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Found 15 results

  1. I placed an order in early December 2018 for a surround-sound speaker system, along with HDMI leads. The items mostly turned up on time, but the HDMI leads were "awaiting stock from the manufacturer". I have since had a to-&-fro via email with the online supplier (a well-established UK company, who also has several physical stores in the UK). I have now been told via Phone that the leads have been cancelled/recalled by the manufacturer due to a quality issue, & cannot be supplied. This leaves me out-of-pocket by just under £200.00. The phone-discussion I've had with the online retailer has been pretty disappointing, they are saying that as the goods were purchased via Finance, they cannot refund me the balance I'm owed, & have tried to suggest that I find "goods to the value" from their website. But I do not require anything further, & would rather the difference is refunded, to the card I paid the 10% deposit from. (10% deposit being far less than I'm now owed). They are playing nice for now, but are insistant that they cannot just make a refund for the sub-£200- owed (I don't believe this at all) & that the alternative is to send everything back to them (I no longer have any boxes for the speaker system, & they have said maybe they can get the manufacturer to send me empty boxes to box it all up & return it, cancelling the credit agreement.) I am perfectly happy with the system I've purchased, & have no intention of returning it. So this is a tricky one - I am fully aware that it is possible for them to just make the payment from their business to me, they have stated that Hitachi would not allow this, & it would invalidate the agreement - they have also claimed that they only receive "Monthly, incremental payments" from Hitachi as the credit provider, therefore they have not received the full amount of the credit agreement (this seems highly doubtful). If anybody can shed any light on where I stand, I'd be grateful.
  2. Precautionary Recall - Children’s Blackcurrant Cough Syrup READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/precautionary-recall-childrens-blackcurrant-cough-syrup
  3. A google search led me here as I'm in the same boat as MadMat. I received a call yesterday, 21.11.17, from Cabot and the caller asked if I was free to speak to which I replied 'absolutely not'. This was true as I was just leaving for work at 07.45. Today I received a letter dated 17.11.17 saying they have recently confirmed I live at my address. I am in the process of moving house and can only think that the company that did the tenant referencing (I had to supply 10 years of addresses) passed my details on because I'm usually careful about sharing my details. I have had no credit cards or loans since 2006. I have held my hands up when contacted about my debts, had 3 CCJs, one now paid off, and 11 years on I'm rebuilding my life so this is ....! Would sending the statute barred letter not be acknowledging the debt and potentially open up another route to a CCJ? Also what is the link to the statute barred letter?
  4. On the 4th November 2016 a decree was granted against me for the sum of £1550, I was in attendance however had no defence at the time. I had absolutely no knowledge of the matter and very little paperwork. The matter relates to money paid to a bank account by the Student Awards Agency For Scotland. I'm 49 and not a student. They claimed that several payments were made to me via a Lloyds Bank account very recently. No money had been paid to me and I believe it was an administrative error on their part, the bank account in question is not my bank account but on the day I had nothing with which to prove this and the Sheriff granted a decree against me. For many months I’ve been writing to Lloyds Bank and finally they responded a few days ago to confirm that I had no links to that bank account but also that the account was dormant and that no money had in fact been paid into that account. Obviously I thought I could have the decree overturned. The court have rejected having the decree recalled as they say I was present in court, I could have it recalled if had not attended. The court have also refused to allow me to appeal since an appeal must be done within 14 days of the decree being granted. So I seem to be stuck in a place where I’m now faced with possible bankruptcy over money which I never owed in the first place and does indeed seem to be an error. Can you advise on how I might proceed? I had considered contacting the Sheriff Principal in Edinburgh to ask her to reconsider the case.
  5. Are you one of the four million Whirlpool tumble dryer owners, sold under the Hotpoint, Indesit and Creda brands, which have been affected by a fault which can cause fires? Are you still waiting for a repair, nearly a year after Whirlpool issued a safety notice? Are you still using it despite London Fire Brigade reccomending customers to stop using them immediately? Well, now a decision by the Ombudsman means that you may be able to obtain a refund from your credit card provider. Unwilling to accept a fire hazard in his home for almost 12 months, one consumer took his case to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), which has now ruled Nationwide must pay up. Read more
  6. I bought my car in Feb 2015. It was an ex-demo model and I bought direct from the manufacturer as they have their own showrooms. It came with a 1yr warranty. Its had several issues and already spent 6 weeks back with them as they diagnosed and fixed and ECU fault. In early Jan I got a letter to say the car had been recalled for a safety issue (throttle sticking on) and it was arranged that they would collect the car on Feb 19 for the work. The work is quick, no more than a few hours work. The work was finally complete this weekend. After much persistence and telling them I needed the car back by this weekend I am now being told they won't return it before 5th April. This is because they don't have their own driver available to bring it back, and won't pay for it to be transported. I am almost 500 miles each way from the car's location I am in Scotland, car dealer is near Gatwick), so collecting it myself isn't an option (financially or time-wise). The sales of goods act says when repairing goods a retailer must do this 'within a reasonable time but without causing significant inconvenience'. I would say the lengthy delay is causing me a significant inconvenience. I have no courtesy/replacement car. What are my options - if I pay someone to collect the car am I likely to be able to reclaim this money?
  7. Hi there, I bought a tumble dryer from Brighthouse on November 2014. I was made aware of the dryer recal exactly 12 months later (not by Brighthouse) and I registered it for a repair and have been drying clothes on the radiators since. I have two kids so this is not convenient to say the least. However I finally got a reply from Hotpoint saying at the earliest may for the modifications. So I contacted Brighthouse to see what they were willing to do as I didn't find this acceptable. I'm paying £7 a week for a dryer that is not fit for purpose, I'm aware that the status is that we can use these whilst supervised but I really don't feel this worth the risk of a fire. At the end of the day it's not worth the added risk to my family's likfe not to mention that some items cannot be replaced if there was a fire. Brighthouse offered a loan dryer as I paid for 5* service in with the price, and offered to deliver it the following week. I was more than happy with this. When the men came with the dryer it was tatty and dirty but once again it wasn't important however I noted that it was another Hotpoint, but the me assured me it wasn't one of the ones affected and off they went. I noticed that the sticker near the door had been removed and replaced the a Brighthouse sticker so I looked around the back and found a small one, so I entered the details online and find it too is one of the fire risk machines! At this point i defiantly was no longer laid back about the situation, after paying such a hefty price in the first place and all the new house fire stories. I contacted my local store who told me that they had no other dryer for me and that I could send my dryer back but I would lose out on all the money it had cost so far. The cheek! So I ended the call and contacted trading standards via citizens advice. Citizens advice were like a machine with the complicated info they were telling me at lightning speed, but I'm pretty sure it sounded like I could send my item back and be refunded due to the item not as described at point of purchase and because it's higher purchase? I contacted my local store who told me they would call me back and when they did they offered to give me little bit off a new contract (but not as a refund) and no where near what I had paid, so I refused and they gave me customer service number. When I called them I got a lady who told me it was Hotpoints issue and they were dealing with it and there was nothing they could do, no matter what angle I tied to reason with her I git the same response and that she would log it with a complaint. Trading standards contacted me back today (48 hrs) and said that they did the right thing in offering a loan product which I agreed but when I told her the rest of the story she said would refer it to the trading standards Brighthouse team and left it at that. I'm at my wits end with this. I'm sorry for the really long post but if there is anyone who can help I would appreciate it very much. Thank you in advance
  8. I have 2 issues in one really. I will try to explain it all aswell as I can in the first post so as not to dripfeed. last month there was fraud on my bank account. I have absolutely no idea how as I have previously asked for a 50 pound overdraft to see me through a very hard time and was told I could not have one, which is fair enough. I am currently not working due to ill health so its completely understandable that I cannot have credit. However, for some reason my bank allowed a VERY large transfer/payment to leave my account, taking me very overdrawn, to the tune of nearly 4k. Bank don't understand but are denying any responsibility so my account is still overdrawn and I am in the process of taking the case to the ombudsman. I planned on just leaving the account overdrawn until the matter is resolved. On the day this was discovered, I called ESA to change my bank details. They said a payment would still go into this bank account as it had already been issued, but all further payments would go to new bank. As it was short notice, I understood that even though it meant I had to borrow for my rent that week. I understand this is not the fault of ESA. Bank details were apparently changed that day. I was waiting for a backpayment of ESA due to passing a recent tribunal which I questioned and they said nothing was on the system yet so it would probably be at least another few weeks. Payment was made into old account as stated. This was on 21/06/16. I was taken into hospital around my next payment date so didn't realize that my next payment also went into old account (05/07/16). Then, the backdated payment I have been waiting 2 years for went into my OLD account 2 days later. This payment was for nearly 3k. Which was completely eaten up by the negative balance. Obviously I called up about this, the guy I spoke to told me that the system has 2 parts, on one part it said that I had called to update bank details, but on the other part no change had actually been made. effectively they have record I changed my bank, but it hadn't actually been done. I then received a call from the payments team who told me that since the account the payments had gone into had been given by me, there was nothing they could do but they would NOW change my bank details to my new bank. They also tried to tell me that my bank details had indeed been updated when I called up about it originally ..which is impossible as I had to change them DURING this call as they had my old details, and also payment went into old bank not new?! Now. I realize that the initial fraud was not the fault of ESA. However I had been told my bank details had been changed over 2 weeks prior to this payment being made into the old account. I kinda feel a bit mugged off here to be quite honest. Apparently I just have to kiss goodbye to the 3k I spent 2 years fighting for, because someone didn't update the system properly? At the same time, if the ombudsman decides in my favor about the fraud, I shall then be able to access the payment, but that is not 100% certain and also could take months/years from reading around. I have rent arrears and had promised my landlord I would sort it as soon as I got this payment, other debts (less important) had also been told the same thing. I just can't now tell them all that I may not be able to pay them for 6 months+. So my question is, can ESA recall the payments they sent in error? I realize they cannot just issue the payment again as 'technically' I received it (albeit to the wrong account) but I really need access to this, and not a chance of access in a year or so either. The person I spoke to said it is not possible to recall it, but from lurking forums and such I know that often things get said that are untrue because its a bit more effort to actually do what is being asked..
  9. EE are recalling up to 500,000 Power Bars among safety concerns, brought about by overheating. To find the model number, you should look down the side of the Power Bar You should immediately return those with the model number ‘E1-06′ to your nearest store and EE have sent texts to all customers that have bought a Power Bar, informing them of this recall. It will also have more information and a website link, where you’ll find everything you need to know. You can check out more by visiting the EE recall website, here. Obviously, you should stop using the gadget immediately. http://www.bitterwallet.com/ee-recall-up-to-500000-power-bars/87051
  10. http://www.mobilenewscwp.co.uk/2015/08/05/exclusive-ee-recalling-500000-power-bars/
  11. Vauxhall has warned owners of around 3,000 vehicles to stop driving them until they have been inspected because of a steering problem. The UK carmaker said those affected are Adam and Corsa/Corsavan models registered since May 2014, which had been manufactured with a steering system part "that did not meet specification". The discovery was made during a routine quality control exercise at two of the firm's manufacturing plants - one in Germany and one in Spain. The company said it was not aware of any accident or injury related to the issue. Vauxhall said: "As a precaution, these vehicles should not be driven prior to inspection. "Vauxhall puts the safety and convenience of its customers first and as this condition concerns their safety, the company is taking immediate action." The firm said customers could check on their website from today, whether their vehicle was affected, and that it would also contact buyers directly. It added: "Alternatively customers can call the Vauxhall customer assistance centre for advice on 0800 026 0034 between 9am and 5.30pm." http://news.sky.com/story/1343012/vauxhall-recall-warning-over-corsa-steering
  12. Hi all Not sure if any of you are familiar with this, there was a watchdog piece in 2010 about Vauxhall Astra's and Zafira's having issues with their horn. The title of the story was "Horn that doesn’t warn". The fault was that if the vehicles lights were on the horn failed to work, you could dim the dash lights down almost to the point where you cannot see the speedo and the horn would work again. Vauxhall supposedly recalled all vehicles and fitted a clamp/clip to the steering column which they say remedied the problem. Here are 2 links one being the actual fault and the work shop manual for repairs and the other is the story. http://workshop-manuals.com/vauxhall/astra-h/n__electrical_equipment_and_instruments/technical_service_bulletins/poor_operation_incorrect_operation/horn_intermittent_malfunction/ http://whatconsumer.co.uk/forum/consumer-rights-television-programmes/10231-bbc-watchdog-horn-doesnt-warn.html I recently spoke to 2 different dealers and got conflicting information so Icalled VX up, I advised them due to the constant conflicting advice from the dealers I would record the call which they were happy with. The handler advised it had been recalled in 2010 and had a new complete CIM module installed. Should I have any further problems with the horn i was to get my car to the garage to investigate and they will forward their findings onto VX who may contribute for the repairs which could be something from 10% to the full cost. A few days later I decided to send them a video of my issue When calling up I got someone else I explained what the other person had said a few days before, however this person said the information given a few days prior was incorrect. My vehicle had not had a new CIM and in fact had just a clip fitted to remedy my problem I then decided to write to the CEO office and lodge a complaint over being told wrong information constantly. Ultimately their responce said they say sorry for their wrong information, the Customer Satisfaction Program has now closed and the recall was for a clamp to be fitted to my vehicle and this has been carried out so its finished. They then continued to say there were cases where this matter was not resolved and further actions were carried out. I disagree with the “recall” being for the clip as to me that is a solution to the problem they recalled for. All this stinks, they have also said my cars within 10 years old which would allow me to get the dealership to contact them to see if they will contribute , but are reluctant to actually do anything and continuously fob me off. Can paste the emails to and Fro as to me they are an interesting read. Opinions needed on recalls – would you agree with me that if a cars been called in for a particular reason and the quick fix they done hasn’t worked then it still needs to be completed. That first link above does state if the CPS failed to rectify the problem then a new CIM is to be installed. Cheers Steve
  13. Not mine, but my mothers. It's an A3 2 litre estate (2007 plate) that has just been taken by them for a replacement set of injectors under a recall issued a few weeks back. The only issue is, late last year the car went into the same garage for a misfire and they replaced 2 injectors then at a cost of 1550 pounds (there was some other small work at the time - fluids and a fault in the washer bottle delivery - but the top end parts and labour constituted the bulk of the cost). Naturally mum isn't too pleased with Audi now confirming there was a fault all along. Is it something she could persue for a partial refund and has anyone else had success with similar ? Thanks
  14. In July 2011, a product recall was issued for a fault in a batch of 632,000 Bosch dishwashers, sold between 1999 and 2005 which, in some circumstances, can cause fire. To date only 25% have been traced meaning that 478,940 remain unaccounted for and are still potentially dangerous. http://www.itv.com/news/2013-03-15/a-million-potentially-unsafe-electricals-could-be-in-uk-homes/ You can find out if your dishwasher is included in this repair action here: http://www.repairaction.co.uk/
  15. I bought a "Hell's Kitchen" Pan Set from Studio about 6 months ago. 2 days before Christmas, they sent me a product recall for the pans, informing me that I should stop using then immediately. This, just two days before cooking the most stressful meal of the year! No replacement, no apology, nothing! Recall Letter The second letter they sent stated they wanted everything back (pans, roaster & utensils etc). They have said if I don't return everything, I will not be refunded. I replaced the pans but did not consider that they would want the items that were OK back. I discarded all of my old utensils when I bought this set. The second letter which I've received this morning informs me someone will collect the set within the next 7 days. I'm really unimpressed with the service and would appreciate peoples thoughts on the matter.
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