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  1. I have a Vanquis credit card and was paying in past but 1 month I didn't check my bank account to see if the direct debit had been paid as usual and phoned Vanquis and their system told me I had £70 available to withdraw I assumed money from direct debit was paid and cleared onto Vanquis as I had nothing available until monthly bill was paid and withdrew money to spend and a few days later I find out I am in bother with no bill paid 3 seperate charges from Vanquis and now over limit and regular charges added. I had major health illness at time and didn't have strength to fight it and Vanquis on phone had told me charges were in my terms and conditions. End up with about over £300 in interest and charges and Vanquis threatening to close account and start legal action so I started paying a fiver a month but very recently I missed one payment as my debit card was lost and card replaced and Vanquis charge me another £12 for missed payment so I start to complain. Within 3 weeks I am getting 2-8 calls a days sometimes 4 in a row on both landline and mobile at 8.15am and all day on different area codes each times and get 2 mobile voicemails lasting about 60 seconds completely silent throughout and then I am £10 behind and passed to Moorcroft debt collection who keep hassling me but for the entire debt over £770 immediately and I am still in bad health and have started my complaint on charges but never had or know how much total debt is and they can't provide me any account details without charging money to provide info and any debt I had in past I just ignored and no contact or nothing done but these 2 are getting too much for me and my health and wanted to raise inital complaint and dispute over unfair charges and situation and they won't give me the proper time to do what I feel I want to do and it's all gone Pete Tong. Sorry if I sound a bit daft but I never had this sort of pressure and contact and demands a nd potential action threatened before and I just need to know if I can do anything and any advice would be very much appreciated and sorry for long thread and any trouble.
  2. Moorcroft contacted me 3 months ago regarding an old Lloyds TSB account I had which had an outstanding overdraft that I owed. I am currently unemployed and receiving Jobseekers so I have very little disposable income. I made an offer of £1 per month, which Moorcroft accepted. I had a letter from Moorcroft this morning asking for a detailed income & expenditure statement. I have already made 3 payments of £1, why are they now asking for an I&E statement? They can go and whistle as they are lucky they are getting £1 per month.
  3. When i was a student in leeds i had a credit card, which i used to survive on when the company i worked went into liquidation. When i was unable to make the normal payments back i arranged with Santander to pay back what i could, which was all fine. However, Santander begun to get hot and heavy due to the fact i paying only small amounts (still always paying), then, for some reason, Santander passed it on a debt collectors, which i was told was the new protocol and how they were handling my account. Sooo, i began paying Moorcroft, the same amount, each time being asked if i could pay any more than i was (more pushy than Santander), which i said 'No, i couldn't'. After months of paying and paying, never arguing, never missing a payment (this was money i KNEW i owed), Moorcroft told me that Santander had called back in all their debts and they would contact me in the next steps of how i could pay them. But then nothing. Santander never contacted me. I have a Santander debt account, my money goes in, i used Santander to pay bills, to this very day, but i heard nothing. i contacted them, told them everything, the lovely woman on the phone could not find me, i didn't have a credit card with them, it showed i had but not anymore, she tried to help and the best advice she could give was just see what happens, so i have. 2 and half years later i got a letter today from Robinson Way with far more blown out amount them i owed (about a thousand more, actual amount being a thousand, again, no denying i owed it, i paid rent and survived off it during a very hard time). Currently i am confused what to do, i want to pay this off, i want this gone but if i contact anyone within Robinson Way they will begun contacting me and keep contacting me (Moorcroft would do this alot, pleasant phones asking if i could pay them). What i want to do is pay the amount i owe, not the amount which has grown from Moorcroft and Robinson Way. Am i alone in this? I do not want to be a criminal, but i am frightened to how to deal with this all. Can anyone help and advise me in any way? Thank you.
  4. Just over a month ago I agreed a settlement amount for my NatWest Credit Card with Moorcroft. It was for 65% (£4054 on a £6237 balance). I got them to send an offer letter, made the payment and got a payment receipt. The other day I receive a call from them saying that they were not authorised to make the offer for that amount and that NatWest have rejected it. They were apparently only allowed to offer 80%. They were pressuring me to take my money back and make new arrangements or pay an extra £900. I said I didn’t want to agree to anything until I have taken advice. They refunded the £4054 payment back into my account anyway. Before the money was even back in my account, they started calling and emailing to get me to set up a new arrangement. Again I told them I am not doing anything until I have taken advice. They insist that 80% is all they can do and that they cannot put any lower offers back to NatWest. I find this incredible - I have settled 5 other accounts and they were all far more generous than this - ranging from 50 - 70%. I also find it incredibly galling that I should have to pay such a large amount extra after already believing the account was settled. The debt is over 7 years old and has fallen off my credit report. I have been making regular payments over the 7 years through a Debt Management company. I’m assuming they can legally cancel the settlement by refunding the money despite me having letters from them saying the account has been settled? Anyone have thoughts or advice on what to do next? I’m thinking of doing a CCA letter.
  5. So this is debt 3/8 ( god knows how I managed to get myself into so much trouble, young age and a need for a lavish life style has played havoc with my credit rating and now my finances ) There isn't really much to say on this one ... I got a loan from the infamous Wonga.com and due to being made jobless I was unable to pay it back on time. It then got passed onto Moorcroft who have accepted my offer of £5 pm with out much hassle from them. Would I be able to send them a CCA request letter ? Or does this not work with payday loans ? Thank You
  6. Hi looking for some advice please. I had an account with a catalogue, Studio I was paying monthly then i lost my job and have been unable to claim benefits for various reasons so have had little and no money. I made an arrangement with Studio to pay £10 per month. I did miss a few or was late and they passed it on to Moorcroft. I ignored them and carried on paying Studio direct and continue to get statements from them. Last week i had a "doorstep" visit. I wasn't in so a letter was left asking me to get in touch blah blah Any advice what to do now? I have contacted studio and heard nothing back, ive checked online and my payments have been accepted by Studio. Any help appreciated
  7. Hello all, hope someone can help me with this. I don't want to make this too wordy so that people give up reading but want to give as much info as possible so will do my best to keep brief as possible. I have received two letters from Moorcroft, first on 13th August asking me to contact them regarding a personal matter , but given no other information so ignored this letter. The second letter came Friday, gives some more info on the debt stating a balance and a reference to Tesco bank. This debt was incurred by myself after being guarantor for an ex partner who defaulted on her loan, and resulted in a CCJ for the debt against myself. This I have been paying by standing order every Month to RBS as per the CCJ for the same amount £100 without fail for around 8 years or more. Two years ago I had a PPI claim against Tesco for the original loan and they admitted liability and said they would take this amount off the outstanding loan. Now I have received the letter from Moorcroft saying that they acknowledge receipt of my payment of £100 (my monthly payment) against the debt which they note was made direct to their client. They then go on to say that referring to the last letter they sent, they are now responsible for collection of the account and for me to contact them within 7 days with an offer of repayment. And that all future payments are to made direct to themselves. I have not had any letter or indication from Tesco/RBS that I need to make payments to Moorcroft rather than themselves, and do not want to break the terms of my CCJ by stopping paying Tesco and by paying Moorcroft instead. Also the balance they state on the letter does not include the reduction for the PPI claim. Not sure of the best course of action to take, I was thinking of writing to Moorcroft to state that I would contact Tesco to enquire about this as I have had no correspondence from them regarding a change in payment, and that I would carry on making payment as detailed in the CCJ unlesss agreed otherwise between myself and Tesco. I was thinking of also contacting Tesco to get a breakdown of payments made including the reduction for the PPI claim to get the actual figure still outstanding. Would this be the right course of action or should I take another route. Feeling rather worried and not too sure about this Thanks for reading Pete
  8. Hi i have been helping my husband sort out his debts and have sent a CCA request, i also sent Moorcroft a CCA request for an old orange mobile debt, dating back to 2005 for £380, which they have been recieving a token payment of £1.00 per month. I had a reply back from Moorcroft to say they are exempt from CCA, i now know this falls under a service agreement. Should i just carry on paying the £1.00
  9. Hi all. Received a letter out of the blue today for an old debt that I believe I had a ccj on which expired in 2011. Thing is they don't demand any cash just say they contacting me for an outstanding balance for an old account and that I should contact them. I'll be clear, I'm not sure if I had a ccj on this debt or not as my CRF from 2009 doesn't state which company the ccj was for. For the record there is no trace of this debt on my credit files. Fishing letter and ignore?
  10. Hi I started getting chased by Moorcroft in relation to a HFC and subsequently sent off a CCA request. Had it ( and my fee) returned today along with a covering letter stating under instruction from their client all credit agreement requests must be hand signed, and have asked me to resend with a signature. Obviously sets alarms bells ringing, but thought I'd come on here to advise and see if anyone has come across this type of thing before and possibly offer me advice on next step? Thanks
  11. I previously held an Egg loan with an agreement for payment over 6yrs, on the last year of my account I had to go on a DMP. The Loan was taken on by Moorcroft who were charging 8% interest on the outstanding balance of £1800. In short are they entitled to charge 8% apr as the interest from the original Egg loan was front loaded so I had only capital left to pay? I have received further corespondance from Moorcroft today saying that Idem will now be taking over my account. I understand that they are under the same umbrella but are they any worse. Incidentally moorcroft have been marking my credit file with 6's for the last three years despite me being in a DMP with payment. This is incorrect surely? Finally will Moorcroft have to provide me with a deed of assignment for the transfer of the debt? I have had only what appears to be a letter informing me of the transfer. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
  12. Hello, I'm looking for a bit of advice regarding 2x defaulted accounts then have been passed to 2 different DCA's. The first one is a Natwest Gold Credit card, the balance stands at approx £1000 now after paying Triton Credit Services for a few months, then it got passed to Moorcroft after missing a month. I have been paying between £30-£50 a month on this. The second is an Orange mobile contract passed to Direct Legal and Collections, the balance stands at £500.00 approx. I have been paying £30 a month on this. On these accounts, the damage has already been done to my credit file. I could do with putting the money towards other good debts that are on up to date each month. I am due a hefty bonus and Christmas which will stand me in a good place. What are the chances of these companies taking me to court if I offer them £5 per month until the end of the year? I can afford to pay them what I am doing but could put it towards other debts that are in good health and gives me the chance to clear them fast. Hope you can give me advice. Thanks
  13. Just noticed that about 15 months ago Moorcroft made a public search with Noddle relating to a debt they were attempting to collect. Are they allowed to do this ? All other such searches are usually invisible. This is very worrying as one could still get such a search even years after the file is clean otherwise.
  14. Hello,some advice would be appreciated. My wife had a catalogue way back in the 1990's with Verbaudet and until recently we believed that we had paid it up years ago. However recently we received a letter from Moorcrofts asking us to contact them to arrange settlement for £121.81. Now i am trying my hardest to remember about this debt, and i seem to remember a while back getting a letter saying that Vertbaudet had ceased trading (i may be wrong on this), but what do i need to do to Moorcrofts about settling this. Should they provide proof that my wife still owes this? Look forward to some replies... Thanks
  15. Hi after some advice, In sep i received a letter from Moorcroft re an address i left in 2004, they are chasing an Anglian Water bill (i originally thought it had been paid when i left), however in 2006 i got a letter and a copy of the bill from another Debt collector and realising my mistake i made a few payments towards the outstanding amount then things changed and i was short of cash so missed the payments and eventually forgot all about it. Now in sep 08 Moorcroft sent a letter for the original amount, so i sent a letter explaining i had no idea what the debt was etc, now they have just written back with the dates of the outstanding bill ending in Oct 04 and no mention of the payments made already. now i left the property in july 04 so a few months before they are claiming (i am in rented property so have my new tennancy ag from july 04 as proof, and my old tennancy ag at the flat in question ended in july 04) In their letter they also state Anglian are unable to provide a copy of the bill due to the age of the account. Now i am not prepared to pay: A: For the 10 weeks or so after i moved out B: If they cannot provide a bill c: For money i have already paid them in the past through another collector. Would it be in my best interest to ignore the letter and see what happens, or send another letter explaining my reasons for not paying, for eg, cant supply a bill how can they prove any debt actually exists? Thanks for your help Sytra
  16. Last night I had a call of the lovely Moorcroft group, They asked for myself and told me that I have an outstanding debt with Provident. And to be honest I cant remember having a loan of these gits apart from years and years ago which I paid back. I told her this and she was not having any of it, told her to send me a contract that I have signed and dates of when I was ment to have had this loan. At first she stated that I would have to put it in writing with a cost of £1. I told her I'm not paying nothing as its Moorcroft that wants me to pay up and that they have to prove to me that I owe the money. Apparently she is going to get in touch with provident and get the information that she was ment to have in the first place. Any advice of what to do next?
  17. Hello there, I'm looking for a little advice please, A few months ago now, probably late summer last year, my ex-partner opened an account with some kind of online store called ' Studio', she opened this account using my name, my email address and my debit card, I assume this must have taken place while I was out working or something because the first thing I knew about it was when I received a letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd. Well, that's not strictly true, I had received an invoice from 'Studio' but at the time I hadn't got a clue what it was all about and assumed then addressed it wrongly, after contacting Moorcroft I soon discovered what had happened and they were trying to recover money outstanding for some kind of talking teddy bear that had been bought, it took awhile for all this to sink in as I couldn't understand at first why they would think a man of 56 years old and no children would want a 'talking teddy bear'. I came off the phone convinced that Moorcroft had lost the plot, that was until I mentioned this to my ex-partner the next time we spoke. She then admitted that she had opened the account and forgotten all about telling me (we were still living together at the time the account set up happened). Shortly after this I contacted Studio and as a gesture of good will offered to pay for the toy, they refused and said I would have to deal through Moorcroft now as the account had been passed on to them. I contacted Moorcroft, explained exactly what had gone on and offered to pay for the toy, they wanted me to pay something like £153 for a toy that was £63 when ordered. I asked how on earth they got that figure and they said it was interest, plus they're fees, I told them that in that case they had better contact the person who actually ordered the damn toy as I was not prepared to pay that amount. I have since had numerous letters and phone calls from Moorcroft demanding this outstanding debt, I have spoken with my ex-partner and advised her to get in touch with someone over this matter, she said she would, it appears that she hasn't. I've had no contact with her since around February and she is no longer at the address where she was so I'm unable to discuss this any further with her at the moment. In the mean time Moorcroft are still trying to claim I owe the debt and I'm still refusing to pay. Sorry this is a bit long winded but I'm trying to give as clear a picture as I can. If anyone has any ideas or advice I'd be very grateful to hear them/it. Thanks... Jon T
  18. Hi, I am having problems with Plusnet. I left them in the beginning of January 2014 after a few years of trouble free good service. I only left due to a good deal with another provider. I emailed and rang Plusnet a couple of times around the date I changed over to ensure I had paid all money owed. I even had emails back confirming this. a short while after I had a letter from a debt recovery firm called moorcroft demanding £347.75. I told the person from Moorcroft the story and that I had proof that I owed no money and she promised to get back to me after talking to Plusnet. Of course that never happened. I have been in contact with Plusnet and after a 25 minute+ wait I finally got to speak to a nice lady who promised to take care of this. Now I am getting calls at various times of the day and night from Moorcroft and the money owed has now changed to £16 (don't know why). I can't seem to get any where with this case and I'm worried that it might affect my credit rating in some way. At one point in one of my first contacts with Plusnet I even paid a small amount of money just to get rid of this case even though I know I did not owe anything at this point. I might have gone back to Plusnet at some point in the future as I had a really good service while with them but after this pain I will never use them again and further more will go out of my way to make sure Friends and family will never use them. I find it absolutely mind boggling how a company of this size and fame can not sort out a simple thing such as a customer leaving and also that I am expected to use my time and money hanging on the phone just to speak to someone, just to ensure that I am not going to be tainted by a debt recovery firm. Sorry for the rant in this (my first) post but the whole thing leaves me feeling angry and frustrated.
  19. Hi all, I've a general question and not sure where to post it, so Mods please move if I'm in the wrong place! Since November 2009, my husband has been paying £120 per month to Moorcroft for an old RBS credit card debt. My question is: why does his credit report on Noddle show "DF" (for "default") every month since November 2009? Surely, if he's been paying this amount in line with what he agreed with Moorcroft, it should be reflected in his credit report? Any help or advice will be most appreciated.
  20. Please can anyone advise me where to go next? I had a credit card with Vanquis- I missed some payments and it went to Moorcroft - I agreed to opay Moorcroft £40 a month- total outstanding was £550. I made two payments then received a letter from McKenzie Hall saying the bill had been passed to them ? As I did not understand why I asked them and they said I had failed to pay Moorcroft and asked me for the full amount . Long story short I had to send Moorcroft proof that I had paid the which to start with is ridiculous I then received a letter this morning saying they HAD received my payments but had paid it on to an old account of mine with JD Williams which was paid off in full back in 2009 and they were in the middle of transferring payments to Vanquis and had sent the account back to them. Firstly how are they allowed to get away with this and secondly I have checked my credit report and up till December Vanquis just show as late payments but is now showing as default presumably because they never received payment from Moorcroft. How do I get this default off my file? I accept there will be late payments showing as initially they were late but all my payments were made to Moorcroft as requested and on time and surely my account should therefore just show late and not default. I am unsure where to go next to bring this to a resolution . I assume I go to Vanquis but seeing as they appointed the Moorcroft lot in the first place I don't hold out much hope of them being any better. Please can someone help me
  21. New debt new story, as follows. Not mine This is a bank account debt IRO £750-00, CCA req was sent 03/01/2014 acknowledged on the 06/01/2014. No return of CCA. The account was then closed on the 11/01/2014 and returned to the OC NOA issued by the bank 17/02/2014 to Westcot. Contacted Westcot and stated still have an outstanding CCA request, why are you involved? they say I now have to resend the CCA req to them with the fee of £1-00 again. My understanding was as the original CCA request has not been dealt with the enforcement can not continue until it is. This account with Westcot is on permanent hold until they can look into this from their end, had to get DPA for this debt all over again, to remove all telephone numbers from their systems, which was requested by me to Moorcroft, this again was not done. All info suppied to Moorcroft has not been forwarded to the OC so will I have to start this again? There are far to many charges on this account, but will deal with that once the CCA request is sorted in sent to me. I will then will have to digest the info for several weeks, then send off a SAR to Santander as she no longer has all of the statements. but only at the right time. I was lead to believe that by OFT guideline's a debt can not be pursued whilst it is in dispute and a valid CCA request is not forthcoming. This to date still this has not ben sent to the debtor? A formal complaint has been issued for non compliance and the debt in dispute letter was sent at the same time, but these went to Moorcroft. Since they have sent it back to the OC do I now have to start all over again? MM
  22. I received a letter from Moorcroft in October last year asking me to contact them over an alleged debt to EE (formerly T-Mobile). I replied by email with the prove it letter. I received this response yesterday and just wonder if they are breaching the data protection act. I have removed anything that would identify me but from reading the email they have got my date of birth wrong. Dear Miss xxxxxxxxx Our Client: EE (Formerly T-Mobile) I write further to my recent email regarding the above account and return with our client’s response. Our client has advised us that their records show that this account relates to mobile telephone numbers 07xxxxxxxxx and 07xxxxxxxxx. The original billing address was XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and the account holders date of birth is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Our client’s records show that this account was cancelled on the 20th December 2013 due to non payment. Our client has asked that you consider this information and should you dispute opening the above account you are able to contact their Fraud Helpline on 0845 412 5000, selecting option 1,3 then 1 again, so that our client can ensure matters can be fully investigated for you. As previously confirmed your account is currently on hold and this will remain the position for a further 14 days to allow you the opportunity to respond to this email and confirm how you are proceeding with matters. We will also revert back to our client to confirm any contact they may now receive as requested above. Yours sincerely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Compliance Manager Compliance Department
  23. I am sure that the site team already know but in case this is new info, Moorcroft are replying to the 'Doorstep' template letter from the library with their own letter, which implies that the details are 'Not relevant to these circumstances' i.e your alleged debt because they have been gleaned from 'various websites. Rubbish I know, but it may worry some new members to this forum, and a word or two from the site team may re-assure them kind regards to all Derichleau
  24. I have had contact from Moorcroft over a debt with Cahoot now Santander. After a number of phone calls I requested they send me copy statements. All I received was a list of transactions on non headed paper. When I said that this was unacceptable they argued that they were not required to supply any further information until I spoke with a manager who said he would arrange proper statements. However I have now received the same statements with a Santander logo 'pasted' on the front page. Prior to the phone calls from Moorcroft I have had no correspondence from Cahoot/Santander advising me of a debt. I have today received two phone calls from Moorcroft one at 8.30 am and the next at 8.50am both of these I ignored. What should I do next?
  25. Hi there! Have read some of the excellent advice you guys have given here and have read on here about the scare tactics that this company use. Yesterday I had a house visit from one of them for a debt from Barclaycard, this was after all the pre-court letters etc they have been sending. I said that I wanted to deal with the matter in writing but the way the guy spoke to me tricked me into agreeing all of the debt (when there is some of it I dispute) and he wouldn't leave until I agreed to give him my phone number and to discuss with them about setting up a payment plan. I live with my parents and don't want him coming around again as I might not be there and it causes them unnecessary stress. I said to him on the phone earlier I only wanted to deal with the matter on writing and he gave me Moorcroft's number to speak to to set up a payment plan and to stop "gobbing off at him" when I quoted "In the event that you intend arrange a Doorstep call by your Employees or your Agents, please be advised that under OFT Rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have absolutely no wish to make an appointment with you. There is no need, as written communication is quite acceptable in Law. Please note, there is only an implied license under Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions (Armstrong v. Sheppard and Short Ltd [1959] 2 Q.B. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore, take note that I revoke license under Common Law for your Employees, or your Agents or your Representatives to visit me at my property and, if you do so, then you will be liable to Damages for a Tort of Trespass and Civil Action will be taken. The Police will also be called." before saying that I admitted to the debt as that's what Moorcroft wanted me to do. Any help would be appreciated, I want to only deal with them in writing. Is the next step to write to their head office recorded delivery and quote this. I don't mind paying for the debt of course but seriously don't want intrusive debt collection from bullies who legally can't do anything anyway unless they take me to court!! CP
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