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  1. I am trying to complete mine but am shocked to see nearly all the questions are centered around people who can walk, so for example there are no choices for wheelchair users when getting around , just those who can walk. It doesn't even ask if you can stand , or reach etc any more either , I mean I might as well write them a whole dossier as there is nothing really there at all geared towards asking questions about serious disability. mike
  2. Hello everyone. I have a doctor visit on Saturday about a DLA claim. Does anyone have any experience or advice regarding this. I have heard people say don't sign things but surely they will need some kind of signature at some point. I'm really looking for what to expect and what to look out for. So any help at all would be really appreciated.
  3. Hi All, My Sister has just received her DLA renewal award, it has remained the same High Care and High Mobility, what is confusing me it states she will receive this for the rest of her life, I thought everyone has to claim PIP from April of this year??? any suggestions..
  4. Hi everybody, I'm hoping someone can help me because I'm terrified. I receive DLA. My award ends in Jan 2014. When I was assessed by one of their doctors in March 2012 I was working part time. I started a full time job in November 2012. Not to make excuses, but I was just out of surgery and I had just moved house and broken up with my long term partner all within the same couple of months as starting my job. I thought I phoned to inform the DWP of my change of circumstances. I hadn't. I only realised this about a month ago when I was sorting out some Working Tax Credit stuff and they advised that I hadn't changed my employer. I thought I had done both at the same time. I wrote to the DWP as soon as I realised this, and told them that my circumstances had changed and requested they stop my DLA immediately, and now they are sending out a change of circumstances pack. I just dont want this benefit anymore. I know this amounts to benefit fraud and I am petrified about what is going to happen to me. I will lose my job if I have a criminal record and my doctor has put me on anti depressants and diazepam because I am having panic attacks and have started to think about killing myself because if I lose my job I wont have anything. Nothing has actually happened yet with the DWP, I haven't had an interview under caution or anything but I am so scared that something is going to happen I just dont know what to do. If I have to pay back money I'll pay it back, I just cant have a criminal record or I'll have lost everything I have worked for. Can someone please give me some advice on what to do, I am completely terrified right now. Thank you.
  5. Just a heads up. As the title says really just been into store to pay off an agreement we have with them at long last and found out that there new scheme started today which has now pushed them from plain expensive to extortionate especially if you never used to take DLA or OSC with them The APR rate has increased a whopping 40% to 69.9% on the new agreements that now have everything included which is allegedly better for the customer we were told. Not sure how this works with regards to being sold cover and insurance which customers do not want or need in place. Glad to be rid of them at long last.
  6. received a letter last thursday saying a home visit has been arranged for a medical assessment today. i rang the doctor on friday and left a message to say that appointment wasnt convenient as i want my partner to be available. He/she didnt get back to me and because of the bank holiday i rang Atos office this morning to confim that he was going to rearrange, and gave them a list of dates when my partner could be available. They told me to send him away if he still comes today, i told them i would be in bed.... little bit anxious that he will still come.. should i just not answer the door? Also can anyone advise me,what to expect and how best to tackle a medical assessment? will i be examined, will i need to undress? I have heard allsorts about the doctor snooping round the house and making assumptions, are they allowed to do that? I even read somewhere that i should hide the dog, because they will assume that i can walk her ( my partner does this btw)... thats not really possible. when they write the report, do you get a chance to see it and challenge things that are inaccurate or assumed? trying not to be too anxious, but not doing terribly well atm
  7. Hi, My 64 year old wife receives DLA at the lower level for mobility and personal care. Her current entitlement ends mid January 2014 and she received claim forms today for it's continuation. The form stated that she should complete and return it ASAP but I have heard that if she did this and her claim was denied then her current payments would stop immediately instead of carrying on until January. Can anyone throw some light on this? Also she thought that DLA was being replaced with PIP yet the renewal forms all say DLA. Would I be correct in thinking that because of her age and the fact that she is over retirement age the Government will not be so anxious to get her off DLA as they would someone of working age? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi this is for a friend who has asked for some help. She had DLA for years HRC & HRM. Things in her life started to improve last winter and she started to be able walk further in a shorter time frame than she has ever done. On top of that her medication started to stabilise her needs. Thinking that it might just be a flash in the pan, she left it until May this year when she felt that the changes were more or less permanent. She contacted the DLA by letter and told them that she wanted to stop her claim as for the past 6 months things had been improving month on month. They sent her another claim form, why I don't know, but anyhow she didn't bother to fill it in and just binned it. Her DLA payments stopped. The next thing she hears is that the DWP wanted to talk to her on tape about her DLA claim. With nothing to hide or be guilty about off she went. When she returned she looked awful, crying. She says that they treated her like a criminal. The only thing I could get out of her was that they wanted to talk about the 6 months leading up to when she contacted them to stop the claim. She told them the truth that her abilities had improved month on month but wanted to make sure that they were not in her head and were permanent. She told me that they are now investigating it on the basis of what she had said and admitted that she continued to claim DLA for 6 months knowing that her care needs and mobility had improved. What can she expect out of this? She seems to have been too honest and has admitted guilt when none exists.
  9. Hello, I've been getting middle rate care & low rate mobility. Paid from 7/11-7/13. My award notice says they will contact me by July to see if I want to claim again- but they never did. My support worker didn't help me fill in my conditions as negatively as they affect me & I wrongly assumed it would be obvious. Gov website doesn't say that I need to apply for PIP yet. But I can't find any adult DLA claim forms online & I really need an online form that can be filled in by typing such as the ESA50 can. Is there an online adult DLA form please?
  10. Hi, my DLA runs out in December and I have received my new form, thought it would be PIP form but it isn't, I get high mobility and high care, do you think it would be a good idea to enclose a copy of my last DLA award with my form . thank you
  11. Hi I have a tribunal this month on behalf of my 12 year old daughter. They lowered her claim from middle rate to lower care needs. Her care has not changed, in fact for care of a 12 year child I would say it was increased. She suffers with severe Atopic Eczema and has been with Great Ormond Street for 6 years. She has been admitted into hospital for intensive treatment twice in six months in the past year. She has it all over her body 90% of the time the rest it covers her arms and legs. DLA have said that she should be doing more for herself at the age of 12 and also her care needs take less than 1 hour a day. In fact it takes at least three but it is really hard to put this across in a DLA form. Anyway, I have a letter from her nurse specialist at Great Ormond street ready to send to them, was also wondering if I should send them copies of letters we get from the hospital after she has been seen at clinic. She usually goes every three months (its every two weeks at the mo). These would show that her treatment is consistent. Anything else I should send ?? Olives xx
  12. I'm just looking to see if anyone has been to a DLA tribunal and if they could let me know what to expect - I have a date next week on behalf of my 5 year old son and have no idea what I am likely to face. The DWP made a catalogue of errors in deciding my sons case - am I correct in thinking that will all be disregarded and it's just basically a "my say vs their say" on my sons medical probelms? Any help would be greatfully received.
  13. Around 4-5 months ago,my youngest brother started losing his mobility, and more recently, he was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.Believe it or not, but the Department for Work and Pensions have deemed him fit for work even though his fingers are bent, he can't stand up and walk without falling down, he has to use a rollator for balance and the ability to walk, his speech is slurred, he can't even do a shirt button up or pull a pair of socks on.He is in constant need of help and gets 2 carers go in the morning to get him washed and dressed, and 2 at night to get him ready for bed.He had someone from DSS visit him yesterday and he was told that he will be getting disability living allowance, and carers allowance.However,he was told that it will not be back dated as this is a new claim.I think that is all wrong.He should be getting it back dated to when he was diagnosed with MND, at least, if not to when he first went for tests.........Can anyone enlighten me as to wether or not it should be back dated, and any links/laws governing this?.Many thanks for any help in advance.
  14. Today I got my DLA form as my current claim ends at the beginning of Dec. I currently get MRC & LRM and am happy with that. If I sent my forms in straight away and get reassessed to I risk losing my current claim sooner? EG When reassessed I only get LRC & LRM it will start straight away, or when the current claim ends? Also any clues on the turn-a-round times for DLA renewal?
  15. hi I have just received my dla award low rate mobility and middle rate care,someone told me when the new universal credits come in they are stopping low rate mobility is this true ,also do I have to inform housing that I get dla,and will it affect my housing benifit
  16. Hi I am claiming JSA and interest help with my mortgage. My GP has signed me off for a month today (I am due to sign on Thursday). This is my second certificate this year (for the same health issues). Do I send the sick note to my local JC, also will the help with my mortgage continue. I expect there might be a delay as I change from one to the other. Pretty scared really, as I am waiting ECG tests, and just had my meds upped for depression. GP was very nice and understanding, not sure the DWP will be, reading what some of you folks face it all sounds horrible. Any help much thanked Lily
  17. Hi, I am currently in receipt of DLA (no other benefits). I used to claim ESA. I have just had a letter from ASOS which states that if I am claiming 'ESA, Income Support or Severe Disablement Allowance' I need to fill in their questionnaire. I'm confused as to whether Severe Disablement Allowance is the same as DLA? Do I have to complete the questionnaire for my DLA? Or have they just sent this in error as I used to claim ESA? Thanks, hope someone can help
  18. Hello, all, I'm asking for a good friend who doesn't have internet access. Due to a series of misfortunes (she is a decent person who works hard) my friend got into debt. Her young child is disabled and they have recently been awarded DLA. As the DLA has been awarded for the child, I thought that dcas have no right to make a claim (almost wrote 'clam' - Freudian thinking? ) on the DLA. That she can offer token payments as other than the DLA she is skint. I've also told her that if any of them come knocking not to answer the door, as only the postman and someone asking for directions are allowed on her property. Many thanks for any assistance. Cheers, Rhys
  19. Can anyone advise me on completing the DLA form pack, As I find it a minefield of trick questions for the layman. I have heard there are some good free web sites that help.
  20. Hi all hoping to get some advise, hope I am in right place. I had applied for DLA in 2011 because my mental health condition was getting worse and I was struggling to be mobile around the house. I also now suffer from agoraphobia. I had an appeal in February this year and failed it the woman was a right cow and gave the impression that I was lying to her, because I contradicted my walking distance, I can't remember what I did this morning never mind over a year ago. Anyway I requested a statement of reasons, I am glad I did because there in black and white was a number of matters that would have come under the 3rd tier on a matter of law. I wrote to the tribunal place to request that it went further on a matter of law. They wrote back with further matters of law but instead of going to the upper tier a new appeal would be heard as soon as possible. I had a letter last week giving me a date, 1st July, quickest one I have ever had. I need advise on how to manage this appeal, if they know I requested upper tier and they know the 'legal' woman would this be held against me. My condition is getting worse and will never get better and according to my psychiatrist it is getting worse faster than he expected. Sorry for drawing this out but I need help (CAB and welfare rights are taking no new appeals on)
  21. My son has recently been awarded higher rate mobility DLA and we understand we can get a free tax disc. My car currently has a tax disc that runs out in September, do I have to wait untill that expires or can I get a rebate? Also, how do I actually get the free tax disc? Thanks
  22. My husbands DLA is due for renewal on the 26th September 2013. We received the forms a few weeks ago which he completed and returned. A few days ago we received a letter just informing him that his forms had been received on the 6th June and it could take 8 weeks to process and they may need to send him for a medical or pay him a visit. Today we received a letter saying that his DLA has been awarded until September 2014. The letter also says they have used the information on the form and his recent ATOS medical from the 1st March. I was expecting the usual battle but this has been processed quickly without the usual hassle. Is this usual or has the process changed recently?
  23. hi can anyone tell me were I send supporting letters to,cab filled in my dla form last week and I have just received supporting letters today,but I don't know were to send them to,i live in Glasgow.thanks
  24. Hello, I am so glad that I have found this site. It's the little questions that I ask myself that I can never find the answers to. Maybe someone can help with this one. I have DLA - Middle Care & High Mobility which was re-awarded again indefinitely about 12 months ago. Age wise I will be one of the first to be selected in late 2015 to apply for PIP age 64 in April 2013. Now from what I have read, and I've done a lot of reading, this new benefit is supposed to be for those under working age (although that definition no longer applies) In October 2015 I will be 67 and obviously age is now playing a more dominant factor in the deterioration of my health. Given the fact that under normal rules anybody who is 65 or older cannot claim PIP for obvious reasons. Now when I go for my assessment at age 67, how are they going to determine what my level of disability is? Will it be based on my age at the time (67) or will it be based on the level of disability up to age 65? Assessing someone over 65 was only previously allowed if they had the award prior to their 65th birthday. As PIP is a new and totally unconnected benefit to DLA, I don't see that they can look at the disabilities that someone has at 67 when clearly Attendance Allowance is there for that purpose. The government seem to be linking DLA with PIP - if you had DLA pre 65 then you can be re-assessed under a new benefit - PIP - reserved only for those under 65??? Completely illogical. In my opinion as they have decided to 'junk' DLA as from the 8th April 2013 for those who were 16 - 64, those that become 65 after that date should be offered Attendace Allowance instead - DLA is 'dead' to them no matter what award they had. I have gathered the evidence together which will show what my level of disability is at 64/65 and will submit it whenever I am called no matter what my age is at the time.
  25. well after going through tribunal for esa and getting it now have home visit from atos today for dla any tips guys xx
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