010 and had to produce my licence which came back with 3 points ..not sure how to go about tackling the dvla about it . thanks in advance
  25. nalakaanu

    Can i sue dvla

    I would like to share my frustrating story. I have two dr10 convictions on 2002 and 2003.i wrote to the DVLA on 2005 asking when i can get my driving licence back. DVLA replies me after 24/06/2005 i can get my driving licence back. on 25/06/2005 i did apply for the provisional driving licence .then i passed my test on 05/10/2005. 2009 i did apply for the PCO know as mini cab licence. after the application i received the later from DVLA saying on ‘’WHEN YOU SAT ON 05/10/2005 YOU WERE A DISQUALIFIED DRIVER AND THEREFORE NOT COVERED TO SIT A TEST.AS A RESULT OF THIS THE TEST WILL NOW BE NEGATED’’. Then i went to the DVLA local office return the licence back and apply for the provisional with paying £50.00.on may 2009 i did received the latter from DVLA ‘’ THE FEE FOR THE RENEWAL OF LICENCE AFTER ANY DISQUALIFICATION IS £90.00.i payed the balance of £40.00 to the DVLA local office .June 2009 DVLA ask me to attend for the medical examination with one of their Doctor. i did attend. Then finally i got my full driving licence back and it was say starting date as 14.04.03. Beginning of 2012 i did apply for the HGV provisional licence without any problem and i passed my theory test on Feb. 2012.i took my practical test on 29/10/2012 and i passed the test. On 01/11/2012 i got my full HGV licence. on 06/11/2012 DVLA wrote to me again and saying ‘’WE WROTE TO YOU ON 2009 EXPLAINING THAT YOU WERE ONLY ENTITLED TO A PROVISIONAL DRIVING LICENCE DUE TO TAKING A TEST WHILST SERVING A PERIOD OF DISQUALIFICATION. HOW EVER A FULL DRIVING LICENCE WAS ISSUED TO YOU MIN ERROR. OUR RECORDS SHOW THAT YOU DID NOT RETURN THIS INCORRECT LICENCE WHICH YOU WERE NOT ENTITLED TO HOLD. YOU THEN MADE AN APPLICATION FOR PROVISIONAL VOCATIONAL ENTITLEMENT IN JANUARY 2012 WHICH YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO HOLD, UNLESS YOU HAVE FULL MOTOR CAR ENTITLEMENT. ARRANGEMENTS NOW HAVE BEEN MADE TO REVERT YOUR DRIVER RECORDS TO PROVISIONAL STATUS, REMOVING YOUR LGV ENTITLEMENT AND CANCELLATION OF YOUR CATEGORY C TEST YOU RECENTLY SAT IN ORDER FOR ME TO ISSUE YOU WITH AN AMENDED DRIVING LICENCE, PLEASE RETURN BOTH PARTS. Can you please give me any sort of feedback? I am starting to think about claiming compensation, because I,m a self employed recovery driver couldn't drive Is it reasonable to even think about compensation? . Thanks for your time. Best Regards, NMAKM
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